1978-08-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 15,1978 7:30 p.m. A G E N D A 1. ZA 78-7 Zoning Request for William L. Stickley. A 16.13 acre tract of land out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract 254. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request for A-3 Single Family. Public Hearing. a. Peitition of Protest to the Zoning Change. Presented by Pat Raidy. 2. ZA 78-9 Zoning Request for Haren Joyce. A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 522, Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for A-3 Single Family, Public Hearing. Also, request for subdivision same tract of land. Simplified Subdivision Procedure. 3. ZA 78-10 Request for Jud Joyce to subdivide a tract of land in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 522, Tract 2C1C1. Present zoning A-3 Simplified Subdivision Procedure. 4. Consideration of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance 161. Concerning: Automobile Wrecking Yards, Junk Yards; Excavation of Soil, Sand and Gravel; Private Clubs; Gasoline Storage; Phasing out Non- Conforming Uses; Garbage and Trash Dumps; Sanitary Land Fills; Massage Parlors; and Weeds and Rubbish Hazards. 5. Public Hearing: Consideration of Revenue Sharing Funds; 9th Entitlement Period. Consideration of Revenue Sharing Funds; 10th Entitlement Period. 6. Public Hearing: Consideration of the Proposed 1979 Budget. 7. Approve Action. Tax Equalization Board. 8. Reading of Tax Rate Ordinance No. 245. 9. Discussion: Mini Sewer System in the Summerplace Addition o 10. Revision of Personnel Rules and Regulations. Resolution 78-2 . 11. Departmental Reports: a. Building b. Court c. Police 1. Consideration to send Tom Lang to Criminal Investigator Course. d. Fire 1. Purchase 5 home receivers (budget item). e. Administration 1. Establish a petty cash fund. 2. Purchase tape recorder. 3. Purchase file cabinet. f. Water 1. water supply to Tiffany Acres 2. serve water to a City of Grapevine Ex. Terr. water customer. g. Mayor 12. Bills for approval. 13. Personnel Session (closed). I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, on Friday, August 11,1978 at 11 a.m. /A"",--'- City '2az .1 Secretary * Agenda item # 4 was added to the agenda on Monday, August 14,1978 at 9 a.m. 9 0 O TEXAS a n x CITY OF SOUTH LAKE, ti Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti g n t~ o Date August ] 5, 1978 Time 7 ,n Place : City oPgnobthlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF PAGE 1 INDEX NO. CAP. MEMBER I II i - ! COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; ! I I Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparg , I Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, ! A.C. Urbanosky. ABSENT: Councilmen; Brad Popkin, i Lloyd Harper. i STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Attor- ney; Doug Campbell, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. P & Z MEMBERS PRESENT: James ` Harrell, Virginia Clow. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger. t Minutes of the August 1,1978 meet- ing were approved as presented. No action was taken in regard to ZONING the zoning request of William L. REQUEST FO: 1 Stickley, due to the fact that two Wm. L. council persons were absent. Plan STICKLEY. i ning and Zoning chairman, James NO ACTION Harrell stated the P & Z Commiss- TAKEN.PUBL iQners gave their recommendation HEARING ! to approve the request to change CONTINUE from AG District to A-3 Single NEXT MEETI Family District. It was a public ZA 78-7 hearing and a petition opposing the action was presented by Pat Raidy of 2980 Flamingo Circle, Dove Estates. Leonard Dorsett, of 3010 Lake Drive also spoke I i I !against the zoning change. The public hearing will be continued at the September 5, council meetin . Sparger x ix IThe zoning request for Harlen Joyc ZONING Morrison !x X for a tract of land out of the A.A APPROVED Urbanosky . ~x JFreeman Survey, Abstract 522, was AND SUB- !approved. AG to A-3 Single Family DIVISION parger x x District. The request for approval APPROVED F Morrison x Ion asubdivision on the same tract HARLEN JOYCE. Urbanosky x x of land was approved. ZA 78-9 I ul to o t 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS t7 ttf Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti q 0 Date :August 15,1978 Time :7:30 p.m. ,u Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 PACE 2 INDEX NO. CAF MEMBER The Simplified Subdivision proce- SUBDIVISION Sparger I x i x dure applied to a tract of land ou APPROVED FOi Morrison ix I x of the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abst. JUD JOYCE. Urbanosky i I x 522, submitted by Jud Joyce. ZA 78-]0 After discussion, the subdivision was approved. i Spager Public Hearing was held concerning ;REVENUE Morrso x the Revenue Sharing Funds; 9th Morrison x x SHARING FUN' Entitlement Period; $ 8,393.00 9TH AND 10TH Urbanosky x x 10th Entitlement Period; $ 21,642. CO ENTITLEMENT Mayor Hawk read a letter from the PERIODS. State Comptroller, Bob Bullock. It stated the the city must take their option to repeal the 1% tax on utilities by September 10, if it i to be effective this next year. If we loose the 1% tax for utilit sales, it could cost the city approximately $ 12,000. per year. The mayor opened the hearing to the public. Leonard Dorsett, Conn Er Campbell, both citizens of South- lake had improvements to the fire department first on their list of suggested expenditures for the Revenue Funds. When ask for a sho of hands from the audience, it was unanimous that the city leave the city sales tax intact. After discussion from council members, the following was recommended as capital improvements; Fire Dept. $ 25,493.00 (tanker, and vehicle repair). Police Dept. $ ],998.00(capital equiptment, budget items). Administration$ 300.00 ( office j equiptment). Building Dept.$ ],035.00(office equiptment). (Facilities $ ],209.00 (building ;repair). All of the 9th Entitlement Period is for Fire Department. 10th Entitlement Period for all other I ; (items. i I ~ i I M ~d O 0 1 0 G x ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d t:l t~7 Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti g r4 o Date 'August ] 5, 1978 Time : 7 3 0 ,u Place City Bf~buthlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME MEMBER OF PAGE 3 INDEX NO. CAP. Mayor Hawk presented the FY 1979 DISCUSSION: proposed budget. He stated the in- PROPOSED FY crease and emphasis on the budget 1979 BUDGET. is the Fire Department for improve-I ments and replacements of equipt- ! ment and a full time fire chief. I There was discussion amoung council,- persons then it was opened for public hearing. Conner Campbell, Leonard Dorsett, and Pat Raidy made' comments and suggestions primarily to do with low wages for the police department employees. Mayor Hawk will make minor adjust- ments to the budget and present at . the next meeting. Sparger x The findings of the Tax Equaliza- TAX EQUALIZA- Morrison x x tion Board were approved. The TION BOARD. -banosky x x amount is $ 19,073.00. Mayor Hawk gave a presentation of TAX LEVY the Tax Rate Ordinance 245. ORDINANCE. I I The mini sewer system in the DISCUSSION: Summerplace Addition was the next MINI SEWER item of discussion. Mayor Hawk SYSTEM, SUMM'. read a letter by the attorney PLACE ADDITI of Ramm Inc., along with the Developers Agreement dated July 1977. Our engineers are to inspect the system when the developer feel it is complete, then we will re- lease the system. Cost of the inspection will be paid by the developer. i A general discussion preceded RESOLUTION Sparger ! x I Ix approval of Ordinance 78-25. 78-25. PBRS6 Morrison 'X Personnel Rules and Regulations. NEL RULES AN Urbanosky x i I x prior to action on Ordinance 78-25 REGULATIONS. j councilperson Morrison made a j (motion to ammned 78-25, to say all reference to liaison system be ! I removed from the Resolution. The I motion died for lack of a second. ((see page 4 for correction) i !Approval was given for Tom Lang to TOM LANG Sparger x x I Igo to Detective Investigation DET. INVEST. Morrison x SCHOOL School. Urbanosky x i x N C G CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS t~ tti Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti q Date August ] 5 , 1978 Time : 7:30 p.m. ,cn Place : City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF PAGE 4 INDEX NO. CAF. MEMBER I Sparger i x! x Chief Steele was given approval to MISC. PURCHF Morrison I x purchase five home receiver sets Urbanosky Ix ! x for a purchase price of approx. $ 700.00. This is a budget item. i Sparger xl x Approval was given to the city Morrison I x secretary to set up a petty cash Urbanosky x x fund in the amount of $ 50.00. Also to purchase a tape recorder not to exceed $100.00. And a file cabinet for the court clerk for Approximately $ 85.00. Approval was given for the water Sparger Ix Ix Morrison x department to have $ 50.00 change in the department at all times. Urbanosky x x Discussion concerning the water TIFFANY ACRE Sparger Ix x line in Tiffany Acres,resulted WATER LINES. ~rrison x with the cost of installation _rbanosky x x estimated at $ 14,000.00 Council passed and approved the bills for payment. (Attached beret and made a part hereof.) The meeting was closed for a personnel discussion. No action was taken after the closed session Mayor i ity Secretary I I )LIA00. ~ ' I I I i I I *(from page 3)also,department head should be appointed in place of ;liaison officers,for each departure t MV 1978 EQUALIZATION BOARD I, Will H. Zschiesche, Assessor for the City of Southlake, Texas, do solemnly swear that the correct and full list of the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City of Southlake, so far as I have been able to ascertain, totals $ 19,073,029 valuation on the 1978 Tax Roll. Will H. Zschi he, Tax Assessor SWORN TO before me this day 1978 . J et Daniel N tary Public, Tarrant County, Texas. The Board of Equalization having been called in session to approve the final tax roll as presented by the assessor, the following summary was presented to them: Real Property: $ 17,633,916 Personal Property: 1,439,113 TOTAL $ 19,073,029 The above and foregoing having been found correct, the final roll as certified by the assessor was approved, along with the Minutes of the Board of Equalization for the City of Southlake, for the Year 1978. DATED THIS 15 th DAY OF August 1978. BILLS FOR APPROVAL August 15,1978 CITY Fort Worth Star Telegram classified 7/31 $ 25.92 IBM - repair typewritters 8/14 37.68 Grapevine News Advertiser - classified 01767,01765,01766 40.50 Circle R Electric Company 18517 300.00 TML Workmen's Comp. Joint Ins.Fund 8/01 846.00 Villa Capri Motor Hotel 7/25 24.61 Thompson Printing 7/27,8/7 67.00 Regional Office Supply 7/28 82.95 IRS Tax decrease (interest charged) 1.71 Pitney Bowes 130348, 130352 249.77 Conoco 0239210A 77.00 Total $ 1,753.14 FIRE Waukesha-Pearce Industries,Inc. 05-03380 12.60 v head Do0 2177 42.00 ~ogrieyvilleuto Parts,Clinic 8/1 198.35 Regional Electrical Systems 1205 78.90 Total $ 331.85 POLICE Sa-So 000946 21.25 Payton-/Wright Ford Sales,Inc. 3822 185.20 Bell Communications 7/31 283.80 Bell and Howell 2583762 19.23 City of Grapevine Ambulance 408-78 40.00 Total $ 549.48 WATER National Building Centers 3415-17034-00 12.00 The Rohan Co. 7/31 306.60 Foy Keys 6041 65.00 Fitting Supply Co. 7/21 330.88 Aqua Utility,Inc. 9097,9099 1,012.00 Johnson Laboratories & Supply Co. 8/1 128.96 Gifford - Hill Co. 7/31 93.30 Bowles and Edens Co. 7/24 100.00 T P and L Co. Water 7/28 1,938.65 Total,....... $ 3,987.39 UTILITIES Tri County Electric 8/1 103.80 General Telephone 8/1 65.00 Total 168.80 Grand Total $ 6,790.66 RESOLUTION NO. 78- ~5 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS,THAT: 1. The terms and provisions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof, be and are hereby approved and adopted as the PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS for the employees of the City of Southlake. The provisions of said Exhibit "A" shall be binding upon all employees of the City of Southlake. 2. This Exhibit "A" supersedes all previous Rules and Regulations and particularly those contained in Resolution No. 72-23, Resolution No. 73-17, Resolution No. 73-20, Resolution No. 76-12 and Resolution No. 76-19 and Resolution No. 77-20. 3. These Rules and Regulations shall be effective immediately upon passage of this Reolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of August,1978. i Mayor ATTEST: j c City Secretary 1 EXHIBIT "A" PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS SECTION 1. AUTHORITY AND ADMINISTRATION 1.1 EFFECTIVE DATE: See paragraph IV. of this resolution. 1.2 SCOPE: These rules shall apply to and govern all employees of the City of Southlake,Texas. 1.3 ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. The City Council reserves all statutory and common law authority in inself except to the extent lawfully provided otherwise in these Rules and Regulations. The functions of the Mayor as Chief Executive Officer of the City in accordance with Article 994 Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas is hereby recognized. Final authority in all municipal affairs, in the form of review and approval, is reserved by the City Council except where Statutory Law provides otherwise. 1.4 DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION OF THESE RULES. Department Heads will be responsible for the proper and effective administration of these rules and policies within their respective departments. Routine matters and duties in connection therewith may be assigned to a subordinate employee, such as preparation and handling of all required records, reports,etc, within that department. 1.5 AMENDMENTS, The City Council may change or amend these rules within statutory limitations when deemed necessary in order to more effectively and efficiently promote the interest of the City of Southlake. SECTION 2. INITIAL EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS. 2.1 BASIS OF EMPLOYMENT. All initial employment with the City of Southlake shall be based on merit, ability, and physical and moral fitness as evidenced by: 2.1-1 Training and experience as reflected by the application form plus documentary evidence as to certification, registration, etc., if required. 2.1-2 Investigation of previous employment and credit records. 2.1-3 Physical examination, if required. 2.1-4 Character investigation by head of the department. 2.1-5 There is no discrimination with regard to race, creed, color, sex or age. 2.1-6 Performance test, where applicable. 2 2.2 RESIDENCE. Applicants are encouraged to reside within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake. 2.3 NEPOTISM. No person related within the second degree of affinity or within the third degree of consanguinity to the Mayor or to any member of the City Council shall be appointed to any office, position, clerkship or service to the City. 2.3-1 Persons who are relatives and members of an immediate family shall not be appointed to service in the same department without specific approval from the City Council. 2.4 APPLICATIONS. All persons seeking initial employment or re-employment after an absence of more than six months will be required to complete, sign and submit a standard form provided by the City of Southlake. 2.5 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT. Upon the approval of the department head, an employee may accept outside employment provided that such activity does not interfere with his efficiency in regular City employment and that such job is limited to other than regular duty hours. In no event shall an employee hold an i outside job that has any conflict of interest with City employment. 2.6 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. The attitude and deportment of a City employee, whether in public or private, should at all times be such as to promote the good will and favorable attitude of the public toward the City Administration and its programs and policies. Employees will at no time involve themselves in or criticize other departments or employees other than as required by job function. SECTION 3. ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE. I 3.1 ACCOUNTING RESPONSIBILITIES. Department Heads are responsible for maintaining complete and accurate records relative to all forms of leave, attendance and absence for their employees due to any cause and whether with or without pay; proper indications as to the cause of absence will be made on departmental payrolls. Department heads must certify by signing such payroll/attendance records to insure that salary and wage expenditures stay within budgetary limits. 3.2 WAGES AND HOURS. Wages and salaries for various positions shall be in general accordance with the provisions of the budgeted salaries currently in effect including amendments thereto and within the limitations of the financial provisions of each department as approved by the City Council. Working schedules will be established by each Department Head. 3.2-1 Annual wages and salaries shall be paid thru 24 pay periods, beginning October 1st, 1972. Employees will be paid on the workday nearest to the fifteenth and last day of each month. 3.2-2 Overtime work will be performed only on authorization of the department head with regard to certain positions and departments and to the extent necessary to meet essential operating requirements. Compensations for authorized overtime work will be provided in the budget or as otherwise approved by the City Council. 3.2-2-1 Department Heads; Employees who are regarded as being on department, assistant or division head levels shall not be eligible for i 3 overtime pay. Employees in this class are to work whatever hours may be necessary to properly perform the duties assigned. personnel are determined and established in acccordanceewithathis for such assumption. (The City Secretary is included in this class.) 3.2-2-2 OFFICE STAFF. Employees on the office staff shall not be eligible for overtime (cit Pay , but shall be given compensatory time off ( except as scheduled and authorized by the council). 3.2-2-3 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Members of this department shall be aid same pay as shift the pay as set forth in the budget for each fiscal year. 3.2-2-4 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Same as paragraph 3.2-2-3 above. 3.3 AUTHORITY FOR ABSENCE. No city employee shall be absent from his/her regularly scheduled duties except by aus depart authorized acting department head in absencetof othelregulartdepartmeepartmed nt or head. the g d Absences with the reason therefor must be reported to the department he soon as possible. All absences for periods in excess of 3 days must be a ro by the City Council. ad as pp ved 3.4 SICK LEAVE WITH PAY, sick leave with full PEmployees in permanent positions will be eligible for y on the basis of ten working days within a fiscal year subject to the following conditions; 3.4-1 Sick leave may not be taken until three months of service have completed. been 3.4-2 Sick leave may accumulate to a maximum of 30 da s. retroactive to 1 October 1973. y This will be 3.4-3 No pay will be authorized for unused sick leave. 3.4-4 Department heads are hereby authorized to make any investi ati benefits claims under this rule which they deem necessar g on of disapprove any claim not y and to period in excess of three consecutiveodays willbrequireaauthorizationkb physician. y a 3.4-5 Sick leave of one half and less of a regular work shift need not reported as sick leave nor be reported on be payrolls. 3.4-6 Frequent claiming of benefits under this rule will constitute grounds for the assumption by the department head that the physical condition of the employee is below the standard necessary for the prop performance of his/her duties. Malingering or abuse of tthisebenefit will constitute grounds for prompt dismissal or disciplinary action by the department head with the approval of the City Council, or by the City Council. 3.5 VACATION. An employee in a permanent position will be eligible for vacation benefits either as time off with pay or as terminal a separation from City Employment in good standing. p y in the case of 3.5-1 Employees in permanent positions shall be granted one week (five working days) vacation after twelve months continuous employment, two weeks (ten working days) after twenty-four months continuous 4 employment, and three weeks (fifteen working days) after ten years continuous employment. The time that an employee is on vacation is considered continuous service time. All vacation time periods shall be based on the date of employment. 3.5-2 Vacations shall be taken at a time approved by the department head. Department Heads will notify the applicable Liason Officer and the Mayor of all vacations at least seven days prior to the start of the particular vacation. 3.5-3 Vacation benefits are not cumulative from year to year and must be used in the year earned. 3.5-4 If an employee declines to take his/her vacation, he shall not be paid vacation pay. 3.5-5 No vacation benefits will he earned by temporary or part-time persons. 3.6 EMERGENCY LEAVE WITH PAY. Department heads may grant emergency leave with pay not to exceed three working days to employees who have completed at least three I months of continuous service in case of death of an immediate member of the employee's family. 3.7 MILITARY LEAVE WITH PAY. A permanent employee who is a member of the National Guard or any reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States, when so ordered by the proper authority, shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay during any period when he shall be engaged in field training or encampment, or when ordered to duty with troops for field exercises or instructions, and not to exceed ten working days during any one calendar year. 3.8 HOLIDAYS. The following holidays are officially declared and designated to be observed with pay by all City employees occupying permanent positions and subject to the revisions and limitations hereinafter set forth; New Year's Day, Memorial Day; Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. 3.8-1 When any designated holiday falls on Saturday, or Sunday, the preceding or following business day will be observed. 3.8-2 Department heads shall specifically authorize the observance of any holiday above named and may revoke or restrict the observance of same in order to provide necessary functions and services by their departments. 3.8-3 No overtime pay or extra pay will be authorized for employees who may be required to work on a designated holiday, but such employees may be allowed corresponding time off with pay added to vacation time allowed. Credit for unused holidays may not carry over into the following calendar year except where the holidays have come after the employee's regular vacation. 3.9 OTHER FORMS OF LEAVE. Attendance of seminars, schools, etc., will be with pay together with necessary travel and expense allowance when previously approved by the City Council and where such attendance improves the employee's efficiency, and is considered beneficial to the interest of the City. 3.9-1 Jury and court service will be a paid absence. 5 SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES. 4.1 DEPARTMENT HEADS TO ENFORCE DISCIPLINE. Department heads will be charged with the responsibility of enforcing and maintaining proper standards of discipline in personal conduct among their employees at all times while on duty whether dealing with other employees or with citizens, and are vested with discretionary authority to practice the following suggested forms and sequence of remedial measures incident to the enforcement and observance of these rules, or of any of the operating rules of their departments: 4.1-1 Seriously calling the attention of an employee to any satisfactory conduct in performance of duty. 4.1-2 Personal reprimand of the employee. 4.1-3 Suspension of the employee without pay for an appropriate period subject to review and approval by the City Council, if requested. 4.1-4 Demotion of an employee to a position of lower classification, as provided under Sub-section 4.4, subject to review and approval by the City Council, if requested. 4.1-5 Dismissal of an employee, including disapproval of terminal pay or unused vacation, as approved under Section 3.5 of these rules, subject to review and approval by the City Council, if requested. 4.2 GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL. State law shall control in connection with dismisal of employees as provided under the applicable laws of the State including but not limited to Article 1006. Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas. 4.3 DEMOTIONS. Subject to review and approval by the City Council, department heads are vested with discretionary authority to demote employees to lower job classifications for disciplinary purposes or, further, abolishment of the job due to lack of work or funds. (This latter reason shall be with- out prejudice and such employee will be eligible for preferential consideration upon reinstatement of the job.) 4.4 TERMINATION RULES AND REQUIREMENTS. To resign in good standing, eml in permanent positions should give at least two weeks notice oftheiroyees intentions. Failure to do so will jeopardize receiving terminal pay in the form of any unused vacation pay due such employee. All terminating employees will be required to surrender and return to their department all records and/or property of the City of Southlake which may be in their possession or custody. Supplemental payrolls to issue paychecks for terminating employees will not be permitted except in the case of extenuating circumstances recommended by the department head to the City Secretary. 4.5 PROMOTIONS. Promotions will be filled by qualified employees in lower job Classifications as may be consistent with the best interests of the City. 4.6 COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES. It shall be the general policy of the City of Southlake to anticipate and avoid occurrence of valid complaints or grievances and to deal promptly with any which may arise. All matters of this nature will be handled and transmitted as follows; 6 'I a. Immediate superior (sg't. chief, dispatcher,etc.) b. Department head c. Liaison Officer d. City Council. Each of the above will attempt to adjust the matter on a satisfactory basis. In every instance, the department head will submit a report setting out all information to the city council, together with his recommendations. 4.7 HIRING and dismissal is a function of the department head * to be corrdinated with the appropriate liason officer, and reviewed by the council. The Department Heads are: Police chief Public works superintnedent (water) Fire chief -1 Building Official * Department Heads are hired and dismissed by the Council. SECTION 5. FRINGE BENEFITS. 5.1 Group hospitalization insurance for employees paid in full by the City of Southlake. i 5.1-1 Members of employees families may have coverage if paid for by the employee. 5.1-2 A new employee is eligible for coverage after thirty days employment. 5.1-3 Employees not wanting coverage must sign a standard waiver form. SECTION 6 DEFINITIONS i 6.1 Permanent employee is one who is employed on a full time basis at a rate of forty hours per week, receiving remuneration from the city for such work; except independent contractors. 6.2 A part time employee is one who is employed by the City for less than the above prescribed forty hours per week. 6.3 A temporary employee is one who is employed for a specific job whose employment terminates upon completion of such specific job. i SECTION 7 LIASON OFFICERS 7.1 APPOINTMENTS. Councilmen will be appointed liason officers for an activity or department. Such appointments will be made by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council, and will be for a period of one (1) year. These appointments may be shortened or extended at the discretion of the Council. 7.2 RESPONSIBILITIES. The liaison officer for a given function or department will work with the department head if one exists. If not, he will work with the group, agencies, or employees, involved in that function. While he should not be involved in daily operations, he will provide advice, assistance in preparing budgets and other essentials as he sees fit. He should be informed of all grievances internally or by citizens that occur within the area of his appointment. 7 Liaison Officers are also to make periodic reports to the City Council in connection with the assigned department. 7.3 AUTHORITY. The liaison officer will review the proposed departmental budget and give the Mayor his view thereon prior to the submission of the full proposed budget to the council by the Mayor. This review procedure extends to changes to the budget during the fiscal year prior to submission to Council for approval. SECTION 8 FURTHER TERMINATION PROVISIONS. All provisions of these Rules and Regulations concerning removal of an officer of the City are subject to the Applicability of Article 1006 entilted "Removalof Officers" to Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas. WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT July Month of 17,452,900 Gallons Pumped previous month 14,667,200 Gallons sold previous month New Taps installed for month 9 Meters changed out 4 4' main break Peytonville, break on N. Kimball Line repairs: Materials Machine Rental $285.00 Other repairs Chlorine line repain on two well Pumps. Water Superintendent R Proposed Water Extension for Tiffany Acres Tying-in on Highway 1709 with tapping sleeve and valve proceed South on Davis Blvd. 2600' to Tiffany Acres. 1000' West on Michael Drive. 2 fire plugs 4 double taps 2 single taps 4 6" tees plugged 1 6" gate valve MJ valve housing 1 6" cap MJ 2 valve housing 1 6" cap MJ Cement $14,000.00 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT I. RESPONSES Structure fires------------------------------------------------- 03 Gress Fires----------------------------------------------------- 56 Auto Fires------------------------------------------------------ 01 Auto Accident-Stand by-(Rescue Unit 6 Fire Unit)----------------03 Mutual Aid other cities----------------------------------------- 11 False Alarms----------------------------------------------------06 Rescue Unit----------------------------------------------------- 04 A. Subject fell out of pick-up (Yates Corner North Kimbal) B. Rescue boat and crew 07-14-78 (Mutual-Aid Drowning Grapevine) C. Rescue boat and crew 07-15-78 (Mutual-Aid Drowning Grapevine) D Possible heart attack,Fewell residence (W. Northwest Parkway) Miscellaneous--------------------------------------------------- A3 A. Gas meter run over-STAND BY- North Shady Lane B. Elect wire down -STAND BY- 1200 North Carroll Ave. C. Elect Short in high wire- 1380 North Carroll Ave TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH-----------------------------87 II. MAN HOURS EXPENDED Emergency Calls-------------------------------------------------729 Hrs Meeting (4) Average:•-------------------------------------------- 140 Hrs Maintenance Average Time--------- ------------------------------120 Hrs Training Sessions (2) man hours included in meetings------------ TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH---------------------------------------989 Hrs III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: Chief Bob Steele-------------57 R. Foster--------------------29 Asst Chief Bradley- ---------57 R. Bradley-------------------33 Fire Marshall Jud Joyce------01 D. Drennan-------------------- 22 Capt Roper---------- 22 K. Cosgrove------------------37 Capt. DodSson----------------- 29 W. Winchester------ ---------26 Lt Sullivan 17 R. Rodgers-------------------15 Lt. Brown--------------------49 H. Pekarski------------------ 09 C. Bell 14 R. Martin--------------------16 C. Higgins-------------------40 B. Jones---------------------14 C. Jones---------------------25 M. Pirtle--------------------04 T. Boyek--------------------- 20 E. Reed----------------------43 C. Reed----------------------47 rf»11y submitted; T. Bryant--------------------61 Respecf P (92d=." A/l i R. P. Steele Fire Chie CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT JULY 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases Set for Trial: 54 Cases Heard: 21 Cases Dismissed: 11 Cases Appealed: 7 Citations Paid: 116 Warrants Issued: 0 Cases Reset: 8 Cases assigned to Defensive Driving: 2 Cases Reduced to Lesser Charge: 12 Cases Released to other authority, (immigration, juvenile, etc.) 0 ,4spectful VANET DANIEL Municipal Court Clerk CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTH OF JULY,1978 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS Current Last Month Electric 8 14- :i';_~it ibing 9 10 2oundation 5 2 eating & A/C 3 14 Septic Syste=m 8 3 Driveway Approach 6 2 & sidewalks ota l Inspections 39 45 2. PER~1%1ITS This Month Fee Last Month Fee Building 0 .00 Electrical 4 34.00 9 116.30 Plu.iiping .7 122.00 1 18.00 Beat & A/C 1 20.00 2 40.00 Other Certificate of Occ. 1 25.00 5 125.00 Total Permits 22 383.00 25 1739.30 3. BUILDING VALUATION ~ This Month Last Month To Date This Year $ 247,700.00 142,132.00 $ 576,112.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $ 138.00 $ 300.00 $ 976.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND This Month To Date This Year $ 1,129.00 $ 6,025.80 * Building Permits RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Residences - 6 Additions - 3 Pool - 1 uilding Department CITY OF SOMIUKE POLICE I1EP7RTMENT TULY 197F: Honorable Mayor and City Council Police Tepartment Report for the month of. Tuly 197E Tickets issued In June 15E Tickets issued in July 152 Persons in jail in June 13 Persons in jail in July 10 Traffic accidents in June 14 'rriiffic accidents in July 15 urg°laries investigated in Tune 2 urglaries investigated in July 3 approximate total value taken in burglaries in July 52025.00 approximate total value recovered in burglaries in July 0 Thy: is investigated in 'une 3 '~'11.efts investigated in Tuly 3 pproximate total value taken in thefts in July $289.00 approximate total value recovered in thefts in Tuly 0 Number of calls in Tune 891 `;umber of calls in Tu1y 1370 Speedometer reading on snit X65 ( 74 Ford ) F2,078 Speedometer reading on snit #9 ( 76 ^ord ) 40,F9F Speedometer reading on Tnit #11 ( 78 Nord ) 38,176 Speedometer reading on Jnit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 21,12E "files driven in Tune 9,379 Miles driven in Tuly 9,958 Respectfully .1,ubmitted, C C. Vaymnond C a dy Chief of Police SOUTNLFKF. POLICE T)rPtRT"fF.NT ('T ('/cdw Total fines paid for June $3,953.00 Total fines paid for Tuly 52,946.00 Total fines }paid for FPF for July $13.50 > Z rC c t:zi H ~ '°z r . z TICKETS 23 23 37 44 25 152~ AMOUNT i7 # OF CALLS 80 143 246 326 367 208 1370 Or ARRESTS 4 3 3 10 ACCIDENTS 3 6 2 2 2 15 BURGLARIES 1 2 3 THEFTS 2 1 3 MILES DRIVEN 1170 1427 1113 2213 2287 1748 9,958 h, S WORKED 161 160 176 200 188 112 997 r F T E P 0UNDIPRY .TJLY 1978 0 Total hours worked 0 Total tickets written 0 Total written warnings issued $15.00 Total fines paid 0 Total fines to be paid