1978-03-07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS 667 N. Cwftott Avenue SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Match 7, 1978 7:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Tt i-County Etec tth i,c - Continued Pubtic. Heap i,ng . II. Bxie4 D"cuzzion te: Lions Ctub, tequated by Cha'rta W son. III. Pubtic Heaxing - ZA 77-20 - Zoning teque/st 4ot Mayne Stuckey, AG distAi.ct to A-1 Resident at,.803 actces o4- Land on Brookwood Lane. TV. Continued Pubt i,c Heatc i.ng - ZA 77-18, Zoning %eq ue~st by Dick C. Ha,ttow, AG to "F", 1 acAe on Li tac Lane. V. Apptovat o4 Deveetopets Agteement : Hitttop AcAe~s, Mike O'B'ti.en. VI. AppAovat of Devetopetrs Agteement : FmeAatd Estates, Bob Taytot and Steve Rozenba,Pm. VII. GeneAat D.i scuz s.ion : Animal ContAot, Tatl..tant County Humane Society, Requested by Mtc. Gaty Etwi,n. VIII. Appointment o6 Boaxd o4 Adjuztmewt members, Rezotuti.on 78-9. IX. Texas Conjenance on Libtaty 8 In4otmation Setcvice. X. Butz jot Apptcovat. XT. Mayot' s Repoxt. I hereby ce&ti jy that the above Agenda was posted on the buUeti.n board and 4tont doot in City Hatt, 667 N. Cawvcot2 Avenue on Fti,day, Match 3, 1978 at 8:35 A.M. City ectc y i CITY OF SO'UTHLAKE c o rn d MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING o rn d DATE : MaAch 7, 1978 m o ,cz`i~ rn Lv jo TIME : 7:30 p.m. d PLACE City Counc,it Chambeu, GG7 Notth Ca4Aott Avenue. NAME OF hiEM3ER PAGTi__o4 _3 _ INDEX NO.CA Counc it Membetas Present: Mayotc Pat Hawk, Mayotc PAW-Tem; Colon Sweet, Counc itmen; Sam SpatcgeA, A.C. Unbanozky, Bob Goode. Councit Membeu Absent: 8,tad. Pophi.n. Sta44 Ptcesent: City Attotney; Doug Campbett Poti.ce Chief; Doug Hughes, Sgt. Daymond Gaddy, Fite Chie4; Rob Steete, Bui td~ ng Dep ; Sandy LeGAand. Guest PAesent: TAi.-County Managetc; Johnny Ammons, TAi,-County EngineeA; Kay Cotcnetius, TAi-County RepAe6entative; AA&. Kti.nke, TAti- County 13oatd o ~j D-vr.ee tou MembeA; B i ft Putnam, 13Aazo s Manag etc o4 Accounting Dt v; Dan Cope,P_a.nd, B3 Lazos Repne/senti.ve; Mt. Sweanky, Invocation: Councilman Sam Spatcgetc. Minutes to the taut Aegutatc councie meeting weAe apptcoved as cotvicected.. It was stated by Tt i-County that the P.U.C. 71- COUNTv Batt GUD 600 Reduced consumption o4 gays by RATE 10% by the yeaA 1981 and 25% by the yeatc APPLICATION 1985. Noted was the statement by MA. Sweanfz , that t ignite is now being pAOcuz ed 4oA pAOducti.on Aepta.c,i.ng natu&at gas. Mt. CoAneti.us pt"ented to the counc it photo- copies o4 the South.eake Faci -i ty Estimate, Figutce/s o4 the Fuel Ad j ups tments , and bZe t in /s pets KWH ~3AOm Januatcy 1, 1977 thAough Januaty 101978, (attached heAeto and made a paAt heAeofl. Mt. Sweanky stated that any chang in TAB.-County Rates must go t1kough the P.U.C.J. and that the Aate change wiY go be4otce the P.U.C. in 1980. City Attotney Doug Campbell ditcected hi,6 questions to Mt. Johnny Ammons. Ma yo& Hawk asked , has TAi-County made any 4uet adjustment in con4tict with the City OAdinance o4 South.2a e peAtaining to Rate inctce"e? MA. Ammons answeAed by saying "No TA i.-County ha/s not comet ied with the OAdinance o4 the city." MayoA Hawk Aeq ues ted that the co unci t Review the Opetcati,ng Budget of SAazots Fuet i Company, z pec' ~j ica t y the chanteA o t conttcact between SAazos Fuel Co. and 1 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE G G G fA MINUTES UP : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING a rn ` ~wk ~ DATE : Match 7, 1 A 78 't-~.~ ~G d d TIME : 7:30 p.m. PLACE : City Counci,P Chambet6, City o =y z South?-ake. d NAME OF INDEX NQ.CAP MEMBER _ - PAGE. _2 _o l .3 Bttazoz Co-Op. Payott Hawk opened &6cuis~sio to the foot, ttMponrling was ftn. Lfoyd Latta mki.ng Mt. Ammons til he consiretted the gas ttate to compe.tati.ve with othett duet compa 'e's? tiUt. Ammons zaii that they ate vetty competa, "ve nd ptan to be matte so. Utc. Glade Boohett atzo neque/ster4 that the counc.,i,P took into contttact/s with the name of Ray Baucas on them, it wars Mt. Bookett',s _ tceque/st that an exptanation be given. The puht i.c-heaA ng was ceo~sed at this time. M1tt. Cha,ctels WVson wars present tteptLment- LION'S CLUB ing the Lio n' z CP ub . it6 o n tceq um ted that anyone in-ettested. in lottmi,ng a Lion',s Club in the City oA Soutlfake contact the City SecAetaAy so she can place the vt name on the Zist. The Lion'z Oub hays been tuponzibte in many c.it m loft the lottmation o j, Lint e League' z ttectteat io n gno und6, and ,spo ns oA i.ng many rf i 4 etc.ent act ivi t i.e/s 4ott young a&P-t/s. SPARGER X Councie pas.6ed and appttoved motion to PUBLIC HEAR- SWEET X X ttezone .803@ of tand on Btoohwood Lane ZA 71-20 URBANOSKY X ~pwm AG zoning to Al Pa i.dentiae. Thette ")AYND STUCK.Y GOODE X X wetce 2 tteptie/s in 4avott and no oppolsiti.ons. SPARGER X Counci.P pa6/sed a motes on to deny ttezoning CONTINUED SWEET X X action. hVL. lennet wat, Pte/sent and wars PUBLIC HEAR- URBANOSKY X oppo~s ed apong with a Pltus. T,-Uetc.y, Batt. INr,. 7A 77-18 GOODE X X J. m Stttainl t ttepttesenting fflhite'/s ChaPd DICK C. HARD Methodist Chuttch,Mn. B,il~ ff tcheU, Pt. An,teUJb, Mtn,. Bttuce McCombs, a-t of whom opposed the ttezon%nn. The zoning wouPd ha e been non-conlotcmi.ng to the city plan. SPARGER X Mike O'Btc,i.en "ked the counc%P. about the DEVELOPER'S SWEET X X objections iil any, in tteaat dz to the AGREEMENT URBANOSKY X X pttopet►ty ownetus outside ~iUtop AoLe/s hav HILLTOP ACPE~ GOODE X dng to be incPuced in Hilltop. Mayon ffawk Mike O'Bkien. ztated that i; they do not vj,i6h to be apattt o H,i °,Eto p, Mt. O' 1itui,en wo u M need to dd ete the ptto peaty ownetus !tom the peat which wouUf. have to be tteptated. j I , CITY OF SO'UTHLAKE t ~ C G ~ MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE • Match 7, 1978 I TIME • 7;30 p.m. ,1 d z PLACE : Counc U Chambers, City HaU lz~ 667 N. CaAtc.ott Avenue j NAME OF ~ h'EVIBER - - - PAGE __3 o~j 3 INDEX NO.- CAP,-Mayon Pro-Tem Sweet Sued he wZP-t contact Mr. O'BAien exptaining the bond amount, then Mt. O' BA ien wiU ~sign the agreement . Motion was p",sed to allow the Mayon to ,sign the agreement. SPARGER X X The developen',s agreement wiU estate 8 .inch6 DEVELOPER' SWEET X o13 compacted gravel instead o~ G inches in e AGREEMENT. URBANOSKY X ~StAeet standards. Council passed and approve . EMERALD GOODE X X motion to negotiate the develope6 agreement ESTATES with the G finch water main. BOB TAYLOR. Mn. Etcw.in was not present. TARRANT CO. HUMANE SOC. GARY ERWIN. SPARGER X X Council passed and approved the appointment SWEET X o4 R. G. Ly4ord_ to serve the unexpdtc.ed teem APPOINTMENI URBANOSKY X X o4 R. Drummond on the Boatcd o4 Adju~stmentts. OF BOARD OF GOODE X ADJUSTMENT MEMBER. RES 78-9 Mayon Pat Hawk requested to have the council TEXAS CON- look into the pozsibit-ity o~ sending a FERENCE Ok delegate 4rom Southlah_e to attend the Texas LIBRARY 8 Con4erence on Libnany 9 Inlonmation Service. INFORMATIC This item ways tabled untit 4ututhetc notice. SERVICE.. SPARGER X SWEET X The scheduled bit a we)ce preys ented to the i URBANOSKY X X Council. A4ter nev.iewing same, council 1 BILLS GOODE X X approved them jot payment. Mayon Pat Hawk requested_ the council review ~ MAYOR'S the General Telephone tatez. AUo I REPORT. ,stated by Mayon Hawk ways the up-coming butts 4or approval on Match 21, 1978 for j Canter 8 Bungelss. There being no 4unther business, the couc it meeting wars adjourned. i ma yo,, CtTy e r ~ ML'Q,. AIM 'ELL NVURNEY AT LAW RNERSIDE STATE DANK BLDG. i=. Sa. BOX 7254 FORT W R i H, 7EXAS 76111 M40422 rr f~ e r;y ~ ,a 4 r 4 4. a.` ;,t,..i~ .l ~.a 19 L. 4.✓• . r / L t. } 4, r ,A ~.r.. I ~ C L L y 5 L ravo ncS. C r %.L. z, t~ w. : J, b ~.A 'r...'+. N_ t.........S.,L b 4.1 n.~h.,.1..+•. x r. I All ?w gia:3'. it BID will a:,.; r: •.„f ~..i..~.s v ..:.4.',J '..{.b. pry r ` . OW= ::a{'4y, To+ 1.:br;a8~,.,i C3 r "r. ba of 'Tr i-"+~.;wit'~s AI Ltilt r xa.: L Of o . Yogi, S. <a .a:AUV,.,9 f? am i.a&"i:k;i>os .p s : W '6 3 a 4« 'CJ vt : L Ld'°"A s S: isAf e.k "r gym. ti..,.;:r: `i.'~'~•:...: ~ ) e . ~ : t d ! mpast e z.M ..."tT etirr.~ rz L l r^o2" a:! of J.. ,......b I n to Y f G.... 31, 1159. ~..,~ua'.......i,,..t or _:•r, 7 i. r e,. a.,. i..ti. J.. a. 4„+S. r~ ~„d, 4..~.,. i...* r . r.G .L. ~I~ A ~ ,A; t.! ✓_i ~ /5~' a:',,,di~,e.A, r«~. r, .,1, 7 G,«:... to C:.i.... Of 7,r On r.`,,.,.6.,3,.d,.....,.A or ..rti«v-:i,ma A.,sMC .,..c...%:.. t%1i:; l~ --Ow of WO written rate applicatial. o','. ''cam;. G+ n c«: laces to utility's 4 :i., a, . to 1,).yr r . a.. i.I ! t .d"C J.ri,"' Y x to rote a'L r 1 ! t..i. ..{.s -.r 7 `r Utility ' i~. ~'r,ti 6.ir_).tr! ~l,:r dt d.. S.G it i.a ~ 95- w.,.'r e«. t!... 2. 71-o .a,.,$. solutions', dp o t,~'.. w.w r,. .,v..lrw S.,:.k,. f r S„. ~,~.5~A.,S/~~~ii t-...d t?L_ ,,......Ih 7 t 1973. .d... ._...1d..>a.k...~.✓a ~L..:y 2.aW... i...d..,~.~:o.. ~Aauo.o.. hsd.:e 4,«;dA.«t tr. r~Wl,. u. ,«,A f.~m t of ? old e..w.a«. x ~.,1,'«R•a{r,9..'!.»~-.nr.'J'..~ A~..j?';•{.,~ d..,..i...6.1. _ ' C.3.i, ....c,:,: r t id.. _.r r %..a.: sVtr`.1 s:d..i.l 17 a.::. L:'3, L. ~s xn a,.k;:.z ;~a for L::,!"'f Lis <'.r ~✓e...ati:.a. L...: 3n:;ir~ cse mn'YY U ~ ..+.+.k..% r~ v+^7.i.l.3,. rule C" n d~ k":~ i.s a; ?~;a Z,,s::.`' a l:6..catio a :>=o ti r::s; Jvr` ~.t.ds t ,4a.aa f s. nt: a 1-( U~I la, -Ig tti ".31 t tC,.,a.d.A an", ~zic. ~~stA uv-jt`b Or a 1077 on its ~:3.."<"sves"zc-vii. c~f.d t ~ 1--W 4.."r:;klC;~.~"+':~ Sw.$.;s iC~ Sa.. iii l~.« a,a:::,~. . L4. ti~.~ 4i a>r,. ..{.r.~. a~x4,:N A k.h,a4v ( e'.J Fem.. ''t.,l i ~a..+i, aGNA'~, w..~:9 6,,.c, "4„;.' o ~/'i i i.~.✓.,L,y::.t r yr SOUTHLAKE RATE HEARING TO TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC: QUESTION 2A: The standing request we previously made for a list of customers and/or addresses of Tri-County's customers in the City of Southlake as near as possible to December 31, 1959. ANSWER: QUESTION 2B: Copy of contract or contracts covering the portion of power and/or fuel adjustment arrangements between Tri-County and Brazos Electric. ANSWER: Power Contracts with Brazos (attached). QUESTION 2C: Copy of tarrif of Tri-County presently approved by Public Utility Commission. ANSWER: We filed our rates as requested with the TPUC in 1976. They accepted the filing but we were told they only gave specific approval when a rate change was filed and they made a detailed study of the request. (Rate Schedule attached). QUESTION 2D: Breakdown of rate information previously furnished as such information pertains solely to the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Texas. ANSWER: Our 1977 gross income from 605 meters in the City of Southlake was $354,939.03. We paid the City of Southlake $10,648.19 for 1977 franchise taxes. We have 583 residential meters, 17 commercial meters and 5 public buildings meters that we serve in Southlake. We keep our expense records on a system- wide basis and do not break them down to cities, counties or any district divisions. We do keep our ad valorem taxes by taxing authorities. We paid $999.72 to the City of Southlake for our 1977 taxes in addition to the franchise tax of $10,648.19. Southlake Hearing - February 21, 1978 - Page 2 QUESTION 3A: Page 4 of written rate application- what part of the requested increase relates to utility's desire to return patronage capital or margins to its members. ANSWER: None. Capital credit funds are set-aside and are credited to the individual account of the individual member on an annual basis. This money is used by the Cooperative as a part of their capital structure until such time as the Board of Directors determines it is financially feasible to make a refund of this capital. All capital credits have been returned from the time the Cooperative was initiated in the late 1930's until 1960. Tri-County Electric Cooperative has refunded $822,293 in this manner. The Board has set a 20 year rotation as their policy for operation under the TPUC. QUESTION 3B: Pages 51 and 52 of written rate application- explanation of patronage capital information between Tri-County and Brazos Electric as it pertains to rate application. ANSWER: None. Each year stands on its own. We received a capital credits statement or certificate of $110,881 from Brazos Electric Power Cooperative for our 1977 operation. This is not cash and we cannot collect this money now as Brazos retains the option to redeem the certificate when it becomes financially feasible for them to do so. This makes a total of $1,219,664.31 that we now hold of Brazos' certificates that will be paid sometime in the future. QUESTION 3C: Page 90 of written rate application-explanation of credit rating provisions and is this a new provision and has it been approved by Public Utility Commission. ANSWER: This is not a new provision. It was filed with the Utility Commission in 1976 and was accepted but not approved as a part of our tariff package filing. Southlake Hearing - February 21, 1978 - Page 3 We have a computer billing operation. When the account of a member becomes delinquent we need to be able to determine if the account is habitually delinquent or if the account is usually paid on time. The Class "A" rating or Class "B" rating gives us that information. QUESTION 3D: Page 98 of written rate application- is the first paragraph new and has it been approved by Public Utility Commission. ANSWER: This paragraph is not new as this has been in the by-laws for a number of years. We have had a recent audit by the Internal Revenue Service in which they, for the first time, objected to this provision. Therefore, this provision has been eliminated from our by-laws. We have prepared a new membership application, with this provision eliminated, which we will present to the TPUC on Friday of this week and ask their approval of this change. QUESTION 3E: Page 112 of written rate application- relationship of the total fuel component column to the fuel adjustment charge made by Tri-County to its members. ANSWER: To be answered by Kay Cornelius QUESTION 3F: Pages 112 and 113 of written rate application- these two pages show estimated fuel component numbers for October, November and December, 1977 and January of 1978. If available, please furnish the actual numbers for these months. ANSWER: To be answered by Kay Cornelius QUESTION 4A: Explanation of old rate and proposed new rate including minimum charges. ANSWER: To be answered by Kay Cornelius Southlake Hearing - February 21, 1978 - Page 4 QUESTION 4B: Information concerning whether Brazos Electric charges all 17 Co-op members on the same basis for power and any other charges. ANSWER: Yes QUESTION 4C: Information concerning any known or estimated date Public Utility Commission will rule on Tri-County's rate application for areas now included in the PUC case. ANSWER: We had our rate hearing before a TPUC hearing examiner on February 13, 1978. The TPUC staff had studied our application and had requested additional specific information which we had furnished. The staff testified in this hearing that their studies indicated that we could justify asking for a slightly higher dollar increase than we had requested in our package. However, they disagreed with the rate schedule we proposed. They indicated that we should move away from the block rate schedule, which we have always used, and move to a cost-of-service concept for each meter with a minimum plus a flat rate per kwh. We asked for a $4.90 minimum. We think they are talking about a $6.50 to $8.00 minimum plus a flat rate per kwh used. We are meeting with the TPUC staff on Friday of this week to see if we can reach some agreement on their desire to change our rate schedule proposal. We have not been given a time for an answer to our rate request with the exception of a statement that it would be prior to May 3, 1978. QUESTION 4D: Information from Brazos Electric concerning their contracts for gas purchases both long and short term and price change or price escalation clauses. ANSWER: To be answered b Kay Cornelius RESOLUTION NO. 78-9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas did appoint a Zoning Board of Adjustment by Resolution 77-24 on June 7, 1977, AND; WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 161 calls for five per- sons to serve on such Board, AND; WHEREAS, R.D. DRUMMOND no longer resides in Southlake, NOW: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: R. G. LYFORD IS is hereby appointed to replace R.D.Drummond on said Board and to serve the remainder of his term until May 1, 1979. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th day of March, 1978. A.D. Mayor ATTEST: Zty Secretary Southlake Hearing - February 21, 1978 - Page 5 QUESTION 4E: Information, firm or estimated, on the rate of return Tri-County had in 1977 on its investment computed on the same formula used in the application on Exhibit A, page 8. ANSWER: To be answered by Kay Cornelius QUESTION 4F: Explanation of the components going into calculating the fuel adjustment factor and the percentages of the components to the whole. ANSWER: To be answered by Kay Cornelius BILLS TO BE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL MARCH 7,1978 CITY INVOICE AT~ZOUNT Regional Office Supply 2/28/78 56.41 Pitney Bowes 2/24/78 8.10 Hartgraphics 2/24/78 21.73 John Pelser (Printing) 2/28/78 32.90 Tarrant County Purchasing 3/1/78 102.47 Fort Worth Star Telegram 2/17/78 $7.74 Dallas Morning News 1/20/78 109.20 M.M. Administrators,Inc 3/1/78 622.18 Thompson Printing 2/23/78,2/21/78 37.40 Texas Power & Light 1/30/78-2/27/78 116.07 Lone Star Gas 3/10/78 261.28 Tri - County 3/15/78 103.30 Total 1,55 .78 POLICE DEPT. INVOICE/DATE AMOUNT Texaco Inc Clark Dearing 2/28/78 9.00 Gilbert & Associates, 2/28/78 (Polygraph) 50.00 Hurst Euless Printing 3/2/78 308.61 West Publishing Company 2/14/78 55.00 Incoterm Corp 42958 209.00 Grapevine Memorial Hosp 1/28/78 20.00 General Telephone 3/1/78 65.00 D.btor Supply 2/26/78 30.34 Bell Communications 2/28/78 124.50 Total 71.45 FIRE DEPT INVOICE/DATE UUUNT Stuart Hose Co. 2/28/78 14.62 Whites Auto Store 3/1/78 11.56 Motor Parts Center 41251 9.05 Stewart Oxygen Serv. 07911 24.00 Western Auto Store(Harry Bradley) 2/28/78 14.97 Arnold Welding Service 3/1/78 72.25 Tarrant County Fire Fighters Association 2/13/78 144.00 N.B.C. 2/25/78 11.17 Motor Supply 2/26/78 61.56 Bell Communications 2/3/78 108.90 Lone Star Gas 2/23/78 139.37 Texas Power & Light 1/30/78-2/27/78 41.87 Total 53.32 WATER DEPT INVOICE/DATE AMOUNT Johnson Laboratories 29546/29559/29464 654.00 Aqua Utility,Inc 6949 101.74 Texas Power & Light 1/30/78-2/27/78 767.50 N.B.C. 2/25/78 3.39 Bell Communications 2/28/78 28.00 Total 1,554. 3 Bills Continued. BUILDING DEPT. Invoice Date (mount Thompson Printing Service 2/24/78 23.50 National Fire Protection (Electric Code Manual) 2/22/78 6.88 Total 30.3 Lone Star Gas (Tennis Crt) 1/30/78-2/27/78 20.20 N.B. C. City - 2/25/78 46.34 Total 86.34 GRAND TOTAL 4,754.90 195 '11-16 go ~2 57 C) 0 1(1-7 ri~aary Z 5~/~2 d 4~ ~o X92 / SeCvvS/ y zl h~- / 7S /ey/e,- Ps @~ro S312s~ (006 7o-/.?/ 'e PS //Z~(ao~ - ~/=,/~f~~ ~~r C~~i~vn,t=/ COr7:,•eCJ~2~ T9 12,9 C/e c.t., ~z s lc+l /e ,Ser yes, gar 7o -ilQ / Pla <i ~ Lee- 1977 we 3 141-) Y^4 7 .5;*-e1eeS /r/ /21al? / 115-5 ~✓er.c't Q9,e oir 14)1aht 1977 -~IY77- / 93OY2 - 1x57--%- d-Se. /9s7 ~rveyl / vr~y I~/17~ n~an //?aIex 1957 /OY/-ex = .1414 1977-1ndex 3`I9 ✓er<t9~ ~5~ o ~ !1/•~nt _ •/v- 318* ~ 9l/ 94 -~6 082 6(,6 >~✓Cray-Q.- ~51~'~✓ ,~/'✓l(z'.' = F~8'Z~ (ololo~~~/SS =~3~5/ c°rq~r c bake, /tvY~r'a 49e O ~~a~rt ~M ✓~h~ac~, 19 77-- (/M- 195)Z = I N,7 /Crorh I~a~~y lti/h nra `kl4x ! 967 /,0,/ ex = • X&6 ,4r'r:rffe 615 1 07' /Q~,f ,4✓era9 c ~5~ ~~r' ~5?rvl' /A) S7~/68 / _'O~ 3S i ,t o C+J j _ J tJ / g~ 9 101 j id J. f J L. x r ! r_ i 'i x 0, 6 m 4 03 7l , ® 9 a.~ -577D'7 = 0 a 4%, 1?u. IWI (iwn OW Wime 1 2 r t N - - - L I j~" , 3 - z ! r u kL din At '4 7- 4 ! o~_~,-,~-o~a_ .C~r_:2..~..~.-~ ~e. r117~~~, i .5`CZ1?~` t-~ 754 all- - s ! { G# J/ a•T- ~ I 1 ! Y 7k 9/ J ~ r r~ _ I w i t:~J UZ:;-T- t~ trd ir- - f. U #f 1 1 r lJ 3?a .F3 ~L ' . I i 13~~ 0.y,r? 1 1;`_ ' 1~,'1 I_ F a ?v 2 /t ! ;Irl .F t, , t 14 161 _ C_Lrt 1f~1 r. 1 } 1"b - L 71 ' d u 3- L/ 7, --y') -L- X. /I i is 41 23 1 o S Zo l t?,. L l hl t Z gE, K:r . 5 2 7 , 1t ~ r 1: if 27} 1~C!Wr. T`` 14Pf~~< It ~ ; 1 ! l 11~'r? Xo.:, q 29 : 1~' 1c e Ur Z' _~2 45 r X11 t~, L) 4 1 34 .I if! S7 r ~_l.1Q1 tr.__. l \Jll 1.- _ _ ! ~i1 L r N r ...3 91/ s6 vti/ 1 . - - ' --~•'J'X 7 6, it a r- Lf l_<_. I k 71 , I , k9an ~}20? Whrtrr 1 } 1 1 L C? k"''~ E' 1 ~i f T_ , .~C"k 1 1 t II 4 L.Z_< Lr I 1 10 f l , 1 " j 177 !1 13~~(lf~rj Il- i41}C „cJ ri, r I • -r cr~ c ( it T ~ ~ II! - ~..v, f:... r~ ~ 1.1✓ ~ ~ t i r ~E i.~. Y F.~. 1 r. a ! ~ , f 22 - , - _ 1 23 l~ x l" E ~Y. [fit G. 27 ' t N i ii a I