1978-02-13 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP 13 Febuary 1978 7:00 P.M. Discuss Hilltop Acres Developer Agreement I hereby certify that the foregoing agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, on Thursday 9,1978 at 12:00 A.M. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS 667 N. Cwfto.~t Avenue SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FFBUARY 21, 1978 7:30 P.M. AGFND A 1. Pubtic HeaAing - Continued He Ling on Tt i-County ftectAi c Co-Op. 11. Pubtic HeaAi.ng - ZA 77-19 - Request o4 Tommy Massey dot Ar- to A-3 zoing o4 1 aeAe on Gteenbough Lane. 111. Pubtic Heats i.ng - ZA 77-18 - Request o j John Btuee and Dick C. HatEow ziot AG to "F" zoning o4 1 acAe of .Pand on L.itac Lane. IV. Genetat Dizcuzzion - Anima.2 Con Aot - Requested by MA. Gatti Etutrin o Tatvcant Cody Humane Society. V. Amendment to Speed Otdinanee 0231 - City Attotney VI. Resotution 78-7 - Appointment o, Ptanning and Zoning MembeA. VII. Appto vat o4 Empto yee Fund - Co uncitman S patq et. VIII. Depatrtmentat RepoAt6 A. Ponce B. Fite C. Platers D. Coutct E. Buitd ing 1. Southern Buitding Code. 2. Otdinance 210 3. Nat onat Eteetki..cat Code Otdinanee 211. 4. Plumbing Code - Otd 225 F. hiayotc'z Repot. 1. Summary o4 in4otcmat zuzion on Febuatcy 16, tce: Light Indutsttci VE Zoning. 2. Ponce Cat BiA. X. Appto vat o4 B,i V-,s . I hereby eetcti 4y that the 4otegoing agenda was pots fed on the buP?etin board and 4tont door o4 City HaU, 667 N. Cantwtt Avenue, on Ftri,day, Feb(wAy 17, 1978, at 10:30 A.M. O~Ety Sectc.etaty t CITY OF SOVTHf AKE t G G cn Nd rn MINUTES OF : PEE7ULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING m v~ DATE ` FebuaAy 21, 1978 t rn ',.rn TIME : 7:30 P.M. t d d ! 1~~ z PLACE Counc-i t Chambeu City HaU- d v~ 667 N. CatvcoY Avenue N NAME OF q MEMBER PA(;-F.._ INDEX-NO. CAF. a, 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayotc Pat Hawk Ma yote Pko - Tem Cot o n Sweet, Co unc itmen.; Sam SpaAgen, Brad Popkin, A.C. Utcbanosky, Bob Goode. STAFF PRESENT: City Attotr.ney; Doua Campb Po.Uce Chief; Doug Hu.ahes, Fite Chief; Bob II Stee ee, PlateA Supn nten(4ant; W . G. Ctine, Bu-i Pd i.ng Dept; Sandy Le(,Aand. GUEST PRESENT: Ttci. County ManageA Johnny Ammons, Ttr i. County Enginea, Kay Co meti m, TAi.-County Reptesenti ive; Mt. K inke, TAi-County BoaAd o;, Di&eetoAz Membetc; 13iU PuU-iam. A.ts o PAes ent weAe Ptann i.na 9 Zoning membetas ; Lto yd MaAtinson, JeAAy Bta k, and Mo ty Vat e . Invocation: Mayolt 11no-Tem Coton Sweet. Plinuta to the tast ugutaA council meet na wetce approved as eot eeted. Mtc. Johnny Ammons was p&esent to p-,esent TRI-COUNTY to the Council botc the iA Aeview, photo- APPLICATION copies o6 contAact-s between Ttri,-County and FOR RATE-IN- lkazos PoweA and Etecttri.e Co-Op, Inc. CREASE. Quationz which weAe asked at the FebuaAy 7th, Z978 Councit meeting to Mtc. K inke o4 Ttri. County wetr.e answeAed by Mt. Ammons . (attached heAeto and made a pate hetceo . Doua Campbett que/sti.oned Mk. Ammons as to the apptco va,P_ of the ta.te ehaAae by the P.U.C., Mk. Ammons stated "they did not dis appno ve it". 11tc. Co kne.ti.us of s o /stated that theAe weAe no opeA ti.on costs added to the ;/uet adjustment amount. Alayon Hawk &eque,sted an answe t be given as to whethetc there is any money whatsoeveA in a eommitte . fund s pec,i iicatt y ~jotc cap itoZ clted -t commit ted to cutstomeu. Mt. Ammons &ep.Pie~ by ,stating there is $998,,076.36 which was p&epaid to R. E.A. in which cue a eneAgy nisi ,s shouP_d "e. Mn. Bia Pu e. t i.am, a membeA o4 the Soatd o Ditectou 4ot T>u-County Etec ttc,i_c Co-Op, I stated that upon the &equest o4 the City he w,i Pt make h i,mset4 avai table ~jott any t 4 CITY OF SU'UTHLAKE c cn rn MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING t rn " 7-, MI DATE Febuary 21, 1978 7:30 P.M. PLACE Counc it ChambeA,5, City HaLP d z ,S °y 667 North CatAOtt Avenue. 7-~ NAME OF ~ I\ 2 o4 3 MEMBER PAU' INDEX-NO. CAP meeting requi i.ng hus pne/sence. AJtet ~untheA input dram the Counc i.P_ and 4haotL, Mayatc Hcu-uh requested tW item be tabted unfit March 7th, City Counci- meet- ing, and that a repta enti.ve from Brazos EtectAic Co-Op, Inc. be present. Aga re- que/sted was a percentage Jiqune o! Tr.i- County'ls 118, 550.00 cap.ito outP-ay being in Southtake. SPARGER X Counc t passed and apptcaved the motion PU73LIC HEAR- SWEET X X to rezone 1 acne on GAeenbough Lane betonq ING: ZA 77-1 POPKIN X X ing to Ak. Tammy Pas sey, to A-3 DiztAict AG to A3 URBANOSKY X 4tcam AG Dattict Zoning. There were eight TUMMY MASSEY, GOODE X (8) Zetteu sent to z utAo undinq property owners and afl rep-Pi" received where in flavor a4 the change. SPARGER X Councit tabled this item untit Match 7,19-73 !PUBLIC SWEET X City Council meeting allowing revieiv o4 HEARING: POPKIN X X compliance with Ord0160-A. ftt. Bruce ZA 77-18 URBANOSKY X Mated the putc.pne o~ the rezoning action Ar, TO F GOODE X X wa6 to compt y with the Cd ty' /s pro cedu/te' /s DICK HARLOW when rezoning becomes necessany. AV L. Bruc wo u2d tike to bu i t d an injection mot d co"tnuctio n d ho p. It wars the Pta.nvr i.ng U Zoning ,Lecommendation6 that the zoning, re- que/st be denied. Councieman A. C. Urbanosh and Potice Ch i.e4 Doug Hughes inspected /sa i _ pro petty and 4}o and eveAything to be in otcda. Mayan. Hojvk reque/sted that a.P- pt o- perty owne ltz on Litac Lane and Pine St. be noti flied be4otc.e a d_ec,izion iz made and that the pubtic hearing be continued on March 7, 1978. Item # TV ways deleted upon the requ"t o ~l TARRANT Mt. Etavin. COUNTY HUMAN SOCIETY. SPARGER X X SWEET X Councit pa/ssed and approved motion to AMENDMENT POPKIN x amend Speed Zone Ord #23.1. At6o amended .i TO SPEED URBANOSKY X X /said. OAd#231 was the change in the stteet ORD # 231 GOODE X name Hi Castte to HiUca3tee. SPARGER x x Cdancit passed and approved motion to RES 78-7 SWEET X approve Resotutian 78-7, appointing APPOINTMENT POPKIN X Bruce McCombs to the P.Qa.nnina and 7onina OF P 9 Z URBANOSKY X Commislsion ,rep-Pa.c ing Pitch 7amptihos. MEMBER. GOODE x x CITY OF SOUTNLAKF cn ~ rn MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE : Febuatcy 21, 1978 TIME :7:30 P.M. d d ' PLACE Councit Chambem, City Ala 1,d z 5 667 Not th- CwftoZt Avenue. 1 NAME OF MEMBER PAGE 3-.o 4, 3 INDEX NO. CAF_. SPARGFR X X Counc it pa/s/sed and approved motion to EMPLOYEE SWEET X e/st btish an empto yee 4und built tote ey on FUND. POPKIN X donati,onz AAOm the city empto yees. A,',so URBANOSKY X X appncved with the motion ways the use o4 the GOODF X Coke machine Aunds to be deposited in the empto yee ;fund. Poti.ce DepaAtment - Councit auth.otr i-zed DEPARTMENTAL PoP.%ce Chief Doug Hughes to otdeA 5,000 REPORTS: tickets. Co unc itman A. C. 1 lAbanosby commended the Poti.ce Depavtment oA the 4inde pe/t4otmance they d4pPacy duAi.ng the bad weatheA. FiAe Dept: Co unai tman UAbann y announced the annuae Fitemen',s FizhAty, being head at the Cato ash Hut, on Match 20,8978. Fite Chief Bob Stee ee wiP-t have ~jw tthet ~ eta i 2A6 at the up-coming count it meeting. WateA Dept. No Comments. Co uAt: No Comments SPARGER X Buitd-ing Dept: Councie pazsed and apptoved SWEET X X motion to amend OAd.211 ~stati,ng that oppeQ POPKIN X X e2ectAr i.cat wiAing wi" be Requited IwL any URBANOSKY X bait ding ~StAuc tuAn . GOOSE X Mayon Hawk stated_ that the biA on the Pot ice cute w.i t continue to be pub.P,~,shed 4oA a addi-ti.onae 30 day'. 6. Council d,%scu/ssed pozzibte titigation in closed susion. SPARGER X X Council Passed and approved the bitf_6 aA~ SWEET X X pAe/sen.ted be paid. POPKIN X URBANOSKY X GOOSE X Being no ~IuAtheA buzinesz, meeting was I~ adjoU~kned. i D ayoA a ~Ctty SecAetcvcy i RESOLUTION NO. 78-8 WHEREAS, it being brought to the attention of the City Council of Southlake, Texas, that published maps showing a street originally officially named and spelled HILLCASTLE contained the spelling of such street as "HICASTLEIV AND, WHEREAS, after a public hearing, the City Council finds that such error should be corrected in the public interest and general welfare of the com- munity; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: that the official name and correct spelling of HILL CASTLE is HILLCASTLE and any other spelling or designation is hereby amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Secretary is hereby authorized to deliver a copy of this resolution to entities including utility companies and/or United States Post Office Department as evidence of the correct designation and spelling of said street. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of January, 1978. Mayor ATTEST: ity Secretar i BILL FOR APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL Febuary 21,1978 CITY DATE or INVOICE # AMOUNT West Publishing C. 4-600-266 $20.00 General Telephone 2/19/78 301.01 Council of Governments 02-17-78 50.00 Eldredge, Tuck & Booker 2-16-78 42.00 Whites Auto Store 2-13-78 9.96 GPO Bookstore 2-6-78 7.50 Skaggs Albertson(trash cans) 2-16-78 16.80 Fort Worth Star Telegram 1/19/78 to 2/09/78 93.10 Grapevine New Advertiser 01274,01279,01275,01267, 162.45 01280,01277,01265,01270, 01268,01266,01278, Xerox Corporation 2-7-78 145.07 Esetle Farris December & January 90.00 TOTAL 937.89 POLICE DEPT Motor Parts Center 1/31/78 31.43 (snow chains) Exxon 174048 & 552695 8.50 Texaco 822804 4.50 Ladd Uniform Co 14412 69.90 TOTAL 114.33 FIRE DEPT Miller Muffler 01022 19.95 Texas Parks and Wildlife 9.00 ( Boat Registration Renewal Notice) TOTAL 28.95 WATER DEPT 0 BUILDING DEPT Southern Boulding Code Congress International, Inc 48.75 TOTAL 48.75 Gas For City Gulf Oil 834.68 TOTAL 83 GRAND TOTAL 1,964.60 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 1978 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires .....................................................2 Grass Fires .........................................................1 Auto Fires ...........................................1 Auto Accident-Stand by-(Rescue Unit & Fire Unit) ....................2 tiiutual. Aid-Other Cities .............................................1 False Alarms ........................................................1 Rescue Unit .............................1 (A) At 2008 Vista View Dr. (Elderly man fell on floor at home and was unable to get up.) Misc. Alarms ........................................................1 Dumpster fire (Florence Elementary School on Johnson Rd.) TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH ................................10 II. MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls .............................................48 Hrs. `Ceetings (4) Average:15 men per meeting ...........................120 Hrs. Maintenance Averape Time.... Includes workino. on Station-1 & 2......90 Iirs. Training Sessions (2).man hours included in Meetings TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH .........................................258 Hrs. III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING Chief Steele ............6 C. Higgins 6.4 Asst. Chief Bradley 3 C. Jones ....................3 sire Marshall Joyce..........4 R. 'Martin ...................1 Capt. Polson .................2 K. Cosgrove 4 Capt. Roper ..................3 R. Foster 3 Lt. Bell ....................0 R. Devuall.................. 5 Lt. Shuping ..................2 W. Winchester 2 C. Dodson ....................4 T. Boyer 5 J. Andrews ...................4 T. Bryant 1 J. Brown ........:............8 E. Reed 2 D. Drehen 2 R. Rodgars.................. 1 J. Sullivan ..................2 S. Fertitta................. 1 Respectfully Submitted RP Steele Fire Chief Southlake.Fire Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARY 1978 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of January 1978 Tickets issued in December 223 Tickets issued in January 137 'ersons in jail in December 9 Persons in jail in January 13 Traffic accidents in December 12 Traffic accidents in January 7 Burglaries investigated in December 2 3urglaries investigated in January 1 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in January $573.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in January 0 T:efts investigated in December 4 T:,efts investigated in January 4 A',pproximate total value taken in thefts in January $462.40 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in January $250.00 -ber of calls in December 703 toer of calls in January 729 Spoedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 78,082 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 126,229 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 131,838 Speedometer reading on Unit #10 ( 77 Pontiac ) 85,499 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 9,589 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 3,534 Miles driven in December 12,668 Miles driven in January 13,032 Respectfully submitted, Douglds R. Hughes Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb STEP SUMMARY JANUARY 1978 Total hours worked 295 Total tickets written 38 Total written warnings issued 118 Total fines paid $776.50 Total fines to be paid $839.50 Total fines paid for December $5,887.00 Total fines paid for January $3,794.54 Total DPS fines paid for January $13.50 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT January Month of 4,681,600 Gallons Pumped previous month 4,011,000 Gallons sold previous month 3 New Taps installed for month 5 Meters changed out 1 main break, 2 2" dresser cuplings. Line repairs: Materials Machine Rental $150.00 Other repairs 9 a Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT JANUARY 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases Set for Trial Court: 38 Cases Heard: 11 Cases Set for Plea Docket: 25 Cases Heard: None - Cancelled due to the weather - all cases reset Cases Dismissed: 24 Cases Appealed: 4 Citations Written: 137 Citations Paid: 159 Warrants Issued: 42 Cases Reset: (Trial Court) 3 Cases Assigned to Defensive Driving School: 1 Cases Reduced to Lesser Charge: 11 Cases Released to immigration: 0 Respectfully, awl ANET DANIEL Court Clerk CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTH OF JANUARY 1978 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS Current Last Month Electric 7 10 Plumbing 9 7 Foundation & framing 1 Heating & A/C 5 Septic System 2 Driveway Approach 1 Misc. 14 & sidewalks Total inspections 25 31 2. PERMITS This Month Fee Last Month Fee Building 2 36.00 1• 81.00 E lectr ica l Plumbing 1•1 4.00 Heat & A/C 1 11.00 Other (includes septic) 2 15.00 Certificate of Occ. 3 75.00 Total Permits 9 1$141.00 1 $81.00 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month' Last Month To Date This Year $ 11,724.00 $48,000.00 $ 11,724.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $ 238.00 $ 238.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND This Month To Date This Year $ 379.00 $ 379.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Buildin Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 211, REGULATING THE TYPE OF ELECTRICAL WIRE ALLOWED IN ALL RESIDENTIAL AND COMP4yRCIAL BUILDING TO COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: ORDINANCE 211, OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS : ALL WIRING USED IN RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE COPPER AS SPECIFIED IN THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. DUE TO THE FACT THAT THERE IS AN IMPERATIVE NEED FOR THIS ORDINANCE CREATES AN EMERGENCY, AND THE READING AND PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE AT MORE THAN ONE MEETING IS HEREBY SUSPENDED AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE FROM AND AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AT A SINGLE MEETING AND THE APPROVAL THEREOF OF THE MAYOR. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SO UTHLAKE,TEXAS, THIS DAY OF 1978. APPROVED: MARTIN R. HAWK, MAYOR ATTEST: KAREN M. BLACK, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED: WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY