1978-01-03 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 3, 1978 7:30 P. M. A G E N D A I. Resolution To Approve Replacing Undersize Water Mains. II. Public Hearing - ZA 77-14: Old Orchard Countrv Estates, Request of David C. Hardy For A-3 Zoning. III. Public Hearing - ZA 77-15: Frances Throop Survey, Abstract 1511, 3.21@ on Sunshine Lane. Request of Betty Martin for A-1 Zoning. IV. Charter For Citizens Advmsory Committee And Membership. V. Police Department: Traffic Ordinance #118; Incorporate List Of Stop Signs and Yield Sign Location. VI. Presentation By Texas Power & Lights Representative, Charles Turner. Re: T.P.L Rate Increase. VII. Texas Power & Lights Rate Application - Consideration of Resolution To Suspend Affective Date And Consider Setting Date For Commencement Of Public Rate Hearing. VIII. Setting Public Hearing Date For Tri-County Rate Change Request. IX. Amendment to Ordinance #231 - Changing Hi Castle Street To Hill Castle, R. C. McNutt. X. Bills For Approval. A. $37.50 Texas Municipal Election Law: Current Issues, Seminar For City Secretary, January 26th, 27th, in Denton. B. International Association Of Fire Chiefs, Inc. Dues $45.00. XI. Mayor's Report. XII. Hearing On Department Head Recommendation In Connection With City Detective Employment Status And Consideration By City Council Of Employment Status Of City Detective. I hereby certify that the above-Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Friday, December 30, 1977 at 12:00 P. M. City Secretary ~ b p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ~ ~ b a n O O trl MINUTES OF.: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING "z r7 d DATE : January 3, 1978 d O O TIME : 7:30 P. M. ~ ~ PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue a Southlake, Texas NAME OF Page 1 of MEMBER INDEX NO. CAP i ' ~w COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem C. A..Sweet, Councilmen Sam•Sparger, A. C. Urbanosky, Brad Popkin. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Goode. I STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney, D. R. Hughes, Police Chief; R.P. Steele, Fire Chief; I INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Sweet. I Attending the meeting were Citizens Advisory GUEST. Chairman Roy Lee along with C.A.C. members Jerry Black, Lloyd Martinson. I i I MINUTES of the last regular meeting were ap- proved as corrected. i I Resolution 78-1 was postponed at the request RESOLUTION TO of City Attorney Doug Campbell,,stating he APPROVE REPLAC- would present this Resolution at the January ING UNDERSIZE 17th City Council Meeting allowing him time WATER MAINS. to investigate any Budgetory Requirments re- garding the funding. i 1 SPARGER j X X COUNCIL passed and approved the re-zoning ZA 77-14 SWEET IIX 1 X request of David C. Hardy from A-G to A-3 OLD ORCHARD POPKIN j X zoning, out of the Thomas Beedy Survey. COUNTRY ESTATE: URBANOSKY I X SPARGER 'X i X COUNCIL passed and approved the re-zoning re- ZA77-15 SWEET I X quest of Betty Martin from A-G to A-1 dis- BETTY MARTIN POPKIN I X X trict, out of the Frances Throop Survey. ZONING REQUEST URBANOSKY i I X ! SPARGER X X RESOLUTION 78-2 was passed and approved by CITIZENS AD- SWEET i X Council stating that a quorum of 6 members VISORY COMMIT- POPKIN X X be malditory and that Mr. Frank Mikulencak TEE CHARTER. URBANOSKY X be added to this resolution as a new member. SPARGER X POLICE Chief Doug Hughes stated that in order TRAFFIC ORD# SWEET X for the final inspection of the new traffic 118. POPKIN X X signs to be approved, the city must itcorpor- URBANOSKY I X X ate a list of exact location, of said signs p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE n O 0 MINUTES OF,: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING e~~ d d DATE Ja lxary 3, 1978 d o o TIME 7. P. M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue y Southlake, Texas NAME Or MEX3ER Page 2 of 3 INDEX NO. CAP and be made ~a.part of City Traffic ordinance 118. Council passed and approved to amend City Ord#118 to'Ord#118-1. Mr. Turner presented to the Council.a Summary RESENTATION Of'Rate Request By Texas.P,ower & Light Company Y CHARLES for their review. (Said summary is attached TURNER.(T.P.&L heretofore,and,.made a part hereof.) REP.). X COUNCIL passed.'and approved Resolution 78-3 RESOLUTION SPARGER SWEET { X X suspending the:';effective date.(Resolution 78-3. , POPKIN 1 X X is attached hereto.and made a part hereof) URBANOSKY X CITY ATTORNEY Doug.Campbell requested that SETTING PUBLIC I ` Febuary 7, 1978, be set for the Public HEARING DATE. Hearing bate.of'Tri-County Rate Increase. TRI-COUNTY. SPARGER X.) X MR. McNUTT.was present with signed affidavits STREET NAME SWEET I X from the 4 surrounding property owners and CHANGED TO POPKIN X 1 verbal agreement in favor of 'the Street HILLCASTLE FROM URBANOSKY Xi X Hi Castle be changed to Hillcastle. Council HI CASTLE. passed and approved to have the name changed. SPARGER X THE SCHEDULED BILLS were presented to the BILLS SWEET X Council. After reviewing same, Council ap- . I , POPKIN X X proved them for payment. URBANOSKY I X X MAYOR HAWK reported that several complaints MAYORS REPORT have been brought to his attention regarding trailors parked off FP4 1709. Police Chief Doug Hughes reported that these are tem= porary; and belong to the State for the re- pair work that is being done on the culverts. SPARGER X X COUNCIL passed and approved the action taken PUBLIC HEARING SWEET X by Police Chief Doug Hughes in suspending ON CITY DETEC- POPKIN ' X Detective'John Vandagriff'without pay_ and TIVE. URBANOSKY X X his dismissai.(Instruments regarding this public hearing have been made a part of-the City Attorney's file. Upon the advice of the City Attorney these files and instrument have been filed in the Attorneys file due to any action pending) Instrument enclosed in file are Instruments 1 through 7,arid Res#77- 0. N 'cn p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE n O O 1-3 MINUTES.OF,: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 0 11 n d DATE b 0 ?y O TIME ry. 1978 , PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 667 N. Carroll Avenue a Southlake, Texas NA2-2 OF Page 3 of 3 MlEMBER INDEX NO. CAP I SPARGER X X' COUNCIL passed. and approved City Attorney, T.P.& L. RATE SWEET X Doug Campbell's findings on the ratb applicatio APPLICATION. POPKIN X X setting ,a date of Febuary 21, 1978 for Public URBANOSKY X Hearing on,the;Rate Increase Application. 1 ~ where being no further business, the meeting i i adjourned.- F t I ~ I Zoe* 0, Mayor ATTEST: I ~ ity Secretary i i RESOLUTION NO. 78-1 WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has sufficient resources in the Water Systems Fund derived from its water system to replace existing undersize water mains; AND, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of South- lake, deems it neccesary and in the best interest of the City to replace all water system mains of less than 4 inches; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas does approve the use of the City's Water System Funds for replacing any and all of water mains of less than 4 inches with 6 inch water mains. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3rd DAY OF JANUARY, 1978, A.D. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary RESOLUTION NO 78-2 WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has established a Citizens Advisory Committee for the purpose of providing citizens inputs on Zoning matters to the city Council by Resolution 77-22; AND, WHEREAS, several of the Committee Members have resigned and the Council considers it appropriate to replace these members and maintain the vitality of the Committee; AND, WHEREAS, a voting quorum was not devined for the Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT; 1. a quorum is defined as six members of that committee, tod that Jim Armstrong and Frank Mikulencak be appointed serve on that committee. of January, 78. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day Mayor ATTEST : City Secretary RES01MON NO. 78- 3 t ~ CITY OF SOUTHI AM, TEXAS WHEREAS, approximately December 21, 1977, TEXAS POWER AND LIGHT CoMp.ANy filed with the City of SOUthlake, Texas, a request for rate change; and, 'J;~EAS, the City Attorney and City Council have made a preliminary review of said application and will set the date of the first public hearing at a later time in this present regular City Council session; and, WHEREAS, pending hearings on said application and the future decision of the said City thereon and while such matter is pending, the said City, through the City Council, deems it in the best interest of the City and its citizen customers of said utility that the operation of any proposed rate change, in whole or in part of the said utility be suspended until final action of the said City Council on said rate change request or May 23, 1978, whichever event occurs first; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAM, TEXAS: That the effective date of any change in the rate schedule of TEXAS POWER AND LIGHT MANY within the City of Southlake, Texas existing on December 21, 1977 be and the same is hereby suspended until final action of said City Council on said rate change request, or May 23, 1978, whichever event occurs first; That such suspension shall be effective upon delivery of a copy of this resolution to said Texas Power and Light company after deliver?, of the written reasons for such suspension which are attached hereto for reference purposes; That during the period of suspension as above provided the rates in force prior to the filing of the present rate increase application by Texas Power and Light Company shall continue in force; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to said utility many after delivery of the written reasons therefor, such delivery to be by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal delivery. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day o January, 1978. Mayor ATTEST: c Secretary STOP SIGNS 1. TIMBERLINE LANE (N) 2. JOHNSON & RANDOL MILL AVENUE (E) 3. CONTINENTAL & PEYTONVILLE AVENUE (S) 4. OA,KHURST DRIVE & CONTINENTAL (N) 5. OA.KWOOD TRAIL & CONTINENTAL (N) 6. RIDGEWOOD CIRCLE W. & CONTINENTAL (N) 7. RIDGEWOOD CIRCLE E. & CONTINENTAL (N) 8. POST OAK TRAIL & PEYTONVILLE (E) 9. PEYTONVILLE & W. DOVE (N) 10. SHADY OAKS & W. DOVE (N) 11. W. HIGHLAND & SHADY OAKS (W) 12. LOVE HENRY COURT & SHADY OAKS (W) 13. WHITE CHAPEL & PINE DRIVE (N) 14. HIGHLAND & WHITE CHAPEL (W) 15. HIGHLAND & WHITE CHAPEL (E) 16. DOVE & WHITE CHAPEL (W) 17. DOVE & WHITE CHAPEL (E) 18. RLDGECREST & DOVE (S) 19. SUMMERPLACE LANE & HIGHLAND (N) 20. CARROLL & CONTINENTAL (S) 21. HIGHLAND & CARROLL (W) 22. HIGHLAND & CARROLL (E) 23. PRIMSE LANE & CAR.ROLL (E) 24. DOVE & CA RROLL (N) 25. DOVE & CARROLL (S) ''6. CARROLL & BURNEY (N) _7. FLAMINGO COURT & BURNEY (S) 28. UYE DRIVE & BURNEY (S) 29. LONESOME DOVE & BURNEY (E) 30. LONESOME DOVE & BURNEY (W) 31. LONESOME DOVE & DOVE (S) 32. SUNSHINE & DOVE (N) 33. SUNSHINE & HIGHLAND (S) 34. KIMBALL & DOVE (S) 35. KIMBALL & DOVE (E) 36. HIGHLAND & KIMBALL (E) 37. SHADY LANE & KIMBALL (W) 38. RAINTREE & SHADY LANE (W) 39. GREENBOUGH & SHADY LANE (W) 40. ROLLING LANE & SHADY LANE (W) 41. BLUEBONNET & SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD (S) 42. KIMBALL AVENUE & SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD (N) 43. CROOKED LANE & SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD (N) 44. KIMBALL AVENUE & CROOKED LANE (S) 45. BR:UMLOW & CONTINENTAL (N) 46. CARLISLE & CONTINENTAL (S) 47. CARROLL & CONTINENTAL (S) 48. WHITE CHAPEL & CONTINENTAL (E) 49. WHITE CHAPEL & CONTINENTAL (W) YIELD SIGN 1. BLUE TEAL COURT & FLAMINGO COURT (E) January 3,1978 Council Meeting Agenda's sent to the following: Gerald Lemons R.F. Hargrave Jr. W.D. Campbell Mr. McNutt Pat Hawk T P and L Grapevine Colon Sweet Mr and Mrs Howard Martin Bob Goode David C. Hardy Sam Sparger Vernon Henderson Lone Star Gas Co. Brad Popkin Banner A.C. Urbanosky Greg Pierce Henry S. Miller Co. Grapevine, Advertiser Star Telegram BILLS FOR APPROVAL, CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 3, 1978 CITY: INVOICE: AMOUNT: PITNEY BOWES 1/03/78 36.00 GULF OIL A 2347 563.13 M.M.I. Insurance 01/01/78 784.66 METRO-LEX SUPPLY 12-21-78 72.96 7578 227.00 T.M.L. THOMPSON PRINTING 12/22/77 27.00 DOUG CAMPBELL 131 442.33 XEROX 107550024 16.00 LONE STAR 1/9/78 46.75 GENERAL TELEPHONE 12/19/77 300.47 Total 2,316.30 POLICE DEPT. SARGENT SOWELL, INC K 9426 94.52 WHITE'S AUTO STORE 12/28/77 40.88 INCOTERM CORPORATION 7799/7259(Oct.Nov, Billing) 418.00 SMITH MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES 18996 41.80 TEXACO 12/17/77 19.25 GENERAL TELEPHONE 1/1/2/1/78 65.00 PAYTON WRIGHT 12/26/77 98.54 PAYTON WRIGHT 12/19/77/12/19/77 10,892.42 Total 11,670.41 FIRE: MOTOR-SUPPLY 12/26/77 67.42 ALSTATE FIRE EQUIPMENT 12.22/77 39.50 LONE STAR GAS 1/9/78 23.82 CRABTREE & POWERS 12/30/77 158.01 Total 288.75 BUILDING DEPT: THOMPSON PRINTING 12/30/77 46.70 RUBBER STAMPS (THOMAS) 12/2/77 29.43 Total 76.13 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. 45.00 NORTH TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY 37.50 Total 82.50 GRAND TOTAL $14,434.09 ALSO DUE IS THE LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS.(INTERNATIONAL SURPLUS LINES INSURANCE COMPANY) (not included in above 1,825.00 total) FINDINGS OF CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS CONCERNING REASONS FOR RJ=R SUSPENSION OF ANY RATE CHANGE IN RATE SCHEDULE OF TEXAS POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY The reasons of the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas for the consideration of and the passing of Resolution No. 78-.3 , which reasons were adopted by the said City Council prior to the actual passage of such resolution, are as follows: I. The application for rate adjustment of said utility was received after the last Council meeting of the City held on December 20, 1977, and the Council believes that at least 120 days or more will be needed for adequate review of the four volumes of information by the Council itself, its attorneys, and/or rate experts. II. It will be necessary and proper for the citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas to engage in public hearings and hear discussion by both the regulatory body and the utility and rate hearings for both the months of February and March, 1978 are definitely contemplated by the Council. III. The City needs the reply of the utility as to whether or not and to what extent such utility will pay for rate consultants, accountants, auditors, attorneys, engineers or any ccubination thereof in assisting the City Council and advising the City Council concerning the proposed rate change request. The City Council by this instrument, hereby requests reply from the utility concerning its position on the assistance described in this paragraph III. IV. Based on the preliminary review of the information on hand, the City Council is of the present opkion that no change in the said rate of the utility should be made without full study and in the best interest of the City, its citizen customers of the utility and the utility itself there would not be adequate time for such study unless said rate change request is suspended. The above findings made by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas this 3 day of January, 1978. V Mayor ATTEST: Cit secretary L