1978-02-07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Febuary 7, 1978 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Election Order- Resolution 78-5. II. Citizens Advisory Committee Appointment - Resolution 78-6. III. Amendment to Road Ordinance 217. IV. Public Hearing - Tri County Rate Increase. V. General Discussion - Transport Workers Union, Doyle Chamberlain, Re: Trailors, Ordinance 161. VI. Public Hearing - ZA 77-17 - 1 acre on Sunshine Lane, Bob Holder, Request for A-3 Zoning from AG. VII. ZA 77-14 - Approval of Final Plat and Developers Agreement, "Old Orchard Country Estates" David C. Hardy. VIII. Peytonville Road Project Discussion. IX. General Discussion on Animal Control. X. ZA 77-12 - Approval of Developers Agreement, B.H. Buchanan, "Quail Creek Estates". XI. Bills For Approval. XII. Mayor's Report. XIII. Personnel Discussion ( Closed Session I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue on Friday, Febuary 3, 1978, at 11:30 A.M. City Secre ary 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE c p o ~8 1rn m MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING rn ° m rn d DATE : FEBUARY 7, 1978 d d M o TIME : 7: 30 P. M. PLACE : City o4 Southtake, Councit Z C hamb etas V) NAME OF MEMBER PAGE INDEX NO. CAP COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT MayoA Pat Hawk, MayoA PAo Tem, Coton Sweet; Councitmen, Sam Spa tgeA, Btcad Po pk in, A. C. Utbanoskt , Bob Goode. STAFF PRESENT: City AttoAney, W. D. Camp bet , Poti:ce Ch.ie4, Doug Hughes; Bwitdinq Sandy LeGAand, INVOCATION: Sam SpotcgeA MINUTES o6 the .east Regu2aA Meeting were appuved as pAes ented . SPARGER X MAYOR HAWK oAdeAed a genecae eeection to CALLING OF SWEET X X be held, 1 ApxLe 1918 ~oA the putrpolse o;, ELECTION ORDER POPKIN X eeecting o~4iceu o,, the city and counc,% RES. 18-5 URBANOSKY X approved o4 the desionat.ion of fudges, GOODE X X Aate o4 pay, time and pta.ce ~oA hoPWng the etec ti.on, and othetc peAti.nent d (Res. No 18-5 attached hetceto and ma,-,,e a paAt hetceo 4 ) SPARGER X Counc ie pcvs~sed and approved RetsoZut%on CITIZENS AD- SWEET X. X 78-6, appointing HetcbeAt R. White to the VISORY APPOINT- URBANOSKY X Citizens Adv.i 6orLy Committee. MENT - RES. 78- ' GOODE X: X. (Res. No. 78-6 attached heneto and made POPKIN X a paAt hetofl SPARGER X X MayoA Hawk ptesented the "Standard Sub- AMENDMENT TO SIVEET X Divizion Paved Stt eet, Estate Type" Amen c- ROAD ORDINANCE URBANOSKY X meat to OAdinance 217 - (attached hereto 217. POP!CIN X' X and made a poAt hereo4). MayoA Hawk open d GOODE X. discuzs.ion to the council. Councitman Goode asked i~ the tint o4 de~jinitionz we to inc euded in the State's Aecotdts o thiz- de~iwitionz. MayoA Hawk Aeptied that woutd have to be ineorpoAated into OAd. 217 which the City A;MrLney, Doug Campb woued 4oYow up with the ptopeA hotm and pucedutes. Council paz~sed 9 appnaved to amenr Road OAd.217 aao giving the City Attorney authotc ization to proceed with the Legat procedutes goA .inseAting Amendment to City OAdinance 217. Mk. Kti.nke, Aeptuentive 4oA TA.i-County TRI-COUNTY RATL_ Etecttic)waz ptesent statin,q that the INCREASE. 4igwtm he had on hand w+ ;,oA ate et- ectt i.c homes. The !.iguAe Aate .incAease t G G CITY OF SOUTHLAKE G rn p d MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING A A DATE : Febuatry 7, 1978 y TIME : 7:30 P.M. z PLACE : City o ~ South Bake, Counc t Chamb etas OF 1 BER , PAGE 2 o 4 T~,1DEX NO. CAP L.•i cure aA- ~o Yows. Mn. IGZinke stated that genetcaUy 6penhu-'n'o ; the incnea~se wound treatres ent a 8.68 p'ea.cent increase in tcevenue oven. the exb ting t.,t tra.te which is now in e44ect, the .east trate o; tin- ctrease being 1974 . Fon at t e2ectAic ho met : KWH EXSISTING RATE INCREASE RIFF 1313 45.31 46.80 1.49 2130 69.20 71.10 1.90 3110 97.78 100.17 2.39 4149 128.43 131.02 2.59 5575 173.07 173.38 .31 Mt. Ktinke stated that Southeake ways 900 tota t eectAic, taking cups to meAz up to the 10,000 K(VH btracket , exptain.ing that when a customer gets into the 10,000 KUJH btrac t on the existing hate a, cus tomen wiU pa 166.47, undetr the new ptropozed tcate the cuistomeA wilt pay 162.08, a dectrea~se in ba,se tate o4 $4.69. Cities that have been ptesented with this trequat acre KeUetr, Wateake, Co t.°eyviUe. City Attotney, Doug Campbe 4 pte~sented sevetrae quationz to Mt. Ktinke which could not be answetred at this time, Mtr. Ktinhe stating he w.c,P.2. ~,,otuwtrd a.et que~stionz to Mk. Johnny Ammons, Ttci-County Etectc is Manager and w.1 tt have a Crept y 4otr the Council at the continued heakino on Febuany 21, 1978. Among a ,ev, Womments made by Mk. K.Unke waz the /act that Tti.-County hays a ~ tted-%t- ti'.atinq 4otr ~.uistomeu, stating that i4 a cu,6tometr pay.6 his biZE be4ote the 15th o4 the month he is in a "C2cLSs A Rating", i4, the eu6tomeA pay.6 a/tetr the 15th he is in the "CW.6 S Rating". Doug Campbett uquetsted a exptanation o4 the etratie H.i',s and Low'.6 o4 the sate o~j &wetr 4trom 13tcazoz S to Tti County, stating such 4iqun can be found in the Ttr i County Man ,E. Mayon Hawk tceque~sted that the eouncit have an oppotrtunity to see a photo copy of the Conttraet between Btrazo",s and 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE c c rn MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING z rn rn d DATE Febuatuf 7. 1978 -rt TIME 7:30 P.M. A PLACE Citcf o ~,So uthtake. Co uncit Chamnbets NAME OF MEMBER PAGE 3 ,?A 4 INDEX NO. CAP Ttrt-County. Answetus to the above questio and othetus wiU be ptetsented at the Eont%nued Pubtic Heating o4 TAi-County on FebuoAy 21, 19 78 . SPARGER X Council pa6zed and appnoved motion to PL03LIC ffEARING SWEET X approve the zoning tequest oA Bob Holder ZA- 77-17 POPKI N X X bot A-3 zoning 4to m AG zo ninq . Mt. Hotel BOB HOLDER URBANOSKY X X was not ptnent. GOODE X SPARGER X Counc it passed and approved motion to Appnovat o4 Fina, SWEET X X appnove the ~linat prat and the devetopetus Peat and Devet- POPKIN X. X agreement o4 O.ed Otchand CountAy Estata per's Agteement URBANOSKY X with the.6tiputation that the Devetopetus OLD ORCHARD GOODS X agreement be changed to Lead Section COUNTRY ESTATES 1F be changed to head "Mow", atso Patc- agtaph E2 be made optional atong with the stipueation that the devetopeA be te- t powsibte 4ot ate tstAeet work and any damages incuttAed, Councilman SpaAgen /stated that thence PeytonviUe "us a ptopWy owner who does not wish Roa,,,f 'tcojest to gave tight o4 way o~ his ptopetuty Discussion. which, in otden dot the City to - compty with the Gtant Funding to o u.iti P menu , woutd have to be done, 4on the im- ptovmentts on PeytonvV,P,e Road. The two attetnative'.s given wets to dii 6mv6,s the grant of go ahead and tepa;vc the toad with a jog in it. The deadUne {got the tsutcvey iz Match 15th, 1978. Counc.it unantmocu6ty agreed to ~statct the imptov- mends with the jog in the toad. SPARGER X X Mayof Hawk stated he had received a net- General Dizcu st SWEET X X tet 4tom Denton County regat lino a.nimae Anc.mat Conttot POPKIN X ontAoZ, asking ii V/79 city wowed catce URBANOSKY X to pats is ipate in thej t ptan o4 conttwt. GOODE X Mayon Hawk stated that oney a.bmaU pot- tion o/ the c i y .is in Denton, County. It RLu passed and approved by the councit that the city not pattic ipate in the co ntAoZ . SPARGER X The Councie po-6,sed and appnoved the ZA 77-12-Apptova SWEET X X Finat Ptat and Devetopuez Agteement Final Peat 9 Dev- POPKIN X X o~ Qua Cteek Estat", with the stipu- etopet',s Agteeme URBANOSKY X nation that Section D ~6tate/s "E/state Type' "Qua"c e Cteek E,6t GOODE X CITY OF Sd'UTHf AKE T ° ° d d MINUTES OF RUGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE Febuany 7, 1918 TIME 7 "K5 PLACE :30 P.M. city o4 Sduth,2ake, Cau.ncit Chambetas NAME OF INDEX_NO.CAP MEMBER and a.Lo in Section "D", the wand County be changed to City. SPARGER X The scheduted biM weAe pne/sented to the BILLS FOR SWEET X X CGuncit. A~ten tceviewing /same, cvuncit APPROVAL. POPKIN X appnaved them 4vn payment. URBANOSKY X GOODE X X Mayan Hawk stated that aU was ccveAed in Mayon',s the meeting and that there 16 nathina to Report add to the tepott. Peuonnet Di,6cwssion was c2a6ed. TheAe being no ~wctheA bwstine/ss, the meeting adjaunned. ;XA, ayan ATTEST: Cit Sectcetatcy f 64 iid ~ p v~. ( ~ DEVE Agreement between the City of Southlake and the Developer An of "'Old Orchard Country Estates" for the installation of certain community facilities within and to service an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and pre- paration of the plans and specifications for the con- struction of all facilities covered by this agreement. j B. The City of Southlake hereby agrees to withhold all building permits for said lots or parcels until comple- tion and acceptance of useable increments of all facilities listed in this agreement. C. All of the facilities listed in paragraph II of this agreement will be constructed within three (3) years from the date of the signing by both parties of this agreement. A Developer's Performance Bond will be furnished in favor of the City of Southlake for an amoufat equal to the value of the construction of the facilities listed. herein and will be forfeited should the Developer default on any of the articles of this agreement. D. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon acceptance by the City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned herein above shall be vested at all times in the City of Southlake, and the Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. E. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, the Developer agrees to the following procedure: -1- ,64 1_. To employ a construction contractor who is approved by the city and is qualified in all respects to bid j on public projects of a similar nature. 2. To require the contractor to furnish to the City, Maintenance, Performance and Payment Bonds in the name of the=City for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price of the facilities. Said bonds to be furnished before work is commenced. 3. To secure approval by the City of any and all partial and final payments to the contractor. Said approval is made in accordance with the requirements of this agreement and is not to constitute approval of the cruantities on which payment is based. 4. To delay connection of buildings to service lines of water mains constructed under this contract until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. F. The Developer will mow and otherwise maintain, the aesthetics of all land and lots which have not been sold. built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. II. FACILITIES A. OFF SITE WATER: The Developer hereby agrees to install a 6" water main with all appurtenances to serve " Old Orchard Country Estates". Said 6" water main shall be connected to the existing city water system at the intersection of Highland and Shady Oaks and extend north on Shady Oaks, to west Dove Street, then west on west Dove Street to Peytonville Ave. then south on Peytonville Ave to the connection at the existing city 4" water main. A distance of approximate- ly 9,000 lineal feet. The total cost of the installation by the City of Southlake personal is $ 32,993.00. The Developer's cost shall be $27,875.00. Payable in three equal installaments: 1/3 at the start of the work. 1/3 at 50% completion and the balance is due when the installation is completed. The Developer shall provide a Performance and Payment Bond payable to the City, equal to 100% of the Developers cost before the City starts the installation. -2- B. STREETS AND DRAINAGE 1. The Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the addition. These and facilities shall be in accordance with the plans specifications to be prepared by the Developers engineers, approved by the City and made a part of the final plat. 2. All utility lines will be underground, gas lines will be on the opposite side of the street from water lines, and both will be in accordance with the final plat. 3. Streets will be restored to the original condition upon completion and prior to the final acceptance of the project. C. SANITARY SEWERS: It is understood and agreed that sanitary facilities -shall be constructed in such a manner as to complyealth with all of the following minimum requirements: Department requirements, Tarrant County,Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements,Texas Water Quality Board regulations, State of Texas, and any applicable City ordinance concerning sewer facilities. DEVELOPER v - G ~ BY ~ DATE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE „t--~-:.--tea.` y•, ' - Mayor Ci y Secretary f DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT An agreement between the City of Southlake (the City) and (the Developer) for the installation of certain community facilities within and to ser- vice Quail Creek Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the construction of all facilities covered by this agreement. B. The City of Southlake hereby agrees to withhold all building permits'for said lots or parcels until completion and acceptance of useable increments of all facilities listed in this agree- ment. All subgrade of street must be complete. C. All of the facilities listed in paragraph II of this agreement will be constructed within three (3) years from the date of t the signing by both parties of this agreement. A Developers Completion Bond will be furnished in favor of the City of Southlake for an amount equal to the value of the construction of the facilities listed herein and will be forfeited should the Developer default on any of the articles of this agreement. D. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon acceptance by the City, title to all facilities and improve- ments mentioned herein above shall be vested at all times in the City of Southlake, and the Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, (Cont'd.) E. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, the Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. To employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City and is qualified in all respects to bid on pub- lic projects of a similar nature. 2. To require the contractor to furnish to the City Maintenance, Performance and Payment Bonds in the name of the City for one hundred percent (1000) of the contract price of the facilities. Said bonds to be furnished before work is commenced. 3. To secure approval by the City of any and all partial and final payments to the contractor. Said approval is made in accordance with the requirements of this agreement and is not to constitute approval of the quantities on which payment is based. 4. To delay connection of buildings to service lines of water mains constructed under this contract until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satis- faction of the City. F. The Developer will mow, and otherwise maintain, the aesthetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. -2- II. FACILITIES A. On-Site Water: 1. The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities* to service lots as shown on the final plat for Quail Creek Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake. These facilities will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and approved by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation at its own cost and in ac- cordance with Ordinance No. 170. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor to whom the De- veloper awards the contract for such work shall furnish a Maintenance Bond in favor of the City of Southlake covering the facilities to be constructed against defects in mat- erials and/or workmanship for a period of one (1) year after completion of the facilities and its acceptance by the City. The Contractor may, at his option, post a "Blanket Main- tenance Bond" in the amount of 10% of contract price in favor of the City covering all water facilities constructed by him in the City against defects in materials and/or workmanship for a period of one (1) year after acceptance by the City. The Contractor shall also furnish to the City a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (1000) of the contract price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and upon payment of all persons supplying labor or materials to the project. *Water facilities shall include lines of size to support fire hydrants and fire hydrant installation. FACILITIES, (Cont'd.) 2. It is further agreed and understood that the Developer shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering, maintenance agreement, and bonds in connection therewith. B. Streets and Drainage: 1. The Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineers, approved by the City and made a part of final plat. The Developer further agrees: A. No construction will begin on the subgrade treatment, or pavement within the limits of any of the streets included herein prior to the installation of all under- ground utilities including service lines. B. All utility lines except electric will be underground, gas lines will be on the opposite side of street from water lines, and both will be in accordance with final plat. C. No work will begin on any street included herein prior to the Paving Contractor's execution and delivery of a one-year Maintenance Bond to the City of Southlake for the repairing and/or reconstruction in whole or in part of said streets. The Surety will be a surety company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas and acceptable to the City Council. The Contractor shall also furnish to the City a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (1000) -4- FACILITIES, (Cont'd..) of the contract price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and upon payment of all persons supplying labor or furnishing materials to the project. The Contractor shall furnish to the City satisfactory carriage of insurance in accordance with the City's standard requirements of contractor-doing work for the City. D. "Standard Sub-Division Paved Street, Type means a two-lane street with drainage ditches on each side. The street shall have a crown of six to eight inches (6" to 8") and a crown width of thirty-six feet (36') which shall include a twenty-six foot (26') wide and eight inch (8") gravel compacted base with a twenty-four foot (24') wide surface treatment in the center of the said gravel base. The street shall meet all other spec- ifications of the County Regulations. The driving surface may be a surface treatment of one of the following, double course, of hot asphalt pene- tration, or one and one half inch (1-1/2") hot plant mix asphalt. The s shall meet all other specifi- cations of the Eaun y Regulations. E. The Developer will be responsible for the installation of street signs designating the names of the streets inside Quail Creek Estates. F. All street improvements will be subject to inspection and approval by the City of Southlake. -5- FACILITIES, (Cont'd.) C. Sanitary Sewers: It is understood and agreed that sanitary facilities shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Department requirements, Tarrant County, Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements, Texas Water Quality Board regulations, State of Texas, and any applicable City ordinance concerning sewer facilities. DEVELOPER DATE BY President ATTEST: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Ci y Secretary Mayor -6- RESOLUTION NO 78-5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Chapter 2, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, it is provided that there shall be held in each municipality of the State of Texas on the first Saturday of April of each year a general election for the purpose of electing officers of said municipality; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a regular meeting held this date, does hereby order an election of officers of the City of Southlake to be held on Saturday, April 1, 1978, for the purpose of electing Councilpersons, for a term of two years, from April 1, 1978, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Candidates for the offices of Councilpersons for Place 3, 4 and 5 re- ceiving the highest number of votes for such office and such places shall be elected for a term of two years. 2. For the purpose of said election, the entire City of Southlake is hereby constituted ene':'v6t7 ng pre6 r}dt-and said election shall be held at one polling place, to-witt: City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on the aforementioned date, and the following persons are hereby appointed as election officers: C. W. LONG, Presiding Judge KATHRYN TATE, Alternate Presiding Judge and the Presiding Judge at such election shall appoint no more than three clerks, with the rate of pay for the Presidinq Judqe at $2.50 an hour and a like amount for the Alternate Presiding Judge, the rate of pay for the clerks fixed at $2.50 per hour; and the Presiding Judge to receive ::1$15.00 for delivery of the returns. 3. No person shall be eligible for the office of Counciloerson unless he is a qualified elector of the City of Southlake and has resided in the City for Six months next preceding the el- ection at which he is elected. 4. Any eligible and qualified person may have his name print- ed upon the official ballot as an independent candidate for the offices herein provided for by filing his sworn application with the Mayor not later than Midnight, March 1, 1978. The applica- tion shall state the specific office being sought by the appli- cant and that the applicant is eligible and qualfied under the Laws of the State of Texas, to become a candidate for and hold the office being sought, if elected. 5. The names of all those who have filed their sworn application to have their names printed on the official ballot as can- didates shall be posted by the City Secretary in a conspicuous place at her office for the inspection of the public for at least ten days before she orders the ballots to be printed. All objec- tions shall be made within five days after such posting, all written notices filed with the City Secretary setting forth the grounds of objections. In case no such objection is filed within the time prescribed, the regularity or validity of the applica- tion of no person whose name is so posted, shall not thereafter be contested. The City Secretary shall preserve in her office for period of two years all applications, notices of objections and other related matters. 6. Any person eligible to the offices herein provided for who has filed his sworn application in accordance with the provisions of this resolution shall have his name printed on the official ballots. Any such person may cause his name to be withdrawn at any time before the official ballots are printed by filing in writing with the City Secretary a request to that effect over his signature, duly attested to by a Notary Public. No Name so with- drawn shall be printed on the ballots. Not later than ten days before the City General Election, The City Secretary shall have the official ballots printed. 7. The ballots to be used in said election shall be prepared in the manner and form in the Election Code of the State of Texas. 8. All qualified voters within the meaning of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, shall be entitled to vote at such election. 9. Voting by absentee ballot in said election shall commence on March 13, 1978 at the office of the City Secretary, 667 North Carroll Avenue; voting by absentee ballot shall close at five o'clock P. M., March 28, 1978. 10. The election officers above named shall make and deliver the returns of said election in triplicate, one being retained by the Presiding Judge, one delivered to the Mayor of the City and one copy with ballot boxes and all election supplies shall be delivered to to City Secretary of the City, the ballot box containing signature stubs from ballots used in said election shall be delivered to the District Court of Tarrant County, Texas, and other ballot boxes and election records and supplies shall be preserved by the City Secretary in the proper office as by law provided. The City Council will meet at 7:30 P.M. April 3, 1978, for the purpose of canvassing said ballots. 11. The Mayor is hereby directed to give notice of said elec- tion which shall be signed by the mayor and City sha Secretary state the purpose of the election, and the PdliceChiefd shall post a properly executed copy of the election proclamation at the polling place herein provided and two copies at two other public places within the City. Such notices shall have attached thereto a certified copy of this Resolution. 12. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas for the holding of qeneral elections for state and county offices except as otherwise pro- vided by Chapter 2, Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. By approving and signing this Resolution, I, Pat Hawk, Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, officially confirm as my action all matters recited in this Resolution which by law come within my jurisdiction. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of Febuary, A.D. 1978 Mayor ATTEST- ~Zity Sec retary RESOLUCION NUMERO 78-5 MIENTRAS, de acuerdo con los provisiones de Titulo 28, Capitulo 2, de las Estatuas Revisadas Civiles de Tejas, esta proporcionado que tomara a cabo en cada muicipio del Estado de Tejas en el primer Sabado de Abril de cada ano una eleccion general Para elejir oficiales de dicho municipio; Ahora, POR LO TANTO, SEA RESOLVIDO POR EL AYUNTAMIENTO DE LA CIUDAD DE SOUTHLAKE,:TEJAS, QUE: I.E1 Alcalde de la Ciudad De Southlake, Tejas, en una sesion regular aqui ordena, una eleccion de oficiales de la Ciudad,de Southlake en el Sabado, el 1 de Abril, 1978, Para la eleccion de concejales, por untermino de dos anos, desde el uno de Abril, 1978, o hasta que sus sucesores son debidamente elegidos y cal- ificados. Candidatos Para los oficios de Concejales Para el lugar 3,4, y 5 recibiendo el ma's alto numero de votos Para tal oficio y tal lugares se elegiran por un termino de dos anos. 2. Al efecto de dicha eleccion, la entera Ciudad de Southlake es por~esto constituida un distrito electoral de votos y dicha eleccion tomara aca-o en un lugar de votos, es asi: Casa Consistorial, Avenido Carroll 667 del Norte, entre las horas de 7:00 A.M. y 7;00 P.M. en la fecha ya mencionada, y ]as personas siguientes son por esto designados como oficios de elecci on: C. W. Long, Juez Presidiendo Kathryn Tate, Juez Presidiendo Alternado y el Juez Presidiendo a tal eleccion designara no masque tres archiveros, con el pago Para el Juez Presidiendo a $ 2.50 una hora y una cantidad igual Para el Juez Presidiendo Alternado, el Pago Para los archiveros fijado a $2.50 por hora, y el Juez Presidiendo reciva $ 15.00 Para los returnos. 3. Ninguna persona sera elegible Para el oficio de Concejale a menos que el es un elector calificado de la Ciudad de Southlake y ha residido en laICiudad por seis meses inmediato precediendo la eleccion a to cual el esta elegido. 4.Caulquier persona elegible y calificado tendra su nombre impri- mido en la balota oficial como un candidato independiente Para los oficios aqui dentro proveido por poniendo enfila su aplicacion jurado con el Alcalde no mas tarde que a Medianoche, el 1 de Marzo, 1978. La aplicacion declarara el oficio especifico siendo busacado por el aspirnate y que el aspirante es eligible y calificado debajo los Leyes del Estado de Teas hac candidato J ~ erse un por y tener el oficio buscado, si es elegido. 5. Los nombres de todos~los que han puesto en fila sus ap- licaciones jurados t endransus . nombr official como candidatos fiJ'ados es impremidos en la balota en un lugar evidente de suOficinaoparaSla rinspencionldel pu blico por to menos diez dias ante$ de ordenar imprimir las, balotas. Todas objeciones se haran dentro de cinco dias despues de que tal fijando, todas noticias escritas puestos en fila con el Secretario de la Ciudad oniend p o adelante )as causal de obi jeciones. En caso de que no tal objecion esta fijado, no sera dis- putado fespues. E1 Secretario de la Ciudad preservara en su oficina por un periodo de dos anos todas aplicaciones, notificaciones de ob- jeciones y otros asuntos relacionados. 6.Cualquier persona eligible a los oficios aqui dentro proveido a que ha puesto en fila sV aplica~ion de acuerdo con las ro- visiones p de es to resol ucion tendra su Hombre imprimido en las balotas oficiales. Cualquier persona puede causar que su nombre sea,retirado a cualquier tiempo antes de que las balotas oficiales estan impremidos por poniendo~en fila en escritura con el Secre- tario de la Ciudad una peticion a ese efecto uncima de su signa- tura debidamente dado fe de por un Notario Publico. Ninquna nombre asi retirado sera imprimido en las balotas. No mas tarde que diez dias antes de la Elegcion General de la Ciudad el Secretario de la Ciudad tendra balotas oficiales impremidos. 7. Las balotas usadgs en dicha eleccion seran preparadas en la manera y forma del Codigode Eleccion del Estado De Tejas. 8. Todos Jos votantes calificados dentro del significado de la Constitucion y Leygs del Estado de Tejas seran dado derecho de votar a tal eleccion. 9. Votando por balota en ausencia en dicha eleccion comenaora en el 13 de Marzo, 1978, en la oficina de el Secretario de la Ciudad, 667 Carroll Avenida del norte; votando por balota en ausencia concluira a las cinco de la tarde, el 28 de Marzo, 1978. 10. Los oficiales de eleccion nombrgdos arriba haran y entre- garan los resultados de dicha eleccion en triplicado, uno retenido por el Jues Presidiendo, uno entregado al Alcalde de la Ciudad y una copia con las cajas electoriales y todas las provisiones de eleccion seran entregados a el Secretario de la Ciudad, la caja electorial conteniendo los fragmentos de las signaturas de las balotas usadas en dicha eleccion seran entregadas al tribunal del Distrito de Tarrant County, Te 'as y anotaciones y provisiones de la elecciogtseranaconservadosipors el Secretario de la Ciudad en la propia oficina como esta pro- veido por ley. E1 ayuntamiento se reunira a las siete y media de la tarde el 3 de Abril, 1978, por la intencion de inspeccion dicha balotas. 11. E1 Alcalde es por esto ordenado de dar por el noticia de dicha eleccion que sera afirmado por el Alcalde y por el Secre- tario de!la Ciudad y declarara la intencion de la eleccion, y el Jefe de Policia fijara una copia justamente,,finalizado de~la proclamacion de eleccion al lugar de votar aqui dentro proveido y dos copias a dos otros lu ares Tal notcias tendran aficionados albmismo unatcopida certifidcada de esta Resolucion . 12. Dicha eleccion tendra lugar y conducido de acuerdo con los leyes del Estado de Tejas para tener las elecciones general para los oficios de estado y "County" excepto por losproporS cionado en Capitulo 2, Titulo 28, delos Estatutos Civiles Re- visados de Tejas. Aprobando y firmando esta Resolucion, Yo, Pat Hawk, Alcalde de la Ciudad de Southlake, Tejas, oficialmente confirmo que mi accion en todos los asuntos recitados en esta Resolucion que por la ley viene dentro de mi jurisdiccion. PASADO Y APROBADO este diade 7th de Febrero, A. D. 78. Alcalde ATESTIGADO: S cretario a la Aiud RESOLUTION NO 78-6 WHEREAS, several of the Citizens Advisory Members have resigned and the Council con- siders it appropriate to replace these mem- bers and maintain the vitality of the Com- mittee; AND, WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Southlake does hereby submit the name of Herbert R. White to serve on the Citizens Advisory Com- mittee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: THAT, HERBERT R. WHITE BE AND IS HEREBY appointed by the City Council to participate as an active member of the Citizens Advisory Committee. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th Day of Febuary, 1978, A Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS B 1100 MACON STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 (817) 335-2611 January 17, 1978 Martin R. Hawk, Mayor City of Southlake P. O. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76051 Reference: Review of Final Plat 2A 77-12 Quail Creek Addition Dear Mr. Hawk: At the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission we have reviewed the final plat on Quail Creek Addition for corrections and compliance with City Ordinances. The few items that need additional correction have been brought to the attention of the Owner's surveyor and they should be presenting you with a plat with all corrections made. Our comments are as follows: 1. The legal description does not agree with the plat in two places. a. Along North Carroll Avenue the plat shows 1,410.33 feet while the legal description says 1,410.36. b. Along the west side the plat shows 1,743.54 and the legal de- scription says 1,543.54. 2. All drainage easements should be 15 feet wide or larger as necessary to accommodate the 100-year frequency storm. We have reviewed the drainage study as submitted and while we do not agree with the runoff calculations, we find that the proposed channel improvements will accommodate the 100-year storm as we calculate it. We wish to bring to the Council's attention the right-of-way dedication for North Carroll Avenue. Please note that 30 feet have been dedicated with an additional 12 feet shown as utility and roadway easement. We see no particular problem with handling it this way. The building line has been moved back to 45 feet to accommodate this easement. It is therefore our recommendation that the plat be approved if the above comments are followed. Yours very truly, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. Gerald L. Lemons, P.E. GLL:es C&B No. 800301 CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS AwB 1100 MACON STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 (817) 335-2611 February 7, 1978 Honorable Martin C. Hawk, Mayor City of Southlake P. 0. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76051 Reference: Final Plat Old Orchard Country Estate Dear Mr. Hawk: We have reviewed the revised final plat on Old Orchard Country Estates for compliance with City of Southlake ordinance and find all items to be in order. Please advise if you have any questions. Yours very truly, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. Gerald L. Lemons, P.E. GLL/mly C&B No. 800301 BILLS FOR APPROVAL FOR CITY COUNCIL Febuary 7, 1978 CITY DATE/INVOICE AMOUNT Stafford-Lowden 82731/1/27/78 73.52 Gibson's 04607/04605 27.98 Eldredge,Tuck & Booker Renewal premium for 2,137.23 Liability NTSU(Election Manual Refill) 1/15/78 4.50 Carter & Burgess 1/13/78 84.36 Gulf Oil Corp A 2554 330.25 Mays, Flowers,Grady 1/25/78 6.00 Metro-Lex Supply 1/17/78 3.64 Regional Office Supply 1/30/78 34.07 Tri-County Electric 2/01/78 97.55 General Telephone 1/19/78/2/19/78 333.01 West Publishing C. 1/78 20.00 Xerox 1/23/78 221.52 Texas Power & Light 12/29/77-1/30/78 115.15 M.M. Administrators,Inc 2/01/78 113.02 3,601.80 POLICE DEPT DATE/INVOICE AMOUNT Texaco 2/781/78/1/78/2/78/2/782/78 23.50 General Telephone 2/1/78 65.00 Motor Parts Center 1110 17.99 Ladd Uniform C. 1/28/78 52.15 Conoco Continental 7570 77.00 Bell Communication 1/31/78 124.50 Motor Supply 1/3/78 25.35 M.M. Administrators, 2/1/78 288.34 Payton Wright Ford 2/25/78 69.26 White's Auto 2/1/78 43.47 City of Grapevine 1/22/78 (ambulance fee's) 1,250.00 2,036.56 FIRE DEPT DATE/INVOICE AMOUNT International Harvester 49386 7.36 W.H. Lumpkin Associates 5758 3,250.00 Bell Communications 1/31/78 83.00 Motor Supply 1/3/78 149.62 Texas Power & Lights 12/29/77/01/30/78 44.56 Payton Wright Ford 2/25/78 16.85 Lone Star Gas 2/9/78 114.61 3,666.00 WATER DEPT DATE/INVOICE AMOUNT E.L. White 1/26/78 16.50 Multigraphics Div. 1902408 8.59 Addressograph Multigraph 609576 61.30 Aqua Utility, Inc 6665 70.40 Burroughs Corp 1093272 72.25 The Rohan Co 1/31/78 117.56 Texas Power and Lights 12/29/77/1/30/78 831.55 M.M. Administrators, 2/1/78 218.22 Bell Communication 1/31/78 28.00 Motor Supply 1/3/78 1.89 White's Auto Store 2/1/78 3.98 1,430.24 (continued on page 2 of 2) BUILDING DEPT INVOICE/DATE AMOUNT Tarrant County Purchasing 1/1/78 212.02 (Street Signs) 212.02 Grand Total 10,988.69 Texas Power & Lights Tennis Court 42.07 (this is included in grand total)