1997-11-17 a SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING November 17, 1997 MINUTES C(OPY Board Members Present: President David Yelton; Members: Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Rick Stacy, Bethann Scratchard, Ralph Evans, Pamela Muller Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush, Community Services Manager Kevin Hugman (6:40 p.m.). Agenda Item No 1 Call to order, The meeting was called to order by President Yelton at 6:00 p.m. Agenda Item No 2 Executive Session, President Yelton announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:01 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:41 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene Motion was made to authorize the City Manager to proceed with acquisition of an appraisal and negotiation for relocation funds for the property as discussed in executive session. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Kendall, Stacy, Evans, Muller Nays: Yelton Approved: 6-1 Agenda Item No. 4, Approval of October 20, 1997 Minutes Scott Martin asked that, for clarification, the wording on page 4, paragraph two, be changed to read as follows: "...normal pay out would be on a standard bond issue." 1 Motion was made to approve the minutes of October 20, 1997 as corrected. Motion: Scratchard Second: Martin Ayes: Scratchard, Martin, Yelton, Stacy, Kendall Abstained: Muller, Evans Nays: none Approved: 5-0-2 Agenda Item No 5 Authorization to Bid Fence Construction for Bob Tones Park Director Lenoir explained to the Board the specifications on a pipe rail fence and presented the site plan which shows that the fence will go along N. White Chapel and the northern section of the soccer fields. Ms. Lenoir explained that the main purpose of the fence is to be able to provide for locking the gates to the parking lots, so that vehicular access can be restricted during hours when the park is closed. The cost is estimated at $38,750. Martin questioned if anything was mentioned as to the specification for priming and painting. Lenoir stated that it would be added to the specs. Mayor Stacy questioned the upkeep of the area under the fence and whether it could be maintained. Ben Henry confirmed that you would be able to. Mayor Stacy also questioned why the fence had to be five feet tall - he is concerned with aesthetic appearance. Yelton stated that if the fence was shorter it might encourage people to try and climb over. Ben Henry commented that was the concern of the Park Board. Lenoir suggested that the bid could request estimates for four feet and five feet and see what comes in. Motion was made to authorize staff to bid fence construction for Bob Jones Park as presented and allow an alternate bid for a 48" tall fence option. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Stacy, Kendall, Muller, Evans Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No 6 Authorization to Bid Parking Lot Construction for Bob Jones Park. Director Lenoir informed the Board that Cheatham and Associates had submitted a new estimate for $363,000 down from the previous estimate of $400,000 but still over the $300,000 budgeted by SPDC. Lenoir explained that there may still be some areas to help bring the cost down after further review of the plan, but Cheatham and Associates feels the timing is good to go out for the bids--the City should be able to get good SPDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1997, PAGE 2 OF 7 1 competitive bids since it is the first of the year. Lenoir stated that alternate bids will be taken on options related to the concrete curbing. Board member Evans had to leave the meeting at 7.00 p.m. Martin commented that he spoke with Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead about the City's purchase of a new striping machine. Martin questioned the possibility of seeking an alternate bid on striping the parking lot and comparing the cost to that of City staff doing the striping. City Manager Curtis E. Hawk confirmed that the Public Works Department could figure the cost for staff overtime necessary to do the project and "bid" on this aspect of the project. Ben Henry estimated that there were roughly 505 spaces in the plan now. Yelton questioned why we didn't lower the number knowing that we were still over the budget. Stacy commented that we are just going out for bids at this time, and we will still have the option to refuse the bids if they come in too high. Board member Scratchard commented that she had counted 458 spaces in the present plan. Henry stated that he would review against his estimates. Lenoir informed the board that staff is still reviewing several options. Stacy confirmed with staff that the plan meets all city requirements i.e., landscape requirements. Staff confirmed. Martin asked that staff clarify whether the City was bidding 6" or 4" asphalt; was the deceleration lane being deleted; and, whether or not plans specified a concrete apron as shown on the plan with an asphalt infill between concrete apron and existing asphalt. Henry commented that there was some miscommunication on the asphalt - they did not know we were planning to come back and lay another 2 inches. The deceleration lane needed to be deleted because of the conditions of N. White Chapel Road. It would cost too much to provide at this time and the concrete apron as well as the other items mentioned will be clarified with the engineers prior to going out for bids. Board member Kendall commented that when SPDC approved the budget it was already extremely tight and she questioned where the additional moneys would come from to complete this project and also purchase the property discussed in executive session tonight. Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath commented that staff's intent is to have these specifications reviewed and altered enough to bring the estimate down to the $300,000. Henry confirmed that there are still things to come out of this latest estimate i.e., 2" PVC only needs to be 1", items 11 and 12 and the concrete wheel stops can come out, etc. Staff realizes the budget only provides $300,000 for parking. Motion was made to authorize staff to proceed with the revisions to the specifications for the bid and then to advertise for paving both parking lots on Bob Jones Road as we have discussed this evening. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard SPDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1997, PAGE 3 OF 7 Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Kendall, Stacy, Muller, Yelton Nays: none (Evans had left the meeting) Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 7. Bicentennial Park Phase II, Professional Service Contract Amendment with Mesa Design Group, Ms. Lenoir pointed out to the Board the letter received from Jim Cooper, Mesa Design Group, requesting an additional $43,680 due to the budget increase approved by SPDC. Lenoir also pointed out the letter received from Robin Jones, Park Board and Tennis Association member, expressing disappointment on behalf of the Tennis Association, with the plan prepared by Mesa, and also the Association's suggestion to have the City directly contract out the design and construction of the pro shop. Jim Cooper with Mesa design was present to answer any questions from the Board. Mr. Cooper commented that their original proposal was based on a project budget of $1,350,000, and now that the budget has been increased to $1,910,000, they are proposing a fee increase that is proportional, based on the original basic service and reimbursable fees of 7.8%. The Board questioned Mr. Cooper regarding the additional work that would be required of Mesa as a result of the budget increase, as a means to justify the increased fees. The Board expressed their concerns with the complaints of the Tennis Association and Mesa's apparent lack of concern to include the Association in the design of the tennis facilities. The Board also discussed the option of doing some of the work in house and questioned the impact this would have on City staff. Board Member Kendall reiterated that this issue is a good example of how more things could be done in house if we had more staff budgeted - that having Ben Henry on staff has already paid off in not having to go outside for the same type of service. Mayor Stacy suggested that at this point the Board might make some kind of compromise with Mesa, maybe basing their fees on a contract of $1.5 million to give them a little boost. Mr. Cooper again addressed the Board and requested to have an opportunity to at least go back to the Southlake Tennis Association and see if his firm can come up with something more in line with what the association was looking for in a tennis center. Motion was made to table this request and reconsider options and give Mesa a chance to go back and discuss it with their staff to see if they can come back with an alternate proposal. Motion: Martin SPDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1997, PAGE 4 OF 7 Stacy questioned whether or not this would slow the project down. City Manager Hawk commented that Ms. Lenoir and Ben Henry could still look at the possibility of the alternative that had been suggested by the Tennis Association. Hawk could not say whether it would save any more because City staff would still have to go to someone outside the City for professional design services on the tennis pro shop. Cooper commented that whatever is done tonight, his firm intends to continue to move forward with drawings and have projects ready to bid in January. Second: Stacy Ayes: Martin, Stacy, Scratchard, Kendall, Muller Nays: Yelton Approved to table: 5-1 Felton announced (at 7.40 p.m.) that he would have to leave the meeting to attend the School Board meeting and Pamela Muller would chair the remainder of the meeting. Agenda Item No. 8 Discussion of Bob Jones Park Construction Timeline for 1998, Lenoir presented both the timeline for Bob Jones Park and Bicentennial Park and stated that this represents the anticipated schedule of work. Kendall questioned whether there was anything in phase one that is on the Corps property. Ms. Lenoir noted that there is nothing currently under construction, but there are items planned with the grant funds. Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton confirmed for Martin that what we are doing now is referred to as "Phase 1, Part A" and the grant portion is being referred to as "Phase 1, Part B." Stacy commented that the timeline reflects what we have been talking about. Martin questioned whether staff had seen the landscape plan. Lenoir commented that staff hopes to bring that to the Board in December. Martin wants to make sure that we will be able to transplant trees to the berm area at the right time of the season. Ms. Lenoir commented that staff also hopes to bring forth in December an additional contract for professional services with Cheatham and Associates for the extra surveying and planning that takes us on into the Corps property for the grant. Stacy questioned when the next opportunity would be to get grading done for the baseball practice fields south of the pond. Ms. Lenoir commented that Part B bids SPDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1997, PAGE 5 OF 7 would be in April and then construction would begin, but she felt that since these are practice fields they would be ready enough to practice on prior to the fall season. Agenda Item No 9 Discussion of Bicentennial Park Construction Timeline for 1998• Ms. Lenoir explained to the Board that she had seen the plans prepared by Mesa for the tennis facilities and they really did not include a number of things discussed by staff and the tennis association with Mesa representatives - no locker or meeting space, etc. Ms. Muller commented that the plans had changed several times - they started out with a shell, no restroom, and then things were added. Stacy stressed the need for the tennis courts and the need to get the plans in order and get it done. Ms. Kendall also expressed her concern that the hockey rink will not be ready for play for another year. Kim Lenoir commented that weather conditions during construction will play a big part in the construction progress. Facilities constructed may be able to open sooner. Agenda Item No 10, Discussion of Financial Re rtuo /Budget Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath presented to the Board the monthly financial report on sales tax collection for SPDC. Heath stated that she has requested, but still has not received from the State, the report that shows an individual tax payer's sales tax. Heath hopes to have this available by the next meeting and to be able to show the Board Home Depot retail sales. Heath pointed out that on the capital projects budget form, Column C is now the revised adopted budget for FY97-98. Heath explained each of the columns and what they represented. Ms. Heath confirmed that on line 64 of the report that the $1,250,000 figure in column B should be deleted - it was a carryover from a previous report. Ms. Kendall questioned line 16, Revenues in excess of/(less than) expenditures, whether or not the $712,829 figure includes the $500,000 reserved for unanticipated projects as an expenditure. Ms. Heath confirmed that it did. Community Services Manager Kevin Hugman informed the Board that approximately $5,000 has been spent on the Senior Center at this time. There has been considerable public and community contributions. Agenda Item No 11, Discussion of Status Report of SPDC Projects Ms. Lenoir commented that the report was in the packet and she would be happy to answer any questions. Martin commented that he had spoken with the developer of Monticello, Terry Wilkinson, regarding the cost of building the bridges in his SPDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1997, PAGE 6 OF 7 development. Mr. Martin commented that the cost of those bridges was considerably less than what had been estimated for the City's trail system and suggested that Ben Henry call Mr. Wilkinson and discuss this issue with him. Kendall questioned whether or not KSB was going to approach SPDC to request more matching funds for the waterscape project. Lenoir confirmed that they are going to come forward with a request first to the Park Board and then to SPDC next month. Agenda Item No. 12. Adjournment, Motion was made and carried by all to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. X wy-~ David Yelton, Pre n ATTEST: un Push Secr tary to the City Manager SPDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1997, PAGE 7 OF 7