1978-09-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 19,1978 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Establish a Citizen's Advisory Committee (Water) Resolution 78-26. 2. Home Con Systems,Inc. Community Antena Television System. Don Haas, Representative. 3. Approval of the FY 1979 Budget. 4. Approval of the Tax Levy Ordinance No. 245. 5. ZA 78-7 Zoning request for William L. Stickley. AG. to A-3 Residential. John Childress Survey, Abst. 254. 16.13 acre tract of land. 6. ZA 78-13 Zoning request for Joe W. Sanders. AG to A-3 Residential. Samuel Freeman Survey Abst. 525.TR. 2A. 9.65 acre tract. 7. ZA 78-11 Zoning request for Mary M. Snell. AG to A-3 Residential. Hiram Granberry Survey, Abst. 581. 33.934 acre tract of land. 8. Consideration of a Garbage Collection Ordinance. Sam Sparger. 9. Consideration of the Junk Yard on Carroll Avenue. Louise Morrison. 10. Amendment to Ordinance NO.118. Concerning "New" No Parking Signs. 11. Consideration to deligate authority to a person concerning building department items. 12. Department Reports. a. Mayor's report. 1. Storage cabinet for city secretary for city books. b. Fire Department C. Police Department d. Building Department e. Water Department f. Court 13. Bills for approval. 14. (Closed) Session to discuss personnel residency requirements. 15. Personnel Residency Requirements. Resolution 78-27. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake Texas, on Friday, September 15,1978 at 3 p.m. ity Secretary ~ (A .0 C O 0 0 CITY OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXAS a t'1 t0 Minutes of Reqular,City Council Meeti q V o Date September ] 9, 1978 Time : 7:30 p.m. EA Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF ' AMBER k PAGE 1 INDEX NO. CA. b 11 OUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, i i at Hawk; Mayor Pro Tem, Sam Sparge ouncilpersons; Louise Morrison, C. Urbanosky, Brad Popkin, Lloyd Harper. I I STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Attor ey, Doug Campbell; Police Chief, aymond Gaddy; Fire Chief, Bob Steele; Water Superintendent, Wallace Cline. & Z MEMBER PRESENT: Chairman, James Harrell. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem, Sam parger. inutes of the September 5,1978, eeting were approved as corrected. ayor Hawk read Resolution 78-26. RESOLUTION Sparger x x Establishing a committee on water 78-26. Morrison x quality for the City of Southlake. CITIZEN'S Urbanosky x Joe Gregory, will be chairman of ADVISORY Harper x x his new Citizen's Advisory COMMITTEE, Committee on Water. Council approv WATER. d this action. iscussion was held on the Home on System,Inc., cable television ompany. No action was taken, as the representative for the com- pany was not present. Sparger I x he FY1979 Budget was approved. FY1979 Morrison x ,x ayor Hawk outlined the changes BUDGET Urbanosky I Ix ade to the proposed budget. The APPROVED. Harper I x x total amount of the budget is 1 394,850. i j 1 he Tax, Levy Ordinance # 245, was TAX LEVY Sparger x Ix approved. General Fund .51 APPROVED Morrison I x x Interest & ORDINANCE Urbanosky Ix I i Sinking Fund .14 # 245. Harpe rip Ix The Tax Levy for FY1979 is .65 I o tax increase over last year. I ~ I I I k O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS b A d e Minutes of Reqular City Council Meeti q Date : September ] 9 , 1978 0 7o Time :7:30 p.m. n Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF ' 2 MEMBER PACE INDEX NO. CAP ZA 78-7 Zoning request for Wm. L. ZA78-7 Sparger x x Stickley,was considered. Motion ZONING Morrison x x x was made we approve A-3 Single CHANGE Harper x Family District. It did not AG TO A-2 Harper Popkin x carry. WM. L. , I STICKLEY. Sparger x After extensive discussion, counci Morrison x approved a change from AG to A-2 Urbanosky x x Single Family District,for the Harper x 16.13 acre tract located in the Popkin x x John Childress Survey. Abstract 254. The original request was for A-3 Single Family District. Sparger x x ZA 78-13 Zoning request for Joe ZA 78-13 Morrison X W. Sanders was approved. It was ZONING Urbanosky x a public hearing with no comments CHANGE Harper x x from property owners within 200 AG to A-3 :)pkin x feet. The property, a 9.65 acre JOE W. tract of land,located in the SANDERS. Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, TR. 2A, was rezoned from AG to A-3 Single Family District. Sparger x ZA 78-11. Zoning request for Mary ZA 78-11 Morrison x M. Snell was approved by unanimous ZONING Urbanosky I x decision. Request was for A-3 CHANGE Harper x I x Zoning, on a 33.934 acre tract out AG TO A-3 Popkin x x of the Hiram Granberry Survey. MARY M. Abstract 581. SNELL. City attorney,Doug Campbell sub- GARBAGE mitted a draft of an Ordinance for COLLECTION council review on the subject of ORDINANCE Garbage Collection for Southlake. CONSIDERED. Councilpersons discussed the con- tents of the draft. They will consider it and discuss it further I at the next council meeting. I I i (Their was a discussion on the Junk JUNK YARD Yard on Carroll Ave. Attorney ON CARROLL lCampbell reviewed the situation AVENUE, i for the'council, and for Mr. DISCUSSED. Morrison, the citizen who requeste relief from the problem in his i neighborhood. I i I I lChief Daymond Gaddy talked with al residents from Yates Corner to o o L4 0 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d n Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti q to 0 Date : September ) 9 , 1978 Time :7:30 p.m. ,cn Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF 4 , 3 PAGE INDEX NO. CAF the Messina Property on Kimball Rd.' Sparger x I x O PARKING Morrison informing them of the cities inten x sion to place "No Parking Signs" SIGNS FOR Urbanosky i ! I x along the road. The response was SECTION OF Harper I xCIMBALL ROAD_ Popkin ix x 100% in favor of the signs. This led to the amendment of ordinance 211-2, being approved. The signs i will be 24 hours a day, No Parking Signs. A discussion was held concerning ZONING BOARD variances to the Building Codes OF ADJUSTMEN'. and the Zoning Ordinance. It was MAKE VARIANC: agreed that all variances have to be made by the Zoning Board of Adjustments. No action was taken. Under the mayor's report, approval Sparger x x was given for the city secretary Morrison x rbanosky x to purchase a storage cabinet. Harper x x Cost approximately $ 150.00. Popkin x Fire Chief, Steele announced that "MISS FLAME" Kim Carman, was crowned "Miss KIM CARMAN Flame" in the Annual Miss Flame Contest, held by the Fire Departme t Sparger x Approval was given for Chief Steel BID ON NEW Morrison x x to bid on a truck for the fire FIRE TRUCK Urbanosky I x department, provided he coordinate the costs for rebuilding and infor Harper x x each councilperson as to his find- Popkin x ings, before he places the bid of $10,001. Cost for converting the truck to a fire truck will be an additional $ 4,500. i j Council passed and approved the I I bills for payment. (Attached here lo i and made a part hereof.) (Next item on the agenda was a iclosed session under Vernon's Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17 !Section 2G. The session was to discuss the personnel residency requirements. I ~ i i I I ~ I o o'o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d ~ ~ d d Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti g V3 0 Date 'September 19,1978 2 70 Time 7;30 p.m. ,W Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ~ NA Southlake, Texas N!E OF MEMBER _ PACE 4 INDEX NO. CAP. I I After the meeting was reopened, APPROVAL Sparger ! x I x the council approved Resolution RESOLUTION Morrison i I X1 Urbanosky x 78-27. (Attached hereto and made 78-27. Harper I x I x a part hereof). Mayor Pat Hawk IPERSONNAL asked Mrs. Morrison to make the .RESIDENCY Popkin I x approval unanimous. Mrs. Morrison REQUIREMENTS. indicated approval of the resolu- tion with the exception of action on City Secretary. The meeting was then adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. Mayor 01 City Secretary I I I i i I ~ I I I rn I i I ~ i RESOLUTION NO.78--26 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake deems it to be in the best interest of its citizens to have a water quality enhancement plan for the City of Southlake; WHEREAS, the City Council agrees that a water quality and long term supply problem exists; and realizes that there is concern among the citizens of Southlake regarding the quality of the water; and WHEREAS, the City Council needs advice and information as to the feeling of the community; Now, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: THAT, A Citizens Advisory Group be and is hereby created for the purpose, and with the role, indicated in the attached charter marked "Exhibit A." The following citizens are hereby appointed for a term of six (6) months from the 19th day of September, 1978: Joe Gregory, Chairman Nancy Eiland Corinne Harty Bill Curb Derrell Johnson Jonnie Loris Zena Rucker PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th day of September, 1978. A.D. MA OR ATTEST: City ecretary I CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP (WATER) FUNCTION The Group's functions are to work with the Council to develop a comprehensive plan to improve the quality and increase the quan- tity of the water supply by: (a) Gathering data from pertinent organizations or agencies. (b) Performing studies and holding discussions. (c) Defining requirements or needs of Southlake. (d) Establishing priorities and sequence. (e) Evaluating population trends and effects. (f) Evaluating cost and financing. (g) Obtaining expense estimates on cost effective study for alternatives available for improvement of the quality and quantity of water supply. ORGANIZATION The committee shall consist of registered electors appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council, one of which has been designated as chairman. MEETINGS The Committee shall meet in work sessions at least twice each month. All meetings shall be posted and open to the public. A simple majority of members shall constitute a quorum. TERM The life of this Committee shall be six months unless extended or shortened by the City Council. ATTENDANCE It is expected that each member of the Committee shall attempt to attend every meeting, but it is understood that emergencies will occur. Should a member of the Committee miss three consecutive meet- ings, it will be assumed that the member no longer desires to serve on the committee and that member will be removed. Should a member sub- mit a written justification to the Chairman prior to the third ab- sence, this will be taken into consideration. END PRODUCT A written report will be prepared documenting the Group's recommendations. RESOLUTION NO. 78-27 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, in the council session of September 19,1978, by a vote of four (4) to one (1), RESOLVED THAT: 1. In the future, we will attempt to fill all appropriate city offices with qualified elector residents, where people are available and qualified to fill those positions. 2. That we will retain all city employees in their present positions, regardless of residency, without prejudice, and that the position of temporary city secretary be made permanent to affirm that. 3. That we attempt as a city to resolve the problem that small cities like the Southlake qualified people to fell our of Southlake, and within the requirements of the Texas State Statutes. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th day of September, 1978. Mayor City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 245 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN AD VALOREM TAX ON PROPERTY SITUATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY 1978, EXCEPT SUCH PROPERTY AS MAY BE EXEMPT FROM TAXATION BY THE CONSTITUTION AND THE STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: ESTABLISH-. ING A DELINQUENT DATE: AND SETTING THE RATE OF PENALTY AND INTEREST AND PRESCRIBING ATTORNEY'S FEES TO BE COLLECTED ON DELINQUENT TAXES: DECLARING A FIRST, PRIOR AND SUPERIOR LIEN ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 19783, TO SECURE PAYMENT: ORDAINING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: 1. That there is hereby levied and shall be collected as provided by law an ad valorem tax for the year 1978 on all property, real or personal, except such property as may be exempt from taxation by the Constitution and the Statutes of the State of Texas, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake,Texas, on January 1,1978, and that the amount to be applied to the value of such property shall be SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (65~) per hundred dollars of assessed valuation. 2. That the tax so levied and assessed shall be apportioned to the following accounts and funds in the amounts set forth: GENERAL FUND $ 0.51 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND .14 TOTAL LEVY $ 0.65 Collections of the taxes levied shall be deposited to the credit of each of the above accounts and funds in their proportionate share of the total levy after taking into consideration a 20 uncollectable factor which is to be accounted for in the General Fund. 3. That the taxes provided for herein are in accordance with appropriate State Statutes. 4. Ad Valorem, Taxes Levied by this Ordinance shall be due and payable on October 1,1978, and shall become delinquent on the first day C of February, 1979. Payment of such tax is due in one full installment. 5. If The TAX is unpaid after February 1,1979, such tax will become delinquent and penalty and interest will attach and accrue as provided by the Statutes of the State of Texas, including Articles 1060a and 7336, V.A.T.C.S. \ 6. In the event the taxes become delinquent and in the event such delinquent taxes are referred to any attorney for collection, an additional amount of ten per cent (10a) of the total amount of tax, penalty and interest then due shall be added as collection costs and paid by the taxpayer. 7. Taxes herein levied and uncollected shall be a first, prior, and superior lien against the property, and the said lien shall be superior and prior to all other liens, charges and encumbrances, and such lien shall attach to personal property with the same priority as to real property. 8. The lien provided herein shall be attached as of January 1,1979. 9. Should any section, provision or clause of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. 10. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of its approval and adoption as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the affirmative vote of all members i of the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, present this 19th day of September 1978. Mayor ATTEST: city Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE - BILLS FOR APPROVAL September 19,1978 CITY Gibson 9-11-78 $ 8.03 Rohne and Hoodenpyle Attorney 8-78 159.65 Thompson Printing Service 9-13-78 17.00 The Paymaster Corp. 9-15-78 67.50 Gulf Oil Corp. 8-31-78 1,279.27 TML Workmen's Comp. Insurance 9-01-78 451.00 Tarrant County Purchasing Dept. 9-01-78 164.62 Grapevine News Advertiser 01776,01775 49.00 TOTAL $ 2,196.07 POLICE Gibson 9-11-78 $ 21.84 City of Grapevine Ambulance 475-78,498-78 90.00 Technology Development,Inc. 1361 99.94 Incoterm 14002 209.00 Crabtree and Powers Tire Ser. 9-10-78 174.15 TOTAL $ 594.93 FIRE... Crabtree and Powers Tire Ser. 9-10-78 $ 49.50 Bell Communications,Inc. 9-643 695.00 City Truck Parts,Inc. 8-31-78 240.28 W.H. Lumpkin Assoc. 6059 170.00 Tarrant County Firefighters 78-311 13.23 Grapevine Auto Supply 9-15-78 96.76 Smith Municipal Supplies Inc. 19986 28.51 TOTAL $ 11293.28 WATER... Water and Sewage Works Magazine 3 years 24.00 Aqua Utility Inc. 9453 14.72 TOTAL $ 38.72 Grand Total $ 41%123.00 i WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of August Gallons Pumped previous month 14,149,900 Gallons sold previous month 12,240,300 New Taps installed for month 9 Meters changed out 4 Line repairs: Materials 4 main breaks three 4" and one 4" four full circles. Machine Rental ..140.00 , other repairs one service pulled. IMAI Water Superintendent SOUTHLAKE FIRE DERARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST '78 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires 3 Grass Fires 11 Auto Fires 2 Auto Accident-Stand-By (Rescue Unit $ Fire Unit) 6 Mutual Aid to Other Cities 2- Denton County Calls False Alarms 1 1 2. RESCUE UNIT A. Unit 3008/Oxygen Call ...Meyers Residence, East Continental Blvd. 3. MISC. ALARMS 1 A. Electrical High Line Down ...White Chapel Blvd./Continental Blvd. 4. TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR THE MONTH 27 5. MAN HOURS EXPENDED Emergency Calls 207 Hrs, Meetings (4) Average 160 Hrs, Maintenance Average Time 75 Hrs, Training Sessions (2) man hours included in mettings 6. TOTAL MAN HOURS FOR THE MONTH 442 Hrs 7. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: (SEE PAGE 2) Southlake Fire Department (Page 2) Monthly Report ,.7. Firefighters Responses and Number of Times Responding: Chief Steele.......... _25 W. Winchester 10 Asst. Chief Bradley 11 E. Reed .................18 Fire Marshall-Joyce.......... 06 B. Jones ................14 Capt. Dodson .................10 M. Pirtle....... ........08 Capt. Roper ..................10 R. Bradley 12 Lt. Sullivan .............o...09 R. Martin.,...... .......05 Lt. Brown., o.o 14 R. Foster.,..... ........02 T. Bryant ....................19 T. Boyer 07 R. DeVaul .............0......09 D. Drennan 07 C. Reed ......................10 R. Anderson............. 06 C. Jones .....................10 C. Bell, 03 K. Cosgrove ..................07 Respectfully Submitted, r f/em.. R. P. Steele, Fire Chief CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1978 Honorable Mayor and City Council Police Department Report for the month of August 1978 Tickets issued in July 152 Tickets issued in August 163 Persons in jail in July 10 Persons in jail in August 13 Traffic accidents in July 15 Traffic accidents in August 9 Burglaries investigated in July 3 Burglaries investigated in August 2 approximate total value taken in burglaries in August $2,120.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in August 0 Thefts investigated in July 3 Thefts investigated in August 5 Approximate total value taken in thefts in August $1,565.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in August 0 Number of calls in July 1370 Number of calls in August 956 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 82,134 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 41,867 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 41,938 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 26,186 Miles driven in July 9,958 Miles driven in August 9,845 Respectfully sub tt"1d, C. Daymond Gaddy hief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDC/cdw CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL 'BUILDING DEPARTMENT 7ARTME N _T MONTH OF September 1978 ~ 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS Current Last Mot'--h Electric 2.3 8 Plunibing 25 9 Foundation 14 5 Heating & A/C 1 3 Septic System 4 i 6 Driveway Approach pools ec-ISc sidewalks Total inspections 70 39 4 I 2. PERMITS This Month Fee Last Months Fee *Building 4 1'44.00 10 790.00 Electrical 8 170.Q0 4 34.00 Plumbing 7 159.00 7 122.00 Heat & A/C 3 54.00 1 20.00 Otter SS 1 10.00 - - Certifi8ate of Occ. 4 100.00 1 25.00 Total Permits 27 637.10 22 983.00 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month Last Month To Date This Year $98,000.010 $247,700.00 $674,112.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $213.00 $138.00 $1,189.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND This Month To Date This Year $908.35 $6934.15 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED/, *.Building Permits: 1. Residences - 2 2. Additions - 2 3 . Pool 1 - Builds Department Total fines paid for July $2,946.00 Total fines paid for August $2,909.00 Total fines paid for DPS for August 0 z TICKETS 17 16 41 52 37 163 AMOUNT OF CALLS ~ 96 107 156 216 249 112 956 !1 OF ARRESTS 4 3 4 2 13 i ACCIDENTS 2 4 1 2 9 BURGLARIES 1 1 2 d THEFTS 1 4 5 r .TILES DRIVEN 1613 1158 1318 1854 2120 1782 9845 H., -l'S WORKED 141 192 197 168 165 164 1027 r. i r s. .a `1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT AUGUST 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases Set for Trial: 70 Cases Heard: 36 Cases Dismissed: 14 Cases Appealed: 7 Citations Paid: 130 Warrants Issued: 57 Cases Reset: 15 Cases Assigned to Defensive Driving: 1 Cases Reduced to a Lesser Charne: 19 Cases Released to other authority (immigration, juvenile, etc.) 0 Respectfully, ;nicipal Court Clerk CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL September, 1978 B'6-FI_DI\G DEPARTMENT MONTH OF 1. ~C\I,VBr OF INSPECTIONS Cur ent Last Month " ectr is 22 23 i' 1U11101ng 20 25 2 ounc~at ion 6 i e;;-cing & A/C 15 14 Septic Sys te."I 7 1 Driveway Approach 14 3 4 & sidewalks ~otA1 Inspections 78 70 2. PERMITS This Month Fee Last Month . Fee Building b 75-56-M ' 0 Electrical 4 47.00 8 170.10 P 1u,~~b ing 5 82.00 7 159.00 8 141.00 3 54.00 Heat & A/C 3 30.00 1 10.00 Other 0 0 4 100.00 Certificate of Occ. 'Dotal Permits 26 836.00 27 $637.10 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month Lust Month To Date This Year $170,025.00 $98,000.00 $268,025.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $316.00 $213.00 $.1,505.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUi\Tfj This Month To Date This Year $1,152.00 $8,086.15 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Building Department