1997-08-18 SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING August 18, 1997 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, President; W. Ralph Evans, Vice-President (arrived at 6:40 p.m.). Members: Scott Martin, Bethann Scratchard, Rick Stacy, Pamela Muller and Ronnie Kendall. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation; Ben Henry, Park Planing and Construction Superintendent; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order President David Yelton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present. Agenda Item #2, Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. President Yelton advised that SPDC would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, for the purpose of land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for executive session at 6:01 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:58 p.m. Agenda Item #3, Reconvene: Action Necessary/Executive Session As a result of the executive session, Scott Martin made a motion, "That SPDC direct staff to begin negotiations at the appraised value for the second parcel that we discussed and I also move that we also recommend to staff that they acquire an appraisal for the first parcel of property that we spoke of and negotiate within the minimum/maximum range that we had discussed." Chairman Yelton asked that the motion be split into the two different motions and Mr. Martin agreed, noting that the first parcel be acted upon "as so stated with the minimum/maximum negotiation and acquiring an appraisal on the first larger parcel." Mr. Martin clarified the motion by explaining that since the first item discussed in the Executive Session was the larger parcel, his motion is that that issue [the larger parcel of the two discussed] should be the first motion. Mr. Yelton, along with interjections from Scott Martin, restated that the motion is to authorize the staff to first get an appraisal, then enter into negotiations within the range that SPDC discussed in Executive Session for minimum/maximum value, pursuant to the appraised value that SPDC should have within the next 30 days, with a 60-day window for an option on the property. Motion: Martin Seconded: Muller Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Muller, Evans, Kendall and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 SPDC Meeting, 8118197 - 1 of 7 Scott Martin made the second motion in regards to the discussion during the Executive Session to authorize staff to begin the negotiations for the second parcel of land at the appraised value. Motion: Martin Seconded: Muller Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Muller, Evans, Kendall and Stacy Nays: Yelton Approved: 6-1 Agenda Item #4, Consent: Interlocal Agreement with the City of North Richland Hills and the City of Colleyville for the Cottonbelt Hike and Bike Trail ISTEA Grant Project on Highway 26 This item was discussed at the previous meeting. Ronnie Kendall asked about the City's physical participation and cost of the trail. The City's physical portion of the entire trail is only 1 Cost estimates for the City's portion are provided in the budget. There was no further discussion of this item. Scott Martin made a motion to approve the interlocal agreement with the cities of North Richland Hills and Colleyville for the Cottonbelt Hike and Bike Trail. Pamela Muller seconded the motion. Motion: Martin Seconded: Muller Ayes: Martin, Muller, Scratchard, Yelton, Stacy, Evans and Kendall Nays: None Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item #5, pproval of the July 14, 1997 Meeting Minutes Scott Martin asked for clarification on Agenda Item #6, first paragraph of the minutes, last sentence, where it says "the plan is to bid the next phase..." Ms. Lenoir explained that Phase I was split into two parts, A and B. Part A of Phase I is the grading plan and Part B of Phase I is the turf and irrigation. She said the plan is to bid Phase I-B in November. On Page 5, under "Neighborhood Parks," second paragraph, Mr. Yelton asked to have the minutes amended to credit Rick Stacy and Scott Martin with comments made regarding the surfacing of the parking lots, rather than he and Rick Stacy. No other corrections/additions were noted by the committee members. Rick Stacy made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Pamela Muller seconded the motion. Motion: Stacy Seconded: Muller Ayes: Stacy, Muller, Kendall, Martin, Evans, Scratchard and Yelton Nays: None Approved: 7-0 approved as amended Agenda Item #6, Consider: SPDC Operational Budget for FY 1997-98 Finance Director Lou Ann Heath called attention to the SPDC Operating Budget report found in the members packet (attached to minutes). It includes copies of sheets from City Council's work book for their budget work sessions. The Council will have the first reading on the overall SPDC Meeting, 8118197 - 2 of 7 budget, which includes these items, on August 19 with second reading on September 3, so it is appropriate for SPDC to review this list at this time. Ms. Heath explained the SPDC Operating Budget includes 100% funding for one position, the Park Planing and Construction Superintendent held by Ben Henry. The remaining SPDC funds are kept for SPDC projects. She reminded members that during the last discussions held to determine the allocation of funds for projects, $590,000 was allocated out of the SPDC operating budget and incorporated into the SPDC plan. The `98 Budget proposes $1,357,500 in sales tax based on a 15 % growth in the existing tax base with the addition of an amount for Home Depot. The 15 % factor takes into account the ancillary businesses that are going in across the street from the City Administration building, such as the book store, PetsMart, etc. Another expenditure in the SPDC Operating Fund is the Debt Service. Ms. Heath said when the debt was refunded recently, they combined the two outstanding issues and issued additional debt, leaving just one bond issue that is outstanding. The debt service is reflected on the report as a "transfer out" of $651,812, which shows as a "transfer in" on the SPDC Debt Service Fund report. Ms. Heath discussed the appropriation of fund balance. In accordance with the SPDC's adopted policy to maintain a 15 % fund balance and funds are shown maintained as the policy requires. Once these funds are appropriated as fund balance, approximately $550,000 additional funds are available for projects. Ms Heath explained how this calculation was arrived at and said that there will be funds available yearly to roll into capital projects. Mr. Yelton recapped Ms. Heath's discussion and stated that the Ending Fund Balance has $550,000 more than what SPDC needs to be at an ending fund balance at the end of next fiscal year. Scott Martin questioned where the monies for the bond sales were shown in the budget. Ms. Heath explained that the capital projects are a separate fund that had been acted upon previously. The capital projects budget can be brought forward again showing the additional monies that are available to appropriate, the interest that has been accumulating, and the list of unfunded needs then action could be taken from that. Mr. Martin commented that he would leave it in staff's hands. Ronnie Kendall presented a copy of the Park Board's June 19 meeting minutes showing where the Board had prioritized the unfunded needs that are listed. David Yelton expressed concern with using bond money for 20 year financing for safety nets or joint use equipment or anything that has a relatively short asset life. Ms. Heath went over the list of those items to be funded through the SPDC (list attached to minutes). These items are not funded through borrowed money, but can be funded through the operating budget. Motion was made to approve the reappropriation of the $550,000 for projects. Motion: Scratchard Second: Evans Ayes: Scratchard, Evans, Yelton, Kendall, Abstained: Stacy, (Muller out of the room) Approved: 4-0-2 SPDC Meeting, 8118197 - 3 of 7 (Scott Martin had to leave the meeting at 7:15 (prior to the vote) to attend the Tree Preservation Meeting.) Motion was made to fund the park items recommended by the Park Board and staff through SPDC funds. Motion: Kendall Second: Scratchard Ayes: Kendall, Scratchard, Evans, Yelton Approved: 4-0 (Stacy and Muller out of the room) Agenda Item V. Consider: Bob Jones Park Construction Plans (Budget) Phase I Parks and Recreation Director Kim Lenoir informed the members that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department staff was recommending approval of the $500,000 matching funds grant for Bob Jones Park. Ms. Lenoir pointed out that the recommendation is very specific with reference to the type of development that the grant money would be used for. Ms. Lenoir stated that staff would be bringing back this part of the development in more detail at the next SPDC meeting. Ms. Lenoir commented that using grant funds may be "spread out" over three years. Eddie Cheatham with Cheatham and Associates presented the four alternative designs for the parking lot. Currently a total of 526 spaces have been planned for the park. Concerns about the cost of building all 526 parking spaces at this time were discussed. It was suggested that SPDC look at constructing in two phases rather than all at once. Mr. Cheatham explained that there would be cost savings for doing it all at one time but that it would not necessarily be significant. Eddie Cheatham informed Member Rick Stacy that they would put in additional islands to ensure that the parking lot is not a continous sea of asphalt. Eddie Cheatham discussed several options for constructing the lot. David Yelton questioned the availability of funds for sodding the soccer fields. Kim Lenoir explained the funds were allocated for landscaping and staff estimated that at least half of the fields could be sodded. She also reminded the members that we will also have grant money available to put into the soccer fields. Mr. Yelton referenced the budget for the July 10 meeting which at that time showed a total budget of $1.47 million of which $443,000 was budgeted for parking and $115,000 for landscaping and berm. Mr. Yelton would like to see the parking fund set at $250,000 and transfer the difference in the $443,000, that was allocated, to landscaping and sod. Boyd Dollar, 525 Brooks Ct. Mr. Dollar wanted to emphasize that the capital expenditures are not just for soccer. The Park Board recommended strongly that the park amenities be developed properly. He would hate to see the City do anything other than what the Park Board recommended. He believes if you can do the whole thing with 4 inches of asphalt then that is what should be done. He commented that the citizens are going to want to see what they are getting for this amount of capital expenditures other than just soccer fields the parking lots are SPDC Meeting, 8118197 - 4 of 7 going to be for the entire park. He doesn't want to see a parking lot that will be just big enough to accommodate people there for soccer. City Manager Curtis Hawk agreed that it should not be staff making these decisions but rather it should be the SPDC and Park Board. Kim Lenoir stated that she believes she understands the direction staff should take to proceed with parking and landscaping/sod. Ms. Lenoir confirmed that currently work is being done on the soccer fields and the pond. Eddie Cheatham stated that for bidding purposes they will go with the 4 inches of hot mix with different alternatives on the size to stay within a $275,000 budget. Doug Fierce, 2419 Greenbough and a member of the Park Board, commented that the Park Board recommends a hard surface for the parking. Members reiterated that it will be a hard surface. Motion was made to revise the budget amount for parking to $300,000 and authorize staff to advertise for bids for concrete header and 4 inch asphalt surface and the remainder of the money that was included in the budget for parking be transferred to sod. Motion: Rick Stacy Second: Ralph Evans Ayes: Stacy, Evans, Yelton, Muller, Kendall, Scratchard Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item #8, Consider: Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase II Plans and Budget Kim Lenoir informed the members that Phase II of Bicentennial Park was to include the Brunson property and the property we hope to swap behind the bank, and property traded behind the Food Lion. Ms. Lenoir discussed the plan as recommended by Mesa. The plan calls for a hockey court (possibly two), sand volleyball courts, basketball courts, and tennis complex behind the bank. There is not enough money to do it all--it will have to be done in phases over a 2-3 year period. Staff is proposing to do the parking lot, road extension, hockey court, and 8 tennis courts. Then in year two or three add four more tennis courts, pro shop and pavilion, basketball and volleyball courts and a second hockey court. Staff is looking for direction. Rick Stacy asked that consideration be given to connecting the road no matter how crooked it may need to be. Ralph Evans suggested that if this was done the park would need to be closed at night. City Manager Curtis Hawk commented that consideration also needed to be given to connecting the road for safety reasons. Jim Cooper with Mesa was also present to discuss Phase II construction and budget modifications. Ms. Lenoir explained the need for $63,000 for underground drainage. The next phase which would be site improvements includes expansion of road coming into the park, 150 additional parking spaces, restroom facility, eight tennis courts, stage and lighting, the pro shop and pavilion is proposed to be put off to a year from now. One basketball court is shown to put off for another year so that those funds could be put in to offset the cost needed for the underground drainage. Staff would recommended not putting off the construction of benches, penalty box, bleachers, etc. for the hockey court. These should be done at the same time as the court. Ms. Lenoir commented that she felt staff could still work these things into the current budget by shifting things around. SPDC Meeting, 8118197 - 5 of 7 Board members suggested that staff go forward to the user group and Park Board and let them make the recommendation of what is needed, when and in what order. Rick Stacy suggested that staff look at going out for bids on the one year and two year items i.e., advertise for 8 tennis courts and 12 tennis courts and then decide based on the bids received what can be paid for. Agenda Item #9, Discussion: Status Report of SPDC Projects Mayor Stacy questioned the status of the senior center and whether or not the cost for renovation would be more than the cost to build a new center. Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton informed the Board that the group has been working on those cost figures and would be bringing those forward to the SPDC at their next meeting. Finance Director Lou Ann Heath introduced financial advisor Jim Sabonis. Ms. Heath explained that Mr. Sabonis was present to explain to the Board the sequence of events that would be necessary if the Board wanted to proceed with a subordinate lien revenue bond. Mr. Sabonis explained that he reviewed the Board's current status of financing based on the existing revenue stream and what the capacity would be to fund additional needs. Mr. Sabonis discussed current debt outstanding and what those limitations would allow the Board to do, what current revenues were available and what the impact of funding of a specific program amount would mean based on the corporations capacity at this time would be. Mr. Sabonis explained the formula used in estimating the capacity for additional debt based on current balances and sales tax growth projections. Ms. Heath commented that subordinate revenue bonds are a good opportunity to leverage funding and are appropriate for purchasing land. Board members commented that they would be interested in seeing each month where they stand on this capacity to issue debt and not issue any more debt until absolutely necessary so that when the opportunity came available to purchase land, the corporation's line of credit will be in a better position to do so. Agenda Item #10, Adjournment Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Attest: David Yelton, President Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary D: \WP-FILES\SPDC\97-08-18. MIN SPDC Meeting, 8118197 - 6 of 7