1998-03-16 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING March 16, 1998 MINUTES Board Members Present: Vice President Ralph Evans; Members: Scott Martin, Pamela Muller, Bethann Scratchard, Rick Stacy. Board Members Absent: Robin Jones, David Yelton Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, Community Services Manager Kevin Hugman, Finance Director Lou Ann Heath, Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Ralph Evans at 6:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. Evans announced that there was nothing to report in executive session. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. No executive session was held. CONSENT AGENDA. • Item No. 4. Approval of the February 16, 1998 meeting minutes. Mr. Evans informed the Board that there was one correction to the minutes pointed out by Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry - page 1, last paragraph, last sentence should read: "Ben Henry commented ...the hard and so trails to not get...... Mr. Henry clarified for the Board that the soft trails will cross the equestrian trail once. • Item No. 5. Change Order No. 1 to add gates to the contract with Ratliff Iron Works for the fence at Bob Jones Park. Motion was made to approve the February 16, 1998 meeting minutes as corrected and approve Change Order No. 1 to add gates to the contract Ratliff Iron Works for the fence at Bob Jones Park. Motion: Muller Second: Scratchard Ayes: Muller, Scratchard, Evans, Stacy, Martin Nays: none Approved: 5-0 MINUTES OF SPDC MEETING, MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 1 OF 5 Agenda Item No. 6. Budget Amendment - Development of Koalaty Park. Parks Director Kim Lenoir presented to the Board cost estimates for development of Koalaty Park as prepared by Ben Henry. Ms. Lenoir commented that the estimates do not include any architectural engineering fees which should be approximately 15 % in additional costs. Ms. Lenoir stated that the likely next step before making budget adjustments would be to identify priorities with the Park Board on all the neighborhood parks which staff is hoping to bring back at the next SPDC meeting. Scott Martin noted that the changes recommended by the Park Board were not incorporated in the cost estimates for Koalaty. Mr. Martin recommended that SPDC also receive some idea of what those additional costs would include, i.e., the recommendation for an additional 25 parking spaces, restroom relocation, fencing, etc. Ben Henry commented that there would not be any additional cost for relocating the restroom or fence; the parking would be an additional cost. Pamela Muller commented on the need to make every effort to add additional parking for the sake of the neighborhood which has been experiencing a problem with the overflow parking. Ms. Lenoir commented that Ben Henry will finalize the plan, as recommended by the Park Board, and then the plan will be taken forward through the process - to P&Z and City Council. City Manager Curtis E. Hawk commented that the City has already set in motion ambitious plans for Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park, and is planning additional parks. These plans will require significant funding. Additionally, the highest priority is the need to purchase more land. Rick Stacy would like to see the Board direct staff to work towards a plan that would fit within the budget and just see what can be accomplished. Kim Lenoir commented that there is a good chance the Royal and Annie Smith Park will have some opportunities for development through shared expenses with the Keller I.S.D. Mr. Stacy commented that it would be beneficial for KISD to come to an SPDC meeting to share what their plans are so that something could be coordinated with the City. Ben Henry commented that he has spoken with the KISD engineer (TPM) and they are working to get something together. Ms. Lenoir stated that staff would get numbers together and a priority list from the Park Board to bring to the next meeting. Mr. Stacy stated that he understands the need to purchase land, however, he would like to see funds used to complete more projects on the land the City already owns. Mr. Hawk suggested that no action be taken on this item, but rather have staff work on a plan to phase in everything and bring back to the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Stacy also commented about including the Timarron/Richards tract in a plan. He feels that citizens are concerned that we have land that the City owns, but has not yet developed a plan for its use. Agenda Item No. 7. Discuss. Schematic Plan for Bob Jones Park, Phase II. MINUTES OF SPDC MEETING, MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 2 OF 5 Kim Lenoir introduced Ron Hobbs architect for the Bob Jones Park, Phase II project. Ms. Lenoir ,ommented that Mr. Hobbs presented to the Park Board the design for the pavilion, and they were very pleased with the design. Ms. Lenoir stated that, once SPDC approves the schematics, the next step would be to move forward with the construction plans. Mr. Hobbs explained the design concept for the pavilion. He commented that every effort was made to blend with the lake and surrounding area by providing a rustic and natural setting with the pavilion. Mr. Hobbs explained in detail the boardwalk, slope of wall and roof in relation to slope of land and lake, railings, and materials to be used including fieldstone walls, lighting with non-breakable lenses, sculptured shingles, or metal roofing, steel supports for inside roofing, etc. The Board discussed the need/preference to keep building designs uniform, long-term, low maintenance materials i.e., steel with natural color, use of hard native sandstone. Mr. Stacy also suggested that the height of the pavilion wall be lowered in order to be able to view the playground from the pavilion. Scott Martin mentioned that the engineers need to study the grades of the lake to determine if a railing is needed or maybe a step down needs to be provided so that citizens will be able to fish, launch remote control boats, etc. from the edge of the lake similar to Chisholm park in Hurst. The Board would prefer not to have a barrier. Examples discussed were the Fort Worth Water Gardens and the San Antonio Riverwalk. Rick Stacy discussed the need to still consider a fishing pier away from this area, somewhere quieter. Kim Lenoir explained that the area all around the lake will be maintained so that fishing can be done from the bank. Mr. Hobbs commented that tonight he wanted to get feed back on the concept. He will bring the plan back in more detail and examples of material to be used. Mr. Martin questioned the playground area. Kim Lenoir confirmed that Phase II as shown on the plan will remain a grassy area that in the future could be developed with other amenities for small children. Mr. Hobbs confirmed that the stone seat wall would be of the same material as used on the pavilion. Bethann Scratchard questioned the trees and whether the trees would screen the view for parents from the playground. Ms. Lenoir commented that there would be a fence completely around the playground. Ben Henry commented that he is still working with the landscape architect on the playground shade trees and where they should be placed. Mr. Hobbs thanked the Board for the input and commented that he would be incorporating as much as possible into the plan and bring back to the Board for review. Agenda Item No. 8. Discuss. Future Bond Sale. Finance Director Lou Ann Heath commented that the Board at the last meeting asked for an update on the current and future senior lien debt capacity of SPDC. Ms. Heath introduced City financial consultant Jim Sabonis with First Southwest Company. MINUTES OF SPDC MEETING, MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 3 OF 5 Mr. Sabonis referenced the debt schedules he prepared and provided for the Board in their packet. He explained that $1.84 million in additional debt could be issued right now based on SPDC's current sales tax collections. However, if the SPDC waited until the end of the fiscal year, and the budgeted sales tax for the remainder of the year were collected, SPDC could issue $4.5 million in bonds. He further explained that the schedules assume a 25 year amortization at a 6% interest rate. Mr. Sabonis stated that for every $10,000 that SPDC receives in additional sales tax for the prior year could fund approximately $145,000 in new debt. Ralph Evans commented that knowing this should show us the need to look at "nailing down" now the land that we are anticipating needing with an option to close as late as possible - October, November, etc. Ms. Heath commented that she could work with Kim Lenoir and put figures together to see what it would take to purchase more land and also complete the construction projects discussed. It was the consensus of the Board to wait as long as possible before issuing more bonds, but if there was land that needed to be purchased, to go ahead and move forward with getting a deal put together to close as late as possible. Rick Stacy added that he would like to see how much money would be needed out of the next issue to be able to complete projects that are already in place versus new projects that could be looked at i.e., a possible YMCA shared project and a community center is very badly needed. Staff confirmed that they would work up something. Agenda Item No 9 Discuss Financial Report/Budget and Agenda Item No 10, Discuss Status Report of SPDC Projects. Ms. Heath stated that she worked with Kim Lenoir to make sure all of the components for the Bob Jones Park budget were included in the Financial Report/Budget-including the grant proceeds and the corresponding expenditure. Mr. Martin questioned whether Mr. Hobbs was comfortable with the figures he has to work with on the pavilion project. Ms. Lenoir stated that he was well aware of the budget he needed to work within. Mr. Evans questioned the number of lighted soccer fields at Bob Jones Park and whether or not it was an adequate number. Ms. Lenoir explained that there were two; the associations would like to have more, but the neighbors were promised there would only be two lighted fields. Ms. Lenoir commented that eventually we would need to look at another area for an additional soccer complex in order to meet all the needs at the City's build out. Ms. Lenoir mentioned that we are looking at doing something jointly with the City of Grapevine at Medowmere. Ms. Lenoir also informed the Board that we are about 1/2 of where we need to be with ball fields. Rick Stacy commented that he had spoken with James Arnold construction regarding the grading for practice ballfields on the other side of the pond at Bob Jones Park. Ms. Lenoir commented that staff hopes to bring a change order forward to the next meeting. MINUTES OF SPDC MEETING, MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 4 OF 5 Ms. Scratchard questioned the status of funds used for the Senior Center. Ms. Yelverton commented that it is still way under what was budgeted. Mr. Martin commented that he understands the center has not yet secured a sound system, so perhaps some of the budgeted funds could be used for that purpose. Mr. Stacy suggested that perhaps the park department could give their system to the senior center and parks could purchase of new system for their use. The Board and staff discussed the need to develop a plan for standard signage at all of the parks. Agenda Item No. 11. Adjournment. There being no further discussion, motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Vice President Ra Evans ATTEST: Ki Bush S cretary to the City Manager MINUTES OF SPDC MEETING, MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 5 OF 5