1978-10-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17,1978 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. ZA 78-14 Final approval for "The Drake Estates" a Subdivision out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18. Louise C. Drake Berry owner. Bob Taylor Representative. 2. ZA 78-11 "The Glory Place" a subdivision out of the Hiram Granberry Survey. Approval of Developers Agreement. Mary M. Snell owner. 3. ZA 78-13 Final approval for "Greg's Country Acres" a subdivision out of the Samuel Freeman Survey. Also, approval of Developers Agreement. Owner, Joe W. Sanders. 4. ZA 78-16 Plat approval for a subdivision in our extraterritor- ial jurisdiction. "Airpark Estates". Owner, developer, Bob Goode. 33.707 acre tract of land located in the T.J. Thompson Survey. 5. Condersideration of amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 161 ( Amended Ordinance No. 161-B) Concerning: Automobile Wrecking Yards; Junk Yards; Excavation of Soil, Sand, Gravel; Private Clubs; Gasoline Storage; Phasing out Non-Conforming Uses; Garbage and Trash Dumps;Sanitary Land Fills; Massage Parlors; and Weeds and Rubbish Hazards. 6. Consider: Resolution 78-29. Developers Fee's for engineering costs on subdivisions. 7. Departmental Reports: A. Mayor 1. Burroughs Machine, staff learning to operate. 2. Discussion of community grant. B. Police 1. Body armor, camera lense, measure master, siren and PA, typewritter. C. Fire 1. Consider:1974 International Truck for purchase. D. Water E. Building F. Court 8. Bills for Approval. *9. Maintnenace Personnel Discussi, I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue. Southlake,Texas on Friday, October 13,1978 at 2 p.m. 4 hu-,04.~_ City Secr tary *9 - added to the agenda as an emergency item, at 4 p. . on Oct. 16,1978. as per, Vernon's Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17 Section 2G. u' b O - 1' 15 r O CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, "Fk Minutes of Requlay .v Ceunci1 Meet ~Po ate October 17,1978 d iay x, Pane 7:30 p.m. >n v Lace City u t south lake , Council, a Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avevue 1 Southlake, Texas 1 ' E 1 PAGE 1 ? N1 J~ X OUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor:Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Council- persons; A.C. Urbanosky, Lloyd ~Iarper. . , I~ II i COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Brad Popkin', ouise Morrison.' STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob I Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, l I Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline;, ity Attorney; Doug Campbell. INVOCATION: Sam Sparger. j mutes of the October 3,1978 meeting were approved as read. E Sparger x x ZA 78-14. Final approval was ZA 78-14. Harper (j x x given on the plat of "The Drake DRAKE ESTATE,' Urbanosky 'j ! f x states". A subdivision on APPROVED. Johnson Road. Bob Taylor Represen- tative was informed he will need to resent a Developers Agreement at the next meeting. I After discussion on the Developers "THE GLORY Sparger x x Agreement for "The Glory Place" PLACE" DEVEL Harperx Ix approval was given to Frank Snell OPERS AGREE- Urbanosky x owner,developer. ZA 78-11. MENT, APPROV. P ZA 78-13. Final approval was w ZA 78-13. iven to Joe. W. Sanders for "Greg" FINAL APPROV. Country Acres", contingent upon "GREG'S obtaining the finished floor COUNTRY ACRE elevations on each lot in the sub- division. 'I It was agreed that in any sub- FIRE PLUG division with more than 500 feet POLICY ~I t r 'frontage, the city will share the DISCUSSED. cost of fire plugs and installa- tion on a 50/50 basis, where the I' plugs will tie on to existing water dines. Where new water lines are i !added in new subdivisions, the developer pays the total cost of Ithe plug and installation. Mayor 1, Hawk will draft a Resolution on "Fire Plug Policy" for the next i meeting. i • cn GG G M O O'' O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS M a a Minutes of Reqular City Council Meeti q a o Date October 17,1978 7d 'rime ,n Place City Ef Sbuthlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 PACE 2. INI* X NO. CI MEMBER - - - - Sparger I;x I~ Ix After this discussion, approval on the Developers Agreement for Harper x I x "Greg's Country Acres" was given Urbanosky I x contingent upon the cities Resolu- tion on fire plugs. i Approval was given for "Airpark ZA 78-16. Sparger x x Estates" a subdivision in our "AIRPARK" Harper x x extraterritorial jurisdiction. Bob PLAT Urbanosky x Goode, is owner, developer of the APPROVAL project. A 33.707 acre tract of land located in the T.J. Thompson Survey. ZA 78-16. Attorney, Doug Campbell, briefed the council and citizens on the cities responsibility in extraterri- torial jurisdiction subdivisions. After extensive discussion concern- AMENDMENT Sparger x x ing the amendments to Zoning TO ORDINA: Harper x x Ordinance No. 161, council approved 161. Urbanosky x the definitions that have been presented on the various special cx , uses. With the exception of emrr~-~io►, excavation of soil, sand, and grave in the Agricultural District. 0h paid- Attorney, Campbell is to initiate the language on this and incorpor- ate into the Ordinance. After discussion concerning Resolution 78-299 Developers Fee's for engineering costs on subdivisio s, Mayor Hawk requested we continue this until further research can be done. Departmental Reports: Police Department: Approval was Sparger ix given for purchase of the following Harper x i 'x !items for the police department. Urbanosky Ix Ix They are all budgeted items. Typewriter 775.00 Body Armor 490.00 Camera Lense 335.00 ! Measure Master 26.00 i i - ~ b CITY OP SOUTHL.AKE, TEXAS • b Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti y a o Date October 17,1978 H 'A Time ,n Place City0 of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAt+!E OF t PACE 3 INiWX NO. CAI PA and Siren 290.00 Uniforms 570.00 Fire Department: i SParger i x Chief Steele, requested approval FIRE TRUCK Harper x ~ x for purchase of a 1974 PURCHASE Urbanosky x x International Truck. Also, listed APPROVED items to be repaired and costs for getting it operational and ready for service. Total price is approximately $ 10,752.88. Council requested Steele try and ge it ready for service within 6 weeks Water Department: Sparger x x Mayor Pro Tem, Sparger, requested Harper x x we give a varigknce from paying the Urbanosky x minimum water bill to Sylvia Reynol s, of 1301 White Chapel Blvd.due to a hardship in the family. It was approved. Mayor's Report: Mayor Hawk stated there will be a meeting on October 18, to dis- cuss the application of the Community Development Grant. Also how we might secure the grant. Councilmen are welcome to attend. Hawk also informed the council that he has been talking with the Burr6ughs Corp. concerning the j possibility of the city staff learn i ing to operate the machine. (Bills presented were approved for payment. Attached hereto and made j a part hereof. I * CORRECT ON page par gr ph (Should add, "d lat i i ayor section on no -c nfo mi g , use") ! City ecretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL OCTOBER 17,1978 INSURANCE TML Workmen's Compensation 10-01-78 $ 451.00 451.00 UTILITIES Tri County Electric 10-01-78 103.05 Texas Power and Light Company 8-29to 9-29 717.70 820.75 CITY ADMINISTRATION Wick's Corp. (paint for city hall) 10-01-78 246.00 Thompson Printing (newsletter) 10-12-78 38.75 Grapevine News Advertiser, classified 10-11-78 105.70 Thompson Printing 10-17-78 23.00 Regional Office Supply 10-3-78 91.91 NCTCOG's Membership dues - 1 year Invoice No. 1869 50.00 Melvin McGrew janitorial September 125.00 PBL Copy Machine monthly lease 10-10-78 129.95 Pitney Bowes Mailing Machine 1 yr. # 780699 60.00 equiptment maint. agreement IBM service on typewritter # 8460240 38.70 909.01 BUILDING DEPARTMENT National Building Centers 9-27-78 26.85 26.85 POLICE DEPARTMENT Regional Office Supply 10-3-78 31.40 Texaco 10-17-78 42.30 Larry's Heating and A/C Invoice No. 3248 140.00 Incoterm 14654 209.00 422.70 FIRE DEPARTMENT Thompson Printing 10-17-78 31.00 Metro Lex Supply Invoice 7270 15.40 Colleyville Auto Clinic 10-16-78 102.45 148.85 WATER DEPARTMENT National Building Center 9-27-78 95.90 Texas Power and Light Co. 8-29 to 9-29 2,119.05 The Rohan Company 66572 68.79 Gifford Hill and Company # 205580 248.50 Fitting Supply Company Inc. 9-21-78 425.45 Circle R. Electric Co. 18635 30.00 Aqua Utility,Inc. 9756 1,054.74 E. L. White (calculator) 68051 139.95 4,182.38 Grand Total $ 6,961.54 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of September ' 10,167,800 Gallons Pumped previous month Gallons sold previous month 9,675,000 New Taps installed for month 4 3 Meters changed out Line repairs: Materials Six main breaks, two 6 in. one 8 in., one 4 in. Machine Rental $125.00 Other repairs Repair 6in. valve on Farm Rd. 1709 Repairs made on chlorine machine. Water Supe;intendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES RE°ORT SEPTEMBER 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases Set for Trial: 36 Cases Heard: 15 Cases Dismissed: 4 Cases Annealed: Citations Paid: 97 Warrants Issued: 29 Cases Reset: 1 Cases Assigned to Defensive Driving: 1 Cases Reduced to a Lesser Charge: A Cases Released to other authority: 3 citations, 1 nerson snectfully, uniciDal Court Clerk SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT September 1978 1. Res ponses: Structure Fires 0 Grass Fires 2 Auto Fires 0 Auto Accident-Stand-By (Rescue Unit & Fire Unit) 5 Mutual Aid to Other Cities 2 Denton County Calls 0 False Alarms 0 Rescue'Unit.......... 2 A. Resue Boat &~Crew (Rock-Ledge Park Area. Drowning) B. Dairy Queen- Hwy. 114 (Possible Appendix Attack) Misc. Alarms 4 A. Power Line Down-East Dove St. B. Electrical Fire-Air Condition-1108 Vista Trails C. Lightning Struck Light Pole-440 Shady Lane D Electri 1 Fire-P~►ir MCoWition-#12 Oak Hill Mobil Home Park Total Emergency Responses or on 15 2. Man Hours Expended Emergency Calls.......... 77 hrs. Meetings (4) Average 18.men.PAT,MPAtiW .......................174 hrs. Maintenance Average Time. Xor. Volunteers ............................120 hrs. Training Sessions (2) man hours included in meetings Total Man Hours For The Month .........................................37 1 hrs. 3. Firefighters Responses And Number Of Times Responding: Chief Steele---7 R. Martin----4 M. Pirtle---4 Asst. Chief Bradley--5 T. Bryant----5 C. Reed-----2 Fire Marshall Joyce--2 C. Bell------5 R. DeVaul---5 Capt. Dodson--------5 B. Jones-----8 Capt. Roper---------8 T. Boyer-----5 Lt. Sullivan--------2 C. Jones-----7 Lt. Brown-----------9 R. Bradley---8 E. Reed-------------6 R. Anderson--8 Respectfully Submitted: _ /4", lK444- R. P. Steele/Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 1978 Honorable Mayor and City Council Police Department Report for the month of September 1978 Tickets issued in August 163 Tickets issued in September 116 Persons in jail in August 13 Persons in jail in September 16 Traffic accidents in August 9 Traffic accidents in September 13 Burglaries investigated in August 2 Burglaries investigated in September 8 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in September $5432.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in September .00 hefts investigated in August 5 Thefts investigated in September 4 Approximate total value taken in thefts in September $895.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in September .00 Number of calls in August 956 Number of calls in September 967 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 82,134 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 42,292 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 46,457 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 29,810 Miles driven in August 9,845 Miles.driven in September 8,568 Respe fully submitte,, ItY C. Daymond Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw r• Total fines paid for August $2,909.00 Total fines paid for September $3,355.00 Total fines paid for DPS for August .00 d H ~ ~ r cn ~ TICKETS 4 23 12 26 38 13 116 AMOUNT i OF CALLS 120 11I 151 294 194 97 967 # OF ARRESTS 1 5 2 6 3 16 ACCIDENTS 5 1 2 3 2 13 1 BURGLARIES 3 4 1 8 THEFTS 1 N 1 2 4 MILES DRIVEN ,i 1310 1341 1530 1703 1441 1243 8568 11 S 14ORKED 160 168 161 180 104 132 L905 I r I I