1977-01-04 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Lone Star Gas Company Rate Increase Request - V. Henderson. A. Resolution No. 77-1: Suspension of Effective Date of Rate Increase. II. Traffic Study: Mr. "Andy" Anderson. III. TP&L - Rate Increase Request - D. Bayless. IV. Proposed Subdivision Ordinance: Further Discussion V. Job Descriptions Undertaking. VI. Fire Department: A. Repair of Unit No. 3003. B. Emblems and Lettering on Three Units. VII. Administrative: A. Newsletter B. Bills 40P~; I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue on Thursday December 30, 1976,,at 2:00 P.M. City Secretary 3 U, ro ro o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE G n Cr] C4 z ~ ~ d d d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting b DATE OF MEETING:4 January 1977 ri z TIME OF MEETING:7:30 P.M. NAME m PLACE OF MEETING:Council Chamber,City Hall OF 667 N. Carroll Avenue Index No. MEMBER Page 2 of 3 Pages Caption Council discussed the revised proposed sub PROPOSED SUB- division ordinance. The City Attorney explain DIVISION ORD. d-the items he recommends be included. Mayor PUBLIC HEARII ro Tem Hawk suggested the revisions and addi- SET. Tonal items be incorporated and a public hearing be held -1 February 1977. Council concurred. Sweet X ouncil discussed having job descriptions for JOB DESCRIP- city employes. The City Secretary was asked TIONS to develop an outline and time frame and place the matter on the agenda when ready. City Attorney advised Council he is sending a REPAIR OF letter to the manufacturer concerning the UNIT #3003 problems of Unit No. 3003. Council was ad- vised by Councilman Goode that a new pump and Nunn XX XX engine costs $3,834. Council authorized such Hawk X XX purchase be made, declaring an emergency; and, Goode XX further, directed the Fire Chief to obtain tw Sweet XX more written bids, if possible, submitting the bids to Councilman Goode prior to making the emergency purchase. Authorization to purchase emblems and EMBLEMS AND lettering for three units was withheld by LETTERING. Council at this time and tabled. Newsletter discussion was kicked off by Mayor NEWSLETTER Pro Tem Hawk who submitted items to be includ- ed. Councilman Goode stated he would like more information on the park included, and more details on the sewer project. Nunn X X Council approved payment of the bills pre- BILLS Goode X X sented, including Invoice No. 8531 of Payton- Hawk X Wright Ford in the amount of $110.06. [See Sweet X attached list.] This portion of the meeting was closed for discussion of contemplated legal proceedings. Upon reopening..the meeting, no actions were taken by Council. 4 to C p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ro o o o ox L'I z 0 t4 d d MINUTES OF : Regular Council Meeting 0 wt 1 O DATE OF MEETING: 4 January 1977 G H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. z N PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber,City Hal NAME y 667 N. Carroll Avenue OF Index No. MEMBER Caption page 3 of 3 Pages here being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 5 RESOLUTION 77-1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS WHEREAS, Lone Star Gas Company has filed a request for a rate change with the City of Southlake, Texas; and, WHEREAS, the said City has commenced a hearing to determine the propriety of such change; and, WHEREAS, such hearing is still pending; and, WHEREAS, the said City through its City Council deems it in the best interest of the City that the operation of any proposed rate change, in whole or in part, of Lone Star Gas Company be suspended until final action of the Council on the rate change request or May 1, 1977, whichever event occurs first; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: That the effective date of any change in the rate schedule of Lone Star Gas Company within the City of Southlake, Texas existing prior to January 3, 1977, be and the same is hereby suspended until final action of the said City Council on the said rate change request, or May 1, 1977, whichever event occurs first; That such suspension shall be effective after delivery of a copy of this resolution to Lone Star Gas Company; That the reasons for such suspension are as contained on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, made a part hereof, and incorporated herein by reference; That during the period of suspension as above provided the rates in force prior to the filing of the present rate increase by Lone Star Gas Company shall continue in force; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to Lone Star Gas Company constituting notice of such rate suspension and the written reasons therefor. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of January, 1977. ~~`4~- ~ ATTEST: Mayor, City of Southlake, Texas City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" TO SUSPENSION RESOLUTION 77-1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS The reasons of the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas for passing the said resolution , which reasons were adopted by the said City Council prior to the actual passage of such resolution, are as follows: 1. Opinion from the group reviewing the rate change application, being a portion of the Mayor's Council of Tarrant County, Texas, has not been received by the City of Southlake, Texas and insufficient time has transpired for such group to adequately review the matter. 2. All additional information which Lone Star Gas Company can reasonably furnish to the City of Southlake concerning the actual area of the City of Southlake, Texas in connection with the information furnished on Exhibits 1 through 6 made a part of Lone Star Gas Company's rate change request needs to be furnished the City of Southlake, Texas for forwarding to the said Mayor's Council group. 3. Insufficient time has elapsed for the said group of the Mayor's Council to review the rate change request adequately to determine if further reasonable information will be needed. 4. On the review of the information and hearing to date on the rate change request, the City Council is of the opinion the requested rate change is not substantiated. 5. Insufficient time has elapsed to properly allow for a public hearing and for the City Council to have the benefit of the views of its citizen customers of Lone Star Gas Company. 6. The City needs written approval of Lone Star Gas Company as to the fact - that such utility will pay for and to what extent such utility will pay for Rate Consultants, Accountants, Auditors, Attorneys, Engineers, or any combination thereof, working directly through the said Mayor's Council group of Tarrant County, Texas, in connection with conducting investigations and advising the City Council of Southlake, Texas concerning the proposed rate change request. BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 4, 1977: ATC Office Machines, Inc. (City & P.D.) #25754, #25772,& #25760 $118.90 Rohan Co. (Water Dept.) #33696 121.42 Water & Sewage Works Mag. (Water Dept.) One Year Subscription 10.00 Lone Star Gas (City) 1/8/77 30.03 Pitney Bowes (City) #868629 33.00 Xerox Corp. (City) #105723214 14.00 Gen. Telephone (P.D.) 2/1/77 32.50 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 12/30/76 4.00 Gulf Oil (P.D.) #0265 461.82 White's Auto (P.D.) #2741 119.88 Lone Star Gas (F.D.) 1/8/77 53.07 Amer. Red Cross (F.D.) #4038 25.30 A & B Contractors Equip. (F.D.) #13829 113.28 Gen. Telephone (F.D.) 2/1/77 32.50 Payton Wright Ford (P.D.) #18531 110.06