1997-10-20 SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING October 20, 1997 MINUTES COPY Board Members Present: President David Yelton; Members: Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Rick Stacy, Bethann Scratchard Board Members Absent: Ralph Evans, Pamela Muller Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, Acting City Secretary Kim Bush. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Yelton at 6:00 p.m. City Manager Hawk stated that he was waiting on some information for the executive session and asked that the Board continue with the regular agenda until the information arrived. Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of the September 15 and September 29, 1997 Minutes. Motion was made to approve the minutes of the September 15, 1997 and September 29, 1997 as presented. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Stacy, Kendall, Yelton Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. President Yelton announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1997 PAGE 1 OF 5 SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:22 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:48 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene, As a result of the Executive Session, motion was made to authorize the City Manager to pursue the purchase of property discussed in executive session for use at Bob Jones Park and purchase at the best possible cash price. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Kendall, Stacy, Yelton Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Hawk left the meeting after the vote to attend another meeting. Agenda Item No. 5. Consider: Bob Jones Park Phase I - Part B with TPWD r n. Kim Lenoir informed the Board that, as requested, the Park and Recreation Board reviewed and made recommendation for the Bob Jones Park TPWD Grant - Phase I and II. Lenoir stated that the recommendations included moving the Hike and Bike Trail and lights for the soccer fields to the 1st phase and moving 1/2 the picnic tables, fishing dock, and 1/2 the playground to the 2nd phase. SPDC Board members expressed their concerns with adding lights at the soccer fields in this phase because citizens in the area were told that lights would not be added at this time. The Board also discussed doing the following: 1/2 the picnic tables in phase 1; splitting the cost of the playground and build two - one in phase 1 and another in phase 2; preparing 1/2 of the fishing dock; and, move 1/2 of the practice fields to phase 1. The Board commented that splitting the projects up this way will allow more uses and therefore be able to serve more citizens sooner. Motion was made to approve the itemization of Phase 1 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife grant construction items to include: the cultural resource survey for $20,000; construction plans at $45,500; site plan work at $9,000; pavilion at $85,000; picnic tables and grills $19,250. soccer fields at $93,000; 1/2 expenditure for fishing dock and 1/2 expenditure for practice fields of $38,500; hike and bike trail at $128,000; 1/2 SPDC MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1997 PAGE 2 OF 5 of the playground expenditures equaling $96,000, and, moving the lights for soccer fields and the other 1/2 expenditures for practice fields and playground to phase 2. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Ayes: Martin. Scratchard, Yelton, Kendall, Stacy Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 6. Consider: SPDC Budget for FY 1997-98 - Capital Projects Portion of SPDC Budget. Finance Director Lou Ann Heath commented that she worked with Director Lenoir and Board member Scratchard via fax on the SPDC Capital Projects Budget. Heath commented that the last column in the budget document is the recommended budget - what you end up with, and line 16 is the revenues at a glance. Ms. Heath stated that she visited with Scott Martin to clarify that projects include 3 sand volleyball courts not 9 and 8 tennis courts are included in the $346,000 figure on line 72. Rick Stacy informed the Board that he met with owners of the property the City is interested in swapping, for the tennis court area, and the property owners indicated their willingness to proceed with a letter of intent. Ronnie Kendall questioned line 70 the $112,000 for parking - she recalls that the Board stated previously to spend up to $100,000. Lenoir commented that she would check into that number again. David Yelton suggested that the "pro shop" building be called something other than pro shop because of its size it could accommodate more - maybe better referred to as "tennis center with meeting rooms including a pro shop." Rick Stacy had to leave the meeting at 7:00 p.m. to attend another meeting. Board member Scott Martin expressed concerns with no restroom facilities at Bob Jones Park. He is concerned with vandalism of port-a-cans. He wants to make sure the Board and staff keep on top of this. Martin also commented that he wanted to be sure we pay attention to the loop road listed on line 118 - he feels this is extremely important to the overall development and use of the park by the public that will want to do something other than play soccer. Board members agreed, but also recognized that all funds have been allocated. Yelton questioned the revenue from the 1/2 cent sales tax adjustments. Ms. Heath commented that anticipated revenues from the Home Depot were less. The next step is for her to contact the State and have them send her a report that will show the actual payments by Home Depot to see how far off we are from the estimates based on what we have been told previously. Yelton commented that he has seen estimates that have i/ SPDC MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1997 PAGE 3 OF 5 been made on a 5-year projection relative to the Crime Control District proposed 1/2 cent sales tax, and he asked if the same information could be provided for the SPDC 1/2 cent sales tax. Ms. Heath also informed the Board that she would get information for them regarding what the normal pay out would be on a standard bond issue. Martin added that line 161, revenues in excess of/(less than) expenditures, needs to be revised due to changes made tonight including: line 107, Sub-total of Phase 1-Bart B with Grant for Bob Jones Park, was changed to $534,250; line 22, Bob Jones Park - lots, changed to $1,621,600; The net change/difference, line 16, will be changed to $91,229 instead of $50,979; Ms. Heath commented that line 13, bond proceeds, will be changed to $5,729,585 - the Board suggested that the budget show revenues at a negative (-$712,829) rather than adding to "anticipated" bond proceeds. Martin thanked Ms. Heath for making the information a lot clearer to understand. Motion was made to approve the SPDC Capital projects budget for FY1997-98 as presented and amended this evening Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Kendall Nays: none Approved: 4-0 Agenda Item No. 7. Consider: SPIN Summit Project. Kim Lenoir informed the Board that this item was on the agenda to give the Board an opportunity to decided on what kind of a project SPDC would like to represent at the SPIN Summit. Scott Martin commented that he and Ronnie Kendall have been working hard to summon support for the Educational Nature/Heritage center. Support has been committed by the Park Board and the Lions Club has donated its time. Martin would like for SPDC to show its support. Yelton commented that projects coming forward to the Summit may at some point come to SPDC for some kind of funding. He commented that he would hate to support one project with out first hearing all projects that will come forward at the Summit. Bethann Scratchard agreed. Martin suggested that he is asking more for advocacy of the project and not necessarily the vote. No action was taken. SPDC MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1997 PAGE 4 OF 5 Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: Monthly Financial Reps Director Heath commented that the sales tax report was included as part of the financial report and is attached to the budget document. Yelton confirmed that this is what the Board is interested in knowing. Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion: Status Report of SPDC Projects. It was noted that the report was included in the packet and there was no discussion necessary. Agenda Item No. 10. Adjournment. There being no further discussion, motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Motion: Martin Second: Scratchard Approved: All Davi Yelton, r sident ATTEST: im LIB3us Secretary to the City Manager D:\W~ -FILES\SPDC\MINUTES\97-10-20.DOC SPDC MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 5