1978-11-07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 7,1978 City Council Meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. Work Session will start at 7:30 p.m. AGENDA WORK SESSION AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1, Discussion: Mini Sewer System in the Summerplace Addition. Dr. Andrew Kaluga, owner. Approval of project. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 8:30 p.m. 1. ZA 78-13 Developers Agreement for "Greg's Country Acres." ' A subdivision out of the Samuel Freeman Survey. Joe W. Sanders,owner. 2. ZA 78-15. Zoning change for a 92 acre tract of land out of the L.H. Chivers Survey, Abst. 300. Owner W.W. Ratcliff. Request is for "F" Light Industrial zoning, now zoned Agricultural. 3. 2nd. Public Hearing: Community Development Grant. 4. Consider: Resolution No. 78-31. Community Development Grant. 5. Consider: Resolution No. 78-32. Adopting a Fire Plug Policy. 6. Discussion: F.D. Fry. 2742 E. Northwest Parkway. Concerning, De-annexing of property from Southlake. 7. Discussion: Larry Winters. 1559 E. Continental Blvd. Concerning, property line in the center of the road. 8. Mayor's Report. 9. Fire Department: Request approval to purchase tires for 3008. 10. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue,Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 3,1978 at 1 p.m. 4 hu~- City Secretary ~a U-001 a A CITY OF SOUTHL.AKE, TEXAS 0 t~7 Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti 9 M ~ Date ' November 7,1978 W rime 8 ; 30 p In Place City dfl6uthlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF ' MEMBER PACE 1 I N IIF.' X NO. C1 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor; I Pat Hawk, Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, A.C. Urbanosky, Brad Popk' COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Lloyd Harper. STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Joe Gregory, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Led by Mayor Pat Hawk. The minutes of the October 17,1978 City Council meeting were approved as presented. As were the minutes of the Special City Council meeting of October 31,1978. Urbanosky x x ZA 78-13. The Developers Agreement ZA 78-13 Morrison x x for "Greg's Country Acres" was DEVELOPERS Popkin x approved. Owner is Joe. W. Sanders AGREEMENT Urbanosky x x Council approved the zoning request ZA 78-15 Morrison X of W.W. Ratcliff, owner of Road- ZONING runner Investments. The 92 acre CHANGED TO Popkin x x tract of land out of the L.H. Chive s"F" LIGHT Survey, Abstract 300, was changed INDUSTRIAL, from AG District to the "F" Light Industrial District. ZA 78-15. Urbanosky x Resolution 78-31. Support of the RESOLUTION Morrison x Ix arrant County Community Develop- 78-31 Popkin x x ent Consortium was approved. Mayo awk reviewed the Resolution with the City Council. i Second public hearing was held con- 2ND HEARI) Urbanosky M erning the Community Grant project .GRANT Morrison x x Morrson I X ~Irs. W.W. Curtis, a South White APPLICATIM Popkin ,x x hapel property owner, had question I concerning the last year grant money. Those present agreed that Southlake Is hould apply for the grant. With i CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS t7 t~l d d Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti y d P MO Date : November 7,1978 t+ 7d Time 8:30 p.m. n Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ' Southlake, Texas NAME OF ` MEMBER PACE 2 I N I lh: X NO. CA I the following water projects having i the priority: $ 60,000. For two water well improvements. To comply with the i Texas Water Quality Boards recommen- dation. $ 409000. For water main enlargemen'. Southlake is not able to finance the project themselves. Urbanosky x Resolution 78-33 was approved RESOLUTION Morrison x x endorsing the project application 78-33 Popkin x x consisting of the two activities indicated above. Larry Winters, 1559 East Continental B1vd.Southlake, came before council to discuss his property line which is in the center of the road. He as advised that the city cannot change this but that it is in fact an easement. Urbanosky x x otion was made and approved for TIRES FOR Morrison x x he purchase of tires for the UNIT 3008 Popkin x Rescue Unit No. 3008. Cost will be approximately $ 325.00. i he bills for approval were approve Urbanosky Morrison x x s presented. Attached hereto and Morrison x x Popkin x ade a part hereof. he meeting was adjourned by May at Hawk. I I i yor City Secretary I ~ rr i ' i RESOLUTION NO. 78-32 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the best interest of the citizens of the City of Southlake,Texas, that there be a "Fire Plug Policy" establishing the procedures by which fire plugs are required as a result of new subdivisions, NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The following shall be the standard policy for all subdivision fire plug additions in the City of Southlake; WHEN new water lines are required in new sub- divisions the Developer shall pay the total cost of the plug and installation. WHEN a subdivision has existing water lines and more than 500 feet of frontage or more, the City of Southlake shall share the cost of fire plugs and plug installation on a 50/50 basis. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th day of November 1978. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND JOE W. SANDERS, FOR " GREG'S COUNTRY ACRES", ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The Developer will mow, and otherwise maintain, the aesthetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility,. the city may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. FACILITIES: 1. The Developer is to furnish 1 fire plug, to be installed on the existing water line on Shady Lane. The City of Southlake, will pay 500 of the installation. Cost of the plug and installation, is $ 850.00. 2. Sanitary Sewers - It is understood and agreed that sanitary facilittes shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Department requirements, Tarrant County,Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements, Texas Water Quality Board regulations State of Texas, and any applicable City ordinances concerning sewer facilities. Developer Date: ~'nlov. 978 Bye . President CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATT ST: City Secretary Mayor DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AND LOUISE C. DRAKE BXRRY, FOR THE DRAKE ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The Developer wll mow, and otherwise maintain, the aesthetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the city may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. FACILITIES 1. Sanitary Sewers - It is understood and agreed that Sanitary facilities shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Department requirements, Tarrant County,Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements. Texas Water Quality Board regulations State of Texas, and any applicable City ordinance concerning Sewer Familities. t-yp Developer DATE: l D By: Owner CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: City Secretary Mayor DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS AND MARY M. SNELL, FOR THE GLORY PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The Developer will mow, and otherwise maintain, the aesthetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the city may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. FACILITIES 1. As future phases of development is made in regard to this subdivision, the developer will upgrade the present water system, adding fire plugs where needed, as per city requirements. 2. Sanitary Sewers - It is understood and agreed that sanitary facilities shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Depart- ment requirements, Tarrant County, Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements. Texas Water Quality Board regulations State of Texas, and any applicable City ordinances concerning sewer facilities. 4C~ i 1 ' V" evelope D ate l By /4 President CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: r City Secretary Mayor BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7,1978 UTILITIES... Tri County Electric 11-01-78 $ 105.30 General Telephone 11-01-78 406.05 Lone Star Gas 11-01-78 4.19 Total 515.54 INSURANCE... TML Workmen's Comp.(2 mo.) 11-01-78 902.00 M.M.I. Insurance 11-01-78 692.47 Total 1594.47 CITY ADMINISTRATION William D. Campbell 9-25 tp 10-31-78 790.00 Grapevine Publishing Co. (Newsletter ) 10-19-78 20.00 Rohne and Hoodenpyle For Sept. 1978 139.20 Dues, Mayors council yearly 50.00 Xerox Invoice # 052122616 357.75 Carter and Burgess March through Sept. 1978 624.58 Tarrant County Purchasing 11-01-78 49.16 Total 2030.69 BUILDING SArgent-SAwell,Inc. Invoice # L 8758 49.40 POLICE DEPARTMENT- Tarrant County Purchasing 11-01-78 23.83 Exxon 11-01-78 26.20 Crabtree and Powers Invoice # 11195,11200 471.54 Gulf Oil Corp. Invoice # 03790,03832,03978 860.29 Law Enforcement Equipt. Invoice # 3H-50,411 289.18 Prime Supply Inc. Invoice # 26867 50.22 D.J.'s Paint and Body Shop 10-26-78 175.15 Conoco Invoice # N15897 67.50 Payton Wright Ford Sales 10-25-78 372.73 City of Fort Worth Invoice # 062356 25.00 Total 2361.64 FIRE DEPARTMENT Crabtree and Powers Invoice # 11284 48.35 American Red Cross INvoice # 4448 32.50 International Harvester Co. Invoice # 05197 698 55.57 Lamp and Assoc. Invoice # 002344 51.00 Arnold Welding Service Invoice # 2985,3011 307.51 Bell Communications 10-31-78 324.55 Total 819.48 WATER DEPARTMENT... White's Auto Store 11-01-78 18.24 National Building 10-27-78 208.93 Trans-Tex Supply Co. Invoice # R-19374 181.57 Kemp Chemical,Inc. Invoice # 00949 72.00 Rohan Co. Invoice # 69133 137.82 Total 618.56 ,,~.,,ra T,.+,,, $ 7940.38