1998-01-19 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING January 19, 1998 MINUTES Board Members Present: President David Yelton; Members: Scott Martin, Bethann Scratchard, Ralph Evans, Pamela Muller. Board Members Absent: Rick Stacy and Robin Jones. Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush, Community Services Manager Kevin Hugman, and Finance Director Lou Ann Heath (arrived later). Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President David Yelton at 6:00 p.m. President Yelton announced that Robin Jones has been appointed to the SPDC Board, but would not be able to make the meeting tonight due to flight delays. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. President Yelton announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:04 SPDC returned to Open Session at 6:40 Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session. CONSENT AGENDA. • Item No. 4. Approval of the December 15, 1997 meeting minutes. • Item No. 5. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with MESA Design for the Cottonbelt ISTEA Grant Trail. • Item No. 6. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Municipal Corridor Use License with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for a hike and bike trail within the DART owned Cottonbelt railroad right-of-way. MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 1 OF 7 Scott Martin questioned staff on the $30,000 fee for professional design services, on agenda Item No. 5. Mr. Martin stated that the entire budget for the project is $48,000, therefore, does that mean our contribution for construction will only be $18,000? Director Lenoir explained that the State pays the City back 80% of design and construction. Therefore, the design services will actually only cost us $6,000 (20% of the $30,000). There were no other questions regarding the consent items. Motion was made to approve consent agenda items 4, 5, and 6. Motion: Pamela Muller Second: Bethann Scratchard Ayes: Muller, Scratchard, Evans, Martin, Yelton Nays: none Approved: 5-0 President Yelton requested that Item No. 10 be moved to the top of the Consider Items list. Agenda Item No. 10. Funding Approval for Carroll Middle School Parking Lot City Manager Curtis E. Hawk explained that staff was able to work with CISD through some of the specific issues associated with the increased cost of the middle school parking lot. Mr. Hawk explained that CISD will assume full responsibility for the cost of those things not associated directly with the parking lot itself, i.e., fire lane, pavement extension, etc. In addition, CISD has agreed to split the difference between the original $70,000 budgeted by SPDC and the new estimate of $101,959.00, resulting in additional funds needed from SPDC of $15,979.50. Mr. Hawk informed the Board that he believed there will be funds left over from the Senior Center renovation project to cover this additional cost. Mr. Hawk expressed the need for the parking lot for both the school and the City given the number of programs that are being offered. Mr. Hawk stated that, in all likelihood, this relatively small project would probably not attract a lower bid. Mr. Hawk also commented that normally asphalt would be preferred, but because this will not have traffic, like that on a city street, he feels comfortable with the use of concrete because in this case concrete would probably last longer. He recommended to the Board that they approve the additional funds needed. Scott Martin asked to see a copy of the design, and Eddie Cheatham, Cheatham and Associates, was able to provide. Scott Martin questioned the TxDOT end treatments. Mr. Cheatham explained that it was the safety end treatment at the end of the culverts. Mr. Martin also questioned the existing curbs for fire lanes and whether or not there were curbs in this area. It was explained that these curbs were under the canopy next to the building. Mr. Martin commented that, as he has stated before, his solution to this problem was to post "no parking" and "tow away zone" signs. He feels we have a lot of parking lots out there and he hates to see us spend the money for another one. Mr. Hawk explained that the biggest problem is that there is MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 2 OF 7 no parking near the gym which creates a real safety concern for the adults and youth who participate in activities at the gym both night and day. Mr. Martin commented that he did not see anything on the plans for landscaping and questioned whether we were waiving that requirement of the ordinance. Mr. Cheatham commented that islands were being provided--landscaping is something they can look at later. Mr. Martin stated that he wanted to be sure that we comply with City ordinance requirements, and feels thankful that we will be able to fund this with the money left over from the Senior Center project. Mr. Yelton commented that we need to have a landscape plan come forward later. In response to Mr. Evans' question, Cheatham explained that sleeves were being provided in the islands for irrigation. Motion was made to approve the funding for the Carroll Middle School parking lot as presented. Motion: Scratchard Second: Evans Ayes: Scratchard, Evans, Martin, Muller, Yelton Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 7. Plans for Bicentennial Park Expansion - Phase II Parks and Recreation Director Kim Lenoir explained to the Board that MESA Design plans to bid phase II expansion in three packages. Mr. Cooper with MESA explained that bid package one will include all grading, utilities, parking, and site lighting; bid package two will include the tennis courts, basketball courts and hockey courts with lighting; and, bid package three will include all the buildings - the tennis center/pro-shop and the small restroom. Ms. Lenoir further explained that staff would like to bid package one and two now but wait on bid package three until site work and court work is near completion - probably by the end of summer. In response to questions from Bethann Scratchard regarding the volleyball courts, Ms. Lenoir explained to the Board that the project David McMahan has been working on will take some time, however, Mr. McMahan has agreed to replace the volleyball courts once his project is complete. Until then, the volleyball courts that are there will remain. Ms. Lenoir assured the Board that there are sufficient alternate sites to relocate the courts when the time comes. Ms. Lenoir confirmed with MESA that the volleyball courts should not be a part of the bid package. David Yelton questioned the costs associated with each of the bids compared to what has been budgeted. Mr. Cooper commented that the items included in bid package one are site development, 1/2 mile loop road (not a trail-loop), and parking lot for approximately $400,000; bid package two includes all of the courts - eight tennis courts, two basketball courts, and the in-line hockey court and landscape/irrigation for approximately $700,000-$800,000; and, bid package three includes the pro- shop and restroom facilities for approximately $550,000 - $600,000. Mr. Cooper confirmed that these costs include design/contractor/contingency fees. He commented that they have not done an official bid estimate yet, but they want to hold to the original budget of $1,910,000. If the volleyball courts are taken out, it will be reduced to $1.9 million. Mr. Cooper commented that at one point the City had indicated they may be in a position to do the landscape and irrigation on their own, and if this was the case, that could be pulled out as well, however it would still need to be a budgeted item. MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 3 OF 7 Martin questioned whether the 40% cut in the landscaping budget (in order to add other things) eliminated the $25,000 that had been set aside for the tree project. Mr. Martin expressed his concern that this much was cut from a park landscaping project. Ms. Lenoir explained that this was the recommendation that came back from the Park Board to help pay for the other things. Mr. Cooper continued with the review of the layout plans and explained that they attempted to lump like projects together, i.e., all the courts in one package, to help minimize the project management costs. Scott Martin questioned whether the area between the ball fields was sufficient. David Yelton commented that this was similar to what you would find on basketball courts at a gym where you will have two games going on at the same time and the balls cross over into another playing area. Mr. Yelton questioned whether there would be other uses for the hockey rink. Ms. Lenoir commented that perhaps soccer, similar to indoor soccer play. Mr. Cooper confirmed that the rink would be large enough for soccer purposes. In response to Mr. Martins' questions regarding access to the rink, Mr. Cooper explained that there would be access at the players benches. Mr. Cooper continued by presenting the layout of the pro-shop and informed the Board that the facility was designed in collaboration with the Southlake Tennis Association. Mr. Yelton confirmed with MESA that there would also be another restroom/storage facility planned closer to the tennis courts. Ms. Lenoir commented that the plans for these facilities would be brought forward again when they were ready to bid package three. She explained that MESA was only recommending bidding package one and two tonight, and then come back for package three after some of the other construction was out of the way. Bethann Scratchard expressed concern with no restroom facility near the day care area within the pro- shop. Ms. Lenoir explained that the Tennis Association considers this to be a very short-term day care facility, only for the hour that they would be out on the court. David Yelton suggested that since this plan was not being considered for bid at this time, the Board may want to hold off approving the plan so that other options could be looked at. Scott Martin commented that he also had some concerns with the design of the ladies shower/restroom area regarding privacy and security. Tary Arteburn, with MESA Design Group, commented that, even though they are not asking for the plan to be approved tonight, this is the kind of input needed in order to get the architect started. Mr. Arteburn suggested that members of the SPDC Board and the Tennis Association may want to meet with the architect to go over some of these options/concerns. Ms. Lenoir commented that the Tennis Association has met with the architect on a couple of occasions, and they were very pleased with this plan. David Yelton asked that staff go ahead and put together a work session with Scott Martin and Robin Jones, and any one else interested, prior to coming back to the Board with this plan. MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 4 OF 7 Motion was made to approve Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II plans as submitted delaying acceptance of the pro-shop and restroom/storage facilities. Motion: Martin Second: Muller Ayes: Martin, Muller, Evans, Scratchard, Yelton Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 8. Authorization to bid Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II Motion was made to authorize staff to bid Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II, bid package one and bid package two. Motion: Martin Second: Muller Prior to the vote, Mr. Martin wanted to make sure that staff fully informs all contractors working on this project where all the utilities will be needed and located for all items/facilities. He would like to see that all contractors acknowledge their understanding of this so that no one can come back and say they were not told. Ayes: Martin, Muller, Evans, Scratchard, Yelton Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 9. Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II, Professional Services Contract Amendment with MESA Design Group. Tary Arteburn commented that at a previous meeting the mayor asked that they be more specific on what changes have occurred to warrant a request for additional monies. Mr. Arteburn explained that two main things contributed to the change from the current $1,350,000 budget and the proposed $1,910,000. One was the pro-shop being as elaborate as it is, and secondly the expanded facilities around the hockey rink from essentially a simple fence to what is now more like a stadium arrangement. Mr. Arteburn explained that this results in more drawings, more site work, more civil costs, additional sidewalks, etc. They are requesting an additional $39,410 in fees, bringing their total fees to $161,000. Scott Martin questioned why we needed platting services why we would not do this through our own staff. Mr. Arteburn commented that they would normally do that for a city park if it is previously unplatted, however, they would not have a problem with city staff preparing the documents needed. Ms. Lenoir commented that the Tennis Association is now satisfied with the work that is progressing on the project, and to go out now and hire someone else to do the buildings will probably end up costing us more. MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 5 OF 7 Scott Martin expressed his displeasure with MESA's request for additional monies. He commented that when he was involved with the interviewing of consultants for this project, he had questioned over and over if the applicants could meet the budget and MESA was the only one who said they could. Mr. Martin stated that he did not feel it was good business to do this to a client. Mr. Yelton thanked Mr. Martin again for the efforts that went in to the interviewing of consultants, and he also expressed his disappointment in the substantial changes since that time. David Yelton called for a motion for consideration of agenda item No. 9. No motion was made and Mr. Yelton announced that the item died for lack of a motion. Ralph Evans asked to revisit item #9. Mr. Evans commented that a motion needed to be made one way or the other because the project was going out for bids and we need to decide what we are going to do. He commented that he will make a motion to approve and if it dies for lack of a second, then he will make a motion to disapprove, but feels the Board cannot just let it die. Mr. Evans stated that if we need to come back and rework some things then that needs to be arranged but because of the bids we need to move forward. Motion was made to approve Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II Professional Services Contract Amendment with MESA Design Group. Motion: Evans Second: Scratchard Ayes: Evans, Scratchard, Muller Nays: Martin, Yelton Approved: 3-2 Agenda Item No. 11. Discussion. Landscape Plans for Bob Jones Park, Phase I (Northern Berm), Kim Lenoir presented to the Board the landscaping plan for the north berm of Bob Jones Park as prepared by Lauren Griffith Associates, landscape architects. Pamela Muller commented that she was under the impression that these berms were for screening purposes and would be planted with some kind of evergreen. She does not feel the suggested trees will provide much of a screen in the winter months. Ben Henry commented that we could do this with live oaks which is not on the list but could be done. Mr. Henry suggested cedar trees to add a more natural setting to the area. Ms. Muller commented that she will be satisfied with what staff recommends as long as screening can be provided year round. Scott Martin expressed his dissatisfaction with the landscape plan he believes it was very poorly done. Mr. Martin also pointed out that none of the earlier suggestions he had made about adding some type of concrete post-type fence, meandering in the area, was considered. Agenda Item No. 12. Discussion. Financial Report/Budget. MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 6 OF 7 David Yelton thanked Finance Director Lou Ann Heath for providing the budget in a format that they were able to work with during the meeting. Ms. Heath commented that there were a couple of items approved at the last meeting that have not been included in this budget but will be shown in the next report. Scott Martin referenced footnote (2) on the budget form (noted in column H) and questioned where the $621,600 was included in the budget. Ms. Heath commented that this amount is reflected in line 22 of the budget report, so the footnote should be deleted. Mr. Martin also commented that he would like to make sure the Park Board understands where the SPDC budget stands prior to them looking at submitting more capital projects during mid year reviews. Agenda Item No. 13. Discussion. Status Report of SPDC Projects. The report was available, no questions or discussion was necessary. Agenda Item No. 14. Adjournment. Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. G President David ton ATTEST: K' Bush Se retary to the City Manager MINUTES, SPDC MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1998, PAGE 7 OF 7