1978-01-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 17, 1978 7:30 P. M. A G E N D A I. ZA 77-12 quail Creek Subdivision, Mike Buchanan, Approval of Final Plat. Ii. ZA 77-14 Old Orchard Countrv Estates, David C. Hardy, Approval of Final Plat. III. Resolution 78-1........... Replacing Any And All Of The City's 4 Inch Water Mains With 6 Inch Water Mains. ( Mains less than 4 inches IV. General Discussion Mrs. Judy Jordon, Re: "Junk Problem In Her Neighborhood". (Continental Park Estates.) V. Resolution 78-5........... Authorizing Bids on Old Patrol Cars., VI. Departmental Reports. A. Police Dept. B. Fire Dept. C. Water Dept. D. Municipal Court E. Building Dept F. Mayor's Report A. Appointing New Citizen Advisory Member. VII. Bills For Approval. r I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue at 11:45 A.N. Friday, January 13,1978. (Correction on Item III, made 1/16/78) City Secretary cn U' O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE o 3 MINUTES OF;: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING z t~ n DATE : January 17,1978 ' G ~O O TIME 7:30 P. M. d PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 667 N. Carroll Avenue .-3 Southlake, Texas NAME OF MEMBER Page l of 3 INDEX NO. CAP COUNCIL' MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem Colon Sweet, Councilmen, Sam'Soarger, Brad Po.pkin,'A''C: Urbanosky. COUNCIL ABSENT: Bob Goode. STAFF PRESENT: W.. D. Campbell, City Attorney;, W. G: Cline, Water Superintendent; Sandy Legran. Building Dept;, R. Hughes, Police Chief; R.P. Steele, Fire Chief. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Colon Sweet. MINUTES of'the last regular meeting were ao- proved as presented. i SPARGER X X Mr. B. H.. Buchanan was present to represent ZA 77-12 SWEET X X Quail Creek Estates. Council passed and approv- QUAIL CREEK POPKIN I~ X ed Z.A 77-12 subject to corrections of Carter & ESTATES; APPROV- URBANOSKY I X Burgess and approval of the Developer's Agree- OF FINAL PLAT. ment. Mayor Hawk announced that-Monday, January 23, 1978 there will be a Workshop on the above mentioned Developers Agreement. Mr. David CHardy was present to represent "O1 ZA 77-14 Orchard Country Estates". Carter & Burgess OLD ORCHARD stated in the January 171L1978 J etter,to the COUNTRY ESTATE! council that additional easments Kill be .re- APPROVAL 0•F quired in addition to widening the easements FINAL PLAT. shown an, the final 'plat aloha with a' drainage error. This item.was tabled pending correction of above stipulations and approval of the'de- velopers,agreement'which will also be included n the January 23 Workshop Acienda. This item was withdrawn. RESOLUTION 78-1 REPLACING WATER ' MAINS LESS THAN 4 INCHES. JUDY JORDAN, a Southlake citizen and resident f Continental Park Estates was present-to re- resent her plea to the council requesting ! i l O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 0 o p M W MINUTES.OF,: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING d DATE January 17, 1978 p 0 TIME 7:30 P. M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 667 N. Carroll Avenue r3 Southlake, Texas NAME OF MEMBER Pane 2 of 3 INDEX NO. CAP their as`si,stan.ce with the junk problem in her JUDY JORDAN neighborhood ;Mrs. Jordan complained of trash JUNK PROBLEM burning, a.railroad'tie 'vertically imbedded in CONTINENTAL a front yard andjunk cars. Mayor Hawk request PARK ESTATES ed Police Chi.ef,Doug Hughes. look into this matter and report back to-the council. .SPARGER X COUNCIL nd SWEET X passed approved motion to sell the RESOLUTION X old Police Cars. Bids will be received in the 78-5 POPKIN X City.Secretary',s' Office no later than Febuary AUTHORIZATION URBAN OSKY X X 15,1978 at 10.00 A.M. TO SELL POL- ICE VEHICLES. ' Police Dept; Councilman A. C. Urbanosky, DEPARTMENTAL commended the Police Dept.on their performance REPORTS. in the installation of the Traffic Signs. The Signs were passed and accepted by the Federal i Government along with their commendations to the Polic Department. SPARGER X Fire Dept; Council passed and approved motion FIRE DEPT. SWEET I X X to send the Fire Chief; Bob Steele; Fire POPKIN X Marshall; Judd Joyce, and Police Officer; URBANOSKY IX X Charles Dodson to a Arson Seminar Febuary 21, '22nd and 23rd, v SPARGER X Council passed and approved motion -to purchas SWEET I X X 15 helmets, 10 boots, and 11 goats fpr the POPKIN X Fire Department in the amount of,1,604 out URBANOSKY X X of capital outlay,. Bob Steele announced the Annual',Banquet.,for the Tarrant County Firefighters Assoc. of i Fort Worth being held Febuary 11, 1978. Wate.r Dept: No Comments. WATER DEPT. Court Report:.Judoe Austin is back and feelin COURT REPORT. fine. Building Dept:. Councilman Brad Popkin'announc BUILDING DEPT. that there ,are 33 new hones reported, now. SPARGER ~ •X Council passdd'and approved motion to appoint MAYOR'S REPORi SWEET X X Sheri Massey to the Citizens Advisory Comm. °OPKIN X X .jRBANOSKY X Mayor Hawk called for a Speed Limit Workshop for January 26,1978 at 7:00 P.M. I I . 5 b b O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE n o 0 MINUTES OF,: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING z tT1 DATE ftJ o TIME : a ar 11, 1978 H PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue "y Southlake, Texas NAIKEE Or MEMBER Pace 3 of 3 INDEX NO. CAF j Mayor Hawk presented his reply to the Texas Dept, of Water Resources of which they requeste the voting count of Resolution 77-42. (Reply to letter is attached hereto and made a part { hereof,) .1 ! Doug Campbell stated that it was in his opiniol~ to budget the expense for' Resolution 78-1 1 for the next,new budget year. To spend funds for the replacing of mains less than 4'4nches I with 6 inch mains would require a, need of i i great emergency by the city, at this time we f i do not qualify, under that cat&aory. i Doug Campbell stated that the City of Keller met with the County Co-Op and discussed the i possibility of Tarrant Utilities district financing the purchase of surface water lines from the general area of the Plotarola Plant onto Keller with the possibilities of sur- rounding cities being envolved with the Co-Op f and buying the water from Ft. Worth. Mayor i Hawk stated he would like to discuss this ' with Councilman Stephens of Keller who is deeply inv,oled with this plan. j Mayor Pro Tem Sweet stated there will be a j change in the Fire Department and Police De- partment maintenapce man. He requested.-this--b on Febuary 7,.19 78 Council.Agenda. The Scheduled bills were presented to the BILLS FOR Council. After reviewing same, council approv+ APPROVAL ed them for. payment. There being no further, nusiness, the,meeting adjourned. Mayo r i ATTEST: ~ I I -Zec re a r ii r I RESOLUTION NO. 78-4 WHEREAS, several of the Citizens Advisory Members have resigned and the Council con- siders it appropriate to replace these mem- bers and maintain the vitality of the Com- mittee; AND, WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Southlake does hereby submit the name of Shari Massey to serve on the Citizens Advisory Com- mittee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: THAT, SHARI MASSEY BE AND IS HEREBY appointed by the City Council to participate as an active member of the Citizens Advisory Com- mittee. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17th day of JANUARY, 1978, A,D. Al. I0, Mayor ATTEST: C'ty Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 1977 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of December 1977 Tickets issued in November 302 Tickets issued in December 223 Persons in jail in November 10 Persons in jail in December 9 Traffic accidents in November 5 Traffic accidents in December 12 Burglaries investigated in November 3 Burglaries investigated in December 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in December $299.95 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in December 0 Thefts investigated in November 5 Thefts investigated in December 4 Approximate total value taken in thefts in December $1,509.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in December $1,200.00 N»mber of calls in November 630 ber of calls in December 703 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 77,847 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 126,195 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 128,402 Speedometer reading on Unit #10 ( 77 Pontiac ) 85,475 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 3,233 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 587 Miles driven in November 14,207 Miles driven in December 12,668 Respectfully submitted, Douglds R. Hughes' Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb STEP SUNMRY DECEMBER 1977 Total hours worked 290 Total tickets written 59 Total written warnings issued 60 Total fines paid $1,117.50 Total fines to be paid $973.00 Total fines paid for November $4,464.50 Total fines paid for December $5,887.00 Total DPS fines paid for December $45.50 SOUTriLAK : F!,XE DEPA (lMENT MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER 1977 1. RESPONSES: l ~J .i ` S t ru c t u re Fi re s 0 Gra s s Fi re s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Auto Fires ........:.....................................................2 auto Accident-Stand-by-(Rescue Unit & Fire Unit)... 000*0&0000090400004 Mutual Aid-Other cities.... . . . . o..oooooo&ooo*ooooeooeoooooooooo*oseoooo*4 False Alarms... ooo*oo*oooooooo*oooooo*o*ooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooo Rescue Unit .............................................................0 .'Misc. Alarms., ..........................................................5 t.' A. Television shorted out. 2620 E. Southlake Blvd, 'r ..B 'Gas Meter leak. 1427 N. Kimball (Unit stand-by until repaired) C. Bomb threat (1) Carroll High School. D. Power lines down @ 114 and Marshall Creek Rd. E. Bomb threat (2) Carroll High School. TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH ...................................24 114, MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls......, " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 49 Hrs. Meetings (4) Average:18 men per meeting 136 Hrs. Maintenance Average Time 46 Hrs. Training Sessions (2) man hours.included,;.in meetings TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH............. . 431 Hrs. III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: Chief Steele - 21 J. Jones - 13. -T. BryAht - 7 Asst. Chief Bradley - 14 W. Winchester - 12:• S.•Feritta - 5 Fire Marshall Joyce - 4 T. Boyer - 16 ; D. Dupree - 3 Capt. Polson - 8 J. Sullivan - 9 R. Shelton - 4 Capt. Roper - 10 D. Drehhen - 15 R. Martin - 5 Lt. Bell - 5 C. 'Cosgrove - 9 C. Dodson'- 8 Lt. Shuping - 4 E. Reed - 4 R. Duvell - 4 R. Foster - 10 C. Higgins"- 14 T.'Schnieder - 3 J. Andrews - 10 J. Brown - 16 R.. Rodgers -.2 i Respectfully Submitted j? 7/, "RP Steele Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department R. P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department P.O. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76092 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council: Subject: Fire Department Report of Calendar Year 1977. 1. Total Responses ...................................................227calls 2. Grass Fires ........................................................92 3. Structure Fires .14 4. Automobile Fires ..........................................10 5. Automobile Accidents (Standy-by, Washdown, etc.) .................35 6. Rescue-Unit Calls..(Oxygen, First Aid, Rescue, etc.) ...............14 7. Mutual Aid Alarms (to other cities) .....................34 8. Miscellaneous Alarms..(Elect.Shorts,Smoke calls,Drownings etc.)....24 9. False Alarms .4 10. Total Man/Hours Expended on Emergency Calls ...2;185hrs. 11. Total Man/Hours Expended on Civic Projects..(Miss Flame Contest, Parades, Fish supper etc.) ........................................228hrs. 12. Total Man/Hours Expended on Maintenance and Repairs ...............514hrs. 13. Total Man/Hours on Meetings and Training Sessions ...............1,384hrs. 14. Total Number of Drills and Classes for year ........................32 15. Total Number of Men Attending Meetings for year ...................720 16. Total Number of Man/Hours on All Department Projects (Emergency, Maintenance and Drills for 1977) 4,311hrs. 17. Total Firefighters and Number of Times Responding for year: Fire Chief R. P. Steele.. ..........180 Asst. Fire Chief H. Bradley Sr...... 116 Fire Marshall J. Joyce ...............47 Capt. R. Polson ......................66 Capt. B. Roper .......................94 Lt. C. Bell... o.oo o..56 Lt. L. Shuping .......................53 Firefighters: J. Andrews 96 P. Nolden.......... 32 T. Bryant....... 15 J. Eddington....... ...45 W. Eddington.......49 C. Jones........ 23 J. Polson .............48 T. Schnieder....... 14 R. Devuall...... 14 Randy Steele ...52 H. Bradley Jr....... 6 E. Reed 4 S. Fertitta........... 76 Bart Stevens....... 13 W. Morris., 28 R. Martin 27 D. Johnson 13 M. Feuchiter..... ...1 T. Boyer., 131 S. Davis 2 W. Booker .............25 J. Sullivan 57 B. Stevens 20 D. Drennan 43 J. French ..............4 J. Brown........ .68 D. Dupree .............66 C. Higgins, ...65 W. Winchester 72 R. Rodgers.,....... 11 M. La Favors...........21 K. Cosgrove, .......17 W. Couch... o o 38 R. Foster .31 R. Shelton............ 45 Co Dodson 18 Respegt€ully,, ~_gbmitted, R_ P_ StePI P_ F; ra rhi of C tL.~ n~. . Lam:... T BILL FOR APPROVAL BY CITY COUNCIL January 17,,1978 CITY INVOICE/DATE AMOUNT XEROX 047099533 44.79 TRI-COUNTY 1/1/78 95.85 THOMPSON PRINTING 12/30/77 79.85 TARRANT COUNTY PURCHASING OFF. 1/4/78 121.60 REGIONAL OFFICE SUP. 12/28/77 17.65 HARTGRAPHICS ( Exemption forms) 1/9/78 22.33 GRAPEVINE NEW ADV. 02362,01250,01251 54.40 TOTAL 436.47 BUILDING REGIONAL OFFICE SUP. 12/28/78 12.70 TARRANT COUNTY PURCHASING DEPT, 1/4/78 6.06 THOMPSON PRINTING SER. 1/12/78 41.10 TOTAL 59.86 FIRE DEPT WHITES AUTO 1/4/78 40.10 TARRANT COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS 12/30/77 50.00 ASSOC. STATE FIREMEN"S & FIRE MARSHALL 11/1/77 35.00 ASSOC. NORTH TEXAS FIREMEN'S & FIRE 2/78,-2/79 10.00 MARSHALL ASSOC. GRAPEVINE MEMORIAL HOSP. 1/9/78 5.78 BELL COMMUNUCATIONS Dec. Stmt. 166.25 FIRE PROTECTION SERV. 12/30/78 52.80 TOTAL 359.93 POLICE DEPT TARRANT COUNTY PURCH. 1/4/78 43.43 BELL COMMUNICATIONS Dec Stmt 519.00 WHITES AUTO 1/3/78 25.75 TEXACO 1/16/78--1/7/78 11.75 KIRCHER PONTIAC 12/23/77 37.53 TOTAL 642.46 WATER DEPT REGIONAL OFFICE SUPPLY 12/28/77 8.45 THE ROHAN COMPANY 12/12/77 182.70 BELL COMMUNICATIONS Dec. Stmt. 28.00 TOTAL 219.15 GRAND TOTAL 1,717.87 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of December Gallons Pumped previous month 4,714,100 4,048,000 Gallons sold previous month New Taps installed for month 1 Meters changed out 6 Line repairs: Materials Stopped leaks on two service lines Machine Rental $60.00 Other repairs Tempory 2" meter set for Explorer Pipe Line Co. 'i Meter already removed. Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT DECEMBER 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL. Cases Set for Trial Court: s~ Cases Heard: 4 Cases Set for Plea Docket; 32 Cases Heard: 23 Cases Dismissed: 11 Cases Appealed: 7 Citations Written: 223 Citations Paid: 219 Warrants Issued; 1* Cases Reset: 6 Cases Assigned to Defensive 7 Driving School: Cases Reduced to Lesser Charge: 6 Cases Released to immigration; 3 Respectfully, ` 62-7cze~ ANET DANIEL Court Clerk * Approximately 50 warrants were prepared for signature in December; however, due to the illness of Judge Austin, they could not be signed. Therefore, the January report will show a large number of warrants issued. IV PHONE 481-5581 l` 7~ Yw ~ gwu 9+lJe&'" tl+4mby9/f 'wu.J~i.b 4.a. iu em •..i. a,. .+M 5's(nX~ 11,ker Country Living Is At Its Bas-r" MARTIN R. HAWK, Mayor P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 C. A. SWEET, ,'vlayor Pro Tem KAREN BLACK, City Secretary BOB GOODE, Councilman A. C. URBANOSKY, Councilman BRAD POPKIN, Councilman SAM SPARGER, Councilman BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION STATISTICS FOR 1977 NATURE OF PERMITS NO. OF PERMITS VALUATION Single Family Dwellings 33 $ 1,476,810.00 Commercial and Industrial 2 $ 11,600.00 Other ( house addition, 23 $ 124,383.00 accessory bldgs. pools,etc.) TOTAL 58 $ 1,612,793.00 FEES: From permits and certificate of occupancy $ 6,462.50 (also P & Z fees) Respectfully Submitted, Sandy PeGrand Building Department SOUTHEAKE TEXAS 1~OiV'i I .LY REPORT Mon~:+~iY Ropor6. o A.:i,.il"•i:•i;a:ivManager DECEMBER 1977 Month of apartment o. Building Inspection' 1. Numb-or of inspections This Last Same Month 'Chit Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Last Year Year To Date Year To Date Year To Date Building 4 i Electrical 10 3 Plumbing 7 t} Mliscellaneous 14 12 /~~~~efa~~ 31 23 2. Permits issued Building Number 1 3' , Value $48, 00'0.' $ 33,400.' Permit Fees 81. 87 , Electrical + i Number Permit Fees Plumbing Number I Permit Fees l • Sewer Number Permit Fees Total All Fees 0 $87.00 . r 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Dwelling, Plan Chock I Permit Fear, Total Fees Valuation of Typos Units Foos Permits i Single Family 1 81.00 81.00 x$48, 000.00 2 Family ;I Multi-Family Commercial Buildings industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish r Swimming Poole Signs other Alterations and Additions To Dwellings To Commercial Buildings To industrial Buildings 1 $81,,.00 $ 48,000.00 Total 4, Building Valuation , j This Fiscal Year To Dato ~ This calendar year To Date January uary 1977 to December 1977 $1,612,793.00 Lc"L