1977 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS 1977 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS } RESOLUTIONS PASSED 1977 77- 1: Suspension of Effective Date of Rate Increase-Lone Star Gas. 1/4/77 page 5. 77- 2: TP&L Rate Increase Request-Initial Public Hearing. 1/18/77 page 11. 77- 3: Application for Step III-Sewer Project. 2/1/77 page 27. 77- 4: Against Merger of Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Board of Private Investigators. 1/18/77 page 12. 77-5 : Authorizing Mayor to sign amendments to Step II Contract per Compliance with TWQB. 2/1/77 page 28. 77- 6: Calling for General Municipal Election. 2/1/77 page 29. 77- 7: Texas Power & Light Rate Study. 2/15/77 page 42. 77- 8: Procedures re Credit Card Usage. 3/15/77 page 58. 77- 9: Re Contract for Fire Service. 3/15/77 Page 57. 77-10: Tri-County Electric Co-op Rate and Franchise. 3/15/77 page 64. 77-11: Canvassing the votes of the Municipal Election held April 4, 1977. 4/4/77 page 67. 77-12: Mayor Pro Tempore. 4/19/77 page 83. 77-13: Hilltop Acres Developers Agreement. 4/19/77 page 90. 77-14: Appointment of Municipal Court Judge. 4/19/77 page 93. 77-15: Appointment of City Health Official. 4/19/77 page 94. 77-16: Appointment of Councilman to Vacant Position. 4/19/77 page 95. 77-17: Planning & Zoning Commission Appointments. 4/19/77 page 96. 77-18: Lone Star Rate Hrng.Delay.4/19/77 page 97. 77-19: Ad Hoc Sewer Committee. 5/3/77 page 109. 77-20: Revised Personnel Rules & Regulations. 5/3/77 page 110. 77-21: Appointing Parks Commissioner. 5/17/77 page 117. 77-22: Recreating Cirizens Advisory Committee and appointing members thereto. 5/17/77 page 118. 77-23: Adopting Traffic Safety Plan. 6/7/77 Page 129. 77-24: Calling for Board of Tax Equilization. 6/7/77 Page 130. 77-25: Appointing a Zoning Board of Adjustment. 6/7/77 Page 130. 77-26: Airport Feasibility Studay. 7/5/77 Page 155. 77-27: Tri-County Electric re Information and Limiting Expansion. 8/2/77 Page 176. 77-28: TP&L and Tri-County to Serve Customers in Equitable Manner. 8/2/77 Page 176. 77-29: Cancellation of Tax Roll Errors. 8/2/77 Page 177. 77-30. Appointment of City Auditor, J. D. Baines. 9/6/77. Page 205. 77-31 Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commission Member, 9/6/77/ Page 215. 77-32. Resignation of City Secretary, 9/20/77. Page 227. 77-33. See Res# 77-31. 9/6/77. Page 215 77-34. Appointment of Southlake City Secretary/Treasurer. 10/4/77. Page 228. 77-35. There was not a resolution for this number. 35 was skipped. 77-36. Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commission Member. 10/18/77. Page 232. 77-37. Appointment of Court Clerk. 10/18/77. Page 233. 77-38. Replacment of Resolution 77-37. Page 247. 11/1/77. 77-39. Exempting Volunteer Firemen from Volunteer Vire Fighters Relief and Retirement Fund. 10/18/77. Page 231-E. 77-40. Community Development Contingency Fund. Improvements to a portion of Peytonville Road. 11/15/77. Page 259. 77-41. Did not Pass. Page 260. 77-42. Withdrawal from Sewer System Grant Program. 11/18/77. Page 270 77-43. Suspending Tri-County Electric Rate Increase Date 120 Days. 12/20/77