September 15, 1997 6:00 P.M.
Board Members Present: President David Yelton, Vice-President Ralph Evans (left at 8:05).
Members: Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Pamela Muller, Bethann Scratchard, and Rick Stacy.
Staff Members Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana
Yelverton, Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath,
Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. President Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. President David Yelton announced that the SPDC
Board would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Local
Government Code, Section 551.072, to discuss land acquisition.
SPDC adjourned for executive session at 6:03 p.m.
SPDC returned to open session at 6:35 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. President David Yelton announced that there was no action
necessary as a result of the executive session.
Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of the August 18, 1997 Meeting Minutes. Recommendation
was made to note in the minutes that Scott Martin had to leave the meeting at 7:15 p.m., prior to
the call for a vote on agenda item #6, to attend the Tree Preservation meeting.
Motion was made to approve the August 18, 1997 meeting minutes as amended.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Muller
Approved: Stacy, Muller, Yelton, Martin, Scratchard, Evans, Kendall
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 5. Senior Center Renovations and Budget. Community Services Coordinator
Shelli Siemer brought the Board up to date on the Senior Center Renovation project and budget.
Ms. Siemer commented that staff has been working with F.C. LeVrier and Richard Munoz.
architects, and Lanny Tate, construction contractor, who have generously volunteer their time and
expertise. Ms. Siemer stated that several meetings have been held with the Senior Advisory
Commission over the past four months to determine what their needs and desires would be for a
functional senior activity center. As of this date, volunteer architects LeVrier and Munoz have
completed the drawings and the plans have been approved by the City: a concept plan and plat has
been prepared to submit to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the development of
construction plans have begun. It has been estimated that the cost for outside improvements will
be approximately 566,150 and costs for inside renovations have been estimated at $51.800 for a
total estimated cost of $117,950 assuming mostly volunteer labor. This estimate includes
consideration of ADA requirements, parking, and connection to sanitary sewer. City Capital
Projects Coordinator Shawn Poe commented that a septic system would not be able to handle this
large a use. Ms. Siemer stated that the SPDC had previously approved $50,000 for the renovation
project, however, this estimate did not take into consideration the need for the outside
improvements. Ms. Siemer commented that they hope to kick off construction on "Make a
Difference Day" October 25, 1997, and is requesting that SPDC consider allocating the additional
funds needed to complete the project.
Board members questioned what would happen to the building once a permanent activity center
was built in 3-5 years. City Manager Curtis E. Hawk commented that the building could be left
there indefinitely; the City and other user groups are always needing meeting space.
A discussion was held on the possible use of SPDC matching funds. Scott Martin commented that
the matching fund program was intended to match dollars in the bank and not labor. Mr. Martin
stated that this program was started by the city, not the community - the city bought the land and
is donating the house and they are asking SPDC to help fund the rest.
Mr. LeVrier commented that the estimated cost of renovation was for a worst case scenario that
the committee approached the project as a long standing facility not a "band-aide" project. He
feels that we will be able to get more people to volunteer materials. Mr. LeVrier confirmed for
the members that this building could be easily expanded if the need arose.
Rick Stacy questioned how soon the project could be completed. Mr. Hawk commented that he
felt we would be able to get a lot of volunteers, as we did with the Adventure Alley project, and
he estimates the project being completed within 2-3 months.
Motion was made to authorize an additional $68,000 on top of the $50,000 previously approved
to bring the total funded amount to $118,000 for the renovation of the Eubanks house for a senior
adult center.
Motion: Martin
Second: Muller
Approved: Martin, Muller, Stacy, Yelton, Scratchard, Evans, Kendall
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 6. Bicentennial Park Phase II Concept Plan and Budget. Director of Parks
and Recreation Kim Lenoir presented to the Board the concept plan and budget for Bicentennial
Park Phase II as it was presented to the Park Board and Youth Park Board. Ms. Lenoir explained
that this phase shows an extension of the existing road into the park, the proposed new hockey
rink. and proposed new thirteen tennis courts, basketball court, and then the road would loop
around and back out. Rick Stacy expressed his concerns with only one way in and one way out.
He feels this is too large an area with too many activities going on to be accommodated by only
one access. David Yelton agreed and commented that he has been at the park when emergency
equipment has had to access off the road. Scott Martin expressed his fears that if there was
another access off White Chapel people would be using it as a means to bypass the traffic light
at a rapid speed the way he has seen them use the road behind the old Food Lion. Pamela Muller
commented that it would depend on the alignment - the road behind Food Lion is a straight away.
Kim Lenoir explained the other issues associated with the plans and costs associated with what
was desired for the park. Considerable discussion was held on the costs of the proposed hockey
rink and tennis pro-shop. Scott Martin expressed his concern with the high estimates that
appeared to be no where near what had been discussed previously. Ronnie Kendall commented
that the Board could not compare to the original budget because that was a bare-bones budget and
- that is why we are having trouble - the numbers were not realistic. Ms. Kendall explained that
she and the Park Board felt that they should take a step back - do less but do better. Jim Cooper
and Tary Arterburn with MESA Design Group explained the high costs as being associated with
the change in desires, for example, with the hockey rink, they had originally proposed an $80,000
project but were then asked to make some enhancements - lawn area around the rink. larger rink,
things not in the original budget, with the tennis courts - the Park Board felt they wanted a more
top of the line facility. MESA representatives commented that they could design whatever the
Board decided - they just needed to have direction. David Yelton commented that he did not have
a problem with the cost of the tennis courts but did have a problem with the cost of the pro-shop.
Robin Jones with the Park Board explained that the pro-shop was needed and would be manned
by someone who could collect money, provide security and do the scheduling of the courts. Ms.
Jones commented that it is very possible that it will pay for itself over time. Scott Martin
commented that he remembers being told on previous discussions that the shell of the pro-shop
would be built by the City and that the attendant would finish out the interior.
Further discussions were held regarding the cost of projects and what would be built and when.
David Yelton suggested that the SPDC have a joint meeting with the Park Board to work through
priorities. Rick Stacy commented that he would rather the Board not delay any further but to get
started on at least some of the projects.
Finance Director Lou Ann Heath suggested that the Board move to agenda item #8 the SPDC
budget for FY97-98 and then come back to agenda item #6 and #7 so that the Board will have a
better idea of what funds are available in the budget.
Agenda Item No. 8. SPDC Budget for FY 1997-98. Ms. Heath recapped the FY97-98 capital
projects budget stating that it incorporates the initial master plan estimates, the March 1997
approved capital projects budget, the additional $550,000 operating fund transfer and $175,000
interest earnings, plus the $500,000 Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant. Ms. Heath explained that
the Grant requires that the City expend funds on projects approved for the grant at Bob Jones
Park, and will then be reimbursed 50% by the State up to $500.000. Kim Lenoir added that an
additional $200,000 was freed up from Bob Jones Park projects due to a proposed land swap with
Ms. Tucker. Scott Martin suggested that the funds allocated for the berm south of Love Henry
Court, next to Bicentennial Park, be used for other projects.
(Board Member Ralph Evans had to leave the meeting at 8:05 p. m.)
MESA representatives commented that they could look at cutting some things down. The Board
suggested that alternate bids be made, for example, bid a hockey court with and without the
extras; bid the tennis courts with and without a pro-shop or a variation on the pro-shop; bid
basketball and volleyball court. It was suggested that they go back to the user groups to see where
cuts could be made and make suggestions on what can be done later - maybe the landscaping.
David Yelton questioned whether or not the City staff could do design and labor of landscaping.
Scott Martin and City Manager Curtis E. Hawk commented that staff was qualified but did not
have the time necessary to devote to such a project. Mr. Hawk also commented that the Board
needed to seriously consider leaving the reserve fund for land purchases. MESA representatives
recommended that they take another look at the plan taking everything into consideration and see
- what they can come up with.
Lou Ann Heath commented that she needed the Board to go back to the budget item and consider
action to approve the operating budget with the addition of $550,000 appropriation for capital
Motion was made to approve the amended operations and debt service fund budget presented
tonight with hand written comments including the transfer of the additional $550,000 from
operating fund to the capital projects fund.
Motion: Martin
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Kendall, Stacy, Muller
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0 (Board member Ralph Evans had left the meeting.)
Agenda Item No. 7. Bob Jones Park Phase I - Part B with Texas Parks and Wildlife
Development (TPWD) grant. Kim Lenoir went over the budget that was approved when the City
applied for the TPWD grant. Ms. Lenoir commented that, as a result of receiving the grant, we
could pursue some other improvements that we were unable to consider up to this point due to
funding constraints, for example, restroom and concession facilities. Kim Lenoir informed the
Board that the TPWD grant monies may be used only for specified items. The TPWD expects the
City to do the items they listed in their grant application.
Motion was made to continue the meeting to September 29, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. and table item nos.
6, 7, and 8 (capital project portion of budget) until then.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Martin
Ayes: Scratchard. Martin, Yelton, Kendall
Nays: Muller, Stacy
Approved: 4-2
Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion, Continental Hike and Bike Trail - Design and Budget.
Kim Lenoir commented that funds for the design phase of the trail have been budgeted.
Alignment of the road is yet to be settled. Ms. Lenoir stated that the cost estimates prepared by
Dunaway Associates are included in SPDC's packet. Costs include: 6' wide path, from White
Chapel to Davis Blvd., 9000 LF at $20/LF; three 70' long bridges at $30,000 each; 90 - 2"
caliper trees at 5220 each. Scott Martin questioned when there would be any drawings to review
that this was a lot of money to be considering. Kim Lenoir commented that staff met with
Dunaway Associates on Friday and saw the plans then for the first time. Staff wanted to bring
these cost estimates forward now while the Board was deliberating on their budget so that they
would have some idea of the cost estimates.
Agenda Item No. 10. Discussion. Quarterly Financial Report. Lou Ann Heath reported that
the quarterly financial report is included in the packet and shows the original budget that was
approved back in March and the remaining balance in each of the project fund, reserve for
unanticipated projects, the operating fund, and the debt service fund. Scott Martin brought
attention to the decline in sales tax and questioned what might have happened between the actual
amount received and what we had estimated. Lou Ann stated that she would check into it and
verify that everything has been reported properly.
Agenda Item No. 11. Discussion, Status Report. Kim Lenoir informed the Board that the
status report on capital projects was included in their packet and if they had any questions to
please feel free to contact her.
Agenda Item No. 12. Adjournment. Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
Motion: Martin
Second: Kendall
Approved: All
/ lr
David Yelton, President
Kim B 11 sh. Secretary
City Manager's Office
D: \ W P-FILES\SPDC' 97-09-1 5. MIN