December 15, 1997
Board Members Present: President David Yelton; Members: Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Rick
Stacy, Bethann Scratchard, Ralph Evans, Pamela Muller
Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of
Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry,
Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush, Community Services Manager Kevin Hugman.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order, The meeting was called to order by President David Yelton at
6:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session.
President Yelton announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the
Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition.
SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:00 p.m.
SPDC returned to open session at 6:26 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene,
There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session.
Item No. 4. Approval of the November 17, 1997 meeting minutes. Scott Martin asked that this
item be removed from Consent.
Item No. 5. Authorization to bid ball field lights for fields #1 and #3 at Bicentennial Park. Scott
Martin asked that this item be removed from Consent.
Item No. 6. Authorization to bid replacement fences for fields #4 and #5 at Bicentennial Park,
Item No. 7. Award of bid for parking lot construction at Bob Jones Park,
Item No. 8. Award of bid for fence construction at Bob Jones Park,
Minutes, SPDC Meeting, December 15, 1997, Page 1 of 6
Item No 9 Matching funds request from Dick Johnson for a Senior Tree Farm Project.
several board members requested this item be removed from Consent.
Motion was made to approve Consent Agenda items numbers 6, 7, and 8.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Evans
Ayes: Stacy, Evans, Muller, Kendall, Yelton, Martin, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Item No 6 Authorization to bid replacement fences for fields #4 and #5 at Bicentennial Park
The new fencing will replace the temporary fencing that was installed three years ago on fields #4 and
#5. The fields are t-ball and coach pitch fields. The quality of the grade of the fencing will be
brought up to the standard found on all other fields at Bicentennial Park. These two fields are the
only remaining fences which need to be upgraded in Bicentennial Park. Staffs' goal is to have the
fencing completed in time for the spring baseball season which begins in March. This item was
budgeted by SPDC for an estimated cost of $16,305.
Item No 7 Award of bid for parking lot construction at Bob Jones Park Staff recommends
awarding the bid to the low bidder J.L. Bertram Construction and Engineering, Inc., at $248,970.34.
This item was budgeted by SPDC for an estimated cost of $300,000.
Item No 8 Award of bid for fence construction at Bob Jones Park. Staff is recommending the
second lowest bidder, Ratliff Iron Works, for $36,625, the low bidder, Custom Fence Company with
a bid of $27,765, could not demonstrate experience in building this type of fence. The bid includes a
four foot (4') height pipe rail fence as recommended at the last SPDC meeting. This item was
budgeted by SPDC at an estimated cost of $38,750.
Agenda Item No 4, Approval of November 17, 1997, Minutes
Scott Martin asked that, for clarification, the wording be changed on the last sentence, page 5, top
paragraph to "...go to someone outside the City for professional design services on the tennis pro
shop. "
Martin also requested that the word "construction" be changed to "constructed" on item #9, last
David Yelton commented that the minutes needed to be corrected to reflect his w vote on item #7
rather than abstention.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of November 17, 1997, as corrected.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Martin
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Ayes: Stacy, Martin, Muller, Kendall, Evans, Yelton, Scratchard
Jays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No 5 Authorization to bid ball field lights for fields #1 and #3 at Bicentennial
Martin questioned staff regarding the bid specifications for the ball field lights. He wanted to be sure
that the lights will be able to be relocated since these ball fields are temporary at this location,
according to the master plan. He also wanted to be sure that these lights will be designed so that they
will not create a glare problem for the residents in Diamond Circle Estates and for those driving into
the park from North White Chapel. Ms. Lenoir commented that these fields will be at this location
for at least 10 years. Ben Henry assured Martin that the poles will be removable. Ms. Lenoir
explained that staff has had lighting engineers come out and look at the problem. They have
recommended the taller poles to solve the glare problem and that the lights be shielded to reduce
spillover lighting into the neighborhoods. Ms. Lenoir confirmed that the specifications will match the
standard lighting fixture now available on the other fields (Phase 1, four-plex lights). The budget
estimate for this project is $95,000.
Motion was made to authorize staff to bid ball field lights for fields #1 and #3 at Bicentennial Park.
Motion: Martin
Second: Muller
Ayes: Martin, Muller, Stacy, Kendall, Yelton, Evans, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No 9 Matching funds request from Dick Johnson for a Senior Tree Farm
City Manager Curtis E. Hawk commented that the idea of a tree farm is something staff has discussed
for a number of years. Staff believes a tree farm is needed, but the City still has to make a decision
as to which would be the most cost effective way whether to just buy trees when they are needed
or actually allocate a site to grow them. Staff's concerns with this request are related to the location
of the new senior center. A tree farm at this site may cause problems because the property has not
yet been master planned. There is a concept plan and several options have been looked at for use of
the property. There is a possibility that a library and/or a community center will be located at this
site. Mr. Hawk also confirmed with the Board that neither SPDC or the Park Board can make
recommendations for the use of property other than park property procedurally, this responsibility
lies with the City Council following a recommendation from the P&Z. Mr. Hawk commented that
staff would be willing to work with Mr. Johnson in looking for an alternate site.
Dick Johnson, 139 Jellico Circle, presented to the Board his request for matching funds for a Senior
Tree Farm Project. Mr. Johnson explained that he is proposing a tree farm to be managed by a senior
men's group with volunteer assistance from teen court and students looking for civic credits. He
prefers that it be located near the new senior center because of convenience. Mr. Johnson explained
the process they would use in buying, planting, and harvesting the trees for use by the City of
Minutes, SPDC Meeting, December 15, 1997, Page 3 of 6
Southlake. Mr. Johnson stated that he will need $3,000 to get the project started, but he believes he
an get equipment and funds donated which will offset some of this initial cost.
The Board discussed the need to proceed with authorizing the matching funds request, so that the
project can get underway, with the understanding that an appropriate site needed to be secured a
site appropriately zoned and/or suited to this use.
Motion was made to approve the expenditure of matching funds for the Senior Tree Farm Project in
the amount of $1,500, but with specific site issues to be settled at a later date.
Motion: Martin
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: Martin, Muller, Stacy, Kendall, Yelton, Evans, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No 10, Matching funds request from Keep Southlake Beautiful (1K B for
Tod Radford, 3185 Johnson Road, vice-president of KSB, updated the Board on the status of the
Waterscape project. Mr. Radford stated that KSB held a groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday
which was a huge success. Mr. Radford reminded the Board of SPDC's previous approval of $5,000
.n matching funds in April for the project. He stated that since then KSB has been able to raise an
additional $8,000 through the "100 for 100" campaign and is requesting an additional $7,000 in
matching funds which will complete funding of the project. Mr. Stacy questioned how close the
estimated cost is to what it will actually cost to complete the project. Mr. Radford explained to the
Board that KSB now has a contract with Hardscape Inc., and they feel comfortable that the project
will be completed at a total cost of $25,000.
Motion was made to approve the request for an additional $7,000 in matching funds.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Muller
Ayes: Martin, Muller, Stacy, Kendall, Yelton, Evans, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No 11, Professional services contract amendment with Cheatham and Associate
for Bob Jones Park Phase I, Part B - Grant Project.
Ms. Lenoir presented the request and clarified for the Board the total amount of fees associated with
the professional services contract with Cheatham and Associates. Ms. Lenoir explained that the
original contract called for a fee based on a percentage for surveying and grading, not to exceed
$58,000. The actual fees paid under this contract totaled $49,304. Amendment 1 to this contract was
approved (based on the assumption that no state grant funding would be available for the project) for
construction plans for parking lots and 14 soccer fields. Since the City has received the grant, the
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only services paid for through Amendment No. 1 was the 6.8% of the bid for the parking lot, totaling
;16,929.96. The other projects will now be funded through the grant, and the associated professional
fees will be accounted for in Amendment No. 2, which is a lump sum fee of $100,500. With this
amendment, total fees will equal $175,500 to date.
In response to Ms. Muller's questions, Eddie Cheatham commented that a new topographical analysis
will be needed because they need one-foot contours. Mr. Martin questioned whether this
topographical analysis will be good enough for the road and the trails system, and Mr. Cheatham
commented that it would be sufficient. Mr. Stacy asked about the next time dirt work would be done
so that grading can be completed for practice fields. Ms. Lenoir commented that the contract with
Arnold Construction is still open, and staff is visiting with him about some options. Ms. Lenoir
commented that staff hopes to have the plans to SPDC for review next month and then they will be
forwarded to the State for review. Mr. Martin questioned whether or not a more detailed master plan
of the park was being considered since their have been significant changes from the general plan
prepared by MESA. Ms. Lenoir commented that she thought the landscape architect, in the next
phase, would be doing that, but overall, the plan is still conforms to the original master plan. In
response to Ms. Kendall's question regarding the landscape architect's fees, Park Planning and
Construction Superintendent Ben Henry commented that there were costs that needed to be clarified
because there may be some things that can be done in house, i.e., construction administration. Mr.
Cheatham commented that he would not have a problem with taking some of the cost for services out
of the contract that can be handled by City staff.
Motion was made to approve Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Contract with Cheatham
and Associates for Bob Jones Park, Phase I - Part B (grant project) for the sum of $100,500 with the
stipulation that the amount may be reduced as discussed.
Motion: Martin
Second: Stacy
Ayes: Martin, Muller, Stacy, Kendall, Yelton, Evans, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
President Yelton had to leave the meeting at 7.25 p.m. to attend the CISD Board meeting.
Vice-president Evans chaired the remainder of the meeting.
Agenda Item No 12, Discussion Financial Report/Budget
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton informed the Board that Finance Director Heath was out ill,
however, the financial report and budget was included in the packet. Mr. Martin commented that Ms.
Heath was able to confirm for him that the sales tax projections for Home Depot did fall short of what
was estimated.
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Agenda Item No 13, Discussion Status Report of SPDC Proj cts
In response to Mr. Martin's question regarding the landscape design, Ms. Lenoir stated that staff
should have the plan by the next meeting--the landscape architect wanted to take another look at the
plan before submitting. Mr. Martin also questioned where Mesa Group was on submitting their
request for additional funds. Ms. Lenoir stated that they should be bringing something forward in
January. Ms. Yelverton stated that they wanted to try and solve the concerns of the Tennis
Association. Mr. Martin commented that when he and Ms. Kendall met with the Mesa Group they
stressed their willingness to meet the budget. This was one of the reasons they were selected.
Mr. Stacy commented that one of the things that came out at the SPIN Summit, that he felt should
have received more support, was the city portals. Mr. Stacy questioned whether this would be
appropriate as an SPDC capital project. Mr. Martin commented that Lisa Stokdyk, with KSB,
worked on this project. He recommended that KSB speak with the Chamber of Commerce because
they have a big fundraiser coming up that looks at sponsoring projects in the community. Ms.
Yelverton commented that the SPIN Summit organizers had a follow-up meeting, and this was one of
the issues they discussed. SPIN is going to try and facilitate a meeting between Lisa Stokdyk and
Larry Flynn with the Chamber.
Agenda Item No. 14. Adjournment.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
P sident D vi Yelton
Kim ush
Secr tary to the City Manager
Minutes, SPDC Meeting, December 15, 1997, Page 6 of 6