Continuation of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 1997
September 29, 1997
Board Members Present: President David Yelton; Members: Ronnie Kendall, Scott Martin, Pamela
Muller (left at 7:05), Bethann Scratchard, and Rick Stacy.
Board Member Absent: Vice-President Ralph Evans
Staff Members Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Parks and Recreation Kim
Lenoir, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben
Henry, and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. President Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Discussion: David Yelton suggested that the Board discuss the capital projects budget first in order to
get a better idea of what funds are available. Finance Director Lou Ann Heath commented that the
document before the Board is a very rough draft - all figures will have to be rechecked. Ms. Heath
and Parks and Recreation Director Kim Lenoir went through the document and explained what
commitments had already been made and where funds needed to be allocated. Among the items the
Board agreed should be included or adjusted in the budget are as follows:
Revenues should include $550.000 transferred over from operating fund;
- Matching funds to remain
Under land acquisition - $81,441 can be added to the remaining balance after
considering the following:
-keep the extra funds that may be necessary to purchase Brunson property
-add in the funds allocated to purchase Tucker property - this will be purchased
through a trade
-leave the funds allocated for the Bicentennial Park north berm
Remaining planning cost can be reduced to $15,000. Planning and Construction
Superintendent Ben Henry confirmed that most of the planning documents needed have
been complete;
Senior Center Special Project ($68,000)- City Manager Curtis Hawk stated that he
believes we will get enough volunteers to complete the project as budgeted at
$118,000. Rick Stacy commented that the additional needed funds can be allocated out
the funds that were transferred over ($550,000) - this source should also include JUC
additional funds ($63.000) and Bicentennial Park additional projects ($80,805); -
Bob Jones Park - after consideration of the fence and soccer fields and including 1!2
matching grant funds. approximately $492,000 is available for Bob Jones at this point.
Scott Martin commented that based on previous estimates for Phase 1, Part B, cost for
projects total approximately $494,000. This estimate, however, does not include
restrooms or planning and construction fees.
(Board member Pamela Muller had to leave at 7:05 p.m. to attend another meeting)
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Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. President David Yelton announced that the SPDC Board
would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code,
Section 551.072, to discuss land acquisition.
SPDC adjourned for executive session at 7:15 p.m.
SPDC returned to open session at 7:56 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. Mr. Yelton announced that there was no action necessary as a
result of the executive session.
Agenda Item No. 6. Bicentennial Park Phase II Concept Plan and Budget. Parks and Recreation
Director Kim Lenoir presented the preliminary cost estimates for Bicentennial Park Phase II. Ms.
Lenoir commented that she, Ben Henry, Ronnie Kendall, and Robin Jones (representing Park Board
and Southlake Tennis Association) went through the budget and cut as much as possible. Ms. Lenoir
explained that this is the FY97-98 budget estimates, however, Phase II will not be completely built
until 1999. Ms. Lenoir informed the Board that the City will go out for bids in January, and by then,
we should know whether or not a land swap will be possible for building the remaining tennis courts.
Motion was made to approve the budget for Bicentennial Park Phase II, dated 9/29/97, bid package
Motion: Kendall
Second: Martin
Approved: Kendall, Martin, Yelton, Scratchard, Stacy
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry confirmed with the Board that he understands
staff is to bid alternates for various elements of the tennis complex.
(Board Member Rick Stacy and City Manager Curtis E. Hawk had to leave at 8:20 p.m. to attend
another meeting.)
Agenda Item No. 7. Bob Jones Park Phase I - Part B with TPWD grant. Board member Ronnie
Kendall commented that she would like to see the hike and bike trail moved up to phase one. Ms.
Kendall stated that she feels it is important to have more than soccer fields in the first phase for other
citizens. Kim Lenoir said that the trail follows the loop road planned for phase two and it would be
difficult to build the trail without the road, however, she would look at the numbers again to see if the
trails can be moved up. Ms. Lenoir commented that the lights for the soccer fields were taken out of
phase one at the last meeting. Scott Martin suggested that the playground be built in two phases.
Mr. Martin also commented that the boy scouts may be able to help with the day camp near the nature
center. Ms. Kendall suggested that the Park Board bring a recommendation to SPDC on the phasing
of the grant funds.
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Motion was made to table Item No. 7 until the next regular meeting on October 20, 1997.
Motion: Martin
Second: Kendall
Ayes: Kendall, Martin, Yelton, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved to table: 4-0
Agenda Item No. 8. SPDC Budget for FY 1997-98; capital project portion of budget continued.
Scott Martin commented that he would rather all the Board members be present to vote on the capital
projects portion of the budget, and David Yelton stated that the document was too rough a draft to
Motion was made to table Item No. 8 until the next regular meeting on October 20, 1997.
Motion: Martin
Second: Kendall
Ayes: Kendall, Martin, Yelton, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved to table: 4-0
Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion. Continental Hike and Bike Trail.
Ronnie Kendall presented to the Board a report from Park Board member Sherry Berman regarding
the need to allocate funds for this project if not in the budget then in the next bond issue. Ms.
Berman expressed concerns about the reconstruction plans for Continental Blvd. and the impact it will
have on the trails. Ms. Kendall commented that she spoke with City Manager Curtis E. Hawk who
explained that it would not make a difference to the trails - only grading will be done where the trail
is planned.
Agenda Item No. 12. Adjournment.
There being no further discussion, motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Motion: Martin
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: Kendall, Martin, Yelton, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 4-0
President David Yelton _
kim;'Bush.Acting City Secretary
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