1979-08-21CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August ,2x,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Consider: Resolution 79-26. Appointment of new member to the Citizens Advisory group. 2. Public Hearing: FY80 Budget 3. ZA 79-21 Zoning request for a 14.926 acre tract of land out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. Better known as Lot 1 of the addition known as "Dilg Place". Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Millard Dilg. Public Hearing 4. ZA 79-22 Zoning request for a 1.5 acre tract of land out of the S. Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, Tract 2B5. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for A-3 Single Family. Owner: Herbert E. Lawson Public Hearing. 5. ZA 79-23 Zoning request for a 4 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granbury Survey, Abstract 581, Tract 5D. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request A-3 Single Family. Owner: Sam D. Burnitt Public Hearing. 6. ZA 79-24 Zoning request for a 1 acre tract of land out of the S. Free man Survey, Abstract 525, Tract 2B7. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request A-3 Single Family. Owner: Jane Evans Massey. Public Hearing. ZA 79-25 Zoning request for a 21.7985 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for A-3 Single Family. Owner: C.C. Hall Jr. Public Hearing 8. ZA 79-25 Prelimi nary Plat approval for a subdivision to be known a s "Hunters Ridge Addition". Located in the Francis Throop Survey. 9. Discussion: Keller Rural/Keller Municipal Merger 10. Consider: Change in location for Concession Stand in City Park. 11. Consider: Resolut ion 79-23. Tarrant County `Single Appraisal Tax Distric t". NAME OF MEMBEft la a- W C to 0 a N 1 I N 0C X NO . C COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, Shari Massey, AC Urbanosk , Lloyd Latta. STAFF PRESENT: Water Superintenden ; Wallace Cline, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, City Attorney; Joe Gregory. PARKS COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jerry Black and Nate Hight. INVOCATION: Given by Lloyd Latta The minutes of the August meeti were-approved as corrected. Sl,,.rger Morrison Latta Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Latta Urbanosky Massey x x x x d ~'1'1Y ON' S(AMItAKE, TEXAS 0 MilluteS of Reqular Cityy CW.Uncil Meet' t,a►c August .11,1979 r►~~~~ 7:30 p.m. Pi ACC : City of Southlake, Council Chambers . 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, TexdS 1 1 PAGE x x x x x x x x x x Resolution 79-26 was approved. The RESOLUTION Resolution allows for two new 79-26 members to the Citizens Advisory APPROVED Committee. They are: Kim Campbell, and Judy Cox. Mayor Hawk reviewed the FY80 Budget FY 80 (proposed). He explained the majo BUDGET sources of revenue and expenditures .PUBLIC Revenue Sharing funds were propose HEARING to be spent on two police cars. During the public hearing, Harold Knight made the only comment from the audience. Mayor Hawk indicate that the Budget is to be approved at the following City Council meeting. ZA 79-21 was approved, rezoning ZA 79-21 Lot 1 of the Dilg Place to A-3 ZONING Single Family District. Millard APPROVED Dilg, owner of the 14.926 acre tra tTO A-3 of land was not present. During the public hearing, Miram Smith, questioned the location of the land. ri. NAME: OF Mh:ME41:R Sparger Morrison Latta Urbanosky Massey .a u, u tti l i M I, I I x x Sparger x Morrison x Latta Urbanosky Massey } Sparger N' -rrison x i -ta Urbanosky Massey x Sparger x Morrison x Latta Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison I x Latta Urbanosky x Massey U t~ v 7d k~ d 'o 70 ("Ty (T SOL)TH LAKE: , TEXAS Minutes of Regular City Council Dat#: :August 21,1979 Meetibq 'I') ma 1' lacc ci 0 Xf %buthlake, Council Cal a Inge r 5 . 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas 2 PA(,E x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ZA 79-22, Zoning request of Herbert E. Lawson was approved. The 1.5 acre tract of land in the S. Freema Survey, Abstract 525 Tract 2B5 is now A-3 Single Family Zoning. No comments during the public hearing. ZA 79-23 was approved, changing the zoning on a 4 acre tract of land from Agricultural to A-3 Single Family District. It is located in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract 581, Tract 51). Owner, Sam Burnitt, was not present. No comments during the public hearing. ZA 79-24. The 1 acre tract of land out of the S. Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, Tract 2B7, was approved for rezoning as requested by owner, Jane Evans Massey. The zoning is now A-3 Single Family District. The public hearing resulted with no comments. ZA79-25. C.C. Hall, owner of the 21.7985 acre tract of land was present. Mr. Hall requested A-3 Single Family District zoning for the land in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. The reques was approved by Council. The preliminary plat for the same tract of land, a proposed subdivis to be known as "Hunzfer's Ridge" was discussed by Council. Pending changes as described on the plat, Council approved the preliminary plat, which was presented by Buddy Shepard of Starnes and Associates. 1NDCX No. ZA 79-22 ZONING APPROVED A-3 ZA 79-23 ZONING APPROVED TO A-3 ZA 79-24 ZONING APPROVED TO A-3 ZA 79-25 ZONING APPROVED TO A-3 PRELIMIN.- nARY PLAT APPROVED "HUNTER" RIDGE". l1, ,"AM OF MEMBER Sparger Morrison .atta Jrbanosky Massey ,o ui b M ~ M 1 h Ix x t~ t y H i~ d 31 9U X X X x x ( 1'IY l)E' SOU'111LAKE;0 TEXAS Minutes of Regular City Council Date August 21,1979 riwe 7:30 p.m. Meetibg F>City of Southlake, Council Ch aml,e rs . 667 N. Carroll Avenue. southlake, Texas A(;E: 3 Attorney, Joe Gregory, explained to Council the contents of Docket No. 2703 (attached hereto and made a part hereof), concerning the application of Keller Rural Water Supply Corp. for Sale within Tarrant County and an agreement incident to withdrawl of objection by the City of Southlake. After discussion within the Council motion was made and approved that we send a letter explaining our position in failing to withdrawl our objection, expressing our de- sire to enter into negotiations with regards to acquiring facilitie within the City of Southlake and our extraterritorial jurisdiction. It was agreed that Mayor Hawk would write the letter mentioned above. 3parger Morrison Latta Jrbanosky Massey x x x X x x x Approval was granted to Jerry Black chairman of the Parks Commission to amend the Official Map of the citie Bicentennial Park. Amendment will include moving the concession stand west of the creek. The stand will now include restrooms. Jerry Black was present and announc ed that on September 15, there will be a "work day" on the parks at the location. Sparger x Morrison Latta Urbanosky ix Massey x X x x x Resolution 79-23, stating that the City of Southlake will participate in the Single Tax Appraisal Distric for Tarrant County, was approved following further discussion by councilpersons. 1NlCX No. C:, KELLER RURAL/ KELLER MUNICIPAL MERGER ,AMENDMENT TO BICEN- ;TENNIAL PARK MAP RESOLUTION 79-23. ;SINGLE TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT. rp NAVE OF Sparger Morrison Latta Urbanosky Massey Sparger Morrison Latta Urbanosky Massey la W U) 7d H X x x xI r~ c~ 1 x x x x x x x x x x ("Ty UP' SC)P'ni1."E, TEXAS Millut.eS Of Regular City Cau►ncil Meeti g Date ~ August 21,1979 TI111C 7:30 R' m. F, 1 AL's City Southlake, Council Chambers. b67 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, TuxaS PAGE 4 IN►k:X NO L. Motion was made and approved to appoint Fire Chief, Bob Steele, as Fire Marshal/Arson Investigator for the City of Southlake. The bills presented, were approved for payment (attached hereto and made a part hereof). The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk Mayor ATTEST: O1' Sandra L. LeGrand STEELE APPOINTE" FIRE MARSHAL BILLS n. RESOLUTION 79-23 WHEREAS, it is a requirement of a taxing unit that has land in more than one county to pass a Resolution if it is the desire of the City Council to participate in a Single Tax Appraisal District, NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: THAT: The City of Southlake will participate in only the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 21st day of August,1979. Mayor ATTEST: 4~4'~ City Secretary ••Co Np > :a a; • a l v, . e- TARRANT COUNTY FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 MADRIN HUFFMAN COUNTY CLERK The Honorable Pat Hawk P. 0. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76092 TO THE GOVERNING BODY OF SOUTHLAKE: July 20, 1979 CITY BILLY H. MILES CHIEF UEPU Y 81,11 Re: Selection of a Five g,0 Member Governing Board of the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County Under the provisions of Senate Bill 621 passed by the recent session of the Texas Legislature (the Peveto Bill), a tax appraisal district is created on January 1, 1980, in each county in the State of Texas. That tax appraisal district assumes-all of the tax appraising functions (not assessment or collection) for all taxing units located within each county. There will be one tax appraisal district created for each county. The governing board of each tax appraisal district for each county will consist of five members selected by those taxing units entitled to participate in each county. My current information indicates that your taxing unit is entitled to participate in the selection of the five member governing board of the tax appraisal district for Tarrant County. The Office of the Tarrant County Clerk is required by law to conduct the selection process for the five member governing board of the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County. In order for the office of the County Clerk to calculate the extent of the entitlement of your unit in the selection process, it will be necessary that your taxing unit carefully read and fill out one of the questionnaires enclosed herewith. You must fill out only one of the questionnaires enclosed, and return that questionnaire to my office in the enclosed, self-addressed, stamped envelope to be received by my office no later than September 1, 1979. YOUR FAILURE TO CAREFULLY FILL OUT AND RETURN THE APPROPRIATE QUESTIONNAIRE MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF ALL OR A PART OF YOUR SELECTION PRIVILEGES FOR THE FIVE MEMBER GOVERNING BODY OF THE TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT FOR TARRANT COUNTY. I EMPHASIZE THAT THE APPROPRIATE QUESTIONNAIRE MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE OFFICE OF THE TARRANT COUNTY CLERK NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 1979, IN ORDER TO FULLY INSURE YOUR RIGHTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SELECTION PROCESS. The Honorable Pat Hawk July 20, 1979 Page Two If your taxing unit imposed taxes in 1978 only upon property located wholly within the boundaries of Tarrant County, Texas, you must fill out and return Questionnaire A. If your taxing unit imposed taxes in 1978 on property located in more than one county, you must fill out and return Questionnaire B. Please carefully determine which questionnaire is ai)hlicahIC to your taxing unit, fill out only that questionnaire, and return the aipropriate questionnaire to the Office of the County Clerk. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE QUESTIONNAIRE SHOULD BE SIGNED AND EXECUTED BY THE MAYOR, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, OR OTHER PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OR BODY OF YOUR TAXING UNIT. PLEASE FARTHER NOTE THAT THE CITY SECRETARY OR SECRETARY OR CLERK TO YOUR GOVERNING BOARD MUST CERTIFY THE AMOUNT OF TAXES IMPOSED BY YOUR TAXING UNIT FOR THE YEAR 1973 ON THE APPROPRIATE QUESTIONNAIRE. If, after carefully studying and attempting to fill in the information required by the appropriate questionnaires, you have any questions regarding; the information which must be supplied, you may contact Robert Parten in the Office of the Tarrant County Clerk at 334-1195. I have also enclosed a schedule of deadlines which must be observed by the County Clerk and all taxing units in the selection of the initial governing board of the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County. You will receive more detailed instructions on these items as the various deadlines approach. Please give this matter your immediate and careful attention. Sincerely, 7 MADRIN HUFFMAN County Clerk Tarrant County, Texas MH/md Enclosures Q U E S T I O N N A I R E B CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE: If your taxing unit imposed ad valorem property taxes for the year 1978 on property located in more than one county, you must complete this questionnaire, with attachments, and return the same to the Office of the County Clerk in the self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed herein so as to be received by the County Clerk no later than September 1, 1979. NOTICE: If your taxing unit imposed taxes for the year 1978 on property located in more than one county, you are automatically entitled to participate in the selection of the five member governing board for the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County and for the selection of the five member governing board of any other county's or counties' tax appraisal district in which is located property on which you imposed taxes for the year 1978. However, your entitlement to participate in the selection process is limited to the pro rata share of property in your district located in each county. In order to maximize the effect of your participation in a single tax appraisal district and for administrative convenience, you may wish to select participation in only one tax appraisal district. You may make this election only by passing of a resolution by your governing board. If your taxing unit wishes to participate only in the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County, or if it wishes to participate only in the tax appraisal district of another county, the governing board of your taxing unit must pass a resolution so choosing. In order for this election by you to participate in only one tax appraisal district to be effective for selection of the first five member governing board of a tax appraisal district, your election to participate in only one such tax appraisal district must be made as quickly as possible, and in any event, quickly enough to permit the return of a certified copy of such resolution to the County Clerks, of all counties in which property is located for which you imposed taxes in 1978, by September 1, 1979. The County Clerk of each county, including Tarrant County, in which property is located on which you imposed taxes in 1978, must receive a copy of your resolution making this election no later than September 1, 1979. Your failure to pass a resolution electing to participate in only one tax appraisal district and to return a certified copy of this resolution to the appriopriate County Clerks by September 1, 1979, will result in your automatically participating in all tax appraisal districts in which property is located for which you imposed taxes in 1978. QUESTION 1: Is your taxing unit authorized to impose and is it now imposing ad valorem taxes on property? ANSWER: YES QUESTION 2: Was your taxing unit authorized to impose and did it actually impose ad valorem taxes on property for the year 1978? ANSWER: YES QUESTION 3: Are the boundaries of your taxing unit located wholly within the County of Tarrant, State of Texas? (If the boundaries of your taxing unit are located wholly within the County of Tarrant, please complete and return Questionnaire A). ANSWER: NO QUESTION 4: If the boundaires of your taxing unit are not located wholly within Tarrant County, but are located in more than one county, in which tax appraisal district, if any, has your governing body decided by resolution to participate exclusively? ANSWER: TARRANT COUNTY County Tax Appraisal District. Check here if your are not electing to participate in only one tax appraisal district. E-D (Please attach a certified copy of the resolution from your governing body making this election). QUESTION S: Please answer only one of the following two questions: QUESTION A: If your taxing unit is participating exclusively in the Tax Appraisal District for Tarrant County, what is the total dollar amount of property taxes imposed by your taxing unit for the year 1978? (Please supply the total dollar amount of the taxes imposed and not just the taxes actually collected. Do not include delinquent taxes collected in 1978 for years before 1978). ANSWER: _ Dollars QUESTION B: If your taxing unit is participating in Tarrant County and one or more other appraisal district, what is the total dollar amount of taxes imposed by your taxing unit on property located wholly within Tarrant County for the year 1978? (Please supply the total dollar amount of the taxes imposed and not just the taxes actually collected. Do not include delinquent taxes collected in 1978 for years before 1978). ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE 'T'HOUSAND ANSWER: FTA[F HIINIIRFp Dollars 123, S00 . ) . Completed and executed this 7 day of AUGUST 1979 ayo ) Chairman of the ard) (County Judge) (Presiding Officer) CERTIFICATION 1, , , being the duly authorized (Secretary, Secretary to the Board, Secretary-Treasurer, Clerk of Commissioners' Court) do hereby certify that the dollar amount of taxes imposed by this taxing unit for the year 1978 on property in answer to Question 5 above is true and correct. Executed and signed this O? " day of 1979. vl ` See6aza6r*Aa the Be City Secretary, , CQ"T " :a •a ~i :N TARRANT COUNTY FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 MADRIN HUFFMAN COUNTY CLERK August 13, 1979 TO THE GOVERNING BODY: 6e ; ILL MILES I EF ` IuT/Y V_ AAA Please find attached a copy of the Court Order whereby the County of Tarrant, by and through its duly elected Commissioners' Court, does hereby elect to participate in the Central Tax Appraisal District in Tarrant County for the period from the present up through and until December 31, 1981. Sincerely, Madrin Huffman Tarrant County Clerk MH/cf Enclosure 48215 COUNTY OF TARRANT TO PARTICIPATE IN FORMATION] OF CENTRAL TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT EXHIBIT "A" Motion was made by Commissioner Mebus, seconded by Commissioner Gregory and duly carried that the following Court Order pertaining to Tarrant County's participation in the formation of the Central Tax Appraisal District be approved COURT ORDER NUMBER 48215 DATE August 13, 1979 WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has passed the Property Tax Code, otherwise known as Senate Bill 621 or the Peveto Bill, instituting central tax appraisal districts for each county of the State of Texas, effective January 1, 1980; AND WHEREAS, the size of the initial governing board of the central tax appraixal district for Tarrant County is set by the Property Tax Code at Five, such number subject to being changed by a three-fourths vote of all of the taxing units in Tarrant County which are entitled to vote in the selection of the governing board; AND WHEREAS, the method of selection of the initial governing board of the central tax appraisal district for Tarrant County is provided by the Property Tax Code, subject to being changed by a three-fourths vote of the taxing entities in Tarrant County which are entitled to vote in selection of the governing board; AND WHEREAS, the initial governing board of the central tax appraisal district in Tarrant County will be elected by the participating governmental subdivisions in the Fall of 1979; AND WHEREAS, the Property Tax Code affords to Texas counties the option of participating in such central tax appraisal districts with the consent and approval of the County Tax Assessor-Collector; AND WHEREAS, the implementation period for formation and"utilization of these central tax appraisal districts is short and will require a concerted effort on behalf of all governmental subdivisions in order to implement the provisions of the Property Tax Code; AND WHEREAS, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, wishes to participate initially in the formation of the central tax appraisal district and the selection of the initial five-member governing board of such district as provided in the Property Tax Code in order to aid other governmental subdivisions in implementation of this district; AND WHEREAS, it is the intent of the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and the County Tax Assessor-Collector to enter into an initial contract with the central tax appraisal district upon its formation covering the period of time from the present through December 31, 1981; i AND WHEREAS, other governmental subdivisions in Tarrant County do not have the choice afforded to the Commissioners' Court and participation by all such COURT ORDER NUMBER 48215 PAGE TWO AND WHEREAS, failure of the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and the Tax Assessor-Collector of Tarrant County to participate initially in the formation of the district could hamper efforts to effectively implement this district by the deadline set by the Property Tax Code; AND WHEREAS, implementation of the central tax appraisal district will be fraught with many difficulties and problems requiring cooperation among all governmental subdivisions in Tarrant County; NOW, TIJEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: I. The County of Tarrant, State of Texas, by and through its duly elected Commissioners' Court does hereby elect to participate in the central tax appraisal district in Tarrant County for the period of time from the present through December 31, 1981, and gives notice of its intent to contract with such central tax appraisal district for such period; provided, however, that this election by the County of Tarrant is conditioned upon employment of the method of selection of such governing board currently provided in section 6.03(c, d) of the Property Tax Code, and upon the Five-Member size of the governing board currently provided in section 6.03(a) of the Property Tax Code. II. The County of Tarrant, State of Texas, shall, along with all other governmental subdivisions participating in such central tax appriasal district, bear its pro rata share of the costs of operating a central tax appraisal district whose governing board is chosen in accordance with section 6.03(a, c, d) of the Property Tax Code for the period of time from the present through December 31, 1981, provided that such pro rata share shall be computed in accordance with the Property Tax Code, and provided further that the other taxing units participating in such a central tax appraisal district bear their pro rata share in like manner of the costs of operating such a central tax appraisal district for that period of time; III. The Clerk of this Court shall transmit to the County Clerk of Tarrant County, and to the governing bodies of all taxing units which are located wholly within the boundaries of the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and all taxing units whose boundaries are located partially in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and pa tially in one or more counties, a certified copy of this court order as COURT ORDER NUMB1:1z 48215 PAGE TIIREA" notice of the intent of the County of Tarrant to participate in a central tax appraisal district in Tarrant County whose governing board is chosen in accordance with sections 6.03(x, c, d) Property Tax Code for the period of time from the present through December 31, 1981, as notice of its intent to contract with such a central tax appraisal district upon its formation for that same period, and as notice of its intent to participate in the formation and selection of the initial five-member governing board of a central tax appraisal district whose governing board is chosen by the method provided in section 6.03(x, c, d) Property Tax Code; IV. Should three-fourths of the taxing units in Tarrant County entitled to vote in the selection of the governing board of the central tax appraisal district change the number of persons who are to serve on the initial board, as provided in section 6.03(a) Property Tax Code, or change the method of selecting such board as provided in section 6.03(c, d) Property Tax Code, or change the method of allocating the costs of such a district among the taxing units, or any or all three, then the matter of participation by the County of Tarrant in a central tax appraisal district shall be re-examined by this Court in light of the changes effected to determine whether the County of Tarrant shall participate in a central tax appraisal district; V. This Court Order shall become effective upon approval by the Tax Assessor- Collector for the County of Tarrant, State of KE 1'a0NCR1EF, County Judge R. T. ANDERSEN, Commissioner, Precinct #1 A. J/ A CERTIFIED COPY, ORDER NO• / q ATTEST: f 3 , 19 7 MADRIN HUFFMAN Clerk County Court and Ex-Officio Clerk Commissioners' Court Tarrant County, Texas Vol. Pape By Deputy R. L. MEBUS, Commissioner, Precinct #2 _P- W - Sh.,*Z6AAa^1 71:(Ppy, issio r, Pr inct #3 jj '.'0_ . D. . FEIN, (Fpissioner, Precinct #4 0. # 48214 T1 I E STATE 01' TEXAS X CUUMI'Y 01' TARRANT X NOTICE OF APPROVAL 01: '1111: TARRANT COUN'T'Y TAX ASSESSOR-COI,I,ECTOR OF PARTICIPATION BY TARRANT COUNTY IN 111E CENTRAL TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT FOR TARRANT COUNTY I, REED STEWART, the duly elected and qualified Tax Assessor-Collector for the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, do hereby approve the action of Commissioners' Court in Court Order Number 48215 , a true copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein as though fully and correctly set forth in this document, wherein the County of Tarrant gave notice of its intent to participate in the formation and selection of the initial five-member governing board of a central tax appraisal district for Tarrant County, whose governing board is chosen in accordance with section 6.03(a,c,d) Property Tax Code, notice of its intent to participate in such a central tax appraisal district for the period of time from the present through December 31, 1981, and notice of its intent to contract with a central tax appraisal district upon its formation for that same period. I agree that this approval by me of Court Order Number 48215 , shall be binding upon me and the Office of the Tax Assessor-Collector of Tarrant County for the period from the present through December 31, 1981, upon the same conditions as set forth in paragraph IV of such court order. I hereby request the Clerk of the Commissioners' Court of Tarrant County, Texas, to transmit a copy of this notice to those persons mentioned in the final paragraph of Exhibit A hereto as notice of my approval of Court Order Number 48215 EXECUTED this the day of 1979. REED STEWART Tax Assessor-Collector Tarrant County, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF TARRANT I BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared REED STEWART, known to me to be the person whose signature is affixed hereto who, upon oath, acknowledged to me that he is the duly elected and qualified Tax Assessor-Collector-for the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, that he executed this document for the purposes and considerations expressed therein and that it is his true act and deed. SUBSCRIBED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME on this day of ~otary - ' b 1 is in and for Z 'arra county, Texas 1979. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MOMMY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS ELECTRIC CURRE 14 NT PLUMBING 11 FRAMING 4 FOUNDATION 3 HEATING & AIR 9 SEPTIC SYSTEM 32 OTHER 5 TOTAL INSPEC'T'IONS 78 2. PERMITS THIS MON'T'H BUILDING 5 ELL) 'TR TCAL 5 PLUMBING 3 HEATING & AIR 3 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 3 GAS 1 SEP'T'IC 5 FEE $390.00 97.00 56.00 56.00 75.00 6.00 50.00 TOTAL PERMI-TS 3. Building Valuation THIS mum $180,500.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH 25 $730.00 LAST MONTH $115,000.00 LAST MONTH $400.00 0 5. TIAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND $730.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, awV- BUILDING CLERK Yom. )-;I LDING EPAR`Ii W OFFICAL MONTH OF JULY, 1979 LAST MONTH 19 13 6 4 13 9 9 73 LAST MONTH I FEE 2 $246.70 6 102.00 2 36.00 4 80.00 8 200.00 0 0 6 60.00 28 $724.70 YEAR TO DATE $295,500.00 YEAR TO DATE $1,200.00 YEAR TO DATE $7,483.00 July, 1978 - Breakdown 6 - Residences 3 - Additions 1 - Pool * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN 1 - Commercial 1 - Pool 3 - Residences WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of JULY Gallons Pumped previous month 8,100 Gallons sold previous month 7,900 New Taps installed for month 6 Meters changed out one - Post Oak Line repairs: Materials Five Main Breaks on 114 Machine Rental other repairs Pull pumps out at Mini-Sewer Plant Fire PIugs Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT JULY 1979 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of July 1979 Tickets issued in June 256 Tickets issued in July 379 Persons in jail in June 32 35 Persons in jail in July Traffic accidents in June 18 Traffic accidents in July 9 Burglaries investigated in June 1 Burglaries investigated in July 3 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in July $9214.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in July .00 -i ,,efts investigated in June 3 Thefts investigated in July 2 Approximate total value taken in thefts in July $10.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in July .00 Number of calls in June 508 Number of calls in July 1219 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 48,905 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 82,673 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 77,181 Miles driven in June 8,852 Miles driven in July 10,097 Resp tfull submitted, C. C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw n g z a o ~ ~ o a z z z 3 - - I CKETS 5 I 46 25 18 78 379 _ - - A OF CALLS 110 211 215 207 226 250 1219 OF ARRESTS 1 7 1 16 35 CIDENTS 1 3 2 9 IRGLARIES 3 3 EFTS 1 1 2 "LES DRIVEN 1406 1641 I 1293 1631 1432 1818 10,097 LOURS WORKED 184 188 198 96 200 192 1271 ESERVES TICKETS ACCIDENTS I ARRESTS }LOURS 14ORKED MILES DRIVE ANDERSON 72 3 i 7 101 1676 ,CROGGINS 9 3 112 200 ~ I ~ i I i , I I I ~ j i j i 1 I Total fines paid for June $8,430.00 Total fines paid for July $6,501.00 Total fines paid for DPS for July .00 Man Hours Expended: Number of Hrs 214 1. On Emergency Calls 2. Meetings ( 4 For Month) Average Men Per Meeting--16_Men---------------------- 64 162 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills------------------------------------------ - 25 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) D. Total Man Hours Expended For Month of Jul 465 hrs. E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----------------- Chief Steele.--8 Lt Russel--5 Asst.Chief Bradle y.--6 b.Brown--6 Capt.Dodson--3 T.Bryant--3 Capt.Brown--7 J.Vann--4 Lt.Jones--8 Bobby Jones--5 Lt.Boyer--6 C.Bell--6 B.Roper--4 C.Jones--7 G.Fuller--9 M.Pirtle--4 W.Winchester--2 Allen Epps--2 D.Drennen--2 R.Martin--3 C.Reed--4 Pat Hill--2 E.Reed--6 J.Sullivan--3 J.Harston--4 R.Bridgewater--2 Respectfully submitted, R. P. Steele Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS FOR APPROVAL, CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 21,1979 UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company Texas Power and Light Company (Water) General Telephone Company 379. 57 1,929.82 241.54 FACILITIES... Dennis Electric Company CITY ADMINISTRATION... Pitney Bowes Joe D. Gregory (extra legal March 1 to July 31.) General Office Supply E.L. White PB Leasing Corporation Travis P. Young Company The Banner Gulf Oil Corporation (all departments Regional Printing Service POLICE DEPARTMENT... City of Grapevine, Ambulance M.P.H. Industries Lancaster Pittard Professional Assoc. Institute of Forensic Sciences Ladd Uniforms Clark Dearing Texaco FIRE DEPARTMENT... Ladd Uniform Co. Parker Exxon Colleyville Auto Parts Lancaster Memorial Foundation Alstate Fire Equiptment WATER DEPARTMENT... Southwestern Laboratories Keller True Value Hardware Aqua Utility,Inc. 242.79 38.00 2,337.96 42.63 8.70 129.95 54.00 9.70 1,353.70 208.85 45.00 8.50 50.00 66.00 11.80 24.30 19.35 18.59 89.40 28.06 24.00 217.12 9.00 2,078.35 Total... 99666.68