January 25, 1999
Board Members Present: Vice President Ralph Evans; Members: Robin Jones, Ronnie Kendall,
Norm Lyons, and Bethann Scratchard,
Board Members Absent: Scott Martin and Rick Stacy
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Park Planning and Construction
Superintendent Ben Henry, Administrative Assistant John Eaglen, Director of Finance Lou Ann
Heath, Financial Consultant Jim Sabonis, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Ralph Evans
at 6:14 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
Staff informed the Board that no executive session would be necessary.
Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM.
There were no comments from the audience during public forum.
5A. Approval of regular SPDC meeting minutes for November 23, 1998.
5B. Approval of request from Southlake Baseball Association for $30,000 in matching grant funds.
Approved by Park and Recreation board at their meeting on January 11, 1999 to recommend
that SPDC match funding of $30,000 for the improvements requested, with the exception of
the permanent SBA sign at the entrance of Bicentennial Park. Request for matching funds to
be used in conjunction with other SBA funds for the following: "bumpers" behind home
plate, shade covers to all dugouts, bat and helmet racks, finished warm up areas, sod infield
and baselines, four batting cages, sign near concession stand (work with staff), and shade for
Motion was made to approve consent agenda items #5A and #5B.
Motion: Lyons
Second: Scratchard
Item #5A:
Ayes: Jones, Kendall, Lyons, Scratchard
Nays: None
Abstained: Evans
Approved: 4-0-1
Item #5B:
Ayes: Evans, Jones, Kendall, Lyons, Scratchard
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 6A. SPDC Resolution No. 99-01, setting a Public Hearing on the expendiutre
of corporation funds.
Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath presented to the Board SPDC Resolution No. 99-01 to set a
public hearing for April 6, 1999 on park projects as part of the procedure to issue revenue bonds.
Ms. Heath stated that the resolution had not yet been received from the City's bond attorney. Ms.
Heath explained that the purpose of the resolution is to set in motion the procedures legally needed to
issue additional sales tax revenue bonds. Ms. Heath introduced Jim Sabonis with First Southwest.
Mr. Sabonis presented to the Board the schedule of events. Ms. Heath explained that the schedule of
events will also show actions the City Council will be taking on their debt issue for this year. She
stated that staff was trying to bring these together at the same time so that the City would be funding
at the same time and making bond rating presentations at the same time. Ms. Heath commented that
the initial estimate of bonds to be issued for SPDC is $4.5 million, although that amount may
decrease or increase depending on the sales tax collections and the projected market interest rate.
Mr. Sabonis stated that projects to be undertaken will be for the purchase of land, neighborhood parks
and making additional improvements to existing park land, including related road and street
improvements that enhance such park facilities, and paying maintenance and operating costs of
municipal park facilities. Mr. Sabonis provided to the Board and explained the Proposed
Implementation Plan (attached hereto).
Mr. Sabonis explained that the issue will be for $4,655,000 of which we will pay a surety bond
costing $15,000 which will be a commitment for 25 years of a $900,000 reserve fund. He stated that
this means SPDC is not having to fund a reserve fund with proceeds up front. Mr. Sabonis
commented that in addition to this it will cost approximately $75,000 for the rating fees, lawyer fees,
financial advisor fees, etc. He expected that the SPDC would actually fund approximately $4,495,000
proceeds on May 4, 1999. Lou Ann Heath commented that the projected interest rate is 4.75 % which
is very good.
Motion was made to approved SPDC Resolution No. 99-01, a resolution setting a Public Hearing on
the expenditure of corporation funds relating to projects to be undertaken by the Corporation for the
purchase of land and making improvements thereto for neighborhood parks and making additional
improvements to existing park land, including related road and street improvements that enhance such
park facilities, and paying maintenance and operating costs of said municipal park facilities; and
approving and authorizing notice of such public hearing for April 6, 1999, at 6:00 p.m.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Lyons
Ayes: Evans, Jones, Kendall, Lyons, Scratchard
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 7A. Design considerations for roof for in-line hockey court at Bicentennial
Park and architect selection.
Community Services Director Kevin Hugman commented that the SPDC FY98-99 budget includes
$60,000 for design and construction of a roof for the in-line hockey court, however, after discussions
with several architects it appears that $60,000 may not be enough to do the type of roof desired. Mr.
Hugman stated that staff has placed this item on the agenda in order to get direction from the Board
on the design consideration and desired architect qualifications to pursue.
Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry presented to the Board the qualifications
submitted by the architects and pictures of various types of projects they have done. Mr. Henry
commented that the most cost-effective material would be a canvass structure as opposed to a metal
structure. Mr. Hugman stated that there was not a lot of experience in this type of project in this
area. Mr. Henry commented that Jim Glover, Park Board member, has reviewed the options and was
pleased with the canvass. Mr. Henry stated that he would want the architect to present to staff and
the Board what the different options are as far as colors and types of material available both for
canvass and metal and then the Board could decided how to proceed with the project.
Board member Kendall suggested that the hockey committee members be involved in the selection of
the architect. She commented that they would be having a meeting on Wednesday and perhaps it
could be discussed at that time.
Agenda Item No. 7B. Financial Report/Budget.
Finance Director Lou Ann Heath presented to the Board the sales tax report and budget update and
commented that the sales tax collections are a little under the projections made in the budget.
Agenda Item No. 7C. Status Report of SPDC Projects.
Ben Henry and Kevin Hugman presented to the Board the capital projects status report and pointed
out that the format was changed to include a timeline.
Mr. Hugman commented that staff did not receive any bids in December for moving the Monticello
building to Bob Jones Park, so they are planning to rebid soon. Mr. Hugman explained that staff had
conversations with several contractors, and they indicated that they were either busy at the time or
could not get the necessary bond required of the bid. He stated that a contractor has been selected to
pour the concrete piers.
Board member Kendall commented that she would like to have the Park Board look at the funds
allocated for the Continental Boulevard trails systems (from Peytonville to White Chapel) and think
about reallocating for trails through Bicentennial Park to the schools. She believes that, since there
are not enough funds to complete road improvements to that section of Continental Boulevard at this
time, there is a more urgent need to provide the kids with a trail to Durham Elementary. Kevin
Hugman commented that he would place this on the Park Board's agenda.
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Vice President R ph Evans
Kim 134sh
Secretary to the City Manager