1979-06-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 19,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Consideration: Resolution 79-18. Tax Equalization Board. 2. Consideration: Park Expenditure/Budget Impact. 3. Consideration: An Agreement with the City of Grapevine, Concerning Water. 4. ZA 79-17. Plat approval for a 18.13 acre tract of land out of the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract 1207. Owner: Adabel A. Tavenner Representative: Carolyn Keen. Simplified Subdivision Procedure. 5. ZA 79-18. Zoning request for a 15 acre tract of land out of the Hiram Granbury Survey, Abstract 581, Tract 3A. Present zoning is Agricultural Request is for the "L" Light Commercial District. Owner: B.J. Stringfellow Public Hearing. 6. Consideration: Amendment to Speed Limit Ordinance. To cover traffic on Highway 114 during construction. 7. Consideration: Purchase of Air Conditioner for Police Department. 8. Departmental Reports: Mayor Building Police Fire Court Water 9. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, June 15,1979 at 4 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA June 19,1979 7:30 p.m. EMERGENCY ITEM 10. Consider: Replacing the generator light plant in the Fire Department Rescue Unit 3008. I hereby certify that the above supplemental notice to city council agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas on Tuesday, June 19,1979 at 4:30 p.m. City Secretary RESOLUTION 79-18 WHEREAS, it is encumbent upon the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, to call a meeting of the Board of Tax Equalization each year for the purpose of adjusting any inequities which might exist upon the Tax Rolls; And, WHEREAS, three members are appointed to serve on said Board for such meeting each year; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1, The 1979 Board of Tax Equalization be and is hereby called to meet at City Hall in Southlake, 667 North Carroll Avenue, on Saturday, Junly 14,1979, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or until all cases are heard. 2. The members appointed to serve on this Board for this meeting are: Jim Harty, Roger Baird and Carolyn Keene. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of June, 1979. s C Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary a ~ 0 o CITY- oF_ souztlr.AICE, TEXAS tgl d b Minutes of : Regular city Cmluncil Meeti g t+n o Date : June 19 ,19 79 Time : 7:30 p.m. ,n Place : City of Southlake, Council chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 southlake, Texas NAVE OF 1 MEl$BR - - - - PAGE INl]E.'X NO. CAI COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat I Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons; Lloyd Latta, Louise Morrison, AC Urbanosky. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Harper; CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Assistant Fire Chief; Harry Bradley, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, Police Captain; Randy Martin. INVOCATION: Sam Sparger The minutes of the June 5,1979 meeting were approved as corrected. ,,arger x Resolution 79-18, which called Morrison x x for the meeting of the Tax Latta x x Equalization Board to meet on Urbanosky x July 14,1979 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. was approved. After discussion, it was decided DISCUSSION that the $10,995.60 which was BICENTENNIAL received from the Department of PARK. Parks and Wildlife, for the City of Southlake Bicentennial Park project, will be blended into the FY1980 Budget. There is to be a meeting concerning the Park within the next two weeks. County Commissioner, Lyn Gregory, is to be invited to join the City Council and the Parks Commissioners for a general discussion. 'Motion was made and approved to AGREEMENT Sparger i x Morrison ,authorize Mayor Hawk to sign an WITH 'x I x ;agreement with the City of GRAPEVINE x Grapevine concerning the use of CONCERNING lanosky,, x x ;Southlake city water, providing WATER that water is made available at a 'tap on the Lonesome Dove Road and ';that it is the property owners Iresponsibility to secure whatever c1 O ( • I TY OF SUU'ItI1.AKE , TEXAS d M1nUCe5 of Regular City Council meet' g r Da :June 19,1979 1(,i ty of Southlake, Council 667 N. Cdrrull Avenue. I~ Southldke, Texas NAME OF PAGE 2 1Nit: X NUS MEMHL•'k _ - - - ~i easements that are necessary and to ! I install the service. i ! i Dr, Mary Cannon was present and discussed the matter with the council. Sparger x I x ZA 79-17. The final plat was ZA 79-17 Morrison x approved for a subdivision using PLAT Latta Ix x the Simplified Subdivision Procedur APPROVED. Urbanosky x The land is located in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract 1207. Carolyn Keene presented the plat to council. i Sparger x x ZA 79-18. The zoning request of ZA 79-18. Morrison x B.J. Stringfellow, for "L" Light ZONING Latta x Commercial was granted by council. REQUEST banosky x x The property is located in the APPROVED. Hiram Granbury Survey, Abstract 581 Tract 3A. The city has attempted to notify all property owners within 200 feet however, their was a question as to wheather or not three (3) adjoining j property owners were informed of th public hearing. With this in mind, Mayor Hawk recommended to council that the public hearing be continue at the next meeting. Present for the public hearing was Mrs. Graves, of 500 South White Chapel. She indicated she was in favor of the zoning change. Attorney, Joe Gregory, is to draft Ian amendment to the Speed Limit iOrdinance to cover the speed on ,114 during the construction arger x x 'Approval was given for the purchase i,turrisonn, x x of a new air conditioner for the Latta x (police department. Cost is $800.00 Urbanosky x ~ i ui ~ ro O OF Sc)LTiI.AKE, TEXAS U t`1 v Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti y y 3 ~ o Date ~ June 19,1979 A city of Southlake, Council ~j chambe-rs . 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF PAc;E 3 ' 1 N1 *'X NO. l'p MEMBER - - Sparger x x Approval was also given to Chief Morrison x I I x Steele with regards to replacing Latta ; x the generator light plant for Urbanosky I j x unit 3008. Cost is $ 1,100. i The bills presented, were approved for payment. (Attached hereto and made a part hereof.) The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. 'tIn Mayor ATTEST: A City ecretary I I~ ~I I I i I city uF tjuvivuuinc CITY i}a:e 9 J ry June 6, 1979 Cfyce 'Aty-"ecre'ary Honorable Mayor Pat Hawk City of Southlake P. 0. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76092 Mary L. Cannon, M.D. 3511 N. Hall, Suite 205 Dallas, Texas 75219 Dear Mayor Hawk and Dr, Cannon: This letter is to serve as an agreement between the City of Southlake, the City of Grapevine and Mary L. Cannon, M.D. for the City of Southlake to extend temporary water service to a tract of land owned by the said Mary L. Cannon, M.D. and situated in the L. Linco n Survey Abstract 981 as described in Volume GV& , Page ~JO (4-,, Deed Records of Tarrant County. Said tract of lank -s- in the exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Grapevine and is also encompassed within the City of Grapevine's water distribtuion territory as approved by the Texas Utilities Commission and would normally be serviced water by the City of Grapevine. The term of the temporary water service to said tract shall run until such time as the City of Grapevine has the capability to extend water to same, at which time 90 days notice to the City of Southlake and land owner shall be given. It is agreed that said water service shall be furnished in accordance to the City of Southlake water services policies. P.O. DRAWER 1547 • GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 • 817 488-8521 • METRO 481-2546 . June 6, 1979 Page 2 At such time the City of Grapevine extends water service to said tract of land the regular pro-rata, tap charge, and guaranty deposit will be due and payable in accord- ance to the City Code in effect at that time. Sincerely, James L. Hancock City Manager City of Grapevine JLH/mpp AGREED: 'Oe Ci y Manager o Grapevine WMayr4oiiSouthlakEeT ATTEST: AT EST: FYAL'd&A_--ff Z&4e'm_~ City Sec t y o Gra ine lty Secretary o Southlake e"x A . ~ , 14ary Cannon, M.D. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLFMENTAL NOTICE TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA June 19,1979 7:30 p.m. EMFRGFNCY ITEM 10. Consider: Replacing the generator light plant in the Fire Department Rescue Unit 3008. 1 hereby certify that the above supplemental notice to city council agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas on Tuesday, June 19,1970 at 4:30 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MAY 1979 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of May 1979 Tickets issued in April 369 Tickets issued in May 357 Persons in jail in April 22 Persons in jail in May 35 Traffic accidents in April 15 Traffic accidents in May 10 Burglaries investigated in April 1 Burglaries investigated in May 0 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in May 0 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in May 0 Thefts investigated in April 2 Thefts investigated in May 2 proximate total value taken in thefts in May $173.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in May .00 Number of calls in April 1226 Number of calls in May 1105 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 48,091 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 73,079 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 68,650 Miles driven in April 7,696 Miles driven in May 8,299 Respectfully submitted, C9 C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw 8 ~ TICKETS 15 12 134 42 69 357 AMOUNT 11 OF' CALLS 35 75 114 379 189 313 1105 OF ARRESTS 1 1 22 6 5 35 ACCIDENTS 1 1 3 2 1 10 3URGLAAI 1;5 0 i CHEnS 1 1 •11LFS DRI V0 605 769 1100 1734 1190 1893 8299 I~ foLI 6 .40RKi:D 180 192 174 191 180 156 1158 RESERVE OFFICE ANDERSON Tickets 85 rrest 41 Mi 1 age 1,0,08 Accidents ll~ r { 1 tl P Total fines paid for April $5,740.25 Total fines paid for May $3,888.50 Total fines paid for DPS for May .00 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons 'UBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report For Month of MAY 1979 A. Responses: # Of Calls 1. Structure Fires--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2. Grass Fires------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Auto & Truck Fires------------------------------------------------------------ 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 2 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine j------- 0 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville-------------------------------------------- 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller------------------------------------------------- 1 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities---------------------------------------------------- 1 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 0 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 1 11. False Alarms in City 1 12. Rescue Unit Calls------------------------------------------------------------- 1 A.,- Pinkerton Residence 3330 Ridgecrest (Heart Attack). 13. Miscelaneous Alarms----------------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Trash Pile Fire/Pollard Residence South White Chapel B. Hot Water Relief Valve Popped Off. Lakeview Trailer Park C. Public Relations Service. Bike-A-Thon/Cancer Fund Drive. B. Total Emergency Calls For the Month of MAY 14 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of 1. On Emerqency Calls 174 2. Meetincs 4 For Month Avera e Men Per Meetin 18 130 3. Special Training Sessions or DriIIs 72 4. An I.xtra Man firs. on Maintenance other than normal Maint.time - 20 D. lotal Man Hours Expended For Month MAY 396 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Respondinq for Month----------------- Chief Steele---------------12 Bobby Jones----------7 R. Martin-------1 Asst. Chief Bradley-------- 4 James Jones----------4 J. Sullivan-----2 Capt. Dodson--------------- 2 C. Bell--------------3 Capt. Roper---------------- 4 R. Anderson----------1 Lt. Brown------------------10 G. Fuller------------3 Lt. Boyer------------------ 4 D. Brown-------------4 Fire Marshall Joyce-------- 2 P. Hill--------------1 E. Reed-------------------- 7 J. Harston----------- 6 C. Reed--------------------10 T. Bryant------------7 Bill Jones-----------------10 S. Allen-------------2 J. Vann-------------------- 6 M. Pirtle------------2 L. Russell----------------- 2 P. Cunningham--------2 Respectfully submitted, R. P. Steele Fire Chien SOUTHLAKF FIRE. DEPARTMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT MAY 1979 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases set for trial: 43 Cases heard: 12 Cases dismissed: 7 Cases appealed: 4 Warrants: 1 Respectfully submitted, MILLIE ERIKSON Municipal Court Clerk BILLS FOR APPROVAL: CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 19,1979 INSURANCE... TML Workmen's Comp. $ 465.83 UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company 279.86 CITY ADMINISTRATION... The Banner (classified) 4.75 Grapevine News Advertiser (classified) 67.40 Thompson Printing 45.00 Southern Building Code Congress International (annual) 40.00 Southern Building Code Congress International (fire code) 10.00 The Texas Register 25.00 Gulf Oil Corporation (all departments) 397.09 E.L. White 30.24 Pitney Bowes (printpowder) 95.00 PBL Leasing Corp. (monthly) 129.95 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Dearing Texaco 3.00 Incoterm 209.00 Lancaster-Pittard Professional Assoc. 50.00 Payton Wright Ford 507.35 West Publishing Company 44.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Lefty Lumpkin Associates 367.88 Tarrant County Firefighters Assoc. (School) 360.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... Keller True Value Hardware 23.37 Aqua Utility Inc. 454.88 Texas Power and Light Co. ( wells, storage tank) 928.25 TOTAL...... $ 4,537.85 CITY OF SOUllfLAKE MON`I'EILY RL:POI7I' TO '11tF CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARIMIM NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF MAY 1979 C'URRI-.N'I' LAST MONTH E LCI'RIC 23 14 PLUMBING 13 17 FRAMING 1 5 FOUNDATION 6 3 HEATING & AIR 8 7 SEPTIC SYSTu4 5 9 OTHER 20 15 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 76 70 2. PERMITS THIS MON'I'II FEE LAST MONTH FIE * BUILDING 10 $1,326.00 7 $439.00 ,T CTRICAL 5 73.00 6 83.80 PLUMBING 6 103.00 12 195.00 EfliAI'ING & AIR 5 109.00 3 57.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 3 75.00 3 75.00 GAS 1 5.00 1 6.00 SEPTIC 2 20.00 TOTAL PLRML'I'S 32 $1,711.00 $855.80 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONPIi YEAR TO DATE $2,143,900.00 $190,790.00 $2,676,990.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES nli MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $300.00 $300.00 $800.00 5. TCfPAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE 2,011.00 $6,028.30 BUILDING COMPARISON MAY 1978 RE,SPEMTFULLY SUBMITTED, 3- Residences 2-Additions 0- BUILDING PERMIT BREAK )OWN BUILDING CLERK 1--Convercial 2-Residences 4-Barns & Storage 1SX-164 Z, 3-Additions BUILDING AErT~ OFFICAL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPAR`TPOgT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF MAY 1979 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELEC'T'RIC 23 14 PLUMBING 13 17 FRAMING 1 5 FOUNDATION 6 3 HEATING & AIR 8 7 SEPTIC SYSTEM 5 9 OTHER 20 15 TOTAL INSPEC'T'IONS 76 70 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE * BUILDING 10 $1,326.00 7 $439.00 "'UrTRICAL 5 73.00 6 83.80 PLUMBING 6 103.00 12 195.00 HEATING & AIR 5 109.00 3 57.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 3 75.00 3 75.00 GAS 1 5.00 1 6.00 SEPTIC 2 20.00 TOTAL PERMITS 32 $1,711.00 $855.80 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $2,143,900.00 $190,790.00 $2,676,990.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $300.00 $300.00 $800.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE 2,011.00 $6,028.30 BUILDING COMPARISON MAY 1978 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 3- Residences 2-Additions BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN BUILDING CLERK 1-Ccmiercial 2-Residences 4-Barns & Storage 3-Additions H~JILDING r%RTMU OF'FICAL