December 6, 1999
Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman, Debra Edmondson,
Rex Potter, Rick Stacy, and Cara White.
Board Members Absent: Norm Lyons
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Finance Director Sharen Elam,
Administrative Assistant John Eaglen, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush.
Work Session. A work session was held from 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. to discuss the SPDC current
financial picture as it relates to the 5-Year Parks CIP. The work session was audio taped for future
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at
6:17 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
President Kendall announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the
Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition.
SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:17 p.m.
SPDC returned to open session at 6:25 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene.
There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session.
Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM.
Shelby Stengle, 318 Blanco Cir. Ms. Stengle requested that the original $1 million (that was in the
SPDC budget) be allocated back to the teen center and set back in motion the idea of a separate teen
center facility. She would like the teens to be involved in the process of building the teen facility.
She commented that the teens are looking for total involvement in the project. She commented that
the teens see this project as a means to have leadership programs and community service projects and
a place where the older teens can teach younger teens. She commented that the teens understand that
there will have to be adult supervision, however, they want to have a teen board in place to make
decisions about the center and the programming. She stated the teens envision building a place to call
their own - a place that they have so much invested that they are busy all the time with the center.
Al Suarez, 311 Sheffield Dr. Mr. Suarez stated that he was here tonight to inform the Board of what
the teens would like in a teen center. He stated that they would like SPDC to provide funds to
construct at least the shell of the facility and then the teens would finish it out - the painting and
decorating of the inside. He commented that the teens would be more than happy to raise the funds
needed to finish the inside. He said that the teens want something they can take pride in being a part
of constructing - not something that was just handed to them. He commented that the teens would
like a center of their own where they can "hang out and learn lessons of life and responsibility."
Josh Kendall, 203 Canyon Lake Drive. Presented to the Board petitions and letters signed by teens
and other interested persons wanting to show support for a teen center. He commented that he felt it
very important to have this teen center built.
Bess Frost, 1928 Sheffield St., Ms. Frost commented on the types of things teens would like to see in
a teen center, noting that these things would change from time to time depending on trends. Those
things include: swing dancing, Karoke, kick boxing, aerobics, country and western night, comedy
night, big screen television and couches, seasonal dances, school band performances, hosting
volleyball tournaments, etc. She commented that she believes a facility like this will be used and the
interest for it will be there as long as the youth of Southlake are involved. She also stated that the
teen board should play a big role in deciding the programming for the center.
Jackie Lawrence, 1901 E. Highland. Ms. Lawrence commented that what the teens say they are
wanting sounds interesting. She explained that she was chairman of the Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Committee last year and is currently a member. She stated that the committee discussed different
ways in which to best deal with drug and alcohol use by kids in this community. One of the ideas
was to have a place where kids could come together in a drug and alcohol free environment for many
of the activities mentioned by the teens tonight. Ms. Lawrence stated that the committee discussed
the youth activity center, but no specific plan was brought forth or voted on. Ms. Lawrence
commented that it was the desire of the Drug & Alcohol committee to be involved in the researching
and planning of such a facility. Ms. Lawrence stated that the committee canvassed teens on two
separate occasions and was told that they would prefer that the facility not be called a teen center -
that they would consider this label as "un-cool" and it would keep the kids away. Ms. Lawrence
commented that she met with Ms. Alice Day with the Texas Commission on Drug and Alcohol
Abuse. Ms. Day said programs that bring the whole community together, kids and parents, are the
types of programs that are the most helpful - not inter-generation isolation. Ms. Lawrence asked the
Board to be sure and build something that will be used, that the kids will want to come to and a place
that is cost effective and will be a positive influence on the lives of our kids. Ms. Lawrence stated
that drug and alcohol problems can not be tackled as a teen problem or a police problem or a school
problem, it must be tackled as a community problem.
Joan McGaffigan, 2885 Burney Lane. Ms. McGaffigan suggested that the teen center could be built
now as the first phase of a larger community center if it were decided in the future that a community
center was needed. She commented that the property near the basketball courts at Bicentennial Park
would be the perfect place for the teen center.
Dr. Michael Dotti, Chief of Family Practice, Baylor Hospital. Dr. Dotti commented that he was the
chairman on the Teen Center committee that was to study design and usage for the Southlake teen
center. He commented that he was disappointed that something that had originated to be for the
benefit of the teenagers appears to have become political. He stated that he first became involved
with the teen center issue after reading in the newspaper about a meeting to discuss the possibility of
building a teen center. Dr. Dotti commented that approximately 75-100 people attended the meeting
and as a result several committees were formed to address different areas of a teen center concept.
He stated that the committees were charged with researching other teen centers. Dr. Dotti stated that
a committee was also formed to study other avenues of funding in addition to the $1.5 million they
were told was already allotted for a teen center including the land that was set aside. Dr. Dotti
commented that he saw the need for a teen center that was targeted toward teens that do not drive -
those teens that are in their formative years that really don't have any other place to go. He stated
that the idea of this center was a place that these teens would have ownership of, something that they
could feel they had a part in forming. Dr. Dotti said that there were several meetings held over a
four to six month period that were well attended by adults as well as teens. He commented that out of
these meetings a proposal was developed, given the budgetary restrictions, of how to best spend
roughly $1 million on a teen center. Dr. Dotti commented that he was disappointed to hear that the
whole concept of the teen center had been called into question. He further commented that the
purpose for the teen center was not politically motivated, it was motivated for the good of the young
people in this community. He stated that he would encourage the board to go forward with the teen
center and give the teenagers a place they can call their own, a place they can gather together in a
positive safe environment.
Board member Potter commented that he would be interested in seeing the Teen Center Committee
meeting notes. Dr. Dotti stated that he could provide the information.
Vickie Johnson, 1208 Timber Ct. Ms. Johnson commented that it should be obvious that the
community is unified especially the older and younger teens in wanting the funding returned for the
teen center. Ms. Johnson stated that at one time staff did have a multitude of information that was
provided by the different committees. She further stated that in the eight years she has been on the
Park Board not one person ever came forward to say they did not want a teen center. She stated that
when the Park Board first started working on a 5-year CIP, it was discussed that first there would be
a teen center and then a community center would follow. Ms. Johnson stated that a teen center would
not be the same thing as a recreation center. She stated that in April of 1999, the Texas Commission
on Drug and Alcohol Abuse provided specific funding to a community in an effort by the Commission
to increase the activities of that community's coalition to provide prevention activities for local youth.
Ms. Johnson asked that the Board listen to the teens because the one thing everyone in this community
is interested in is our teens. She asked that the Board provide what they promised two years ago, use
the information that has already been collected, and move forward with the teen center.
Board member Berman stated that after Ms. Johnson left the Park Board, Bess Frost and Shelby
Stengle came forward and said they did not want a teen center. Ms. Berman commented that the
Board does want to consider a teen center but feels it needs to be studied further.
Donna Stengle, 318 Blanco Circle. Donna Stengle commented that she wanted to let all the kids
know how proud she was to see them take a leadership role in this matter. She stated that she would
like to urge the adults to take this opportunity to teach them about leadership and show them how we
can all work together. Ms. Stengle said she sees this teen center, whether it is a stand alone or part of
a larger recreation center in the future, as a vehicle for the kids to take leadership in and be involved
in. She commented that as parents we want our kids to grow up to be responsible citizens, and she
hopes the Board will work with them and not shut them down.
Lisa Stokdyk, 720 N. Peytonville. Ms. Stokdyk commented that she did not feel comfortable with a
teen program designed so that teens can shun adults. She stated that she could not feel good about
supporting anti-social behavior. Ms. Stokdyk said that the CIP is just a plan, and the Board has to
look at its resources and then decide what would be amiable to everybody in the community. She
commented that she heard from Ms. Shelby Stengle and Ms. Bess Frost that they did not want to be
hanging around with the younger teens. She commented that she believed the teen center would be
anti-family and age discriminatory. Ms. Stokdyk further commented that this is not a political issue
but a parenting issue. She said that we are talking about a million dollars that could be used for other
things that are needed including the natatorium, nature center, renovation of a historical log cabin,
and undeveloped park property. She commented that she supports the Board in looking further at
where the funds need to be allocated and that there is support in the community to include the teens in
a recreation center but not a stand alone teen center.
Brian Boitmann, 1325 N. Peytonville Rd. Mr. Boitmann commented that his parents often ask him
why he is staying home so much and watching television, and it is because he has no place to go to
hang out with other kids. He stated that if there were a teen center he would have a place to go and
meet other people and make more friends. He commented that it doesn't have to be kids his own age,
that he also knows kids from high school. Mr. Boitmann stated that he believes that through a teen
board different age groups can come together and make compromises deciding on different activities
for the center. He explained that he believes that a swing dance would bring together all teen age
As Suarez commented that you can look here tonight and see kids who range in age from 13-18, and
they have come together to discuss what they would like to see in a teen center. He stated that the
teen board would have to have representatives from each age group to decide what activities to
Shelby Stengle commented that the teens are willing to work for this center and if the Board could
give anything, a shell of a building or a building that can be renovated, the teens would work to
complete it. She asked that the board consider letting the teens have the little section of land by the
hockey rink and the basketball courts, as was discussed before, so that they can be at the center of all
the activities. Ms. Stengle commented that the teens are aware that there is only so much money, but
they are not asking for the "Taj Mahal." She suggested that the Board let the teens be a part of
building something by the teens for the teens - something they can call their own.
Vickie Johnson stated that she would like to clarify that when the Park Board first talked about doing
a teen center they asked staff about the cost per square foot to build a 5000 sq. ft. facility and staff
commented that it would be approximately $200 per sq. ft. Ms. Johnson stated that after doing some
research it was decided that it could actually be built for $85 sq. ft. She explained that the Park
Board had an architect ready to sign a contract to build the center for that amount per square foot.
Wes McFall, 860 Harbor Ct. Mr. McFall commented that he would like to have a place to meet new
people and learn things like swing and country western dance. He stated that his friends are excited
about building and decorating a teen center.
Blane McGaffigan, 2885 Burney Lane. Mr. McGaffigan stated that when he was getting petitions
signed to support a teen center all the parents thought it was a good idea. He stated that the kids he
has talked to are excited about the center and would participate.
Jackie Lawrence asked if there was a community center with a separate room for teens would it not be
acceptable - something senior citizens could use in the morning and teens in the evening. She
questioned whether it had to be a stand alone building isolated by itself. Ms. Shelby Stengle stated
that the teens wanted a separate place, a place that would be home base and something the teens could
call their own.
Board member Berman asked about doing a professional survey so that the Board could make sure a
center would be built that everybody wanted - taxpayers as well as teens.
Shelby Stengle stated that they feel a survey would be okay. They would like to make a presentation
at the schools in order to point out what the teen center could be. She stated that when she first heard
about a teen center she was under the impression that it was going to be a place to go and play board
games, which is not what the teens wanted. If the survey is designed to asked "yes" or "no" it would
give a false impression about the type of center they are talking about.
Dr. Dotti stated that he believes the teen center should be a stand-alone facility. He explained that a
stand-alone facility would send a message to teens that says we feel they are important. He stated
secondly that a survey is good, but it is a step back rehashing something that has already been done
through all the committee work. He said that he does not want to see the teen center set back another
two years.
Board member Edmondson asked staff about previous surveys. Community Services Director Kevin
Hugman commented that a survey was done with the SYAC group in January 1999. He commented
that it was an informal survey asking them to rank different activities. He was not aware of any other
Wes McFall commented that he does a lot of things with his family, but when he is with his friends
and hanging out, he is not comfortable with having his parents there. He suggested that during the
day when the teens could not be at the center it could be used for other things such as aerobic classes,
etc. except for during the summer when school is out and the teens would be needing it more.
Donna Stengle commented that social interaction activities are an important part of growing up. She
explained that it teaches us how to get along with others, how to get along in the work force and
develop into well rounded people. She commented that a teen center, where there is no alcohol or
drugs allowed is a healthy environment that should be encouraged. She suggested that the restoration
of the log cabin, earlier referred to by Ms. Stokdyk, would be something that the teens could get
involved with.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Item No. 5A. Approval of the meeting minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on October 25 and
the Special SPDC meeting on November 1, 1999.
Board member Cara White submitted a correction to the minutes of November 1, 1999 page 8 by
adding, as paragraph two, the following: "Board member Stacy suggested a number of alternatives
for sponsorships. Board member White addressing Mr. Gillum directly, inquired as to why had he
nor his financial advisors not considered, nor attempted to find alternative funding, citing that other
schools in the area appear to have received quite a bit of sponsoring. Ms. White requested that Mr.
Gillum make every attempt possible to find some alternative funding and added that this will be
followed up on. Ms. White stated that there are a lot of other items that are equally, if not more so,
important to the citizens of Southlake, which will have to be reprioritized due to this request. "
Motion was made to approve the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on October 25 and the
Special SPDC meeting on November 1, 1999 as corrected.
Motion: White
Second: Potter
Ayes - October 25 minutes: Kendall, Potter, White
Abstained - October 25 minutes: Berman, Edmondson, Stacy
Ayes - November 1 minutes: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, White
Approved November 1 minutes: 6-0
Because there is not a quorum tonight of those members who attended the October 25 meeting, the
minutes of the regular SPDC meeting of October 25 will be brought forward to the next meeting for
Agenda Item No. 6A. Five-Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan, including FY 1999-00
Capital Improvements Budget.
Director Kevin Hugman explained that the CIP was not approved in its entirety at the November 1,
1999 meeting with the Board wanting to discuss it further in December. The Board did approve the
FY 2000 and FY 2001 projects, and the allocation of funding towards the proposed joint use
natatorium. He stated that included in the packet is the 5-year CIP as determined by SPDC at their
November 1, 1999 meeting. Mr. Hugman commented that as discussed in the work session, staff
undertook an extensive review of all SPDC expenditures, from inception of SPDC to September 30,
1999, and estimated outstanding expenditures to complete projects in progress or planned, and
outstanding debt payments for land acquisition.
President Kendall asked if there were any further comments from the audience on the five-year CIP.
Lisa Stokdyk asked the Board what has been budgeted for the equestrian center. Director Hugman
explained that the $3.5 million was an amount estimated during the Bob Jones Park Master planning
which included a multi use arena, stables, etc. Mr. Hugman stated that the Park Board did not
discuss specific uses for the equestrian center in any detail, and it came out fairly low on the priority
list. Therefore, it did not make it on the 5-year CIP plan.
Discussion was held by the Board on the possibility of renovating the lodge at Bicentennial Park as a
teen center, but a number of issues were raised including: (1) the lodge is currently being used for
many day and evening meetings and programs, (2) it is too small for a teen center, (3) it is located too
near a residential area, and (4) it is a very old building that would cost more to move than it was
The Board also discussed the need for better built volleyball courts with lighting so that there could be
nighttime tournaments. Staff has estimated the cost to build 2 courts with out lights at $20,000. It is
estimated that lights would cost an additional $15 - $20,000 depending on how far the courts were
from the transformer. Teens in the audience commented that they would rather the money be put into
a teen center than new volleyball courts.
Concerning the teen center, the Board discussed doing a detailed citywide survey put together by
professional consultants who would work with the teens to get their input on the survey. The survey
would include questions on whether or not the taxpayers wanted a stand alone teen center or a teen
center attached to a recreation center, or would they want to build a center in phases starting with a
teen center in the first phase or wait and build a completely master planned recreation center at a later
time. It was the consensus of the Board to go ahead with a survey and allot $300,000 for the
construction of a teen center in the five-year CIP this fiscal year contingent upon the outcome of the
(Break from 9:05 - 9:30 p. m. )
As discussed by the Board, the following is a list of other changes to the five-year CIP:
FY 1999-2000
• Include $1,800,000 for purchase of land
➢ $500,000 for future down payment on possible land purchase
➢ $1.3 million for potential land purchase
• Include $300,000 for teen center
➢ Contingent upon outcome of survey
FY 2000-2001
• Include $500,000 for community center planning
It was noted that the year 2000-2001 includes new senior debt of 4.4 million.
FY 2001-2002
• Include $500,000 for Bob Jones Development
➢ $1 million had previously been deducted. The Board felt it would be better to complete
current projects on the priority list prior to starting any new projects.
• Include $1,500,000 for construction of community center
FY 2002-2003
• Include $500,000 for Bob Jones Development
➢ As stated, $1 million had previously been deducted. The Board felt it would be better to
complete current projects on the priority list prior to starting any new projects.
• Include $4,000,000 for construction of community center
Motion was made to approve the revised CIP plan as discussed for the program years 1999/2000,
2000/2001, 2001/2002, and 2002/2003 noting that the teen center construction funding of $300,000 is
contingent upon the results of a citywide survey and to proceed with issuing $3.7 million in junior
lien debt.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Edmondson
Ayes: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, White
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 7A. Financial/Budget Report.
Mayor Stacy commented that he would like to see estimated revenues and actual debt service included
on the financial statement. Director of Finance Sharen Elam suggested that she include this on the
sales tax report rather than on the capital projects budget report. Ms. Kendall commented that it
would be easier if staff could show the effect debt service is having on the operating fund. Mayor
Stacy commented that the Board also needs to know how much debt SPDC is servicing at any given
Agenda Item No. 7B. Project Status Report.
There was no discussion on this item.
There being no further business to discuss motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at
10:00 P.M.
y'U12 21
President Ronnie Kendall
m ush
Sec etary to the City Manager