1978-12-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 19,1978 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: ZA 78-16. Simplified Subdivision Procedure. Request by Glen Morrison. 2. Presentation: Water Committee Report.Derrell Johnson. 3. Discussion: Concerning purchasing water from Southlake. Representative, Larry Craig. 4. Consider: Acceptance of deed for the Summerplace Addition, Mini Sewer System. 5. ZA 78-22 Zoning request by Florence H. Tillman. 3.9 acre tract of land out of the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract 1049, Tract 5B. Present zoning is Agricultural District. Request is for the "F" Light Industrial District. Representative: Mike Clemons. 6. Garbage Collection Consideration: a. Approval of Ordinance No. 248. b. Resolution 78-40. Giving Franchise to. C. Implementation. 7. Consider: Contract renewal for tax assessor, Will Zschiesche. 8. Departmental Reports: a. Mayor 1. Gasoline alotment for city staff. b. Building Department 1. Streets in Quail Creek Estates. C. Court d. Fire Department 1. Repair overhead doors in Station 2. e. Police Department f. Water Department 9. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the front door and on the bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,Texas, on Friday, December 15,1978 at 3 p.m. City Secretary City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA December 19,1978 7:30 p.m. EMERGENCY ITEM RE: Item 4, Regular agenda of December 15,1978. Item 4 will be moved to the last item on the agenda and a closed session will be held prior to the open session to discuss possible litigation. * Closed session under Vernon's Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17 Sec. 3A (h). I hereby certify that the above supplemental notice to city council agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,Texas, on Monday,December 18, 1978 at 12:30 p.m. City Secretary t4 O O ' O cj," OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXAS d Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti y M o Fate : December 19,1978 t. Time 7:30 p.m. ,n Mace : city of Southlake, Council chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 0 1 ' Southlake, Texas NAME OF I PACE 1 INI]t;X NO. Lf MEMBER COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; I Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparge Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, i Lloyd Harper, Brad Popkin, AC ! Urbanosky. STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline City Attorney; Joe Gregory; City Engineer; Gerald Lemons, Carter and Burgess. INVOICATION: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger. The minutes of the December 5,1978 meeting were approved as presented. Joe Gregory, city attorney, is to ATTORNEY TC review City of Southlake Standard REVIEW Developers Agreement outline, as DEVELOPERS a result of a discussion between AGREEMENT City Council and Mr. Glen Morrison. OUTLINE. Gregory is to report to council concerning his opinion. Citizen's Advisory Committee, Water WATER ! chairman, Derrell Johnson, presente COMMITTEE a report as a result of the Committ e-REPORT study. Report is attached hereto PRESENTED. and made a part hereof. ZA 78-22. Zoning request of Floren LA 78-22 Morrison r x x x A. Tillman, was approved by council ZONING The property, a 3.9 acre tract of Urbanosky i ! x APPROVED. Popkin Ix land out of the Thomas Mahan Survey Harper ix ix Abstract 1049, Tract 5B, was change i from the Agricultural District to the "F" Light Industrial District. Ms. Tillman was represented by Mike j ' lemons. Sparger X Ix pproval was given to accept Ordina rrison !x 248. Garbage Collection Ordinance, 248. NCE Urbanoskyr'' x ith corrections made as discussed. 248' Popkin iX GARBAGE Harper x ;x COLLECTION ! j C C U, m~xC CITY OF SOUTHL.AKE, TEXAS q 7C3 M Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti g o Date : December 19, 1978 p Time • 7:30 p.m. ,p Place : City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF PACE 2 INDEX NO. CA] MEMBER Resolution 78-40 was approved, giv- RESOLUTION Sparger x x ing a Franchise to Hubbard Service 78-40 Morrison I x Company and authorizing the Mayor GARBAGE Urbanosky I x to execute a contract. Contract i !FRANCHISE Popkin !x I x to be for 3 years with council hav Haper i ing the option to terminate within 90 days if they see fit. Franchise will be 100, with monthly fee to customers being $4.00 for curb-side service and $6.00 for tub-out ser- vice. Sparger x x Motion was made and approved to se Morrison x license fee for garbage collection Urbanosky x at $100.00 per year. Popkin x Harper x x Mayor Hawk indicated that persons not on city water service who would like garbage collection service should contact city hall. After a discussion, a letter to citizens was composed and is to be mailed immediately. Sparger x Renewal of contract for city tax RENEW Morrison i x assessor, Will Zschiesche, was CONTRACT Urbanosky x x approved. It will be in effect FOR TAX Popkin x x for one (1) year. ASSESSOR Harper x UNDER MAYOR'S REPORT: The gasoline allotment for city staff was discussed. It was deter- mined among council that only City Secretary will be given gas allow- ance as per budget. The Police Department will continue to make lbank deposits when needed. !Mayor Hawk reviewed the Community !Development Grant Application and I ;our standing as far as rating among other cities is concerned. HUD will release the funds around July. ~ i O O p O ~ t ~ CITY OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXAS a Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti y e o Date December 19,1978 t+ 7d Time 7:30 p.m. ,en Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF ' MEMBER - 1 PAGE 3 INDEX NO. CP BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Mayor Pro Tem, Sparger, announced REPORT that the streets in Quail Creek Subdivision, have been completed as per developers agreement. The developer will maintain the street' for 1 year, from this date. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: FIRE DEPARTMENT Sparger x Approval was given that the over- REPORT Morrison x head doors in Station # 2, be Urbanosky x repaired, at a cost not to exceed Harper x x $ 150.00 Popkin x x Approval was also given for the Sparger x x purchase of a lubrication system, Morrison x at a cost not to exceed $ 125.00. Trbanosky x This is to be used by both police .harper x x and fire departments. Popkin x The bills presented were approved BILLS FOR Sparger I x for payment. Attached hereto and APPROVAL Morrison x made a part hereof. Urbanosky ;x x Harper x Popkin x x The meeting was adjourned for a closed session, as per item 4 on the amended agenda. Sparger x Upon reopening of the meeting, APPROVAL Morrison x Mayor Hawk proposed that council MINI SEWER Urbanosky x I x accept the Mini Sewer System in th SYSTEM Harper x Summerplace Addition, as construct dSUMMERPLACL Popkin ;x by Dr. Andrew Kulaga, contingent ADDITION Ion the execution of an Indemnity agreement and upon the resolution of comments by Carter and Burgess as discussed with Mr. Kulaga's !engineers as detailed by the Carte sand Burgess letter of December 15, I i1978 , that Dr. Kulaga has a copy !of. And with the understanding th t `there is no rebate, since the size i Iof the sewer system is not as in- idicated in the developers agreement i I M b U- 0d, A CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS p b t7 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti y Date : December 19,1978 U x H rime 7:30 p.m. u Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ~ Southlake, Texas NAME OF , 4 PACE INDEX NO. CA] MEMBFH I. Dr. Kulaga was present and agreed I to the conditions of the acceptance. I I I With no further business, the meet- ing was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Mayor 1 City Secretary i t I I I I I i i RESOLUTION NO. 78-40 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake did respond to the request of its citizens for better garbage service; and, WHEREAS, the City after a number hearings did advertise for bdsinfreworkshs sponseptoand Ordinance 248; and, WHEREAS, the City Council evaluated the bids and investigated the two low bidders; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, THAT: The City Council of the City of Southlake approves the selection of HUBBARD SERVICE COMPANY as the collector and does hereby authorize the Mayor to enter into a three (3) year contract with said collector, consistent with Ordinance 248. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th day of December, 1978. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 19,1978 INSURANCE... Mays, Flowers,Gradyand Burruss (Bond renewal) $ 36.00 Travis P. Young Company ( Bond, city secretary) 18.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION General Office Supply 21.80 PBL (copier, monthly) 129.95 Denton Mapping Company 102.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Gulf Oil Corp. 22.66 Village Grocery Store 31.27 Parker Exxon 45.00 Western Auto Associate Store 12.87 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 135.00 Incoterm 209.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Metro-Lex Supply 23.78 International Harvester Company 73.61 Arnold Welding Service 2,068.51 State Firemen's and Fire Marshal's Association of Texas 35.00 The Rohan Company 65.88 WATER DEPARTMENT The Rohan Company 88.23 Village Grocery Store .89 Aqua Utility,Inc. 77.46 TOTAL $ 3,196.91 e , December 19, 1978 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS FROM CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP (WATER) The citizens advisory group for the City of Southlake has had monthly meetings (2 per month) since September 1978, to carry out the assignment of developing a plan to improve the quality and quantity of water supply. The Committee members are: Billy Jon Curb Nancy Eiland, Secretary Corinne Harty Derrell Johnson, Chairman Jonnie Loris Zena Rucker Several citizens, including council members and Mayor, have voiced concern regarding the water supply from the stand- point of both quantity and quality. A citizen petition to the Council resulted in the appointment of this committee to make recommendation to the Council on a course of action to eliminate the water problems. PROBLEMS WITH EXISTING WATER SUPPLY The major problems with the existing water supply are as follows: I . Heal th 2. Plumbing 3. Quantity 4. Landscaping 5. Taste HEALTH Zena Rucker and Jonnie Loris have investigated the health problem by interviewing several citizens in Southlake and by visiting with health officials and doctors. The following attached letters are typical of the response from everyone interviewed. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ,r E Coca _~y ~Ea.art~ Texas Department of Health Fratis L. Duff, M.D., Dr.P.H. 1100 West 49th Street Members of the Board Commissioner Austin, Texas 78756 4S8-7111 Robert D. Moreton, C hairman Raymond T. Moore, M.D. William J. Foran, Vice-Chairman Deputy Commissioner Roderic M. Bell, Secretary September 22, 1978 Johnnie M. Benson H. Eugene Brown Ramiro Casso Charles Max Cole Francis A. Conley Durr Honorable Pat Hawk, Mayor Ben M. William J. . Edwards City of Southlake Raymond G. Garrett P. 0. BOX $68 Bob D. Glaze Blanchard T. Hollins Southlake, TX 76051 Donald A. Horn Maria LaMantia Subject: Public Drinking Water Supply Philip Lewis City of Southlake (ID 42200075) Ray Santos Royce F. W-sen~m,_- Tarrant County, Texas Dear Mayor Hawk: On August 24, 1978, our representative, Mr. Glenn R. Heath, Jr., P.E., in company with Mr. W. G. Cline, Superintendent, made a sanitary survey of the subject water system. As a result of this survey, the following item of non-compliance must be ^grrected without further delay. Monthly Reports of Water Works Operation must be compiled and a copy submitted regularly each month to the Division of Water Hygiene, Texas Department of Health, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756. Our records indicate that you have been irregular in submitting these reports at the end of each month. Other items which should be completed as soon as practical so that your water system may be operated and maintained in accordance with this Department's acceptable practices are: 1. Adequate storage facilities should be provided for equipment, supplies and replace- ment parts. 2. Chemical analysis of water samples collected from your distribution system on July 19, 1977, indicated a chloride concentration of 489 mg/1, which exceeds the maximum recommended constituent level of 300 mg/1. High chloride content increases the corrosiveness of water and imparts a salty taste. Where there are persons whose physicians have recommended a "salt free" diet, water from your system may not be acceptable. Also indicated was a total dissolved solids concentration of 1,490 mg/1, which exceeds the recommended maximum level of 1,000 mg/l, and may impart an objectionable taste. Therefore, it is recommended that you consider demineralization of your present supply or the the securing an alternate supplyan alternate , if possible. City of Southlake 'arrant County, Texas Page 2 We ask that you please advise this Department in writing within (30) days as to the action to be taken on these items. In conclusion, we wish to express the thanks and appreciation of our representative for the courtesies extended him during this survey. Should clarification of any of the items listed above be desired, please contact L. D. Thurman, P.E., Regional Director for Environmental and Consumer Health Protection, 701 Directors Drive, Arlington, Texas 76011, A/C 817/460-3032. Very truly yours, Mark V. Lowry, P.E., Chief Surveillance and Technical Assistance Branch Division of Water Hygiene GRH:mm cc: Ms. Sandy Legrande, City Secretary Mr. W. G. Cline, Superintendent Tarrant County Health Department Region 5 LANCASTER•PITTARD PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 1701 WEST COLLEGE STREET GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 I r L. Lancaster, M.U. F.A.A.F.P. (817) 481-5525 ADMINISTRATION %,,'lie Lee S. Lancaster, M.D. Carlton D. Pittard, M.D. Michael D. Simmons, M.D. Michael D. Simmons, M.D. Mrs. Pat Evans Samuel L. Gladney, M.D. Frederick M. Key, Jr., M.D. December 6, 1978 Mrs. Zena Rucker Southlake Water Committee Southlake, Tx. 76092 Dear Mrs. Rucker: We are aware of the report of the Texas Department of Health re: the Southlake water supply. We can concur with the fact that there are many solutis in the Southlake water supply which I feel may be hazardous to the health of the community. Yours very truly, / L /r Michael D. Simmons, M. D. Samuel L. Gladney, M. D. MDS/j1 SLG/jl JERRY W. BURGESS, D. D. S. 1105 W WALL GRAPEVINE. TEXAS 7(051 TELEPHONE 488-8526 Southlake City Council: I am writing t.,ds letter in reference to your gater source heating. For some time Ihave been very concerned with the water quality in your city. Chemical analysis confirms what taste tests suggest. The salinity level exceeds normal limits that have been set for optimal health. Only time will tell if tIIe human body will react to tae Southlake water as do the water faucets in the city. As a general dentist I am concerned with t_ae oral conditions of my patients. Unless iron or fluoride levels are at improper concentrations, the normal dentition of my patients will not be= affected by the water supply. However, as a member of the community health team, I am concerned with more than t:.e oral cavity. I have concern for the total well being of my patients. For this reason, I urge you to seriously consider taking the necessary steps to secure an alternate fresh water supply for your fine city. Sincerely, 2z G ~L2< ~S Jer W. Burgess, D. D. J WB/s j 3.0 PROBLEM (Part of draft of committee's Report to Council) b. PLUMBING - Due to the high chloride and dissolved solid contents of the existing Trinity well water supply, all Southlake citizens will or have experienced an abnormal amount of plumbing problems. These problems manifest themselves in reduced life of all appliances and fixtures which contact water. To better understand the reasons for the more rapid deterioration of appliances, a partial chemical content analysis of Southlake's and Fort Worth's water supply is presented for comparison: Texas Dept. of Southlake Fort Worth Health Recommended (Milligrams/ (Milligrams/ Max. Limits Chemical Liter) Liter) (Milligrams/Liter) Chloride 494 38 250 Sodium 583 25 - Total Dis- solved Solids* 1,765 218 500 *Includes B. Carbonate, Sulfate and various other trace elements. The exceptionally high chloride content increases the corrosiveness character of the water. For instance, an average hot water heater in the Fort Worth water system would have a life expectancy of from 10 to 15 years whereas the Southlake's water supply reduces its life expectancy to only 3 to 5 years. In addition, the added accumulation of "precipitated out" solids at the bottom of the hot water tank causes a significant heatloss, requiring more energy (money) to achieve desired temperature levels. Other appliances will experience similar reduced life expectancies. Wherever an appliance's protective finish has been damaged, the metal is more quickly attacked by the water and rust and corrosion is the result, (i.e., ice makers corrode and stop working, dish washer trays are attacked by rust, washing machine tubs rust developing leaks and plumbing fixtures exhibit dull appearance (finish damage) where water has accumulated on them for a period of time). Several precautions/maintenance items are presented to help decrease the effects of Southlake's water supply on appliances: (1) When replacing hot water heater, install cold water cutoff valve and add pan under water tank with an exterior drain. (2) Regularly drain hot water (with heater set to PILOT only, connect garden hose to drain valve and expel water onto yard. This is best done after hot water has been expended washing clothes or bathing). (3) Quickly repair all leaky faucets. (4) Periodically inspect and repair all appliance finishes which have been marred. Clean and coat damaged areas with an epoxy paint or other water proof compound. e. QUANTITY - The City of Southlake is supplied water from two Trinity sand wells (depth of 1600 feet). Both wells have a pumping capability of 750 gallons per minute. The water is stored in three tanks with a total capacity of one million gallons. A 200,000 gallon ground level tank is located at city hall. The elevated tank has a storage capacity of 500,000 gallons. Also located at the elevated site is a 300,000 gallon, ground level tank. This system serves approximately 700 families. The maximum distribution has typically been approximately 500,000 gallons per day during the hot summer months with a minimum distribution of approximately 160,000 gallons per day during the winter months. The capacity of these two wells and their storage facilities, meet the short term water quantity needs of the citizens of Southlake. However, planning and action is required now to ensure that an adequate water supply is available when the growth pattern of the City dictates a need for extra capacity. LANDSCAPING Corinne Harty investigated the problem with landscaping (shrubs) in Southlake by interviewing several citizens and businesses and the following is typical of the response to those interviews. The Eiland family has had 25 shrubs, 7 trees of which some were fruit 8 crepe myrtles to die from using Southlake water. These were planted by a professional nursery. The Ragan plant farm lost plants and shrubs this past summer when they used City water a few days while their well was broken down. Eighty dollars worth of shrubs died at the Derrell Johnson's residence from the use of Southlake water. Harty's had 3 shrubs to die in front of their house this past summer when City was was used. TASTE The Committee has had unanimous feedback from persons in Southlake regarding taste problems particularly in the use of tea and coffee. It is evident that taste is a problem since bottled water is sold in large quantities in our City. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Respond to inquiries and reports from appropriate governmental agencies. 2. Begin immediate design and construction of two Paluxy wells at existing well sites. 3. Select Engineering Firm to prepare design in 2. above and to prepare feasibility study on future water supply. (See R.F.P. attached). 4. Develop financing plan through loans, grants, bonds or combination of the three for Paluxy wells. The Committee appreciates the opportunity to be of service to the Community and will be happy to follow up on any specific comment or idea from the Council. DATE CONSULTING ENGINEERING FIRMS RE: Request for Proposals Water Supply Study The City of Southlake is experiencing water quality problems with the existing water supply and additional quantity will be needed in the near future as the population continues to increase. As a result of the needs listed above, the City of Southlake respectfully requests a proposal from your firm to perform the following scope of services: 1. Using data from NCTCOG, TDCA, past growth rates in the City, and any other appropriate information, project population to the year 2000. 2. Establish existing water use data and project water use requirements to the year 2000. 3. Investigate alternative water supply sources both on the short term (immediate) needs and on the long term permanent supply for the City. 4. Evaluate each viable alternative for both long term and short term potential on the basis of reliability and cost-effectiveness. 5. Discuss alternative financing plans available to the City of Southlake and list any federal grants avail- able and the criteria used to determine eligibility. Present bound report in draft form to City Council in 20 copies for review and comment. Following review and comment by City Council, make appropriate revisions, if any, and present final report in 50 copies to the City. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT NOVEMBER 1978 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of November 1978 Tickets issued in October 148 Tickets issued in November 138 Persons in jail in October 11 Persons in jail in November 15 Traffic accidents in October 7 Traffic accidents in November 13 Burglaries investigated in October 4 Burglaries investigated in November 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in November $160.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in November 0 Thefts investigated in October 0 Thefts investigated in November 1 Approximate total value taken in thefts in November $240.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in November 0 Num of calls in October 1043 Number of calls in November 880 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 82,134 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 43,557 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 53,033 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 38.178 Miles driven in October 7,592 Miles driven in November 8,617 Respect sub tted, C, 0 . fu C. D. Gaddy Chief of Polic SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw C- x Cron ~ u _o r TICKIFS 2 13 19 11 52 41 138 AMOUNT of CALLS 72 102 171 90 250 195 880 OF ARRESTS 1 6 8 15 ACCIDENTS 1 1 3 2 4 1 12 BURGLARIES 2 2 THEFTS 1 1 MILES JRiv N 762 1; 1024 1091 988 2371 2381 8617 {uuxs cxKEa 173 80 202 80 184 188 907 i r; t M i Total fines paid for October $2,803.00 Total fines paid for November $2,893.00 Total fines paid for DPS November .00 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT November '78 1.f Res ponses: Structure Fires 0 Grass Fires 2 Auto Fires 0 Auto Accident-Stand-By (Rescue Unit 8 Fire Unit) 5 Mutual Aid to Other Cities 0 Denton County Calls 0 False 41arms 0 Rescue'Unit 2 A. Oxygen needed and ambulance assist/1319 Oakhurst B. Possible Heart-attack call/Circle E Grocery North Kimball Misc. Alarms 3 A. Butane Leak/3580 Burney Lane B. High Wire Down/Peytonville and Dove C. Gas Leak/181 E. Highland Total Emergency Responses For Month........ 2. Man Hours Expended Emergency Calls.. ........................55 Meetings (4) Average....... 18.Ken Pei'. NVPt~Pg ....140 Maintenance Average Time 60 Training Sessions (2) man hours included in meetings Total Man Hours For The Month .........................................255 3. Firefighters Responses And Number Of Times Responding: Chief Steele 10 E. Reed......... 7 C. Reed 4 Asst. Chief Bradley... 6 R. Anderson..... 3 B. Jones 2 Fire Marshall Joyce... 1 T. Bryant....... 3 J. Harston...3 Capt. Dodson.......... 3 W. Winchester... 3 J. vann...... 3 Capt. Roper........... 6 T. Boyer........ 4 M. Pirtle 1 Lt. Brown 7 D. Drennan...... 4 Lt. Sullivan 4 J. Jones........ 5 Respectfully Submitted: R. P. Steele/Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT NOVEMBER 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases set for trial: 27 Cases heard: 17 Cases dismissed: 10 Cases appealed: 4 Warrants issued: 30 Respectfully submitted, Al) Al) a7LGe-~ NET DANIEL Municipal Court Clerk C1Z'Y OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL E1J1LDI\G DEPARTMENT MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1978 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS Current Last Month E lectr is 18 16 i> ~_uribitZg 6 15 ~'aunc~a t io~i 6 9 !Iowa L- irg & A/C 4 4 14 7 Sceptic System 8 6 Driveway Approach & sidewalks Total Inspections 51 67 2. Pi~i2A1ITS • This Month "Fee Last Month Fee Building 8 $759.00 4 $576.00 Electrical 9 129.10 3 28.40 P 1unib ing 1 31.00 4 63.00 Heat & A/C 3 65.00 4 94.00 Other 2 20.00 5 41.00 Certificate of Occ. 1 25.00 3 75.00 `'ota 1 Perm its 24 $1,029.10 23 $877.40 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month Lust Month To Date This Year $32,9750.00 $258,000.00 $855,775.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $200.00 $339.00 $2,044.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND This Month To Date This Year $1229.10 $10,531.65 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, j!:CUL s ~ Building Department WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of November 1978 Gallons Pumped previous month 6,564,300 Gallons sold previous month 6,180,000 New Taps installed for month 6 Meters changed out 5 Line repairs: Materials 3 water main breaks, 3 full circles. Machine Rental $180.00 Other repairs 2 meters were run over. Water Superintendent DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS AND GLYN W. MORRISON AND WIFE, HATTIE LOUISE MORRISON, SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The Developer will mow, and otherwise maintain, the aethetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the city may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. FACILITIES 1. Sanitary Sewers- It is understood and agreed that sanitary facilities shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Departemnt requirements, Tarrant County,Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements. Texas Water Quality Board regulations State of Texas, and any applicable City Ordinances concerning sewer facilities. Developer DATE: a/Z-s-1/9 le BY: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: ow" L City Secretary Mayor DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS AND GLYN W. MORRISON AND WIFE, HATTIE LOUISE MORRISON, SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The Developer will mow, and otherwise maintain, the aethetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the city may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. FACILITIES 1. Sanitary Sewers- It is understood and agreed that sanitary facilities shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Departemnt requirements, Tarrant County,Texas, State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements. Texas Water Quality Board regulations State of Texas, and any applicable City Ordinances concerning sewer facilities. Developer DATE: BY: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: City Secretary Mayor