1998-08-17 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING August 17, 1998 MINUTES Board Members Present: President Scott Martin; Members: Ralph Evans, Robin Jones, Ronnie Kendall, Norm Lyons, Rick Stacy, and Bethann Scratchard Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Kevin Hugman, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, Park and Recreation Intern Christel Bartlett, City Consulting Engineer Eddie Cheatham, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Scott Martin at 6:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session. President Martin announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:05 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:23 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3, Reconvene. There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session. CONSENT AGENDA 5A. Approval of July 20, 1998 meeting minutes. 5C. Approve matching funds for Southlake Community Playgrounds, Inc. for construction of pavilions at Adventure Alley. This item was placed on the agenda in order to formally consider the request by Southlake Playgrounds, Inc. for matching funds in the amount of $15,000. Motion was made to approve Consent Agenda items No. 5A and 5C. Motion: Scratchard Second: Lyons Ayes: Scratchard, Lyons, Evans, Jones, Stacy, Kendall, and Martin Nays: none Approved: 7-0 SPDC MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1998 Page 1 of 5 Agenda Item No. 511, Changing the regular SPDC meeting date from the third Monday to the fourth Monday of the month. Mayor Stacy asked that this item be removed from consent in order to discuss options. He commented that it was difficult for him to be able to make plans with his family due the number of meetings every week in a month. If the SPDC meeting is moved to the fourth Monday, it would take away the only week in a month that there was not a meeting planned. He stated that it would be easier on his family if it would remain on the third Monday. He also commented that it has always been convenient to have a City Council meeting follow an SPDC meeting the next day when considering like items. Mr. Hawk commented that staff understands the situation with so many meetings and can do some other things to make for a better transition in preparing packets if the date were to remain at the third Monday. Ronnie Kendall commented that it was just the opposite with her family. She prefers to spread the meetings out so that she is not gone from her family several nights in one week. Ralph Evans commented that it doesn't happen often, but there are occasions when his church board meets on the third Monday and he usually has to leave the SPDC meetings early during those times. President Martin commented that it was difficult for him to review both the SPDC packet and City Council packet in one weekend. Motion was made to change the regular SPDC meeting dates from the third Monday to the fourth Monday of the month. Motion: Scratchard Second: Kendall Ayes: Kendall, Jones, Lyons, Evans, and Martin Nays: Stacy Abstained: Scratchard Agenda Item No. 6A, Award of bid for Bid Package #2 (courts) for Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase II and Agenda Item No. 6B, Award of bid for Bid Package #2a (lighting) for Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase Il. Interim Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Hugman presented to the Board information regarding Bid Package #2 for courts and Bid Package #2a for lighting. Mr. Hugman stated that the base bid amount is for all of the courts planned for phase II, which includes 12 tennis courts, 1 center tennis court, 1 in-line hockey court, and 3 basketball courts. Mr. Hugman commented that because the SPDC original budget did not include all of these courts and was going to run over the budgeted amount, staff directed MESA to provide three options. Option 1 is the base bid, which includes construction of all courts; Option 2 is the base bid less 1 basketball court, 2 pair of tennis courts, and the center tennis court (the SPDC budgeted package); and Option 3 is the base bid less 1 basketball court and 2 pair of tennis courts. Staff recommended Option 3 due to ease of construction in building the center tennis court now rather than waiting to construct later. Mayor Stacy questioned how much over budget it would be to construct all of the courts now as in Option 1. Mr. Hugman stated that the SPDC MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1998 Page 2 of 5 total budget including courts and lighting is $757,962 - the total cost for Option 1 is $1,143,300, which is approximately $400,000 over budget. City Manager Curtis Hawk suggested that if the Board wanted to do all of Option 1, then staff can go back and look at the capital plan and make some adjustments, because there will be additional funds available in the near future. The Board agreed that delaying some of these projects off at this time might end up costing the SPDC more later. Motion was made to award bid package #2 and #2a for Bicentennial Park Phase II to American Tennis and NEMA 3 Electric respectively for Option #1, all courts. Motion: Kendall Second: Lyons Ayes: Kendall, Lyons, Scratchard, Evans, Jones, Stacy, and Martin Nays: None Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 6C, Award of bid for 100 GPM deep water well and well pump at Bob Jones Park. Kevin Hugman explained to the Board that initially staff had asked for permission to advertise for bids for a new well because of the lack of capacity with the existing wells at Bob Jones Park. Mr.Hugman commented that two bids were received, however, one bid was not valid because it had a variance to the 90-day requirement. Mr. Hugman commented that staff believes the low turnout on the bids was due to well companies being very busy at this time because of drought conditions, therefore, they could not commit to the 90-day requirement. Mr. Hugman stated that staff is recommending that the Board reject all bids and authorize staff to rebid with a longer timeframe. Staff believes the fields that are currently available for play can be maintained with the city water system. Motion was made to accept staff recommendation to reject all bids and rebid at a later date. Motion: Lyons Second: Evans Ayes: Lyons, Evans, Scratchard, Kendall, Jones, Stacy, and Martin Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Board members Ralph Evans and Norm Lyons had to leave the meeting at this time. Agenda Item No. 61), Approve interior materials palette for Pro Shop, Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase II. Kevin Hugman commented that the materials palette presented for the Pro Shop has been approved by the Park Board and the ad-hoc committee. SPDC MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1998 Page 3 of 5 Motion was made to approve the interior materials palette for the Pro Shop at Bicentennial Park as recommended by the architects, the Park Board, and the ad hoc committee. Motion: Stacy Second: Scratchard Ayes: Stacy, Scratchard, Kendall, Jones, and Martin Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item No. 7A, Discussion, Approve Change Order #1 with A.N.D. Inc. for alterations to irrigation at Bob Jones Park. Kevin Hugman commented that staff is looking at a change order with A.N.D. Inc. on the irrigation system for the items specified in the packet memo, which includes 1) additional valves and rotors to be installed; 2) irrigation pump skid foundation to support the metal skid of the pump above the wet well chamber; and, 3) add water well discharge piping. Mr. Hugman commented that staff is still reviewing the costs, but estimates it will cost less than $10,000. Mayor Stacy expressed concern with the discharge piping being under water and causing more stress on the operation of the pump. Ben Henry explained that coming in underneath would help with evaporation losses and help keep anyone from tampering with the piping. President Martin questioned the depth. Mr. Henry commented that it would be 5 to 6 feet to minimize the sac-crete pedestal. Mr. Henry commented that staff is looking at pulling the discharge pipe back a little closer to the slope to maybe a 35-40° angle. He stated that these are issues that still need to be worked out. Mayor Stacy commented that he believes it would be easier to monitor and maintain the piping if it was above water - perhaps as a water feature. President Martin questioned what would be better for aeration and fish life and suggested that staff check into it further to see what the best option is for the discharge piping. Board member Kendall verified with staff that the fields would be ready for play this fall. Mr. Hugman confirmed that the fields would be ready. He commented that staff has discussed with the soccer association about rotating the fields around so that no one area would be used too heavily. Agenda Item No. 711, Discussion, Financial Report and Budget. President Martin had a question regarding the negative contingency on page 4 of the capital projects budget. Finance Director Lou Ann Heath explained that the total budgeted amount for this phase of the project went over the budgeted amount with the addition of a couple of change orders. Ms. Heath commented that it was noted so that the Board would be aware of it and be able to let her know where they would want to make an adjustment. Ms. Heath suggested that the Board may want to make the adjustment in the multi-year plan. Agenda Item No. 7C, Discussion, Status Report of SPDC Projects. City Manager Curtis Hawk commented that staff needed to bring back to the Board the multi-year plan for review. President Martin commented that he would like SPDC to meet with the Park Board to go over their recommendation for projects. Kevin Hugman commented that staff is looking at SPDC MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1998 Page 4 of 5 having the Park Board meet at the next regular SPDC meeting immediately following the regular agenda. Robin Jones suggested that staff provide to the Board a copy of the SPDC budget in a simple format showing what has already been committed and how much is coming in to support that commitment. It was suggested that the Park Board also receive a copy of the Capital Projects Status Report. President Martin also asked that staff show when SPDC anticipates selling bonds so that the Park Board is aware that bonds cannot be sold every year. Board member Scratchard questioned whether or not SPDC was going to need to consider funding a gym since the school is not going to come in. Mr. Hawk commented that he did not believe the City would build another joint use gym considering the difficulties experienced with scheduling, hours, etc., but rather the City would probably look at building a community center on City-owned property. Board member Jones questioned the process for selecting someone to run the tennis pro shop. Mr. Hawk commented that staff and the Park Board would need to work with the Tennis Association to first see what is needed of this person. If the City Council feels the position should be contracted rather than a City employee, then proposals would need to be submitted. Mr. Hawk commented that when we get to that point it would be helpful for staff to have a committee review the proposals and make a recommendation to the City Council. He stated that the committee could be a couple of people from the Park Board, City Council, and Tennis Association. Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. President Martin commented that he forgot to open the Public Forum earlier noting that there was no one in the audience at the start of the meeting, and questioned if there was any one in the audience at this time that wished to speak. There were no comments during the Public Forum. Agenda Item No. 8, Adjournment. The next SPDC regular meeting will be the fourth Monday, September 28, 1998. Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. President Scott Martin ATTEST: im ush Se etary to the City Manager SPDC MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1998 Page 5 of 5