1978-03-21 CITY UP SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS 667 N. Catctcott Avenue SO UTH LAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 1978 7:30 p.m. AGFND A 1. Pubt i.c Hearing - AG Di6t r i,c t Zoning, Otcd# 161. II . Pubtic Heaxing - Texats Power 8 Light Co. Rate Appt i.cati.on. III . Genes. iz cu6zion - "HiU-tv p Ac&e~s" Finat Ptat; Mike O' B k i,en. TV. Depatr mentat Repots t6. a. Ponce Dept 1. Bids 4or Pot ice Carus. b. Fite Dept. c. Court d. Banding e. Water 1. Approval 4otc Ketter Rura.2 to seAvice Tract 1F, Ab 519, Foster Sur. Mayor's Repotut 1. Trash, Garbage Cottecti.on. V. B,i.M 4or Appro vat . I hereby cmt i 4y that the ;oregoing agenda was pozted on the butte tin board and Jront door o4 City Hatt, 667 N. Ca,vAott Avenue, on Ftri.day, Match 17, 1978, at 10.25 a.m. y SecAe. y G G v~ ~ M MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING : March 21, 1978 N o ~ d %Z5 DATE G rn n+ tt1 p Co TIME : 7:30 p.m. d d v a v PLACE : Council Chambers, City Hall d z 667 N. Carroll Avenue z N NAME OF CAF PAG7_E._? _of_, 3 INT7 X NO. Council Members Present: D.1ayor;Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro-Tem; Colon Sweet, Councilmen; Sam Sparger, Brad Popkin, A.C. Urbanosky, Bob Goode. Staff Present; City Attorney; Doug Campbell, Acting Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, Building Dept; Sandy Legrand. Invocation; Colon Sweet. 11inutes to the last regular city council meeting were approved as presented. SPArGER X Mayor Hawk briefed the audience that pro- PUBLIC SWEET X X perty at present must be rezoned if HEARING: POPKIN X a house is built on Agricultural land. This AG DISTRICT URBANOSKY X poses an extreme financial burden on proper ZONING, ORD# GOODE X X ty owners having said land for a number of 161. years. Mayor Hawk presented the proposed changes allowing property owners with 1 acr or more to build on said land without having to rezone.(Proposed changes attached and made a part hereof). Councilman Sam Sparger stat d that a more definite wording should be applied to AG use. Mayor Hawk opened the discussion to the floor. 1hry Stone Dryers questioned the authority of the Sub-Division laws. City Attorney Doug Campbell stated th t the State makes these laws and that it has no bearing on the AG zoning changes. Council passed and spproved unanimously to amend Ordinance # 161. PUBLIC HEARING: Present for the Texas Power & Light pre- TEXAS POWER sentation were Charles Turner, Assistant & LIGHT CO. Manager for TP&L and Mr. Melvin Hampton, RATE APPLI- Customer Service of Grapevine. Mr. Turner CATION. stated that the request of TP&L gill be a increase of 18.4%. Y-Tr. Turner stated that TP&L is asking it's customers to share the work load and cost load in paying the in- crease. Work loads being interest on bonds. The 12% capital Investment of which 5% to 6 is returned to stock holders. The question was asked "must the city abide with the rat increase if the P.U.C. approved it"? Mr. G G to t M MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING T rn ~ d DATE March 21, 197$ c~rrn m y a TIME : 7:30 p.m. d z o v PLACE : Council Chambers, CityHall d z 667 N. Carroll Avenue. z NAME OF PAG_E.2._9f..3_ INDEX _NO..AT Turner answered "you do not have to abide by it but he advised that we do go along with it". TTayor Hawk requested that the hearing remain open and will be continued at a future date. SPARGER X Council passed and approved the final GENERAL SWEET X X plat of Hilltop Acres upon the completion DISCUSSION POPKIN X X of the dedications. Request to the City HILLTOP URBANOSKY X Secretary to look into the tapes of the ACRFS.FINAT GOODE X last City Council meeting to verify if PLAT: MIKE the "Estate" Street Standards was to be in- O'BRIFN. cluded in the Hilltop Acres Developers Agreement. Police Dept: Councilman Urbanosky stated th t the Acting Police Chief has taken over the duties smoothly and feels there will be no problems. Also due to the shortage of manpower the Mayor has signed a Change Noti e withdrawing from the STEP program. Council- man Urbanosky requested a short meeting aft (r Council Hours to discuss police personnel. Fire Dept: Councilman Stated that a long range view be taken,in the purchasing of SPARGER X X a new Fire Vehicle. Council passed and ap_- SWEET X X proved the motion to send the Fire Chief. POPKIN X to the Annual Fire Southwest T)ivsion of URBANOSKY X the International Association of Fire Fight rs GOODE X for 1978 in Hot Springs Arkansas, April 5,6 & 7th. Court Dept; City Attorney Doug Campbell stated that the Speedy Trial will be enforc d in July requiring the City to hold two (2) Court Hearngs a month. Building Dept: No Comment. SPARGER X X Water Dept: Council passed and approved tha SWEET X X Keller Rural serve Tract IF, Abstract 519, POPKIN X Foster Surv. URBANOSKY X GOODE X Mayor Hawk requested that Councilman Sparge look into the collection of trash pick-up. Councilman Sparger stated that immediate at G G (A~ 6 ---A M MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING o ~ d d DATE : MARCH 21, 1978 z rn -h C) TIME : 7:30 p.m. d p PLACE Council Chambers, City Hall d z 667 N. Carroll Avenue z NAME OF ME PAGE-3--of _.3_ INDEX _NO. CAE tention be given to a possible franchise with trash collection. Mayor Hawk requested that Councilman Sparger set up a work session with the collectors in the city now to see if a franchise can be incorporat d. SPARGER x Council passed and spproved the payment of BILLS SWEET X bills except the following which will be FOR APPROVA POPKIN X X discussed at the following City Council URBANOSKY X X Meeting. GOODE X Carter & Burgess - $838..26 Carter & Burgess - $666.67 Carter & Burgess - $5,643.00 withdrawn from payment at this time. 00-1 Mayor Attest: Cit Secretary BILLS TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL March 21,1978 CITY INVOICE/DATE AMOUNT Xetcox 319178 115.93 G)capevtne Sun 12 Mov►tlu 6.00 CoAteh 9 Bungess 318178 666.67 CanteA 9 Butge~ss Juty to Nov 838.26 Jan thAu Jul y 506.2 3 Jan to Jue 1, 014.71 " Feb 15,197 5 0643.00 Ta 8,790.80 Pot ice Dept IncoteAm 10156 209.00 Texaco 3118178 4.50 Total 213.50 F.itce Dept Westehn Auto SuppP-y(flw y 8,tadtey) 127415 29.94 CiAcle Auto Supply 12-31-77 468.00 Rex Tex Equipment Co&p 55876 125.00 Regtonat Etec Aicat Sy-stew 1034 50.00 TakAant County Fite IwstAuctoAs (clues) March 9, 1978 20.00 Motan Pants (Napa) 2128178 9.05 To . WateA Dept Rohan Co. 42437 35.20 Aqua Ut;%P.ity, Inc 7214 92.11 Ta Grand Total $90839.60 N W ® 00 M O t~ Q~ a® Cz 1 ~ O LO CIO W Cpl Z W W O d- J N cr) f-- ~ a O - N o0 Z LL LO W V o W O i as. O ~ O O a. o ® ri O Q ~ COO) W ~ a Co z c4a J N M LU 06 • - C4 0 O J CM t- z cn w 0) -0 cm N LO I C-D cz w N T ~ 4 CO N m •}•J O V, L- 0 U- 70 4) p o tc Z C-D z. Q c~c W Q J V LC) O LS'~ ~ LSD ?N O ^ LO N S0d1100 J0 SNOI111W Ct) u 00 0 ~ r 0 C-0) co LLLJ L v ZZ = ti Oct LO a J LO 0 o c o Z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° °r. ° 0 r Ui o 0 0 o 04 LLJ -COD. V> z C030. L.iJ N LC-) LO r, cm r- r- 0 co L LA On G7 m Q m I_ W r- Z J W_ i= LA. cc v V m Co ca 3: 3: ~ , r O S m cv cc 0 CM cm W CD (D Lf) Coe) 2 (0 Q LO LO o ° ' LO N N N N i MILLIONS OF DOLLARS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~n o m o Ln o Lo M M N N Gn co L6 n N C" M 0 Q Oi O? ~ N C04) W co ~ J a W " 6 r'c °ti'f _ ;ek_.: .:r F _s _1..f. h ` E Cn r r'~?G f - 'yam.. ...1- W OR o - ti r wil W-1; J N e- ca C.') co t W t COO) 00 , a N r- r- O C7~ Cn ~ e~ e- L7 Q X J LU Q cD o C" Z o Z Q o t~ 1! 00 C" A.~f CD n~ cm r~i eY t ~r Cr ? t 1• O SZ M k O ..Y win tie. 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Z-P K Z cm O Q o m W t t ~r~~ of J ,r ti 4♦ rt t ~~~111 l ns - Id .r 1 KILOWATT HOURS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o r, o_ C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ a o N O O co cm o M N Q N vs c -O r_ # w d7 0 N CC O O t}` Q3 W .O ~ r- , H o t/l C, N c~ J Q D N o W ~ ~ o r- co cn C/) co co cc ars C~ Air. _ cc • M _ o Cl) 0 (M) CO qe cc; U W M W F- - Z N D U-3 V- W_ 0 0 W o m LC13- W M cc d-- C7 O co r~ C0 ~t M N o rn rn r- w N : 1 M N 1 ~ w 1 0! 1 V 1 * Z N - 1 co 1 f• W M • 1 c Q • 1 ~ • • 1 ~ 1 iF 0 p-. : 1 ^ = 1 ti r 1 M = 1 cn 1 i 1 w • 1 Q N 0 1 CC 1 r• ~ N V- LLI V- M I ~ COO) W 1 i ~ N 1 U13 M C3 act Z co 1 r--- C...7 W 1 cc p d' 61.E CO C3 C i L.` C..7 i CW7 c' CO T N L.L. 0? - ` 1 C%q m o c" V) Q 1 G)l W 1 l a a ® oo - ; 1 r- a c 1 i - 1 o - 1 } a1 '°'u Q 1 O C9- 1 Lc~ Z a~i I V - 1 >1 N 1 1 O HI a_1 Q" m L 1 CC CO C) LL 1 C7 1 V- m di Q1 ` 1 ~ }1 a) 1 M > i co 0 1 CO V I F rn N 00 co S3W11 r f; Y y ~ a e' ~ z - r i N t0 C W N J Q H Z W J t/~ CL W 1- C~ O C~ G N U.0 W OD N MCC t- r co C.3 CL d. C LA p L n p w C.2 mw* ~ W y M t0 tpp r W W (3) F-- M O V {j} 2 ~ 'J 9' E 1HL 417 ~ T a 1 . p/= ,i:: f: .S:I tea p} t cc_ LU COO) O W : Z; a _ ~ Z' O W r in Z" cn W w O. Qp~ Q Q~ z; cs:~~ v a v m Q w w w r~ r- r ■ c) 0 r o M z LU J -C> vi .00 d' L r C7 r N ~ CV I Z W ~ a N CV r- C" Cl) - s; W r a ~V w Z pp N r r - o" • r ~C N W ~ Q M GC C" W N :low C" W DO - r d. N V ~ M C M Lt's N Ut! ■ C7 r tS ~ ~ M N ~ 0 co a) R r M I'+ M 't- O h O U a' 67 O N C ca O O _ 3 x O Lo tt N M r N o ' 00 r w C"O) 'o o r LLJ a) Coe) Z r o d= Q co • v+ co + LLJ -c a C3~ ;a co,) C.D CC t--~ d ^ ^ O cc co O a _ C.i.l Ln ^ CA. --71 z cu-~-) > CD a N R C,i .L] ^ O CO d K ~ co O r ~ O _ n C ^ ' s ~ CO ~ V, C , V CD L) i~: co CL) C) co ca /4) O c CQ -0 y co C O V~ O . C C. co cri ca (D ca N w C.~ '03 x cm M CL) O co CL) L) _ L tr E c > cc r-L CD c i-J COO) R C) a_ C C O O o J O O G) i Q a- _ C_ .O N a 06 a_ • i O F- o O N a_ a_ w C/) r, Z w Q in Lo t- o. < Cl) Z t~ _ o o O O Lo O a, o Cf) O 04 _ C~ Ol N O L LO o co CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 1978 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of February 1978 Tickets issued in January 137 Tickets issued in February 122 Persons in jail in January 13 Persons in jail in February 12 Traffic accidents in January 7 Traffic accidents in February 11 Burglaries investigated in January 1 Burglaries investigated in February 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in February $1,699.40 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in February 0 Thefts investigated in January 4 Thefts investigated in February 2 Approximate total value taken in thefts in February $1,520.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in February 0 Number of calls in January 729 ..umber of calls in February 649 Spe=edometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 78,605 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 126,245 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 132,891 Speedometer reading on Unit #10 ( 77 Pontiac ) 85,538 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 16,135 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 6,312 Miles driven in January 13,032 Miles driven in February 10,955 Respectfully submitted, Douglas R. Hughes Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb Total fines paid for January $3,794.54 Total fines paid for February $2,896.50 Total DPS fines paid for February $45.50 STEP SUMMARY FEBRUARY 1978 Total hours worked 247 Total tickets written 46 Total written warnings issued 100 Total fines paid $605.50 Total fines to be paid $763.50 i N y ~ fr ~ 1 9 1 ~ y i I ;•.A S 0 24 r 24 44 30 H 122 tG G mrra~lwm 165 150 44 182 108 649 of ARRESTS 0 3 2 3 ! 4 y 1 t 1 9e 1 5 2 ~ 11 a ~i i+ 1 +1' a s 0 0 1 0 1 2 A,,,,n., .a 1403 3226 CC 1817 1860 2649 , 1,~ r'/' C 4 d~ N 161 156 160 172 160 809 rs pp ! T ly f a e ~ ~ ! r r Y 1 fl i 1 .r~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1978 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS Current Last Month Electric 5 7 Plumbing and gas 3 9 Foundation 1 Heating & A/C 1 5 Septic System 4 l 2 Driveway Approach 1 & sidewalks Total Inspections 13 25 2. PERMITS This Month Fee Last Month Fee * Building 9 592.00 .00 Electrical 3 35.00 Plumbing 3 ` 48.00 1 4.00 Heat & A/C ,2 32.00 1 11.00 Other 2 15.00 Certificate of Occ. 3 75.00 Total Permits 16 $ 709.00 9 $ 141.00 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month Last Month To Date This Year $ 257,195.00 $ 11,724.00 $ 268,829.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $ 100.00 $ 238.00 $ 338.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND This Month To Date This Year $ 809.00 $ 1,188.00 * Building Permits Residences 3 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Pools 2 Additions 1 Fences 2 Carport 1 Building Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT FEBRUARY 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases Set for Trial Court: 27 Cases Heard: 10 Cases Set for Plea Docket: 48 Cases Heard: 27 Cases Dismissed: 179 Cases Appealed: 3 Citations Written: 122 Citations Paid: 124 Warrants Issued: 43 Cases Reset: 10 Cases Assigned to Defensive Driving School: 1 Cases Reduced to Lesser Charge: 11 Cases Released to immigration: Respectfully, )a~ao~e JANET DANIEL Court Clerk JAZZ warrants over two years of age were dismissed. This totaled 169, Zeaving 10 other dismissaZs. a ' WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of Februrary Gallons Pumped previous month 4,211,000 Gallons sold previous month 4,432,000 1 New Taps installed for month 2 Meters changed out 2 Line repairs: Materials Machine Rental $80.00 Other repairs repacking pump. r Water Supe;intendent