November 1, 1999
Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman,
Debra Edmondson, Norm Lyons, Rex Potter, Rick Stacy, and Cara White.
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Park Planning and
Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, Deputy Director of Community Services Steve
Polasek, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Administrative Assistant John Eaglen, and
Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President
Ronnie Kendall at 6:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
There was no executive session held.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Tad Stevens, 804 Shorecrest Drive. Mr. Stevens introduced himself as the scheduler
and appointed liaison for the Southlake Girls Softball Association. He commented that
the SGSA board wants to be more involved with the SPDC and Parks and Recreation
Board meetings. He also commented that no one from their association has been in
contact with City staff as much as they should be. He wants the Board and staff to
know that they enjoy the facilities and services they have in Southlake. Mr. Stevens
introduced to the Board Jim Hardland, the current SGSA president, and Matt Tuggey
the incoming president for 2000. Mr. Stevens commented that SGSA is a non-profit,
self funded volunteer organization. He stated that they have a fall and spring session
for play during the year. They have approximately 762 girls enrolled (last year they
had 578) in softball and the league shares the three fields at Bicentennial Park with 2
adult teams and currently three high school teams. He expects that the numbers will
continue to rise. Mr. Stevens commented that they are in need of fields for practice
and games and commented that the association would like to have a four plex. He
commented that they have been visiting with staff on a couple of options, and wanted
SPDC to know that they want to also work together with the Park Board to come up
with a solution. He mentioned that SGSA is also looking into the possibility of
matching funds through SPDC, but they have not yet had SGSA Board approval. He
estimated that within two years they could probably raise as much as $20,000. Mr.
Stevens estimated that a four-plex would cost approximately $40,000 - $50,000.
Director Hugman commented that staff has estimated $800,000 - $900,000 for a
complete complex, including restroom/concession, lighting, parking, irrigation, etc.
Mr. Stevens commented that girls softball fields are similar in size as the boys fields
are for the younger groups. He believes they need at least one large field for the adults
and older girls and three fields for the younger girls groups. He stated that they are
hoping the high school will soon have its own fields. (See attached to the minutes the
SGSA Summary handed out at the meeting.)
There were no other comments during the Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 6A. Five-Year parks Capital Improvements Plan, including FY
1999-00 Capital Improvements Budget.
Director Hugman stated that the Board discussed this item at the October 25, 1999
meeting and tabled consideration of the Parks CIP until this time to allow for input
from members who could not be in attendance last Monday. He commented that the
CIP included projects prioritized by the Parks and Recreation Board at their meeting on
October 11. Mr. Hugman stated that included in the five-year CIP is a conservative
projection for sales tax growth at 15 existing bond issuance schedule for every-other-
year, construction and payment schedules, fund balance expectations, and the award of
a $500,000 indoor grant from TPWD for the construction of a Community Center. An
operating fund transfer of $500,000 from the SPDC operating fund is also assumed,
which is revenues over and above debt service each year. Director Hugman
commented that the CIP also assumes a matching funds program for FY 1999-00 of
$150,000 (increased over previous year due to increased interests) and then $100,000
for each of the following years. Also included is $20,000 every other year for Joint
Use projects and $50,000 each year for special projects (unanticipated things that come
up throughout the year such as this year the pond aeration system, improvements at
senior activity center, etc.).
Director Hugman reviewed with the board the fund balances for each fiscal year of the
CIP as follows: FY1999-2000 an ending fund balance of $425,000; FY 2000-20001
assumes a bond issuance of $4.4 million and an ending fund balance of $1,030,750; FY
2001-2002 an ending fund balance deficit of $64,250 which is due to the number of
projects projected for this fiscal year, but the Board may need to consider adjusting
projects to correct the deficit; FY 2002-2003 assumes another $500,000 grant proceed
from TPWD for a recreation center, a bond issuance of $5.5 million, and an ending
fund balance of $710,750; FY 2003-2004 assumes a fund balance of $90,750. Mr.
Hugman stated that some of the lower priority projects identified by the Park Board are
not included in the this five-year CIP due to funding constraints.
Mayor Stacy asked staff about funding for a teen center. Director Hugman explained
that the current five-year plan had allocated $150,000 for teen center planning in FY
98-99 and then $850,000 for construction in FY 99-00, however, in the discussions
with the Park Board at the joint meeting, staff was directed to take the $850,000 out of
the construction for the teen center and the $150,000 for planning was left in FY 98-99.
At the Park Board meeting, it was decided to allocate $10,000 for a teen center study,
but the issue concerning construction of a teen center was never resolved and therefore
it was taken out of the CIP.
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Board member Potter asked staff about the status of projects - which ones have been
completed, started, or what percentage complete. Director Hugman stated that for
FY99-00 no projects identified have been started. President Kendall commented that
she has visited with staff about preparing financial statements that will better reflect the
status of projects financially.
Board member Berman asked staff what happens with the funds allocated for the
Continental Blvd. trail if reconstruction of the road is delayed. Director Hugman
commented that Continental trail phase I was actually budgeted in FY98-99, but those
funds have been rolled over into the funds allocated for FY99-00 due to delays. If for
any reason it is delayed further the funds have been appropriated and would just roll
over again unless the Board directs otherwise.
Director Hugman explained to the Board that there is $1.9 million total amount set
aside for land acquisition in the current CIP. He confirmed that the balance due on the
purchase of the Marilyn Tucker property would be close to this amount. Mr. Hugman
stated that alternative sources for funding are still being reviewed.
President Kendall opened the meeting to any one in the audience wishing to speak.
Casey Litaker, 701 Shorecrest Dr. Mr. Litaker addressed the Board concerning the
under funding of approximately $1.2 million for the natatorium. Mr. Litaker stated
that the school district was looking at alternatives to reduce the construction of the
natatorium, but he feels this will sacrifice portions of the facility that are of most
interest to the community. He commented that most of the Southlake kids, swimmers
and divers, go to the Grapevine/Colleyville facilities and because of the growth in the
area, there is a cap on the number of kids that can participate. He stated that there
were 350 people from the area this last summer to sign up for diving lessons but only
the top 10% were allowed to try out. He commented that a first class facility needed to
be built without compromise, and he is present tonight to ask the Board to make that
Susan Ansley, 607Loving Court. Ms. Ansley stated that she is asking the Board to help
fund the natatorium so that it can be built in the manner that it was presented to the
citizens who overwhelmingly approved its funding in the bond election. She presented
a list of some of the benefits to the community including: water babies/tots, youth swim
lessons, pre school swim lessons, senior fitness, scuba lessons, lifeguard training, fire
department water rescue, scout swim badges, diving lessons, arthritis exercise class,
open swim activities, mothers-to-be classes, deep water aerobics, birthday parties, etc.
She stated that everyone in the community could benefit from a natatorium facility.
Ms. Ansley quoted from a Dave Lieber article "...a swim center would provide teens
with one more alternative to getting high on drugs. The more after school activities
that are available to young people the less likely they are to engage in inappropriate
activities." Ms. Ansley commented that she hoped the Board would agree that this
facility is worthy of consideration.
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Karen Rourke, 1105 Normandy Drive. Ms. Rourke commented that she is a swimmer
and she has five children that are swimmers. She agrees with the idea that when
children have an opportunity to be involved in something the better chance you have of
keeping them out of trouble. Ms. Rourke commented that Southlake kids are lucky to
get an hour and 15 minutes of lane time at the Grapevine/Colleyville facility. She
stated that her child is up at 5:00 a.m. in order to be at the facility by 6:00 a.m. to
swim until 7:15 a.m. five days a week. She commented that this was not enough time
and not fair to the Carroll teams - the more time they can have at a facility the more
competitive they can be. She feels that if the facility can be built as voted on by the
taxpayers of this community there is no limit to the opportunities and the swim meets
that can be hosted. She commented that the number of people these meets attract would
be a boost to the area economy and bring in money to this community. Ms. Rourke
stated that she would like to see a facility that will attract the large meets, which would
make the facility pay for its own operating cost.
Jeff Luchey, 300 SouthRidge Lakes Parkway. Mr. Luchey commented that he agreed
with the other speakers. He stated that the facility that was presented in bond issue
three is what the community needs - the voters approved it, they agreed that it is what
was needed. He commented that nothing should be taken out of the bond package that
was approved by the voters and asked that the Board consider the additional funding
Gary Fawks, 330 Ravenaux Drive and Steve Harold, 1200 Cross Timber Drive - JUC
Members. Mr. Fawks stated that they are here on behalf of the City of Southlake/CISD
Joint Use Committee. He informed the Board that JUC met earlier this evening and
passed unanimously JUC Resolution No. 99-02 encouraging joint use and financial
participation in the proposed construction of the natatorium. (See resolution attached to
the minutes.) Mr. Fawks commented that approximately a year ago JUC was
approached by CISD about the possibility of a natatorium being a potential joint use
facility. JUC was convinced that there was significant potential for joint use of such a
facility and in January 1999 passed a resolution supporting the natatorium as a joint
facility. He stated that CISD was informed that SPDC was pretty well committed for
the next five years but beyond that would probably be able to step up with funding -
that was acceptable to CISD. However, because of significant changes in the funding
of the construction of the natatorium and the possibility of reducing the size, JUC was
concerned that the potential benefits for joint use would go away. Mr. Fawks stated
that JUC wanted to reaffirm their dedication to the natatorium as a joint use facility and
urge the SPDC to find a way to participate in the additional funding needed. He related
to the success of the joint use of the middle school gym that was built through SPDC
funds. Mr. Fawks stated that he understood that CISD could put off the need for
additional funding until FY 2001.
Mayor Stacy asked whether JUC/CISD has seen an explanation of the reasons for the
overage of $1.2 million and are we sure that will be all that is needed to build the
facility as presented to the voters. Steve Harold suggested that Ted Gillum,
Superintendent of Schools would be able to answer that question. Mr. Harold assured
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the Board that the CISD Board is just as concerned about cost overruns. He stated that
he does not know what happened on the under estimation of cost, but he feels it was
probably a series of things that occurred. He commented that the $5.5 million estimate
came from CISD in-house consultant (TPM), however, the latest estimate the $6.7
million comes from the construction management firm. He informed the Board that
construction is scheduled to begin in May 2000.
Board member Potter commented that we would need a commitment from CISD that
the design and quality of the facility would be maintained that if there are cost overruns
CISD would find a way to cover those overruns and not jeopardize the quality and uses
expected for this facility. Gary Fawks commented that JUC is recommending a formal
program scheduling agreement prior to the release of any funds, and City staff would
probably want to have some type of interlocal agreement that would outline all the
Mayor Stacy asked about the Aquatics Center listed on the Park Board project list and
whether or not it would still be needed. Gary Fawks commented that he believed the
natatorium would sufficiently meet the needs of the community. Board member
Berman commented that when Bicentennial Park was master planned, the Park Board
looked at what things could be built there if money was not an option - an outdoor
aquatics center was one of those things. She commented that this was so far down the
list that it may be decided later that it is really not needed. Ms. Berman commented
that she believes the community really needs a natatorium but she is concerned about
joint use problems. Ms. Berman stated that she has heard that the school staff is
considering cutting off all joint use programs. Board member Potter stated that it
would have to be in writing how the facility will operate - the uses and fees. Mr.
Harold stated that he is confident joint use of the facility will work. He does not
believe CISD trustees would consider cutting any joint use programs. Mr. Fawks
commented that there have been scheduling difficulties in the past, but it has been his
observation that over the past several months those problems have become less and less
frequent. Mr. Fawks suggested that there may be a need for a larger interlocal
agreement for joint use of facilities in general as opposed to just the natatorium. Ms.
Berman agreed.
Board member Potter commented that he does not want to see the natatorium attempt to
become a moneymaking facility. He does not want there to be so many tournaments
that it would take away time from the community to be able to use the facility.
Ted Gillum, 1309 Hat Creek Trail, CISD Superintendent. Mr. Gillum explained the
pricing of the bond packages. He stated that in September 1998 the bond proposal
failed and when they decided to bring the proposal back to the voters in March 1999,
they made a conscious decision not to increase the cost estimates primarily because they
were going to be committed to staying on the same timeline for construction. He stated
that the cost estimates for the natatorium were off primarily because of the inflation of
construction materials such as steel. Mr. Gillum handed out to the Board a copy of the
preliminary estimates based on schematic design drawings (see attached to the minutes).
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He commented that until all the subcontractors are selected they would not have a
guaranteed maximum price. Mr. Gillum stated that they have looked at two other
options for funding. One would be transferring funds from proposition one if that
project is built under budget. The second is the interest off the bond monies that can be
added to the project, however, this will not be a significant amount. He explained that
they looked at decreasing the size of the facility, but this idea met with a lot of
opposition from the community. He stated that they have looked at other areas to cut
costs such as dressing areas, warm up pool, and these cuts had them down to within
Board member Lyons asked whether or not the increase in construction materials such
as for steel, would also affect the district's plans to build the football stadium. Mr.
Gillum commented that this was a concern with all of the facilities that are planned. He
said there would be some design changes, such as the number of bleachers on the
visitor side, to address the cost overruns on the stadium. Mayor Stacy asked whether
or not CISD was going to need to go back to the voters with another bond election in
order to finish these projects. Mr. Gillum stated that at this point they do not think so.
President Kendall asked whether or not the inclusion of bulkheads would allow more
use of the facility for different programs at the same time. Mr. Gillum commented that
the cost does not include bulkheads, however, running different programs at the same
time relies also on the depth of the pools in each area. He explained that simultaneous
uses of the pool will be possible through the use of lane ropes at the different depths.
Mr. Gillum stated that the district is committed to making this facility a community
facility - it was said in the bond election and they mean it. He commented that CISD is
planning to hire an aquatics director to manage the facility along the lines discussed and
have the facility opened to the community. Board member Potter asked if CISD would
consider letting JUC and other citizens work with CISD on the design of the facility.
Mr. Gillum commented that it is CISD's intention for the contractor to do a preliminary
design, take that design to the CISD Board, then take back to a citizen's committee for
their input, and then present to JUC for their feedback.
Mr. Gillum stated they are looking at completion of the natatorium in August 2001. As
far as paying off the debt, he stated that in January 2001 they will still have left
approximately $2 million remaining to be paid - between January 1, 2001 and August
2001 final payment would be due. Mayor Stacy questioned whether or not CISD could
manage the funding if SPDC had to wait until 2002 to provide funding. Mr. Gillum
commented that he understood there would be no option available from SPDC this
fiscal year so they were looking at next fiscal year and then the year after and believed
it would be workable. He commented that it may cost CISD approximately $200,000
in lost interest if they had to wait for two or three years for funding from SPDC, but
they would make it work.
Casey Litaker. Mr. Litaker wanted the Board to know that they believe the bulkhead is
an issue - it is an officiating issue when you are running a swim meet. There is also a
design issue with the number and size of diving boards and diving platforms. He stated
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that the citizens really do need to have input into the design of the facility - not just
joint use but also the construction of the pool. He commented that if you are going to
build it correctly then the bulkhead needs to be included. Mr. Litaker commented that
US Diving has a grant program to where you put up 1/a of the cost and they will pay for
the rest. Board member Lyons asked about the 700 seating - where that number came
from and was it going to be sufficient. Mr. Litaker stated that the
Grapevine/Colleyville facility has 350 seating, however, he considers the 700 to still be
on the small side. Mr. Gillum commented that the 700 came from the swim coaches
who estimated based on what they observed at the Grapevine/Colleyville facility.
Susan Ansley. Ms. Ansley stated that Grapevine has recently passed a bond to increase
the seating by 400.
Kenneth Horn, 1215 Ashmoore Court. Mr. Horn asked whether any alternate funding
has been looked in to such as corporate sponsorships i.e., Nike, soft drink companies,
etc. He believes there would be an interest in this area. He also commented that the
community has grown so much that the facility probably needs more like 1000-1200 for
seating. He urged that alternative funding be looked in to.
Jeff Wang, 595 S. Kimball. Mr. Wang informed the Board that the new proposed
school will be right across the street from his front yard and the stadium will be in his
back yard, however, his children have to go to GCISD. Mr. Wang wanted to stress
that the SPDC organization is for the citizens of Southlake not just citizens within
CISD. He believes the joint use should be worked out, and he believes the facility is a
good idea.
Gary Fawks commented that he believes joint use agreements could be worked out for
other overlapping school districts to also benefit from the use of the natatorium. He
stated that there are other joint use agreements with other school districts for other
things and this is certainly something they desire to continue doing.
Nancy Hartzell, 902 Cantebury Court. Ms. Hartzell stated that her daughter graduated
from Carroll High School last year as a swimmer. She commented that she would
probably use this facility every day. It is very important to her that the pool be built
correctly so that it can be used by the whole community.
Board member White commented that it is her concern that the entire city has usage of
the facility (senior citizens, mothers, and adults) not just school purposes. She
commented that this is why JUC needs to be involved in the process to ensure that the
facility will be available to all citizens.
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Board member Berman commented that she would like to see CISD look for alternative
funding first and then come to SPDC for funding if they can not get it through grants,
Board member Stacy suggested a number of alternatives for sponsorships. Board
member White addressing Mr. Gillum directly, inquired as to why had he nor his
financial advisors not considered, nor attempted to find alternative funding, citing that
other schools in the area appear to have received quite a bit of sponsoring. Ms. White
requested that Mr. Gillum make every attempt possible to find some alternative funding
and added that this will be followed up on. Ms. White stated that there are a lot of
other items that are equally, if not more so, important to the citizens of Southlake,
which will have to be reprioritized due to this request.
Rob Glover, CISD Trustee. Mr. Glover commented that he feels comfortable that the
rest of the CISD Board would agree and make a commitment to seek alternative
funding through grants and corporate sponsors. He stated that he believes any funding
that can be acquired through these sources would be used to reduce any SPDC funding
that is required. Mr. Harold agreed, but stated that they can not go forward with
funding a $6.7 million facility without some kind of commitment from SPDC.
Board member Edmondson commented that the natatorium is something our voters
overwhelming supported. The school has run into a problem. She stated that she
believes that part of the original mission of SPDC is to assist in joint use projects. She
stated that an important part of finding funding for the natatorium is seeking grants and
corporate sponsorships. Ms. Edmondson commented that the discussion about building
an even bigger and better facility is where she would have to draw the line. She stated
that she is totally supportive of working with the school to provide them the funding
needed to build the facility that was put before the voters. However, she explained that
SPDC also needs to address the needs of the other various user groups within the City.
Board member Potter agreed that a premier facility needed to be built but not to go
overboard. He stated that this is why it is important to have a citizens group involved
in the designing recognizing that there will have to be compromises due to funding
Board member Edmondson stated that another issue that needs to be addressed is the
Teen Center vis-a-vis Community Center or multi-use center. Ms. Edmondson stated
that there is a need to work towards a facility that will keep as many youth as possible
involved with extracurricular activity, but tax dollars are limited. She commented that
a more appropriate concept might be to take the recommendations for a teen center and
incorporate them into a recreation center type concept. Ms. Edmondson suggested that
the Board look into the possibility of dividing the recreation center into two phases so
that one phase of the project could get started sooner. Board member Potter agreed that
a more diversified use facility was needed. Deputy Director Steve Polasek commented
that the recreation facility in Hurst has a separate area for youth and teen functions.
Mr. Potter commented that it might be appropriate to provide a separate entrance for
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the teen area. President Kendall stated that she also had the same concerns about a teen
center vs. a recreation center. She commented that as SPDC members we have to look
at the "bigger picture" and if we can wait another year and build a recreation center
that incorporates much needed park department offices and community meeting rooms
then that would be the most prudent and financially wise thing to do.
Board member White commented that at the initial Teen Center Coordinating
Committee meetings there were two teenagers who attended and commented that they
would not use such a facility. Ms. White stated she agreed that tax dollars needed to be
spent for a facility with a wider variety of uses that would benefit the whole
community. Board member Edmondson stated that the Board needed to have more
input possibly with the committee. She commented that it would not be a wise use of
tax dollars to spend $850,000 on a 5,000 sq. ft. facility. Board member Stacy stated
that his concern was that we have been promising a teen center for many years and
there is still no teen center. Mr. Stacy commented that he believed a teen facility could
be built in the same manner as the senior activity center was built - by renovating a
house (such as the Smith house) built with donation and volunteer labor. Ms.
Edmondson commented that she understood about the frustration, but the Board needed
to focus on more activities that she believes can be achieved in a recreation center.
Director Hugman commented that the design of a recreation center could include a
gymnasium, fitness center, video rooms, meeting rooms, etc. He commented that staff
has toured the Grapevine facility which includes two gymnasiums, racquet ball court,
jogging track, weight room, game room, etc. These would be things that we would
want to look at. He stated that staff is running in to problems with the use of
gymnasiums through joint use (because of heavy usage) - registration for basketball has
had to be limited. Other needs have been mentioned before such as practice fields. He
commented that a recreation center with a gymnasium would help relieve the stress on
both the park programs and the school.
Director Hugman also commented that there is currently not any city-owned land large
enough to construct the girls' softball complex. He stated that there are no funds in the
budget to purchase additional land without another debt issuance.
Ms. Kendall stated that personally she would like to see projects finished that have been
started. She would like to see Bob Jones Park and Bicentennial Park finished. She
believes that land needs to be purchased to address future park needs, however,
planning and construction of projects need to wait until these other things are finished.
Board member Berman agreed that Bob Jones and Bicentennial Parks need to be
finished before any other projects are started. Board member Stacy commented that he
believes it is important to look at some of the other parks and do something with them.
He stated that a lot of money is not needed to make some of the other parks useable
i.e., picnic areas. Board member Edmondson commented that passive use parks seem
like a good idea, but she has concerns that in order for the park to be used even
passively there will need to be parking areas, maybe even restroom facilities,
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maintenance, etc. Board member White commented that the park maintenance staff is
already at a point where they can barely maintain what is currently developed.
President Kendall suggested that tonight the Board look at setting the funding for the
first two CIP budget years.
Discussion on the proposed budget changes were discussed and the following is a list of
the changes discussed by the Board:
• In-line hockey cover - Reduce engineering services from $60,000 to $10,000
• Teen Center Planning - add to beginning fund balance for FY99-2000 ($150,000)
• Koalaty Park Planning - add to beginning fund balance for FY99-2000 ($10,000)
• Smith Park Planning - reduce from $175,000 to $50,000
➢ Use $50,000 to develop practice fields
➢ $125,000 to be put into fund balance
➢ House not suitable for public use would cost too much to bring up to City codes
• Loop Trail from Bicentennial Park to Durham/CJHS - move construction to same
timeline as trails listed in TMB (2001/2002)
• Recreation (Teen) Center - move up planning to this year ($500,000)
➢ Consider planning cost in phases proportionate to construction cost in following
➢ Include $10,000 (from FY99-2000) for teen center study and earmark for study
to be done on teen center needs
• Matching funds program - reduce from $150,000 to $100,000
• Bob Jones Park Development - reduce from $2.8 million to $1.8 million
➢ Priority now is to cover grant projects and some kind of road to get to the
projects being funded through the grant i.e., amphitheater.
• In-line hockey cover - delete from budget ($500,000)
• Recreation (Teen) Center - allocate $1.5 million for first phase of construction
• Joint Use/Natatorium - allocate $500,000 for Natatorium in this fiscal year
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• Smith Park Construction - reduce from $800,000 to $300,000
• Koalaty Park Phase I - $250,000
• Joint Use/Natatorium - allocated $500,000 for Natatorium in this fiscal year
• Loop Trail Bicentennial/Durham CJHS - move to this fiscal year to match
construction of trails included in TMB
• JUC/Natatorium - allocate $250,000 for Natatorium in this fiscal year
During the discussion on the budget changes, Director Hugman commented that a
junior lien debt issuance might be a possible option for funding the purchase of
additional land without effecting the capital projects budget. He commented that staff
would need to confirm with the financial advisor but SPDC might be able to take the
$1.9 million that is in the budget now and roll it into a junior lien debt issuance and
reallocate the $1.9 to capital projects. Mr. Hugman stated that the current land
purchase commitments could then be paid for from the junior lien debt issuance.
Finance Director Sharen Elam commented that it could only be reallocated for projects
if it was not stipulated in the $1.9 bond issuance that it could only be used for the
purchase of land. She suggested that staff visit with the financial advisor, Jim Sabonis
concerning the junior lien debt issuance and what capacity would be available then
bring back a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting. Mayor Stacy stated that
another option might be to visit with Ms. Tucker and see if a pay-out plan can be
Motion was made to approve the budgeted amounts for fiscal years 2000 and 2001 of
the Five-Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan as discussed tonight, including the
participation in the funding of the CISD Natatorium for $500,000 in the fiscal year
2001 and $500,000 in the fiscal year 2002. The motion also included SPDC
participation in the funding of the CISD Natatorium for $250,000 in the fiscal year
2003. SPDC participation in the CISD Natatorium is contingent upon: (1) the CISD
entering into a written interlocal agreement with the City of Southlake for the joint use
of the facility, (2) the CISD meeting with the citizens as well as creating a design
committee (comprised of Joint Use Committee members and citizens at large) to ensure
the facility will meet the needs of the City and School District participants and to ensure
it is non-offensive to the adjacent homeowners, and (3) the CISD, with the assistance of
the Joint Use Committee, making good faith efforts in pursuing other funding sources
through grants, corporate sponsorships, individual donations, etc. for each of the fiscal
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years that SPDC participates and if funding should be secured by the CISD through
these measures, the CISD will reimburse to the SPDC the contribution the SPDC has
made in an amount equal to the other funding received by CISD but not greater than the
total SPDC contributions.
Motion: Potter
Second: White
Ayes: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 6B. Amendment #3 with Cheatham and Associates for
architectural and engineering services relating to proposed improvement at Bob
Jones Park.
Director Kevin Hugman asked the Board to consider Amendment #3 to the contract
with Cheatham and Associates based on a reduced construction budget from $2.8
million to $1.8 million. He stated that staff will look at the individual components of
the proposed improvements and decide what items can be cut. Director Hugman
suggested that the fee not exceed 9.8% of the budgeted construction amount of $1.8
President Kendall suggested that changes in the scope be considered at the next Park
Board meeting instead of staff having to make those decisions.
Motion was made to approve Amendment #3 with Cheatham and Associates for
architectural and engineering services relating to proposed improvements at Bob Jones
Park as limited to a $1.8 million construction budget with the understanding that
Cheatham and Associates' fees will not exceed 6.8% for engineering and design and
3 % for surveying.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Lyons
Ayes: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment.
Prior to adjournment it was decided that the next regular SPDC meeting would be
scheduled for December 6, 1999. President Kendall asked that Jim Sabonis with First
Southwest be present at the next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss motion was made and carried to adjourn the
meeting at 11:00 p.m.
SPDC Meeting Minutes, November 1, 1999
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President Ronnie Kendall
Kim ush
Sec tary to the City Manager
SPDC Meeting Minutes, November 1, 1999
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