1977-01-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Texas Power & Light Rate Increase Request - Initial Public Hearing. (Res. 77-2.) II. Sewer Project Discussion. Res. 77-3. Application for Step III. III. Planning & Zoning Recommendations: A. ZA-76-5 & ZA-76-6 B. Subdivision Discussion C. Building Permits IV. Administrative Matters: A. Departmental Reports: 1. Police - Res. 77-4: against merger of Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Board of Private Investigators, etc. 2. Water 3. Building Inspection 4. Municipal Court 5. Fire B. Approval of Bills r~. I herc rtify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board;,'- in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, January 14, 1977, at 3:15 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary 8 U' b b O O o ~ o o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE O x d d d b ~ MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting d 1 DATE OF MEETING: 18 January 1977 H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. H NAME W cn PLACE OF MEETING council Chamber, City Hall 667 N. Carroll Avenue OF MEMBER Index Nc Page 1 of 3 Pages Caption COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Wade Booker, Mayor Pro Tem Pat Hawk, Councilmen W. O. Nunn, Ben Berry, Bob Goode and Colon Sweet. STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney W. D. Campbell, Building Inspector L. S.. Senn, Water Superin- tendant W. G. Cline, Gerald Lemons, Consultant Engineer, Police Chief D. R. Hughes, Fire Chief R. P. Steele. INVOCATION: Councilman Sweet. MINUTES of the last regular meeting were approved as presented. Mark Gordon and John Whitmire, representative TP&L RATE RE of Texas Power & Light Company, appeared be- RES. NO.77-2 fore the Council regarding the request for an increase in rates. Council was informed that the average increase asked for is 34%. The Berry X X Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 77-2, suspend- Goode X X ing the effective date of said request in Nunn X order that the request may be turned over to Hawk X the Mayors' Council Rate Study Committee. Sweet X (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) The City Secretary handed a signed copy of said resolution to Mr. Whitmire- Gerald Lemons addressed the Council recommend STEP III-SEW ing that they go ahead with the application PROJECT. for Step III funding. Councilman Nunn's first RES. NO. 77- motion,to pass Resolution 77-3, making appli- cation for Step III, died for lack of a second. Nunn X X Following discussion, Council approved making Berry X X application for Step III funds. Following Goode X further discussion, Councilman Nunn amended Hawk X the motion to substitute the word "prepare" Sweet X for the word "make". Resolution No. 77-3 was Nunn X X tabled to the next regular meeting, February Berry X X lst. A work session was scheduled for Wednes Hawk X day, January 26th, at 7 P. M. Goode X Sweet X 9 c c :3: ro ro 0 0 c n 0 x t%l L11 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE z d d d d ~ MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting d ~'y DATE OF MEETING: 18 January 1977 z TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. NAME En PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber,City Hall OF i3 y 667 N. Carroll Avenue MEMBER Index No. Page 2 of 3 Pages Caption 00 Mayor Pro Tem Hawk advised the Council that ZA 76-5 and -6 he Planning & Zoning Commission recommended PUBLIC HEARING approval of Paul Yates' request (ZA 76-5) for 2/15/77 District on the drive-in grocery, now operat- ing as a legal non-conforming use, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Dove and Kimball and Alcoholic Use District permitting beer sales for off-premises con- sumption (ZA 76-6). The public hearing was set for February 15th, 1977, 7:30 P. M. Councilman Berry expressed concern over build SUBDIVISION ing permits being issued without properly AND BUILDING approved subdivision plats being filed. Follo -PERMIT DIS- ing further discussion, the City Attorney CUSSION stated for the record he will not take any further actions or attend any meetings and does not want any councilman asking him to attend any meeting or the building inspector or the city secretary without approval of the City Council of the City of Southlake. After other discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Hawk stated he personally appreciated the city attorney's willingness to put forth extra effort in try- ing to resolve the problems. Councilman Berry said his remarks were not intended to be derogatory toward the city attorney who was complying with requests but "we have got to stopped this". Councilman Nunn presented the Police Depart- 'POLICE DEPT. ment report and asked for passage of Resolu- tion No. 77-4, explaining that it has the Cit RES. NO. 77-4 opposed to merging the Texas Commission on La ASSED Nunn X X Enforcement Officer Standards and Education Goode X X with the Board of Private Investigators and Hawk X Private Security Agencies and that the Texas Berry X Commission be funded from state general rev- Sweet X enue funds. Council agreed. (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) 10 ro b CO y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C n O O lei d z t7 MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting 04 DATE OF MEETING:18 January 1977 ,C G) C H H TIME OF MEETING:7:30 P.M. z H PLACE OF MEETING;Council Chamber,City Hall NAME H 667 N. Carroll Avenue OF Index No. MEMBER Caption Page 3 of 3 Pages ouncilman Sweet presented the Council with a WATER DEPT. ritten report on the monthly activities of the Water Department. Council expressed ap- roval of the format. he Building Inspector gave Council his report BUILDING and informed them of the recent requests of PERMITS r. Bierman. Council was given the Municipal Court report MUNICIPAL and informed that the City Attorney is acting COURT in the capacity of judge during Dave Austin's illness. Councilman Goode gave the Fire Department re- port. Fire Chief Steele advised the Council of verbal bids received on a pump and engine for Unit #3003 as follows: Fire Protection Systems-$4,450; Harley Industries-$5,000; Fire Control-$3,834. Mayor Booker informed the Council as to dollars expended in the Fire and Police Departments thus far into the first quarter of the current fiscal year and cautioned against overspending. Nunn X X After reviewing the list of bills (see at- Goode X X tached), Council approved same for payment. Hawk X Berry X Sweet X There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 12 RESOLUTION NO. 77-4 WHEREAS, Law Enforcement Officers throughout the State of Texas, recognizing the need to improve the level of performance of local law enforement through training, education and minimum moral, emntal and physical standards, sought and obtained legis- lation in 1965, creating the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education; And, WHEREAS, since its creation, the Law Enforcement Commission has steadfastly pursued the aims of its creators and through its efforts 45 police academies have been created and certi- fied; law enforcement instructors have been trained and cer- tified and have taught thousands of Texas Law Enforcement officers in such academies; law enforcement degree programs have been established in 44 junior colleges and 32 universities, teaching a total of 13,996 students in the last semester alone; management training for police administrators has been provided; records management systems for local law enforcement agencies have been developed; validated entry examinations have been developed and implemented for police applicants; and through all these efforts the average educational level of more than 30,000 law enforcement officers in the State of Texas has in- creased significantly; And, WHEREAS, all of these achievements by the Commission have been accomplished without a charge by the Commission to the officer or the community in which the law enforcement department is located; And, WHEREAS, the Commission has previously relied primarily on federal grants from the Governor's Criminal Justice Division for its funding, with the State furnishing only 18% of the total budget from state general revenue funds; And, WHEREAS, the Criminal Justice Council has passed a written resolution declaring that under its policies it can no longer fund the activities of the Commission after September 1, 1977, and that such funding should be secured from State general funds; And, WHEREAS, the Legislative Budget Board has voted to recommend to the legislature that the Texas Commission on Law Enforce- ment Officer Standards and Education be merged with the Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, and has not only failed to recommend adequate funding for the Com- mission, but has recommended reducing by 29% the State's current fudning of the Commission out of general revenue funds; And, WHEREAS, it is imperative that the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standrads and Education remain an independent public service agency dedicated solely to the service of law en- forcement, and not be joined with a private industry agency governing activities operated for private profit; and that adequate funding from State general revenue funds be pro- vided to ensure the continued activities of the Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, 1. That the Legislative Budget Board reconsider its position and action in voting to merge the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education with the Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies; or upon failure of the Legislative Budget Board to reverse its decisions that the legislature vote against such merger. 2. That the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Stand- ards and Education remain an independent agency dedicated solely to the service of law enforcement officers and de- partments throughout the State. 3. That the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education be funded entirely from state general revenue funds. Funds can be assured for these purposes without additional taxes by voting for a bill adding a sufficient amount to the court costs assessed law violators who necessitate the establishment and main- tenance of the criminal justice system. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor, to each member of the Legislative Budget Board and each State Representative and State Senator, in order that they may have made known to them the extreme gravity and public concern which we hold for the matters expressed in this resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of January, 1977. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Page 2 of 2 pages - Resolution No- 77-a EXHIBIT "A" TO SUSPENSION RESOLUTION 77-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS The reasons of the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas for passing the said resolution, which reasons were adopted by the said City Council prior to the actual passage of such resolution, are as follows: 1. The sheer quantity of rate material furnished with the applicants petition for authority to change rates is so volumnious that adequate time has not elapsed for study of such material to make a fair and just decision on the request. 2. Insufficient time has elapsed to properly allow for public hearings and for the City Council to have the benefit of the views of its citizen customers of Texas Power and Light Company. 3. On the review of the information and hearing to date on the rate change request, the City Council is of the opinion the requested rate change is not substantiated. 4. The City Council needs all additional information which Texas Power and Light Company can reasonably furnish to the City of Southlake, Texas concerning the actual area of the City of Southlake, Texas in connection with the information furnished in the set of eight books if such information is readily available by the utility company. A request for such material or reply as to its availability is incorporated herein. 5. The City needs written approval of Texas Power and Light Company as to the fact that such utility will pay for and to what extent such utility will pay for Rate Consultants, Accountants, Auditors, Attorneys, Engineers, or any combination thereof, whether working directly through the said Mayor's Council Group of Tarrant County, Texas, in connection with conducting investigations and advising the City Council of Southlake, Texas concerning the proposed rate change request. The City hereby requests the written position of Texas Power and Light Company in this regard. 6. Decision pending as to whether the City Council of Southlake, Texas shall refer this rate change application to the Group for review, such Group being a part of the Mayor's Council of Tarrant County, Texas, and the decision is pending in such regard because of the scope and possible cost of such referral, if made. It RESOLUTION 77-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS WHEREAS, Texas Power and Light Company has filed a request for a rate change with the City of Southlake, Texas; and, WHEREAS, the said City has commenced a hearing to determine the propriety of such change; and, WHEREAS, such hearing is still pending; and, WHEREAS, the said City through its City Council deems it in the best interest of the City that the operation of any proposed rate change, in whole or in part, of Texas Power and Light Company be suspended until final action of the Council on the rate change request or May 25, 1977, whichever event occurs first; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: That the effective date of any change in the rate schedule of Texas Power and Light Company within the City of Southlake, Texas existing prior to January 26, 1977 be and the same is hereby suspended until final action of the said City Council on the said rate change request, or May 25, 1977, whichever event occurs first; That such suspension shall be effective after delivery of a copy of this resolution to Texas Power and Light Company; That the reasons for such suspension are as contained in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, made a part hereof, and incorporated herein by reference; That during the period of suspension as above provided the rates in force prior to the filing of the present rate increase by Texas Power and Light Company shall continue in force; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to Texas Power and Light Company constituting notice of such rate suspension and written reasons therefor. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 12' day of January, 1977. Mayor, City of Southlake, Texas ATTEST: • ~ Q~~r ,cam T City Secretary 13 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 1976 Honorable Mayor and City Council; Police Department Report for the month of December, 1976 Tickets issued in November 187 Tickets issued in December 162 Persons in jail in November 16 Persons in jail in December 12 Traffic accidents in November 4 Traffic accidents in December 8 Burglaries investigated in November 1 Burglaries investigated in December 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in December $400.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in December 0 Thefts investigated in November 2 Thefts investigated in December 2 Approximate total value taken in thefts in December $81.01 ^oproximate total value recovered in thefts in December $81.01 Number of calls in November 303 Number of calls in December 402 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 (74 Ford ) 67,106 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 (75 Ford ) 108,925 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 (76 Ford ) 78,495 Miles driven in November 13,506 Miles driven in December 12,234 Respectfully submitted, Dougla§ R. Hughes Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb 14 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of DECEMBER - 1976 Gallons pumped previous month 4,304,900 Gallons sold previous month 3,999,000 New Taps installed for month 1 Meters changed out 0 Line repairs: Materials Machine Rental $15.00 Other repairs Moving lines on FM 1709 Water Superintendent 15 ti;0~~i i i ~LY REPORT Monthly Rapoa To Adraini'strative Manager ' Monti) Gf. December 1976 Department of Building Inspection 1. Number of Inspections This Last Same Month This Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Last Year Year To Date Year To Date Year To Date ' Building 14 13 11 Electrical 9 10 6 Plumbing 10 9 6 Miscellaneous 12 14 6 Total Daily Average 45 46 29 2. Permits Issued Building Number $ 3 3 Value $144,350 $3'8,427 $72,800 Permit Fees $362 $99' .$179 Electrical Number Permit Fees Plumbing Number Permit Fees i Sewer Number Permit Fees Total Ali Fees $362 $99 $179 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Dwelling Plan Chock Of Types Units Fees Permit Paei Total Pees Valuation Permits 3 Single Family 3 $287 $120,600 2 Family Muiti-Family 1 Commercial Buildings 1 36 12r000 • Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish swimming Pools Signs 2 Other 2 15 4 , 500 Alterations and Additions 2 To Dwellings 2 24 7,250 To Commercial Buildings To Industrial Buildings 8 Total 8 362 144 350 4. Building Valuation This Fiscal Year To data This Calendar Y To D e I ~ Last Fiscal Year To Date Last &Iondar Year Ta Data s llwhere Country Living Is At Its Bess` FADE BOOKEF~, A9ayor P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 ;gat Hawk, f✓layor Pro Tern Aficoanno Wallace, Clty Secretory W. 0. iNunn, Councilman Ben H. Berry, Councilman Bob Goode, Councilman Colon A. Sweet, Councilman BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION STATISTICS •FOR 1976 Nature of Permits No. of Permits Valuation Single Family Dwellings 40 $1,537,434 Commercial & Industrial 6 348,075 Other (e.g. - house addn., accessory bldg., swimming pools, etc.) 33 120,092 TOTAL 79 $2„005,601 FEES From Permits $4,681 From Certificates of Occupancy 400 TOTAL $5,081 Respectfully Submitted, i I~'I /Lawrence S. Senn Building Inspector 16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES JANUARY 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of January, 1977. Cases Set: 32 Cases Heard: 19 Cases Dismissed: 2 Cases Appealed: 8 Warrants Issued: 17 Citations Written: 157 Citations Paid: 144 Cases Reset: 2 Respectfully Submitted: Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk 17 X. P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department P.O. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76051 To: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen: Subject: Fire Department Report of Calendar Year 1976. 1. Total Responses 9.............. 240calls 2. Grass Fires ........................................................92 3. Structure Fires ....................................................23 4. Automobile Fires ...........................................20 5. Automobile Accidents (Stand-by, Washdown, etc.). ..............22 6. Rescue Unit Calls..(Oxygen, First Aid, Rescue, etc.) ...............38 7. Mutual Aid Alarms (to other cities)........... ...................25 8. Miscellaneous Responses..(Smoke, Drowning, etc.) ...................13 9. False Alarms .7 10. Total Man/Hours Expended on Emergency Calls 3,043hrs. 11. Total Man/Hours Expended on Civic Projects ........................225 12. Total Man/Hours on Maintenance and Repairs ........................685 13. Total Man/Hours on Meetings and Training Sessions ...............1,142 14. Total Number.Drills and Classes for Year 27 15. Total Number Men Attending Meetings for Year ......................656 16. Total Number of Man/Hours on All Department Projects (Emergency, Maintenance, Civic and Drills for 1976) .........................4,870 17. Total Firefighters Response and Number of Times Responding for year: Fire Chief R. P. Steele 186 Asst. Fire Chief H. Bradley Sr..... 127 Fire Marshall J. Joyce 82 Capt. R. Polson .....................98 Capt. S. Davis ......................74 Lt. L. Shuping ......................90 Lt. B. Roper ........................87 Firefighters: C. Bell ....................71 W. Booker 14 T. Schneider ...............73 W. Eddington................. 27 B. Stevens .................62 J. French 44 R. Steele .................101 M. Feuchter................... 6 J. Polson ..................52 R. Martin 23 J. Andrews .................73 M. LaFavor.................... 6 S. Fertitta ................16 J. Eddington.................. 6 H. Bradley Jr ..............36 D. Pollard 36 T. Boyer ..................115 R. Wood 7 W. Morris ..................64 W. Winchester 6 D. Dupree ..................91 1. Shelton 3 D. Johnson .................40 Respectfully Submitted, R. P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER 1976 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires .....................................................1 Grass Fires ........................................................11 Auto Fires ............................................0 Auto Accident-Stand-by-(Rescue Unit & Fire Unit) ....................0 Mutual Aid-Other cities .............................................0 False Alarms ........................................................0 . ..............2 Rescue Unit • A. Rescue boat & crew (Drowning 12-19-76-Midway area Lake Grapevine) B. Rescue boat & crew(over-turned boat-Lake Grapevine) NOTE: Reference Item -A- Recovery not made up to and including 12-31-76. Personnel still on scheduled surface search. Additional man hours will go into year 1977 in January report. TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH.......: 14 II. MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls ...................................................108 Meetings (4) Average: 10 men per meeting ........80 Maintenance Average Time (one work day on Saturday 12-25-76 to work on boat & Unit 3008) .....................110 Man Hours on specified drowning (12-19-76) up to 12-31-76......... 376 Training Sessions -None for month of December TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH .........................................674 III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: Chief Steele ..................13 J. French................. 7 Asst Chief Bradley .............5 W. Winchester, 6 Capt. Polson ...................5 W. Morris ....3 Capt. Davis ....................7 H. Bradley Jr............. 4 Lt. Shuping ....................8 J. Andrews 9 Lt. Roper ......................5 D. Dupree 7 J. Joyce .......................4 R. Shelton 3 J. Polson ......................5 W. Booker 2 R. Steele ......................6 C. Bell 3 T. Boyer .......................6 B. Stevens 4 S. Fertitta ....................4 D. Johnson, 2 W. Eddington ...................3 M. La Favors...............2 J. Eddington ...................2 T. Schneider 3 'age 2 Note: On equipment report---Unit 3002 did have engine failure as Council was advised. The unit (3002 International Pumper) has been repair- ed and back in service. Unit 3003 (Attack Truck) has been taken to Fire Control (Fire boss) in Fort Worth to have the pump and Auxil- ary Engine installed per specification and said Co. was low bidder. Light Generator will be installed on Unit 3008 as soon as possible (personnel available to do work) Respectfull $ub R.P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department ?S/gls 19 BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 1977: Carter & Burgess, Inc. (City) Project Auth. No. 1 $58,287.00 T P & L Co. (City, Fire Dept.) 11/26/76 to 12/29/76 95.17 Bell Communications (City) Radio Mntnce. 235.50 Grapevine Sun (City) Legal Notice 15.85 Burroughs Corp. (City)MAC. Paper #1091129 68.80 Seminar/ Effective Management, Labor Relations & Productive Improvements in Government (City) Registration fee 45.00 University Center for Community Services/NTSU (City) Municipal Election Law Manual 3.50 N. Central Texas City Secretaries' Assoc. (City) 1977 dues 45.00 T P & L Co. (Water Dept.) 11/26/76 to 12/29/76 523.02 Ft. Worth Pipe and Supply(Water Dept.)#2164008 1868.09 Rohan Co. (Water Dept.) #00088 1131.24 Motor Supply Co. ( P.D.) #93402 1.70 Gibson's (P.D.) #01262 34.64 Thompson Printing Service (P.D.) Prisoner Cards 16.00 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 1/6/77 7.40 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 1/11/77 4.00 Southwestern Bell (P.D.) 1/1/77 41.53 Crabtree & Powers Tire & Appliance (P.D.) #1282 30.95 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 1/6/77 15.00 Allstate Fire Equip. (F.D.) #009668 14.00 Tarrant Coity Firefighters Assoc. (F.D.) Membership Dues 50.00 Allstate Fire Equip. (F.D.) 1/6/77 19.00 Allstate Fire Equip. (F.D.) 1/3/77 14.00 Chemetron Fire Systems (F.D.) WN 00068 3834.00 Payton Wright Ford (F.D.) State Inspection 6.50 Nu=Way Transport (F.D. towing) Towing 45.00