1978-04-04 City of Southlake,Texas 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4,1978 7:30 p.m. A G E N D A I. Public Hearing- ZA 78-1 Zoning request of Joe Edgar Douglas. 10 @ tract of land out of the J.W. Hale Surv. Abstract 803,Tract 2A. AG to "F" Light Indust- rial. Representatives: Fred Joyce, Mary Myers. II. Discussion- Variance of Non-Conforming Lot of Record: Eugene Bump, 121 Austin Place. III. Library Funds. IV. Bid for Police Cars V. General Discussion - Short Form Plat Process. VI. Building Department A. Amendment to Ordinance #211. National Electric Code. B. Amendment to Ordinance # 210. Southern Standard Building Code C. Rescind Ordinance # 225. Plumbing Code D. Adopt the current issue of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. 1. Request adoption of the current issue of the: A. Southern Standard Gas Code B. Southern Standard Fire Code C. Southern Standard Mechanical Code D. Southern Standard Swimming Pool Code VII. Approval of Bills. VIII. Personnel Discussion - (Closed Session) I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Friday, March 31,1978 at 1:30 p.m. C'ty Secretar t t ii v U i -i LA (5 L ` G G V) G to d M MINCTFS OF :Regular city Council Meeting o m d DATE :April 4, 1978 rnz rn TIME :7:30p.m. ) PLACE :Council Chambers, 667 N. Carroll C) 7z~ t d d N Avenue. z NAME OF y M64$ R PACE __._l of-- 2- 1NDEX NO. CAT Council Members Present: Mayor Pat Hawk; Mayor Pro- Tem; Colon Sweet, Councilmen; Sam Sparger, A. C. Urbanosky, Bob Goode. Council Members Absent: Brad Popkin. Staff Present; City Attorney; Doug Campbell, Acting Police Chief; Baymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, Building Dept; Sandy LeGr_and. Invocation : Mayor Pro-Tem Colon Swett. Councilman Sam Sparger briefed the audience on the misprint in the Banner, explaining that a workshop will be conducted regarding the Garbage Collection instead of a public hearing as stated in the Banner. Minutes to the last regular city council eeting were approved as presented. nutes to the Special City Council Meeting eld April 3, 1978, pertaining to the anvassing of the Municipal Election were approved as presented. SPARGER X X ouncil passed and approved the request PUBLIC HEAR- SWEET X X f Fred Joyce and Mary Stone Myers to rezone NG: ZA 78-1 URBANOSKY X 0 acres from AG to "F" Light Industrial. It ZONING REQUE GOODE X as discussed that the road needed to be Y FRED JOYCE edicated but due to the closed sale of pro- erty it will have to be done at a later date. ayor Hawk opened discussion to the floor, here were no comments. SPARGER X X ouncil passed and approved of the variance VARIANCE OF SWEET X X or Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump has built his house ON-CONFORMII4 URBANOSKY X approximately 35ft over the building line. 10T OF RECORD GOODE X ug Campbell stated that prior to the city EUGENE BUMP. Bing incorporated, lots were just lots of [as. cord. Mr. Campbell stated that it could not determined where exactly, the cul-de-sac The city inspected the property, and a ilding permit was issued. Mr. Campbell feel .e city can grant a variance due to area dth and yard requirements. G U, o Regular City Council Meeting cn d --A G rn MINUTES OF G N -d G rn d April 4, 1978 7z DATE M rn TIME 7:30 p.m. d -rt Council Chambers, 667, N. Carroll d PLACE Avenue. z N NAME OF 2 of 2 ~(F~ggF~ PAC, - _ INDEX -N.v...C!Ar Council passed and approved motion to give LIBRARY SPARGER X X Carroll Independant School District the SWEET X appropriated funds for the Library. URBANOSKY X X GOODE X Mayor Hawk stated that the bids for the BIDS police cars were rejected and the bidding will continue for a additional month. Mayor Pro-Tem Sweet requested that a short GENERAL form platting process be developed for the DISC. SHORT city and used as a standard requirement for FORM PLAT those who do not require a long form. This form should be precise and non - lengthy. It was agreed it would be palced on the P&Z agenda for earlist possible public hearing. Sandy LeGrand presented the request that the city adopt the current issue of the Southern Standard Gas Code, Southern Standard Fire Code, Southern Standard Mechanical Code Southern Standard Swimming Pool Code. Mr. Bobby Poe, who is a electrician was present and stated that he seels it is unadvisable to adopt a blankey deal not knowing what is in the codes. Mayor Hawk stated that he will get with Bob Vass, (city inspector), and discuss adopting and or amending the Southern Standard Building Code. SPARGER X Bills were approved for payment as presented SWEET X X URBANOSKY X X GOODE X Personnel Discussion was closed. Being no further busine Mayor Hawk ad' ned the meeting. Mayor ATTEST: Ems' City Secretary Bills for Approval by City Council April 4, 1978 City "Tarrant County Pur Biasing Office 4/3/78 5.30 N.T.S.U. 4/20/21/78 37.50 Carter & Burgess 75392-03 838.26 Carter & Burgess 3/8/78 666.67 2790/2724 811.03 Gulf Oil Thompson Printing 3/7/78 30.00 Grapevine News Advitiser 123.25 Lone Star Gas 4/10/78 52.38 TML Workmen's Comp 4/01/78 420.09 Tri-County Electric 8140800 103.05 M.M. Administrators, Inc 4/1/78 674.25 Stafford-Lowden 19/09/15002/01 37.42 General Telephone 4/19/78 300.63 Prentice-Hall Inc 163402 13.19 Pitney Bowes 4/3/78 35.25 4,7777 Lou Etta McPherson Election Clerk 33.75 Vella Casey 33.75 Ada E. Higgins 33.75 Election. C. W. Long Presiding Judge 48.75 Kathryn Tate Asst Presiding Judge 33.75 183.75 Police Dept. Ladd Uniform 3/31/78 18.95 General Telephone 4/1/78 65.00 West Publishing Co. 4-600-258 55.00 Incoterm 8914 209.00 347.95 Fire Dept. Motor Supply Company 3/26/78 279.27 Ret Tex Equipment 3/10/78 125.00 Tarrant County Fire & Arson Investigators Association 3/23/78 16.00 W.,H. Lumpkin Associates 5890 1,300.00 Lone Star Gas 4/10/78 32.97 Miller Muffler 01453 22.00 Crabtree & Powers 3/28/78 31.90 Payton Wright 3/25/78 154.13 2,5 1.27 Water Dept Johnson Laboratories 1179/1/001 318.00 Burroughs Corporation 0106-888-1 871.00 The Rohan Company 43737 43.66 The Rohan Company 44541 9,860.00 11,092.66 Water/Fire/Police Bell Communication 3/31/78 286.70 286.70