1979-11-08CITY OF SOUPHIAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 8, 1979 7:30 p. m. XI NDA 1. Consider: Authorization for Mayor to Execute Contract on Water Wells. 2. ZA 79-35 Zoning request for a 12.42 Acre Tract of land out of the Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract #2003, Tracts 2D and 2E. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner, Developer: Wayne Lee Public Hearing. 3. ZA 79-35 Final Plat Approval for the same property as in Item 2. Subdivision is to be known as "Shadow Creek Addition". Approval Developers Agreement. 4. 'ZA 79-36 Zoning request for a 1.109 acre tract of land out of the L. B. G. Hall Survey, Abstract #686. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is A-3 Single Family. Owner: James R. Stacy. Public Hearing. 5. ZA 79-37 Final Plat Approval for a subdivision to be known as "Hudson Bay Estates". The 16.13 acre tract of land is out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract #254. Owner: Hudson Construction Company. Present zoning is A-2 Single Family District. Simplified Subdivision Procedure. Approval of Developers Agreement. 6. ZA 79-38 Plat Approval for a 1 acre tract of land out of the L. B. C,. Hall Survey, Abstract #686. Owner: Randall Stacy. Consider: Sign Installation. 8. Consider: Resolution 79-37. Vote for Board Member of the Tax Apprasial District. 9. Consider: Approval for Newsletter. 10. Consider: Repairs to Bicentennial Park. 11. Consider: Proposals for the Community Development Grant. Resolution 79-38. Public Hearing. 12. Consider: Waiving Building Permit Fees for Carroll School District. 13. Mayors Report: Proclamation on Smoking. 14. Consider: Seminar for two Police Dispatchers. 15. Consider: Seminar for Water Department on Sewer Operations. 16. Consider: Purchase tires for Fire Unit 3008. 17. Bills for Approval 18. Closed Session: Personal Action ( Closed Session as per Vernon's Annotated Statutes, Article 6252-17) I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in the city hall, 667 North Carroll Aven Southlake, Texas, on Tuesday November6, 1979 at 9:00 p. m. Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary NAML ON _ _mi~:Htilai Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey rp A ~P U1 N M n c~ a i x x x ix j c~ ► 1.1Y ~;r Sutl•1111AXE, TEXAS SPECIAL U U Minutes of : X%W_41 City Ceiweil Me:e:ti e ;November8,1979 :7:30 p.m. ► City of outhlake3, Cuuoci 1 ~ j C:hdn►I,erS . 667 N. Cdrrull Ave:1►ue:. j Southldke, Te:xd:y COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparge , Councilpersons: Louise Morrison, AC Urbanosky, Shari Massey. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Lloyd Martinson PARK COMMISSIONER: Jerry Black CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Joe Gregory, Fire Chief; Bob Steele Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy. Invocation was led by Mayor Pro T Sam Sparger. The minutes of the October 16,1979 meeting were approved as presented. x Authorization was given for Mayor x Hawk to execute the contract for x the two Paluxy Water Wells. The x contract was given to Smith Pump Company in the amount of approxima- tely, $ 128,000. Mayor Hawk recommended that the Company furni! either a maintenance bond or a d irrevocable letter of credit. x ZA 79-35. Zoning request for A-3 x Single Family Residential District; x ji was given to Wayne Lee, owner of a x j 12.42 acre tract of land out of the Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract 2003, Tracts, 2D and 2E. The Planning and Zoning Commission re- commended approval during their public hearing. There were no comments during the council public hearing. Wayne Lee was present and present( the final plat for the same parcel of land. The Subdivision is to be known as "Shadow Creek Estates" 1N1Y:X NU. CONTRACT EXECUTED FOR WATER WELLS ZA 79-35 ZONING APPROVED TO A-3 NAML: OF ME:MIi L•:H Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey Sparger A Ul Ul N 0 M ~ X Ix Morrison x Urbanosky Massey x Sparger x Morrison x Urbanosky Massey E rger Morrison Urbanosky Massey Sparger x x Morrison x Urbanosky Massey Ix i Sparger II ~Ilx Morrison Urbanosky x I' Massey UI t~ ,C 1 t~ ul ,Y of u,111LAKE, TEXAS SPECIAL Mi~~ut~~ of ':x~l City coluncil meeLi q :November 8,1979 .7:30 p.m. city of Southlakct, Council cI!ianibe rs . 667 N. Cdrrull Avenue. Southlike, Texas PAt.E Z x The final plat was approved as x presented. The changes recommended x by Carter and Burgess, have been x made on the final plat. X The Developers Agreement for x Shadow Creek Estates, was also x approved as presented. x x ZA 79-36. A-3 Single Family Zoning was granted to a 1.109 acre tract x of land out of the LBG Hall Survey, x Abstract 686. James R. Stacy, owne x was not present for the public hearing, nor were there any comment i made during the public hearing in i regard to the zoning request. x I ZA 79-37. After review and discus- x sion by the City Council with the x Developer, Jim Hudson, of Hudson x Construction Company, final approva was given to the plat for a sub- division to be known as "Hudson Bay Estates". The plat was submitted as a Simplified Subdivision Pro- cedure. x The Developers Agreement was also x approved, indicating that two fire x plugs would be added along Lake x Drive. x !I ZA 79-38. The plat for a 1 acre x I tract of land out of the LBG x Hall Survey, Abstract 686, was x approved. An affidavit was also presented, stating that the propert was given to Randall Stacy as a gif of love from his father. 1N11F:X No. ZA 79-36 ZONING APPROVED A-3 ZA 79-37 FINAL HUDSON BAY ESTATES ZA 79-38. Council had an extensive discussion (concerning the purchase and instal- lation of street and traffic signs in the city limits. Motion was NAVE OF _ MFMHEft Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey ui Ul M ~ y d x ii x x x -parger x Morrison x Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey x x y 7d ~j l a' 70 X x x x x x x x x x x X cpry of suu,►tj1JWE, TEXAS SPECIAL Mi11utt:!5 of NICK City C01MC11 Meeti Li Date 'November 8,1979 T i 111C 7 :.30 11lacc City 9fll-outhlake, Council Chawbers. b67 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlaka, Texas PAGE 3 1N1WX NO. C made and approved for the purchase SIGNS of fifty (SO) ten foot polls or equivalent, and $120. for the i purchase of signs as well as $7.00 per poll for installation. By unanimous vote, the City Council placed their vote for Wiley G. Thomas, as their choice for the board member of the Tax Appraisal District, in Resolution 79-37. The November Newsletter draft was approved after discussion by the Councilmembers. It will be mailed to the citizens of Southlake by the end of November. The amount of $350.00 was approved for repairs to the Bicentennial Park. This amount is to include mowing as well repairs to the tennis courts. RESOLUTION 79-37. MEWSLETTER TENNIS COURT REPAIRS RESOLUTION 79-38, which allows for RESOLUTION the proposals for the Community 79-38. Development Block Grant was COMMUNITY approved stating we continue with DEVELOPMENT the second year of last years GRANT grant, which is upgrading the Ovate PUBLIC lines in Southlake. This would HEARING. be from Crooked Lane to Peytonvill and from Continental Blvd. to Southlake Blvd. There were no suggested proposals from the citizens during the public hearing. fl, During a discussion concerning the waiving of building permit fees for the Carroll Independent School District, motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem, Sparger, that the City charge for building permits as per our ordinances, however, keeping NAME OF ML.Mk~H - Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey 10 W M M t1 I x I x o ~ ' a 1 ~ ~ U t ~ t~1 c 7 v ~ C) 7d 1 a 3 Sparger I x Morrison Urbanosky X Massey I I arger i,~,)rrison Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Urbanosky Massey x x x I X x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x t,111,v Op, Sc)UTtIL.AKE, TEXAS SPECIAL Mi►►utes of?7x1?24K7~C City Ca►uncil Meeti Datc; : November 8,1979 T ► Inc 30 11 1 .ic,t' ; Cily of Southlake, Council c.hdmbe rs . b67 N. Carroll Avenue. SUUthldke, Texas PA(;E the costs for inspections separate giving a rebate to the CISD if charges should be less than the amount of the fees. Mayor Hawk read a Proclamation naming November 15,1979 as the "Great American Smoke Out Day". This is a program sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Approval was given the police department for two dispatchers to attend a seminar. Gasoline will be furnished them by the city for the trip. Mrs. Cline was given authorization to attend a seminar on Sewer Plant Operations. Cost will be $40.00. The purchase of two tires for Unit 3007 was given approval. This will be for the Fire Chief's vehicle. The bills presented for approval were approved for payment. Attached hereto and made apart hereof. A Closed session was held for the purpose of personal action. The meeting was adjourned by Ma or Pat Hawk / i ATTEST : ayor ►y 1NtN-:X NO. I l I I I. 1 r City Secretary DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT An agreement between the City of Southlake and the Developer of "Shadow Creek Addition" for the installation of certain community facilities within and to service an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. I. GENERAL, REQUIREMENTS: A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the construction of all facilities covered by this agreement. B. The City of Southlake hereby agrees to withhold all building permits for said lots or parcels until completion and acceptance of useable increments of all facilities listed in this agreement. All subgrade of street must be complete. 1. Excluding Lots 1 and 11 which adjoin Dove Road. C. All of the facilities listed in Paragraph II of this agreement will be constructed within three (3) years from the date of the signing by both parties of this agreement. Before work is commenced, a Developers Completion Bond will be furnished. in favor of the City of Southlake for an amount equal to the value of the construction of the facilities listed herein and will be forfeited should the Developer default on any of articles of this agreement. 1. In lieu of q Completion Bond the Developer may present to the City of Southlake an irrevocable Letter of Credit from a State or National lending institution guarenteeing an amount to be on deposit E. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon acceptance by the City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned herein above shall be vested at all times in the City of Southlake, and the Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. F. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, the Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. To employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City and is qualified in all respects to bid on public projects of a similar nature. 2. To secure approval by the City of any and all final payments to the contractor. Said approval is made in accordance with the requirements of this agreement and is not to constitute approval of the quantities on which payment is based. 3. To delay connection of buildings to service lines of water mains constructed under this contract until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. G. The developer will mow, and otherwise maintain, the aesthetics of all land and lots which have not been sold, built on, and occupied. Should the Developer fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer for the cost. H. The form of any Letter of Credit or escrow will be submitted to the City Attorney for approval. I. Any surety Company through which a bond is written shall be a surety company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas and shall be acceptable to the City Council. II. FACILITIES: A. ON-SITE WATER: 1. The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat for the Shadow Creek Addition to the City of Southlake. Water facilities shall include lines of size to support fire hydrants and fire hydrant installation. These facilities will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and approved by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation at its own cost and in accordance with Ordinance No. 170. 1 2. It is further agreed and understood that the Developer shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials, and engineering and Developer's Completion Boad or Letter of Credit noted in Paragraph I.C. 3. The Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineers, approved by the City and made a part of the final plat. The Developer further agrees: A. No work will begin on any street included herein prior to complying with all bonding requirements as set forth above. The Paving contractor shall furnish to the City satisfactory carriage of insurance in accordance with the City's standard require- ments of contractor doing work for the City. B. "Standard Sub-division Paved Street, Estate Type," means a two-lane street with drainage ditches on each side. The street shall have a crown of six to eight inches (6"to 811) and a crown width of thirty-six feet (36') which shall include a twenty-six (261) wide and eight inch (8") compacted gravel base with a twenty-four foot (241) wide surface treat- ment in the center of the said gravel base. The surface treatment shall be a double course of hot asphalt penetration. C. The Developer will be responsible for the installation of street signs designating the names of the streets inside the subdivision. D. All street improvements will be subject to inspection and approval by the City of Southlake. III. SANITARY SEWERS: (Septic System) A. It is understood and agreed that Septic Disposal facilities shall be constructed on each lot by the lot purchaser or builder in such a manner as to comply with all of the following minimum requirements: Health Department requirements, Tarrant County, Texas; State Department of Health, State of Texas requirements, Texas Water Quality Board regulations, State of Texas, and any applicable City Ordinance concerning Septic Disposal facilities. PRESIDENT DATE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MAYOR A l"I E? S"V: C I'I Y SF.CUTARY I)A'1'F NUMBER 52 BALLOT FOR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT IN TARRANT COUNTY We, the governing body of CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , having been advised by the County Clerk of Tarrant County that CITY OF SOUTHLAKE is entitled to cast 1 votes collectively or separately the following nominees for the Board of the Tax Appraisal District in Tarrant County: (Nominee) DEARING, WARREN PARKS, RICHARD G. THOMAS, WILEY G. TIDWELL, D. WAYNE and having been advised by the County Clerk of Tarrant County that CITY OF SOUTHLAKE is entitled to cast its votes only for the nominees in Single Member District Number 3 DO HEREBY RESOLVE AND ORDER that the City Council cast, and does hereby cast, its votes as follows: votes for Wiley G. Thomas votes for votes for Passed this day of 1979. residing Officer Most Attest: Secretary or Clerk for: i1F"-- OCTOBER 22, 1979 NOMINEES FOR THE CENTRAL TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT OF TARRANT COUNTY Nominees From District Dearing, Warren 3 Elkins, T. J. 5 Flood, Lloyd H. 2 Needham, Jay H. 5 Parks, Richard G. 3 Reesing, Dr. Darrell 4 Thomas, Wiley G. 3 Tidwell, D. Wayne 3 Tomlinson, Homer Jr. 1 Wood, Roy 4 • ~ ~ COUNT :a •a yi TARRANT COUNTY FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 MADRIN HUFFMAN COUNTY CLERK October 22, 1979 MY 14--1q BILLY H. MILES CHIEF DEPUTY To The Governing Body Of CITY OF SOUTHLAKE : DIST. 3 Enclosed you will find an alphabetized list of the nominees made by all districts of the Central Tax Appraisal District of Tarrant County. You are to vote only for those nominees listed in your district. Please return your votes on the enclosed numbered ballot to the County Clerks office no later than November 15, 1979, Sincerely yours, Madrin Huffman Tarrant County Clerk MH/jt Enclosure MAYORIS PROCLAMATION Whereas, it has become common knowledge that cigarette smoking is damaging to health, and Whereas, surveys have shown that a large percentage of smokers are anxious to give up the habit, and Whereas, during the past two years millions of smokers participated in the Great American Smokeout, a day on which they give up cigarettes for just 24 hours, and Whereas, some of these participants were residents of Southlake, and Whereas, a substantial number of those who gave up cigarettes for the day were able to give up the habit entirely, and Whereas, this demonstration of success suggests that the Great American Smokeout, while light-hearted in approach, has potential for improving the health of the People of this city, J Now, therefore, I+ Pat Hawk+ Mayor of Southlake, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 159 19799 as the day of the Great American Smokeout in Southlake, and in so doing urge all cigarette smokers to try giving up cigarettes on that day. Pat Hawk Mayor BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6,1979 UTILITIES... Lone Star Gas Company $ 13.59 General Telephone Company 412.63 Tri County Electric Co-op 138.25 Texas Power and Light Company (Water) 29332.11 Texas Power and Light Company (City) 401.95 INSURANCE... Travis P. Young Insurance (Bond renewal) 18.00 M.M. Administrators,Inc. 939.87 TML Workmen's Compensation Joint Insurance Fund 77.71 CITY ADMINISTRATION... North Texas State University 10.00 Fort Worth Star Telegram Classified 25.55 Exxon Company, USA 12.68 Regional Printing Service 143.65 E.L. White Office Equipment (capital outlay items) 1,272.43 General Office Supply 143.71 Pitney Bowes 97.10 Regional Office Supply 2.48 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Sargent-Sowell,Inc. 590.05 Ladd Uniform 679.92 Jimmy Parker Exxon 117.34 National Building Centers 22.91 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 185.00 Bell and Howell 1,120.00 Prime Supply,Inc. 26'85 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Colleyville Auto Clinic 432.61 Colleyville Auto Clinic 492.04 's Paint and Body Shop D J 104.80 . . State Firemen's and Fire Marshal's Association 35.00 Bell Communication 280.50 Arnold Welding Service 43.50 Metro-Lex Supply 20.81 Miller Muffler Inc. 53.00 9 95 Ladd Uniform Co. ' WATER DEPARTMENT... North Star Laboratories,Inc. 26.00 White's Auto Store 10.47 The Rohan Company 257.63 Aqua Utility,Inc. 388.68 10,938. TOTAL $ CITY OF SOU HLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MON'T'H OF OCTOBER, 1979 CURR ENT LAST MONTH ELECTRIC 17 24 PLUMBING 26 13 FRAMING 6 3 FOUNDATION 12 6 HEATING & AIR 9 12 SEPTIC SYSTEM 12 12 OTHER 16 10 'DOTAL INSPECTIONS 98 80 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 18 1,792.30 9 973.00 EIBCTRICAL 10 113.00 12 151.00 PLUMBING 11 243.00 7 132.00 HEATING & AIR 2 36.00 4 86.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 3 75.00 4 100.00 SEPTIC 4 40.00 8 80.00 TOTAL PERMITS 47 $2,299.30 44 $1,522.00 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $802,941.00 $427,495.00 $1,556,936.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $236.00 $743.00 $1,284.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $2,535.30 $13,365.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, .~n/1ti~ w BUI ING CLERK BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICAL October 1978 Breakdown 4 - Residences * BUILDING PERMIT BREAEDOWN 1 - Commerical 11 - Residences 1 - Pool 3 - Additions 2 - Barns CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20,1979 BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY ADMINISTRATION... Gulf Oil Company $ 2,436.55 Carter and Burgess,Inc. ]48.]9 Rohne and Hoodenpyle 204.44 IBM Service of Office Machine 42.87 Dennis Electric 57.83 PBL Leasing 129.95 POLICE DEPartment Sargent-Sowell,Inc. 15.96 Thcmas Rubber Stamp Ccnpnay 325.50 City of Grapevine Ambulance 325.00 DIcClure' s Monogram and EmblemCoWanv 133.00 Incoterm 153.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... Carter and Burgess,Inc. 8]2•]9 Aqua Utility,Inc. 540.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 5,319.00