1979-09-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Consider: Mutual Aid Agreement: Liability,for the Fire Department, 2. Approval: Ordinance 251. Lone Star Gas Increase. 3. Consider: Appointment of Reserve Police Officers, 4. Approval: Resolution 79-29. Alternate Method of Board Member Selection for the Tarrant County Tax Appraisal District. 5. Consider: Reservation of Tennis Courts for Southlake Women's Tennis League. Shari Massey. 6. ZA 79-28. Zoning request for Lot 6 of the Oaks Addition. Location, Casey Court. Present zoning, Agricultural. Request is for A-3 Single Family District. Owner: David R. Lowe. Public Hearing. 7. Approval: Resolution 79-30. 1979 Tax Roll. 8. Departmental Reports: a. Police: Discussion, patrol cars b. Court C. Water d. Fire e. Building f. Mayor's Report 9. (CLOSED SESSION) Keller Rural/Keller Municipal Merger. (closed session as per Vernon's Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17). 10. Consider: Resolution 79-31. Filing of application with PUC to ammend certificate of necessity and convenience regarding the status of Keller Rural/Keller Municipal Merger. 11. Bills for approval. 12. Consider: Approval to advertise for two Paluxy Wells. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 14,1979 at 12 noon. v City Secretary w N O fj i'~ ~t ~ ~ ~ 1•~•y ~ih' :;t►U_'ItIIAKE. TEXAS C~ 1 ►d M~ ~~ui ~s of ' : Rryular City Caxuicil Mcuti y September 18,1979 7:30 p.m. t.y of 5outhlaku, Council Chdfll,er5- t,67 N. Carroll Avenue. SOUlIhlJke, Tuxdu NAVE OF l l • l pAI;E 1NLC X NO COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Councilpersons: Louise Morrison, Lloyd Latta, AC Urbanosky Shari Massey. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger STAFF PRESENT: Water Superintendent i ( 1 Wallace Cline, Fire Chief; Bob II Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy Detective; Tom Lang, City Attorney; ~i Joe Gregory PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Lloyd Martinson INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta II ~ I ' The minutes of the September 4,1979 City Council meeting were approved I II as presented. Morrison p, x x With the recommendation of both MUTUAL AID Latta Ix ~ I,x ! Mayor Hawk and City Attorney, Joe AGREEMENT jl 1~ r Urbanosky pGregory, Council agreed to enter FIRE DEPT. Massey 'ix into a Liability Mutual Aid LIABILITY j Agreement for the Fire Department. Morrison x I ix Ordinance No. 251, approving a ORDINANCE Latta ; x Rate Increase for Lone Star Gas NO. 251 Urbanosky I II ~x Company was approved by Council. RATE IN- Massey x 'x (attached hereto and made a part CREASE, I' here of). Mr. Vernie Henderson, LONE STAR II ;representing Lone Star Gas Company GAS COMPAN' was present. g Resolution 79-29 was approved, RESOLUTION Morrison x 1 Ix allowing for an Alternate Method 79-29 Latta x P I ix j; of Board Member Selection for the Ur banosky I I x 'Tarrant County Tax Apprasial Distri t. Massey i x 1~ I'Mayor Hawk made the comment to Ucouncil that the Resolution is as acquitable to Southlake as could have been worked out and he recom- i ; `Imended it to council. P I I n1 ti(tll '1111A1Ck:, TEXAS n !rl U mitilituLi of R~eyular Clty Cigamici1 MCuLI y PA x. .w , :September 1.8,1979 1, 7:30 p.m. + Cn 1' i.i. c'> Ly of Southlako, Cuunci 1 i C:Itanibe 16 . C,67 N. Cdrrull Aveoue. 1 Southl,1ke, TuXay NAMtr (lh' 1 PA(~1; 2 _ 1 Nit: X W) i Morrison After discussion, motion was made I Latta x and approved that the tennis courts Urbanosky x i' x in the Bicentennial Park could be Massey ~x x resorved for a Southlake Women's i I !Tennis League on a trial basis. The league will play through November 17,1979. Morrison x I x IZA 79-28. Zoning request for Lot 6 ZA 79-28 Latta I x of the Oaks Addition was approved ZONING Urbanosky x by council as recommended by the APPROVED Massey i x x Planning and Zoning Commission. A-3 (There were no comments from the Iaudience during the public hearing l~ concerning the A-3 Single Family i jDistrict requested zoning. David i R. Lowe, owner, was not present. Morrison x it x Resolution 79-30 was approved RESOLUTIC Latta x confirming the Tax Roll for the 79-30 Urbanosky x x Fiscal Year 1980, as prepared by TAX ROLL Massey x 'the Tax Assessor, Will Zschiesche. APPROVED The valuation is $ 21,270,969.50. 1i with Ad Valorem taxes of f I $ 134,225.00 'I II Departmental Reports: Fire Chief Steele indicated that I,I the Miss Flame Contest will be !I !(held on October 8,1979 II ~I ; Morrison I!x I i 'I x Latta x ,Police Chief, Daymond Gaddy was s l given permission to give the old Mass unusable uniforms to the Goodwill. Massey x ' I x x Massey ~Gaddy also recommended-toicouncil 'two persons that he wishes to serve reserve officers. They are: I' 'Charlotte Kelly and Tommy Gregory. i II iiCouncil approved his recommendations. i lUnder Mayors Report, Mayor Hawk read {a letter from the Department of I' 'Health, approving our engineering report for two paluxy wells. I f I ~ ~ u► rti ' a ('1'I'Y ►)h' ti[►ll'1411.AKk:, TEXAS U MIIIUL~ i of rieyular city Council lmcetl y t„ September 18,1979 r. 0 'FIIn: 7:30 p.m. City of Southlake, Council C:han%bc rs . 667 N. Carrull AVUnue. 5uuoilaka, W X44 . l NAML: ()h' 1 PA(.E 3 1NDCX N) MEMM' Li - - i The Mayor was given the authorizati by Council to advertise for bids BIDS FOR for the wells. Hawk announced that WATER the Terms and Specifications are WELLS available for examination by the public in the office of the City Secretary. Morrison x Motion was made and approved to .Latta x Ix pay the bills presented. (Attached Urbanosky x x hereto and made a part hereof). Massey x CLOSED SESSION Keller Rural/Keller WATER Municipal Merger. (closed as per Vernons Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17). I I MEETING REOPENED Mayor Hawk recommended to council ~4 °ison x x that they authorize Joe Gregory to Latta x x file an ammended Certificate of Urbanosky x Necessity and Convenience with Massey Ix the PUC to ammend the territory served with water by the City of Southlake to include portions which i I lie within the City limits or Southlake extraterritorial jurisdic tion, but are served by Keller Rural Water Co-op. The application will also include an area in the south part of Southlake. I The Mayors recommendation was approved unanimously by Council. The meeting was adjourne by Mayor 'Pat Hawk Mayor MATT ST: I City Secretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18,1979 UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company (water) $ 1,295.51 Texas Power and Light Company 419.47 FACILITIES... The Wickes Corporation 7.76 National Building Centers 20.48 GAS AND OIL... Conoco 27.50 Gulf Oil Corp. 654.66 CITY ADMINISTRATION... PBL Leasing Corp. 129.95 Pitney Bowes 190.26 Fort Worth Star Telegram 25.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Prime Supply,Inc. 74.25 Crabtree and Powers Tire and Appliance 356.38 Texaco 7.00 Regional Office Supply 39.69 Misi (school) 100.00 White's Auto Store 102.63 Alstate Fire Equiptment Co. 24.00 Exxon 16.97 Colleyville Auto Parts 102.95 Arnold Welding Service 202.50 Norm's High Performance Transmission Service 414.45 Waukesha-Pearce Industries,Inc. 1,102.50 WATER DEPARTMENT... Couch (mowing city lots) 150.00 The Rohan Company 485.86 Aqua Utility Inc. 387.14 GRAND TOTAL..... $ 6,337.41 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report For Month of August A. Responses: # Of Call 1. Structure Fires--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1 2. Grass Fires------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Auto & Truck Fires------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)------------------------5 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine----------------------------------------------0 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville-------------------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller-------------------------------------------------0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities----------------------------------------------------0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)---------------------------------0 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits)----------------------------------0 11. False Alarms in City----------------------------------------------------------0 12. Rescue Unit Calls-------------------------------------------------------------1 A, Grapevine Lake-Midway Camp-Possible water reseve 13. Misceldneous Alarms----------------------------------------------------------- 4 A. Gas meter(run over) Peytonville Ave. B.Rekindle (Shed fire)E.A Smith residents South Carroll C.Transformer Fire 700blk.S.Carroll D Tree down blocking road.S.Peytonville Ave. B. Total Emergency Calls For the Month of August - - 26 Man Hours Expended: Number of H 274 1. On Emergency Calls 2. Meetings 4 For Month) Average Men Per Meeting---J.5 men 60 96 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills------------------------------------------ 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) 15 D. Total Man Hours Expended For Month August 445 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----------------- Chief Steele--15 Bobby Jones--20 Assist Chief.Bradley--6 B.Roper--6 Capt.Dodson--7 L.Russell--8 Lt.Brown--14 J.Harston--8 Lt.Jones--20 C.Reed--6 Lt.Boyer--2 C.Jones--4 G.Fuller--9 T.Bryant--4 J.Vann--11 C.Bell--1 E.Reed--11 R.Bridgewater--4 J.Joyce--3 M.Pirtle--2 D.Brown--17 J.Sullivan--4 R.Martin--3 Respectfully submitted, P. Seele Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT AUGUST 1979 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases Set for Trial: 69 Cases Heard: 23 Cases Dismissed: 7 Cases Appealed: 4 Warrants: 8 Respectfully submitted,p Millie Erikson Municipal Court Clerk CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1979 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of August 1979 Tickets issued in July 379 Tickets issued in August 250 Persons in jail in July 35 Persons in jail in August 19 Traffic accidents in July 9 Traffic accidents in August 15 Burglaries investigated in July 3 Burglaries investigated in August 1 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in August $470.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in August .00 Thefts investigated in July 2 Thefts investigated in August 4 )proximate total value taken in thefts in August $14,540 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in August $12,500 Number of calls in July 1219 Number of calls in August 1280 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 49,127 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 86,730 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 82,650 Miles driven in July 10,097 Miles driven in August 9,748 Respectfully submitted, C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw Total fines paid for July $6,501.00 Total fines paid for August $4,603.65 Total fines paid for DPS for August .00 I A D r S D Z O p :TJ ~ cn --D z Z Z I b TICKETS 14 48 60 28 62 250 # OF CALLS 24 109 314 344 164 224 1,280 i OF ARRESTS 3 3 4 3 6 19 ACCIDENTS 4 2 I 3 3 2 15 BURGLARIES I 1 - 1 (HEFTS 1 1 2 I 4 i MILES DRIVEN 1293 1752 1504 2249 1248 1277 9,748 i iIOURS WORKED 176 164 145 168 100 96 929 I RESERVES TICKETS ACCIDENTS ! ARRESTS OURS 14ORKED MILES DRIV N ANDERSON 28 i ! 33 251 SCROGGINS 10 1 3 j 41 174 i I i I i I I i i CITY OF SOLTTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF AUGUST 1979 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELEX-'rRIC 14 14 PLUMBING 15 11 FRAMING 2 4 FOUNDATION 4 3 HEATING & AIR 7 9 SEPTIC SYSTLM 12 32 OTHER 6 5 TOTAL INSPIX:!TIONS 60 78 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH I FEE * BUILDING 11 $801.00 5 $3990.00 t LEICTRICAL 5 70.00 5 97.00 PLUMBING 4 87.00 3 56.00 HEATING & AIR 1 25.00 3 56.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 1 25.00 3 ~ 75.00 GAS 1 9.00 1 6.00 SEPTIC 3 30.00 5 50.00 TOTAL Pl:R I'S 26 $1,047.00 25 $730.00 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $326,500.00 $180,500.00 $507,000.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $305.00 $400.00 $1,505.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $1,352.00 $81,835,00 Breakdown for August 1978 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 2 - Residences 2 - Addition 204~CLI 1 - Pool /L1~VYtJ * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN BUILDING CLERK 6 - Residences 3 - Pools 1 - Addition 1 - C~ttrexcial ILDING AR'IMQV'T OFFICAL MUTUAL AID IN FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE LISTED CITIES THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT THIS AGREEMENT entered into this September 27, 1979 by and between the City of Richland Hills, City of North Richland Hills, City of Haltom City, City of Hurst, City of Bedford, City of Euless, City of Keller, City of Watauga, City of Grapevine, City of South Lake, and City of Colleyville, hereinafter referred to as the Member Cities. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the governing officials of the member cities, political subdivisions of the State of Texas, desire to secure for each such City the benefits of mutual aid in fire prevention and the protection of fife and property from fire and in fire fighting: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That upon the request of one City, who is a party hereto each having fire suppression equipment and personnel, by the Fire Alarm Operator of said City, fire fighting equipment and personnel of said responding City, who is a party hereto, will be dispatched to any point within the City Limits of said requesting member City, desig- nated by said Fire Chief or Fire Alarm Operator of said requesting City, subject to the emergency conditions hereinafter stated. It is hereby declared and agreed that an emergency con- dition shall exist within the corporate limits of a party hereto at a time when one or more fires are in progress, and that when such condition exists the Officer in Charge of the Fire Department shall determine the advisability of sending fire fighting equipment beyond the corporate limits of the requested party, and the judgment of the Officer in Charge shall be final. 2. Any dispatch of equipment and personnel pursuant to this agreement is subject to the following conditions: a. Any request for aid hereunder shall include a state- ment of the amount and type of equipment and number of per- sonnel requested, and shall specify the location to which the equipment and personnel are to be dispatched, but the amount and type of equipment and number of personnel to be furnished shall be determined by a representative of the responding City. b. The responding City shall report to the Officer in Charge of requesting City at the location to which the equip- ment is dispatched and assist in fire suppression. C. A responding City shall be released by the requesting .City when the serviefthe responding neCity ededawithinltheearea required or when the responding for which it normally provides fire protection. 3. To the extent not inconsistent with Article 4413(32c), Section 4(g), each member City waives all claims against every other member City for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring as a consequence of the performance of this agreement. 4. No member City shall be reimbursed by any other member City for costs incurred pursuant to this agreement; except chemical. 5. All equipment used by the member City, Fire Department in carrying out this agreement will, at the time of action hereunder be owned by it; and all personnel acting for said member City, Fire Department under this agreement will, at the time of such action, be an employee or volunteer member of the Fire Department or said member City. 6. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that either party hereto shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other parties hereto. 7. This agreement is an interlocal contract for the provision of mutual aid fire protection entered into pursuant to Article 4413(32c), Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, commonly referred to as the Inter- local Cooperation Act. Effective date of this agreement shall be on the 27th day of SeptembeV 1979. ATTEST: CITY RICHL D S LXe4cre7a~ , 'G z BY Ciay-or ATTEST: CITY OF ORTH RIC LAND HILLS BY G~. CG2Ll m~ C Secretary ayor ATTEST: CI OF~ALTOM CITY } BY- v► uE City Secretary ayor ATTEST : CITY 0HURST BY L- , Pty ayor' ATTEST: CITY OF ORD BY City SecretIrly M o ATTEST: CITY OF EULESS BY g~/~a 2 city ecretary _ ayor ATTEST: CITY OF KELLER BY ecretary Mayor S CITY OF WATAUGA BY C y Secreta M yor lvl- ATTEST: CITY GRAPEVINE B Cit Se 27tart' yor AAEST: CI F BY y ecretary ayor z A tT: CITY OF COLLEYVILLE . &,xj - - BY c I,, e~. City Secret try May 6r ORDER'ADJOURNING BOARD OF EQUALIZATION BE IT REMEMBERED, that the Board of Equalization in and for City of Southlake has heard all of the taxpayers desiring to appear before the Board and that there being none waiting to appear before this Board at this time, and that the Board has further notified those who have appeared before the Board of its decisions, and there being no further business before the Board of Equalization at this time, the following Order was, upon motion of Roger Baird , duly seconded by Carolyn Keen unanimously carried and adopted to-wit: There being no further business necessary to be transacted by said Board, it is ordered that said Board of Equalization do now adjourn. This Board of Equalization is adjourned this 14th day of July, 1979 at 11:30 o'clock. Chairman of Board of Equalization OATH OF OFFICE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CITY OF SOUTHLAKE July 14, 1979 WE, ;fo C .off l' do solemnly swear that we will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Member of the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this State; and we furthermore solemnly swear that we have not directly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to secure appointment or the confirmation thereof. So help me God. ATTE T; v ecretary to the Board of Equalization WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of AUGUST 1979 Gallons Pumped previous month 9314000 Gallons sold previous month 8814000 New Taps installed for month 5 Meters changed out 3 Line repairs: Materials 2 6" full circles Machine Rental 2 6" Mains Other repairs Valve housing, top a valve FIRE PLUGS Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 79-29 L' h'_ T :a: Leg i nI .;_u' 1 xi th_ Property 'Sax Code, oLharai-ne known as Sc hn Lw 13111 L AI or the Pevc t o Bill, instituting centLal tax op Anal districts %r each LOWLY Of the State of '[eras, effective J,:,,uary l 1 AND, WALRE?_n, the first fivurn7cohcr governing board of the cen- tral tax appraisal itrict in Tarrant County will be select,-_:d by the p rA c:ipa tinq governmental suLdivisions in the fall of 1979; AND, P;K1;I&AS, the cities, towns and school districts, which will ai ticipalte in select .or of the initial. five-member govern-- ing 1.;"Pr•`_' Of Lhe central_ tax appraisal district for 1'afrant County dt: i; to i.ro. i.ae a fai and dcmocratic mei.hou for sea_eution of the initial f i < -!h:.:c governing board and future governing boards; AND, 1911'..,- , thn cities, towns and school districts, whi :h b:i! ,),`rticip,ate in the selection of such initial five--member g0'J i..:'L.t.;?oj U_`.~...1 desire to -3Clu to each arc, and comhninity of interest n!Ly to have input into the selection in Tar`_ l:r.cr __t _ .~>>t c.cr,r7~ a full procc' A ; 100, Yvi;r;l:_MS the cities, towns and .hocl districts, which wil l- paLiticipnW in selection of the initial. five-me-ke: govern- inq board dec.'_. to afford to each broad area and community of interest five-member governing beard in T<'„-rant County ono mcmbar of the initial, who :;:;_11 he rcrpo1sATE to that particular- area or community cf interest in Tari ::,t Cc M: , a fa=ilure of all of the cities, towns and school distr.ic? in Tarrant County to agree upon a method of selection of each lnc;l b r of the board from a particular area or comounity of integer,:.. will result in members of the governing board not being directly to any particular area or community of interest; Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code provides for thy. roa- 1 .F Directoz.s by a method involv-- inO 1Ur tjxa.kon luvols 1':'1.th cumuHtivu voting allowed; Ai4I7, '.;~u uti.li-zaLion o! the sinctlo member district concept mut ~-.Ml., Un ad Pry the l-ov.,n- ;,,nd school districts w011l•. r~`:tuli th, sc;u~o1 Jinn i(:;_:i h,!vi.n,j gre;it:cr weighLod vote t,)'LaL l!r;•n tip. cit-ir:, in c,:ch o>, t:i,rc`c` singlo member districts; 2 - A1.'D, Wtna~I.AS, affc,r~l !-'lc; one voLO to r,~:ch governmental entity Cnti-L-lU!] Lo VoL(_, wi_t_I.:i_n `~:i 3) (11 e MUMI),21 0 cstrict would afford the cities a grater veto toy -~iL in each of three single member districts; AND, jiHE'P,EAS, it is Ll;a ucsire of the cities, towns and school districts in Tar-r.mt Coo,rnty 1-o comhron ise and provide a method which would favor: neiLPcr the school_ districts as a group, nor the cities and tOldris as a group; AND, WHEREAf,, Section 6.03(i) of the Property Tax Code allows the number of rnernbers of the Board of Directors, as well as the method of seloction tliereof to be changed by the governing bodies of three-quarters ~f the to>ing units entitled to vote on the appoint- ment of a district's Board of Directors; AND, WHEI<LAS, throe--fourths of tha cities, towns and school districts entitled. to vote on this appointment of a district's Board of D.i.recLo, s i.rr Ccui L) desire to change the method of selections of soC1' `doarcl of Directors allowed by Section 6.03(i) of i-.h~ Pro.~_~ert,, Tax Code, buL desire to leave intcct the five mcnl. r compor._.Lion of ;uch Board provided by the Property Tax Code; '_st served AND, i7HEitl~AS, the conrruon good and interest will be b by fair and ad(.qucrte representation of all taxing entities in Tarrant County entitled to vole; City Council NOW, THL'REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the of City of Southlake as follows that: I. THREE-FOURTHS VOTE CHANGE The n-:~thod of selection of the initial board and all future boards for the tax appraisal district of Tarrant County is hereby changed by .resolution of the governing boards of three-fourths of the taxincl u;iLs in Tarrant County entitl,~d to vote under the Property Tax Code: is prGVi.ded hereafter. II. SINGLE MI:;MI3L;R DISTPICTS l . The tar; crhpr.aiual district in Tafrar,t Country is hereby dividu,l ii.o Iivt single ❑ember districts as follows: - 3 - Sinylu Member District 1 : Fort Worth City Single Member Di-strict 2: Fort Worth School Si-ngla Men&er District 3: Northunst cities, towns & schools Single Men!bcr DistricL 4: SouthoList cities, towns and schools Single Member DistriuL 5: West cities, towns and schools(and County of Tarrant if participating) 2. "Sin]jle Member District 3: Northeast cities, towns and schools is defined as those into porat.e-d cities and towns and school districts, other than the C:i ty of Yo-, L Worth L<r.d the Fort Worth Independent School District, which are located wholly or partially in Tarrant County and the majority of its, territory which lies within Tarrant County is located north of the Trinity River and east of Interstate 35W. 3. "Singh Membcr District 4: Southeast cities, towns and schools" is defined as those incorporated cities and towns and school districts, other tl-,an the City of Fcft Worth and the Fort Worth Independent School District, which are locate.- w1olly or partially in Tarrant County and the majority of its territory which lies within Tarrant County is located south of the Trinity Rivet and ea.-I-- of Interstate 35h'. 4. "Single llembo District 5: West cities, towns and schools" is Cic_`iL .-_f aS -i:.]v i.:. 11iCCi11sraLad citi;_s and towns and schoci districtc, ot.hcr than the City of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Independent School District which are located wholly or partially in Tarrant County ant tLe majority of its, territory ~:hich lies within Tarrant County is located west of Interswte 35W, and the Cour.-Ly of. Tarrant if it elects to participate. 5. The initial co!,posit:ion for the year 1979 of each single member district shall be as set forth in Erhi-bit A attached hereto. 6. One and only one director shall be selected from each of the five single member districts listed above. 7. Cities, towns and schools entitled to vote hereunder (and the Count., if participating) may vote only for those candidates running for the dJ rectorship from the single member district in which such city, town or school district is located, as set forth in Paragraph 11, 1-4 above. The County of Tarrant, if participating, may vote only in single member district S. lII. NOMINATIONS 1. Each taming unit entitled to vote hereunder may nominate by resolution of its governing body one candidate for that position to be fi.llud ran the. Boord of Dpi-rectors from that single member djsLr'ict. -4- 2. 'Pic 1muinAiny *esoliitions of iLw covurning bodies of the taming units shall clearly stet i_cn-t-':, tho fu.1]_ name and address of each candidate noA hated and shA l cleazly set forth the single mem- ber district for which such pccncn is nominated as follows: Single McmQ.;r District is Fort Worth City - Name of candidate, address Single Member District 2: Fort Worth School - Name of candidate, address Single Member District 3: Northeast cities, towns & schools - Name of candidate, address Single Member District 4: Southeast cities, towns & schools - Name of candidate, address Singh Memli^r District 5: West cities, towns & schools (and County of Tarrant if participating) - Nawe of candidate, address. 3. No governing body i required to make nominations, nor must a nominating resolution of a yovc.rning body nominate a candidate :in each district. 4. Each nominating resolution shall certify that the candidates nominated ar.- currently residents of the tax appraisal district in Tarrant County and have been residents of the single member district they are being nominated to represent for at least two years. 5. The presiding officer of the governing body of each unit mak- ing a nomination shall submit the name of the unit's nominee to the County Clerl: of Tarrant County before October. 15 of 1979, and before Octohor 15 of each odd-numbered year thereafter. IV. NUMBER OF VOTES 1. The City of Fort Worth shall have the once-and-only vote for selection of the Director from single mcmb: r district 1. 2. The Fort Worth Independent School DisLri_ct shall have the ono-and-only vote for selection of the Dii:ector from single member district 2, 3. Th(, numher of votes for. the ci t:.i e-;, towns and school d:istir _ i n (and County of Tarrant if participating) in single member dish i_ct. 3, 4 airs 5 Wad L b dctcrn i.ned as follows: U. 7n cash of such s _ ylu iwobw- districts 3, 4 and 5, each city ui r.uwn which was in un i ntance for any portion of the even- numbered year immud:iatel_y prucadinq an odd-numbered election year, and which imposed taxag for such oven-numbered year shall be entitled to one vote in the single rurjli'hPu district of which it is a member, regardless of whether such city or town has voting c;.titlement under the Property Tax Code. The County of Tarrant, if it participates, is entitled to one vote in single meithb ~r district 5. b. The total number of votes allocated to the cities in a particular Anyle memb ,r district shall be ascertained by the County Clerk of Tarrant Coun'Ly. C. in each of such single membcz districts 3, 4 and 5 each school district which was in existence for any portion of the even-numbered year im:uudiatel_y preceding in odd-nw::bered election year, and which iwposeJ taxes for such ever.-numbered year shall have voting riglhi.s hereartcr provided. (1, Col ' art i vn _ , .all of the sc h-„.,i di.°tri cts which havc voting rights in a particular single n,am r district shall be entitled to exactly the same nuiabor of vote., collectively possessed by the cities and towns i, such single member district, or in the case of single membe, district 5, exactly the same number of votes collectively possessed by cities and towns, and the County of Tarrant if partici- pating, resin ing in the school districts in each such single member district havhO exactly the same number of votes as the cities and towns (and the County of Tarrant if participating) in the same single member district. c. For each election year, the collective votes to which the school districts in a single member district are entitled shall be allocated r:mu;r. the school districts by dividing the total number of votes allucatud to the cities and towns in that single member district: by th- total nwWor of :-school districts in that single member district and allocation Vo each school district its frac- tional part of lhu votes to be cast. - G - f. Should the nurba of school districts entitled to vote hereunder in a givep single wum1wr c?:ist,cicL e-,,or excer-J, the number of cities and towns entitled to vote hereunder in such single member district, the collective total_ of votes allocated to such school districts shall neverthe]css noL exceW the collective vote allocated to the cities and towns (,and County it participating) in such single member district entitled to vote hereunder, but such collective totals shall i_cm_.ln equal. g. In allocating the votee among the various school dis- tricts, the County Clerk may ut.i_lize fractions of a vote. V. VOTING 1. Before September 1 of each odd--numbered election year, each city, town an;: school district paiticipatii7g in the tax appraisal distrQL c.? TarLWnZ CcuMy sn-A1 nmify the County Clerk of Tarrant County whcLher that taxing unit imposed taxes for the even-numbered year immediatal_y proczainy such election year, and of any additional facts MIT ,night a fact in whi_c.h single member district such city, town or school district might Le enti_tl.ed to vote hereunder. 2. On or bn Forw Septeal;cr 10 of each odd-numbered election year, the County Clerk of Tarrant County shall notify each school dist.i.ict M the total number OP votes which the cities and towns in that single mumLer district collectively possess, and shall notify the school districts in each single member district of the number of votes which the school districts in such single member district collectively possess. 3. The County Clerk shill determine the number of votes to which each Laxi_ng unit is enti:t.led by utilizing the method set forth in this reso.l.u L i on and shall deliver written notice to the presiding officer of M governing body of each taxing unit of its voting ent.i.tiumunt 1,cJ'o-n %W_)k~r 1 of each election year. 7 - 4. Before October 30 of -3cl: o.?d-numbcrr'd year, the County Clerk shc;ll prepire ji l:,allot listing within si-rhgle member dis- trict the candidat-s alphabetically iccurdino to the first letter in each car.d.i.r?::lc's surname, and shall dolivcr a copy of the ballot to the presiding o ficer of the governinq l,ody of each taxing unit that is entitlc(l to vote. The County Cla.r-l: shall designate on the ballot in which single meiiibe.r district his records reflect that the taxing unit to wljoin the bal- of is transmitte'] is entitled to vote. 5. The: govorning body of each taxing unit entitled to vote shall determine its vote by resolution and submit it to the County Clerk of Tarrant County before November 15 of each odd-nuhbered year. 6. The person selected ':y resolution of the governing body of the City of Port Worth and the per_on selected by resolution of the govcrnir. T 1.-:;dy cf the Port Worth Tndependen'_ School District shall be declared by U-,e County Clerk as elected to fill the directorships in single r,c;nl;er c._.._,.rict 1 and single nembcr district 2, respectively. 7. P.: to ~inglc meml.,:ar di-stricLs 3, 4 and 5, the County Clerk shall count the vo-cs ;ind decl,i e thLt candidate in each of such Single member di:Aricts tiarlc; rccei c.s a m<: jority of the votes cast in such single mean'b::r di_st-ict, if arhy, to be elected. A majority ha-1 be conside,-,~,I :o b, ai;y or fraction thereof greater than one-half of thcl cast. If there is a candidate elected by majority vote in each such sinyl rnemhei: district, the. County Clerk shall del"VGY the results of the election ;,efore December 1 of each odd-numbered year to tie governing body of each ta,cing unit in the tax appraisal district in Tai-rant County and to each of the candidates. Q. In the event of a tic vote in single member district 3, 4 or 5, the County Judc,e of Tarrant County shall have the right to cast a single vole to break the tic, if the casting of that vote will result in a candidate having a majority of the votes cast; otherwise, a run-off shall be held by the Country Clark as hereinafter provided. 9. In Lhe evert no c~ind:idaLc rec:cives a majority, the Country Clerk t,)h.h!l ccrhduct ,h run-otf election for the two candidates receiv- ing the lhicshcsC number of votes in such single member district. If it is neccs<,nr}, in order Lo narrow the run-off field to two candi- dates b0ccuu,ce of a t i-o vote-, the Comity Judge of Tarrant Country shall have thj, right to cast one vote In order to break the tie. 8 10 . 1.11 atl~' r t„Ct Where' t) C'c; rt 1 'C]yc of TarranL. County may c: ~ t a t. ~ c ~~Cll e Lc-,_una~ r , t1,~ c,.l L,~- i ricl l rucr Cturu shall be utilized: . the County C1crL, notify the County Judge in .7;,7,x; cif Llre neces:-it-v for the casting of a The County „dlp-: shall then sign a written resolut:i u: J 1-1j.11 d[:y period casting the ti.e- breal:ing snc rr~~;o1uLi~~n to the Count iv Clerk. If the. County TU~ c C v re ,il able to cast a tie-breaking VOtC lU:i 1'tiGYC Llu\. L t u. r tr]e notification of his office by the eakinC, vote shall immediately devolv;- L ~x Co]i „ CourL of `T'arra]it County who shall forthwith rc:i:_e 1 r,i_s di,t- I, i j-e.olution of the. Court. 11. L CC111L- L:: ttic ` - es, should the County Clerk determine it is ne~c ry Co I 1r~ c!-C~Ctio:. in single member disLr-icts c.. 1 1. _.1, Ci` 3 -uii O:[ ballot listing c top th j -i' y c,I _t t)-!e sa]r, to` the c 7 ov- ?:J_il,~ i;o voLC in that-- single mem- tl11 _ ten dayq - The oiT J erniny of entitled to vote in that single member dish, ict in t1;C: r!-.r,-o_`.f elCCion s .,all- determine its vote by resolution and cul;rui it t~ t,,;; r--unt'r C]... 1,.;iLh n fifteen days of receipt of tl1<~ b~~llot. 12. k ia211 tiie COU;- L C1e Ci:. of Tarr:1?t Cour.cy has ascertained the can:3i ci.-ci' d _o :ac?, di]"cct.orshiP he shall forthwith delivC-r wl..itte:i -i.ce to t_iie gc:ve -i _,].g body of e.:.. ch to.:ing unit in the tax appraisal d sac:_ict J-n T.-;.-rant County al-,,l to each candidate. 13. if veca;icy occur;- on the hoard of Directors , it shall be fillecz by units ich,ich chose the vacant directorship. Each ta::ing ur;.it ~,n itlc C1 Lo votr: for such position shall submit the name of it's {"1-ic r'uL']lt-y Cl.c i,. . wltiiin tell dayF, after notification from the Do<,rd of Dii~ctcrs to the taxing a li-ts affecLk~!d and the CouriLy Clerk ' of the e.:i;;Leiioe of the v,canc.,,,, and tlic County C1.Urk shall prepare and del AVCr to tha of e„ch governing body entitled to SClcct s,ucll <!i.-,~e•ci--.~,] „ 1.,,11.10; ,ai-t-h the na,,D_. ~ of all such nominees, as .rat Lortl, j,11 P,,ra,~i°al~l, V 1, 4 ,ii_,, VC. ;uch governing body shall within tc 1(~ „i nr. : L vote: by resolution and submit it to the C' '1111U.", C1 crk . 'i'ii( vot i n c t, 1c! . nit of each such unit shall. b'2 dcc-u?ed to be th,- ii-. Lhe mu:-(_ recent preceding election for suc•ii I.c.sit:i_on. The Coui,',.I, Cl: ! :-;;iall, ~z.itl~in twenty-five days of notifi.ccit:i.on to the c: Lies, cc,u; L tho vote° and procee:O- as set forth in Pur .c uL>l, V, 17-1-2 abovc°. . VI. Th:~ secr,_tary or clerk of Chic yoverninq board is directed to transmit a certified copy of ti-,.'.s resolution to the County Clerk of - Tarrant county as evidence of a charnc{e in the method of selection of the Board of Directors for the Lax appraisal district in Tarrant County and eviilC ice of the ne:a i.tethoc', of selection adopted by three-fourths of the tatin, units that are entitled to vole on the appointment of members of- .~i district's Board Of Directors pursuant to Section 6,03(i) of the Tai: Cede. 18th September 1379 Mayor, Martin R. Hawk COUNCILPERSON PLACE 1 ^,~j t 1 11-~s COUNCILPERSON PLACE 5 COUNCILPERSON PLACE 2 \ j J COUNCILPERSON PLACE 4 ATTES`i' Secre'L' l_y for --city-of Southlake C i, t l 1 „ Iii F( r Sinc;lc I;: r,i~•~a' Ui:.Llict I'->: 1 1. Ci i~`~s, L'e,l lc~l ~1 C'o l l_uyv:i l le l:ulc s,., Gr;Ile llalt;"a City l;uyst- . I;r~ll C,r Flo. J),!(-Ill ,u r ILil1, l:c~ l 1 c r Carroll Cro Ju.`v 1 T1 C--Cot I c)' V11 ~i r l_~crri C.c Evu i w 14ye<;I 1 Graw! i 1`171, ,~Jel.i lltec,, (:J tlcl j ~ r. 21 Art-inj1cl. 1` i it n s F l- 01 it l:Vel:tll<lll ' Single t;eniLx-,r Di:;t,i. r. Citi(.,r, 7'oa:n:; f. Schools County W '1.',u rnat if pirti_c i hating) limn i;l'iu?): Blue 1-1 )ond Bur104on Crc,pley Edguc 1. i f i_ No A Vt. Luke Ivc'~t t:li I„ iLc~;i.clc~ River 1't''.IiivCl' Ilit.1r t. t Lc nwr'It- County u1- T;ii I 1111- p,il_incl) A r. I C`i :t l l r l,.iL~' lJ~~il li Idc~i l I~~., ;I I d I i l r I I 1 un'nl RESOLUTION 79- 30 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT ROLLS AS EQUALIZED BY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION F , WHEREAS, the Assessment Rolls for the year 1979 , assessing all taxable property located in the City of Southlake , have been prepared in due course; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake has carefully examined and given hearings to the owners of property desiring to be heard on protests of valuations and has reviewed and fully and finally revised said assessment rolls; and, WHEREAS, said Assessment Rolls for the year 1979 are in proper form, and are proper and correct as finally revised and equalize by the said Board of Equalization;.now THEREFORE: ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of Southlake Section 1. That the Assessment Rolls covering taxable property in the City of Southlake, assessed for taxable purposes for the year 1979 , be end the same are hereby in all things approved, confirmed and adopted as the official Assessment Rolls, assessed for the benefit of the City of Southlake for the year 19. 79 Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect from and aft( its passage, as provided. Approved ~ Approved ~r L TaR~ Asses _ Mayor v-1 / City Secretary RESOLUTION 79-30 RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX ROLLS AS PREPARED BY ASSESSOR WHEREAS, the Assessment Rolls for the year 19 79 assessing property in the _ City of Southlake have been prepared in due course; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Equalization has carefully examined, reviewed, and fully and finally revised said assessment rolls; and, WHEREAS, said assessment rolls for the year 19 79 , covering property in the City of Sou hlake as finally revised and equalized by said Board of Equalization, have been approved by the City Council;, and, WHEREAS, the tax rolls of the City of Southlake, for the year 19 79 , covering property in said city, have been delivered by the Assessor of Taxes to the City Council for approval; i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE City of Southlake Section 1. That the tax rolls covering taxable property in the City of Southlallbr the year 19 79 be and the same are hereby accepted and approved for the year 19 79 and the Mayor is re- quested to affix his official signature thereto and the Secretary is directed to attest the same under the seal of the City of Southlake Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its passage as provided. Approved ~ Approved Tax Asses r Mayor 17e. ,it, Secretary APPROVAL OF 19 7 9 TAX ROLL $ 134,225,00 We,'the undersigned, constituting the Council do hereby certify that we have examined the tax roll made up from the assessments of Mr. Will H. Zschiesche, Tax Assessor of the City of Southlake _ for the year 19 79 and approved by the Board of Equalization, and we find that all property both real and personal, insofar as we have been able to ascertain, has been properly assessed for taxes for the year 19 79 We further certify that said tax roll for the year 19 79 is to the best of our knowledge and belief September 18th day of correct and therefore approved this y 19 79 Signed: Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 251 s AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND DETERMINING THE GENERAL SERVICE RATE TO BE CHARGED FOR SALES OF NATURAL GAS TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSUMERS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE 31 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH RATE MAY BE CHANGED, ADJUSTED, AND AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR DIFFERENT RATES FOR GAS CONSUMED FOR AIR CONDITIONING PURPOSES AND PROVIDING FOR A RECONNECT CHARGE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Effective with gas bills rendered on and after thirty (30) days from the final date of passage of this ordinance, the maximum gen- eral service rate for sales of natural gas rendered to residential and com- mercial consumers within the town limits of SOUTHLAKE , Texas, by Lone Star Gas Company, a Division of ENSERCH CORPORATION, a Texas Cor- poration, its successors and assigns, is hereby fixed and determined as set forth in Item A, in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 2. The residential and commercial rates set-forth above shall be adjusted upward or downward from a base of per Mcf by a Gas Cost Adjustment Factor expressed as an amount per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas for changes in the intracompany city gate rate charge as authorized by the Railroad Commission of Texas or other regulatory body having jurisdiction for gas delivered to the SOUTHLAKE distribution system, according to Item B, in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 3. Company shall also receive tax adjustments according to Item C, in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 4. In addition to the aforesaid rates, Company shall have the right to collect such reasonable charges as are necessary to conduct its business and to carry out its reasonable rules and regulations in effect, as set forth in Item D, in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 5. The rates set forth in this ordinance may be changed and amended by either the Town or Company in the manner provided by law. Service hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction, and to the Company's Rules and Regulations currently on file in the Company's office. SECTION 6. It is hereby found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public, as required by Texas law, and that advance public notice of the time, place and pur- pose of said meeting was given. SSED AND APPROVED on this theday of , A.D. 19-1/ INALLY PA SED AND APPROVED o econd reading on this the day of A.D. 19j ATTEST: t lx~ Secretary Mayor City of SOUTHLAKE Texas STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF CcrYQn` Z ZUZA I, Secretary of the Town of County, Texas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved by the Town Council of the Town of Southlake at a session held on the day of 19 , as it appears of record in the Minutes of said in Book page LJITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF 5 AID TOWN, this the day of A.D. 19_. Secretary Town of Southlake Texas i -3- ATTACHMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS LONE STAR GAS COMPANY TARIFFS & SCHEDULES Item A. The following rates are the maximum applicable to residential and commercial consumers per meter per month or for any part of a month for which gas service is available at the same location. Summer rates shall be applicable between the meter reading dates in May and October. Winter rates shall be applicable at all other times. Residential: Winter Summer Customer Charge $3.0000 $3.0000 All Consumption @ $2.7448 Per Mcf $2.4948 Per Mcf If the service period is less than 28 days, the customer charge is $.1071 times the number of days service. Commercial: Winter Summer Customer Charge $6.0000 $6.0000 All Consumption @ $2.7448 Per Mcf $2.4948 Per Mcf If the service period is less than 28 days, the customer charge is $.2143 times the number of days service. Bills are due and payable when rendered and must be paid within ten days from the monthly billing date. Item B. Gas Cost Adjustment Each monthly bill at the above rate shall be adjusted for gas cost as follows: (1) The city gate rate increase or decrease applicable to current billing month residential and commercial sales shall be estimated to the near- est $0.0001 per Mcf based upon: (a) A volume factor of 1.0452 determined for the distribution system as the ratio of Mcf purchased divided by the Mcf sold for the 12 month period ended June 30, 1978 (b) The city gate rate estimated to be applicable to volumes pur- chased during the current calendar month, expressed to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf (shown below as "Re"). (c) The base city gate rate of $1.9238 per Mcf. (2) Correction of the estimated adjustment determined by Item B (1) above shall be included as part of the adjustment for the second following billing month. The correcting factor (shown below as "C") shall be expressed to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf based upon: (a) The corrected adjustment amount based upon the actual city gate rate, less (b) The estimated adjustment amount billed under Item B (1) above, divided by (c) Distribution system residential and commercial sales Mcf recorded on the Company's books during the prior year for the month that the correction is included as part of the adjustment. (3) The adjustment determined by Item B (1) and Item B (2) above shall be multiplied by a tax factor of 1.03538 to include street and alley rental and state occupation tax due to increasing Company revenues under this gas cost adjustment provision. In summary, the gas cost adjustment (GCA) shall be determined to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf by Item B (1), Item B (2) and Item B (3) as follows: GCA = (Item B (1) + Item B (2) X Item B (3) GCA = (1.0452 ) (Re - $1.9238) + C X 1.03538 Item C. Tax Adjustment The tax adjustment shall be an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax, or increased tax, or any other governmental imposition, rental, fee or charge (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and taxes on net income) levied, assessed or imposed subse- quent to October 1, 1978 , upon or allocable to the Company's distribution operations, by any new or amended law, ordinance or contract. Item D. Schedule of Service Charges (1) Reconnect Charge In addition to the charges and rates set out above, the Company shall charge and collect the sum of: Schedule Charge 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday $20.00 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday 30.00 Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 30.00 as a reconnect charge for each reconnection or reinauguration of gas service, where service has been discontinued at the same premises for any reason, with the following exceptions. (a) For a builder who uses gas temporarily during construction or for display purposes. (b) For the first occupant of the premises. (c) Whenever gas service has been temporarily interrupted because of system outage, service work or appliance installation done by Company; or (d) For any reason deemed necessary for Company operations. (2) Appliance, Gas Light, and Air Conditioning Service Charges Appliance Service Charges Schedule Hourly Charge 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday $18.00 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday $27.00 Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays $27.00 An additional charge of $11 added to the above charges when a second employee (helper) is required. Time in excess of one hour prorated in 15 minute increments, as follows: Standard Non-Standard Increments Working Hours Working Hours 15 minutes $ 4.50 $ 6.75 30 minutes $ 9.00 $13.50 45 minutes $13.50 $20.25 60 minutes $18.00 $27.00 Standard working hours defined as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday except holidays. All new company sold grills serviced free of charge for 90 days, during standard working hours. Gas Light Service Service Charge Clean and replace mantles $ 5.00 Painting (black and white and/or replacing glass panes $ 4.00 All new company sold gas lights serviced free of charge for 90 days, during standard working hours. Air Conditioning Service Schedule Hourly Charge Any hour Sunday through Saturday and Holidays $20.00 Time in excess of one hour prorated in 15 minute increments, as follows: Increments All Hours 15 minutes $ 5.00 30 minutes $10.00 45 minutes $15.00 60 minutes $20.00 All new company-sold air conditioning units serviced free of charge for one year from date of installation. No additional charge for second employee (helper). Labor charges in excess of factory allowances for warranty replacement and repair will be passed on to the customer. (3) Charges for replacing Yard Lines Item or Service Charge Basic service charge for all replacement work $40.00 Prebent Riser with Support Post $20.00 Noncorrodible Prebent Riser $15.00 Stopcock $ 4.95 Ditch, replace 14 inch (or smaller) pipe, and obtain city inspection $ 2.00 per foot Remove grass, ditch, replace 114 inch (or smaller) pipe, obtain city in- spection and replace grass $ 2.30 per foot Insert 14 (or smaller) Polyethylene pipe in existing service line $ 1.90 per foot Special trip to perform yard line work at customer's request and work cannot be scheduled for Company convenience $40.00 additional Work performed on overtime basis at customer's request $60.00 per hour l/ Disconnecting or reconnecting customer yard line at main when yard line is replaced by other contractors $40.00 A firm price quotation will be made on the basis of labor, material, and other costs for replacing yard lines larger than 14 inch in size. l/ Computed at one-fourth the hourly rate for each 15 minute period or fraction thereof. The same work performed on a call-out basis will be charged at the overtime rate with a two hour minimum charge. (4) Main Line Extension Rate (Residential) The charge for extending mains beyond the free limit extablished by Lone Star Gas, or any free limit established by city franchise is $4.50 per foot except for large commercial and industrial con- sumers which are handled on an actual cost per foot basis. (5) Returned Check Charges A returned check handling charge of $5 is made for each check re- turned to the Company for reasons of non-sufficient funds, account closed, payment withheld, invalid signature or improper preparation.