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1979-04-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Oath of Office: Mayor Councilperson Place 1 Councilperson Place 2 2. Resolution 79-8. Naming a Mayor Pro Tempore Oath of Office: Mayor Pro Tempore 3. Resolution 79-9. Naming a City Judge Oath of Office: Judge 4. Resolution 79-10. Appointment of Liaison Officers. S. Developers Agreement: Meadow Oaks Subdivision Corbett Emery and Joe Wright, owners. 6. Discussion: An ordinance for a sound exposure forcast map and requiring the execution by Sub- Developer and Property owners of an "Avigation Release". 7. ZA 79-11. Zoning request for Cris Eugene Doughty. A 5 acre tract of land located on Peyton- ville Road. Continuation of Public Hearing. 8. ZA 79-12. Zoning request of L.O. Brightbill. A 9.42 acre tract of land out of the Larkin H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 300. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for A-3 Single Family. Public Hearing. 9. Resolution 79-11. Designating a Citizens Advisory Group (Sewer) as interface with TRA for Water. 10. Departmental Reports: A. Mayor B. Police C. Water D. Building E. Court F. Fire 1. Bid for Rescue Boat 11. Bills for Approval I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, April 13,1979 at 3 p.m. , Z" City Secretary n N ~ O 0 0 CITY OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXAS 60 t7 t'1 t`7 Minutes of Regular City Cmlmcil Meeti y cn q Date April 17, 1979 ° W 70 Time 7:30 p.m. ,n Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF M.- R :R PACE 1 INUF.'X NO. C) COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparge Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, Lloyd Harper, Lloyd Latta, AC Urbanosky P&Z COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Virginia' Clow, Lloyd Martinson. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, City Attorney, Joe Gregory. INVOCATION: Sam Sparger, Mayor Pro Tem. The minutes of the April 3,1979 City Council meeting were approved as presented, as were the minutes of the April 9,1979 Special City Council Meeting. Mayor Pat Hawk, Councilperson Place 1, AC Urbanosky, and Councilperson Place 2, Lloyd Latta all took the Oath of Office. Preceeding the Oath of Office by Lloyd Latta, Brad Popkin stepped down from the council platform. He stated that he was leaving office knowing that the city was in good hands under the leadership of Mayor Hawk and the present councilpersons. Sparger Resolution 79-8 allowed for Sam RESOLUTION Morrison Ix X Sparger to serve as Mayor Pro 79_8 Latta X Tempore, for a term of 1 year. MAYOR PRO Harper ix The motion to accept the Resolutio TEMPORE Urbanosky x !x i was approved. Sparger abstained i from voting. Mayor Pro Tem, Sparg r I ; then took the Oath of Office. r~ i i G CITY OF SOU`IIILAKE, TEXAS a t•7 Minutes of Regular City CO.Uncil Meeti y O Date April 17,1979 f+ 7d rime : 7:30 pp L ,n Place : City bf Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF PACE 2 I N ❑E: X NO . C, Sparger II x x Approval was given to appoint RESOLUTION Morrison x Dave Austin as Judge of the Municip 1 79-9 Latta I I x Court for a term of 2 years, as Harper x x stated in Resolution 79-9. Urbanosky , I x i Sparger x x Resolution 79-10 was approved, RESOLUTION Morrison x appointing Liaison Officers. 79-10 Latta x Councilperson Morrison indicated Harper x x she did not wish to be called a Urbanosky x Liaison Officer but did not object to serving in the capacity of COG No action was taken concerning the Developers Agreement for Meadow Oaks Subdivision. Attorney, Joe Gregory, indicated that he had not completed the wording concerning the avigation releases. Joe L. Wright, developer of the subdivision was present. City Attorney, Joe Gregory discusse with council the need for an Ordinance adopting a Sound Exposure Forcast Map and requiring the execution of an"Avigation Release", as a means of providing notice to property owners of possible noise hazzards. Mayor Hawk indicated his opinion would be that any such ordinance should start with the Planning and Zoning Commission. I i Mrs. Morrison is to contact COG and get the definitions of i the C, B2, and Bl, noise zones. Zoning request for Cris Eugene I Doughty was deleted until a future date, at his request. I i I i i i ton -ton C'19'Y OF SOLITHIAKE, TEXAS O ty ` Ip o Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti y ra y' d Date ; April 17,1979 r + 'Pi me : 7 : 3 0 P lace City Sir louth lake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ~ Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 3 MEMHtR - PAGE INLWX NO. C I f Sparger x x ZA 79-12. The zoning request of ZA 79-12 Morrison I I X L.O. Brightbill was approved. A-3 ZONING Latta I x Single Family Residential zoning wa A-3 Harper x x given to the 9.42 acre tract of APPROVED Urbanosky x land out of the Larkin H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 300. Sparger X Resolution 79-11 was approved which RESOLUTION Morrison x provides for the Citizens Advisory 79-11 Latta x x Group (Sewer) to serve as a focal Harper x x Point for Water and Sewer with Urbanosky X the Trinity River Authority (TRA). MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Hawk announced that our Community Development Grant application has now cleared with COG and the final step is in pro- gress, which is to be approved by HUD. There was a discussion concerning the status of the Garbage Collection Service. Sparger is to talk with Mr. Hubbard in regards to areas of complaints. POLICE DEPARTMENT Sparger x x Approval was given to Chief Gaddy Morrison x to repair the police car that is Latta x presently out of service. Harper i Ix X Urbanosky X FIRE DEPARTMENT Approval was given for bids to Sparger i x be taken on the old Rescue Boat Morrison t x 'and Trailer. The City Secretary Latta x " his to advertise for a period of ,rper 'x ~ x ; 30 days. ~banos]ty x i I i i I iI N M b a vri OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a O ti Minutes of Regular City Cmuncil Meetl g Date : April 17, 1979 ~D Lime 7:. 0 Place C1 y h%buthlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas N"E OF 4 1 MEMBER PACE L-4 INL*-'X MEMBER - The bills presented for payment Sparger I i ( x were approved.( Attached hereto Morrison x and made a part hereof. ) Latta I x Harper Ix x Urbanosky x x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. Mayor ATTE T: City Secretary I I I i n OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Lloyd Latta, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCIL- PERSON, PLACE 2 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City, and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So Help Me God. OYD ATTA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS THE 17th day of April, 1979. • MAYOR OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Martin R. Hawk, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF MAYOR, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City, and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. -0/ f-- 6 - MARTIN R. HAWK SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS THE 17th day of April, 1979. OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE:; I, AC Urbanosky, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCIL- PERSON PLACE 1 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City, and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employ- ment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. a~ AC URBANOSK SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS THE 17th Day of April, 1979. MAYOR RESOLUTION NO. 79-8 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the best interest of the citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, that there be a Mayor Pro Tempore to serve in the absence of the-Mayor; And, WHEREAS, the office of Mayor Pro Tempore is currently vacant; And, WHEREAS, the term of such office will be for one (1) year in accordance with Article 991 of Vernon's Civil Statutes; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Sam Sparger, Councilperson, Place 3, be and he is hereby appointed to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore for a term of one (1) year from this date to the third Tuesday of April, 1980. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17th day of April, 1979, A.D. • Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Sam Sparger, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF MAYOR PRO TEMPORE of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. Sam parg r SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 17th day f April, 1979. Mayo RESOLUTION NO. 79-9 WHEREAS, a municipal court having been created in the City of Southlake, Texas, under City Ordinance No. 107 in compliance with Article 1197a of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes; And, WHEREAS, said Ordinance provides for the appointment of a judge for said court and his term of office; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Dave Austin is hereby appointed Judge of the Municipal Courtin the City of South- lake, Texas, holding such office for a term of two years, running concurrently with the term of the mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17th day of April, 1979, A.D. 40 Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Dave Austin, do solemnly swear that I will faith- fully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve,protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. Dave Austin SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 17th day of April, 1979. Mayor RESOLUTION 79-10 WHEREAS, it is essential for the proper operation of the City of Southlake that Councilpersons be appointed as Liaison Officers to activities or Departments; AND, WHEREAS, such appointments will be made by the Mayor by authority of paragraph 7.1 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations: NOW3 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The following Liaison Officer appointments are made for a term of one (1) year. AC Urbanosky Police Department/ State Highway Lloyd Harper Water and Services Louise Morrison NTCOG Representative Sam Sparger Facilities, Building Department/County Lloyd Latta Planning and Zoning Commission/ Special Assignments PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17th day of April, 1979, A.D. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary RESOLUTION 79-11 WHEREAS, THE City Council of the City of Southlake deems it in the best interest of its citizens to provide a focal point for interfacing with TRA for future surface water supply; AND, WHEREAS, the Citizens Advisory Group for Sewer is now interfacing with TRA for future sewage needs it would assure better communi- cations to have a single focal point with TRA: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The Citizens Advisory Group for Sewer serve as the interface and focal point with TRA for the City of Southlake with respect to future surface water supply. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17th day of April, 1979, A.D. s Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2nd QUARTER 2nd QUARTER - OVER ACTUAL + UNDER PERSONNEL SERVICES 26,930. 13,465. 1331505. - 40. OPERATING COSTS W-4 Gas 1,375. 688. 544. + 144. W-5 Postage 1,000. 500. 200. + 498. W-6 Suplies and Print. 400. 200. 459• - 259• W-7 Training, Travel 200. 100. 20. + 80. 2,975. 1,488. 13,025. + 463. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES W-8 Au it 1,500. 1,500. 00. + 1,500. W-9 Bell Communications 340. 170. 00. + 170. W-10 Burroughs Rental 405. 203. 00. + 203. W-11 Electricity 11,000. 5,500. 6,426. - 926• W-12 Map Update 500. 250. 00. + 250. W-13 Mower Rental 150. 75. 90. - 15. W-14 New Service 53,000. 2,500. 4,762. - 2,262. W-15 Ofc. Machine Repair 950. 475. 00. + 475. W-16 Phone 720. 360. 360. 00. W-17 Repair & Maint. 5,000. 2,500. 3,676. - 1,176. 25,565. 13,533. 15,314. - 1,781. CAPITOL OUTLAY W-18 Main Replacement & fire plugs (50,000.) DEBT SERVICE W-19 Rev. Bond I & SF 19,838. W-20 1972 GO Bond 24,400. I & SF 44,238. 24,400. 24,400. 00. 99,708. 52,886. 54,244. - 1,358 (50,000.) FACILITIES BUDGET 2nd QUARTER 2nd QUARTER - OVER ACTUAL + UNDER PERSONNEL SERVICES OF-1 600. 300. 00. + 300. UTILITIES OF-2 Utilities 800. 400. 42• + 358• CAPITOL OUTLAY OF-3 Repair 1,209. 605. 612. - 7. OF-4 Street Repair Fund 3,000. 3,000. 3,000. 00. 5,609. 4,305. 3,654. + 651. INSURANCE BUDGET 2nd QUARTER 2nd QUARTER + - OVER UNDER ACTUAL I-1 Hospitalization 5,963. 23,982. 3,790. - 808. I-2 Workmans Comp. 5,421. 2,710. 3,014. - 304. I-3 Fire,EC, OL. 4,180. 4,180. 624. +3,556. Liability I-4 Pub. Ofc. Liab. 2,150. 2,150. 2,191. - 41. 17,714. 12,022. 9,619. 2,403. + - OVER CITY ADMINISTRATION BUDGET 2nd QUARTER 2nd QUARTER UNDER C 1-7 Personnel Services 27,280. 13,640. 13,278. + 362. OPERATING COSTS C-8 Dues and Subscriptions 550. 275. 206. + 69. C-9 Election Expense 250. 125. 63• + 62• C-10 Gas 15®. 75. 3. + 72. C-11 legal notices 500. 250. 644. - 394• C-12 Newsletter 1,000. 500. 132• + 368• C-13 Postage 1,100. 550. 1,130. - 580. C-14 Supplied, printing 1,900. 950. 772. + 178. C-15 Workshop,travel 450. 225. 70. + 155. 5,900. 2,950. 3,020. - 70. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES C-16 Audit 2,000. 2,000. 0. +2,000. C-17 Copier 2,200. 1,100. 1,500. - 400. C-18 Extra Legal 4,800. 2,400. 1,491. + 909. C-19 Janitorial 19600. 800. 926. 126. C-20 Phone 2,800. 1,400. 1,055. + 345. C-21 Planning & Engineering 2,500. 19250. 978• + 272• C-22 Repair 300. 150. 93. + 57. C-23 Street Lighting 19000. 500. 911. - 411. C-24 Tax Assessing 3,000. 19500. 11600. 100. C-25 Utilities 2,600. 1,300. 1,911. 611. 229800. 12,400. 10,465. +1,935. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,315. C-26 Library 2,315. 2,315. 00. +2,31S. C-27 Office Equiptment 300. 300. 206. + 94. 29615. 2,615. 206. 2,409. Contingency Reserve 14,392 14,392. 1,574. +12,818. 72,987. 45,997. 28,543. +17,454. POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2nd QUARTER 2nd QUARTER - OVER ACTUAL + UNDER PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,060. P-1 to P-11 103,656. 51,828. 49,768. + OPERATING COSTS P-12 Gas & Oil 10,000. 5,000. 2,826. + 25,174. P-13 Medical Expense 200. 100. 20. + 80. + 43. P-14 Misc. Supplies 500. 250. 207. P-15 Ofc. Supplies 2,000. 1,000. 1,050. - 50. P-16 Schools & Travel 750. 375. 172. + 203. P-17 Uniforms 600. 300. 835. - 535. P-18 Vehicle Maint. 4,000. 2,000. 2,037. - 37. P-19 Vehicle Supplies 500. 250. 354. - 101. 18,550. 9,275. 7,501. + 1,774. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES P-20 Ambulance 2,000. 1,000. 680. + 320. P-21 Incot. Maint. 2,520. 1,260. 2,240. - 980. P-22 Incot Phone 1,200. 600. 209. + 391. P-23 Micro Film 1,200. 600. 38. + 562. P-24 Phone 1,000. 500. 457. + 43. P-25 Radio Maint. 1,800. 900. 648. + 252. 9,720. 4,860. 4,272. + 588. CAPITOR OUTLAY P-26 Body Armor 525. 525. 500. + 25. P-27 Camera Lens 335. 335. 353. - 18. P-28 Measure Master 50. 50. 00. + 50. P-29 Siren & PA 513. 513. 289. + 224. P-30 Typewriter 775. 775. 775. 00. 25,198. 29198. 1,917. + 281. 1349124. 689161. 639458. + 4,703. OVER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2nd QUARTER ACTUAL QUARTER + UNDER PERSONNEL SERVICES 25. P-15 13,675. 6,838. 6,813. + OPERATING COSTS 231. - 31. F-6 Dues Badges 400. 200. F-7 Equipt. Maint. 5,100. 2,550. 2,544607. + + 3 110. 0 F-8 Gas & Oil 1,700. 850• 291. F-9 Schools & Travel 700• 350• 59• + 7,900. 3,950. 3,297. + 653. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100 48 + 50 F-10 Oxygen 200• + 108. F-11 Phone 650. 325. 217. F-12 Radio Repair & Maint1,400. 700. 972• 272' 600. 300. 211. + 89. F-13 Utilities 2,850. 1,425. 19448. - 23. CAPITOL OUTLAY F-14 Firs tAid 350. 350. 44. + 306. F-15 Helmets 600. 600. 473. + 127. F-16 Misc. Tools 450. 225. 230. S. F-17 New Tanker 17,100. 17,100. 13,512. + 3,588. + 178. F-18 Tires 500. 500. 322. 00. + 4,197. F-19 Vehicle Repair 8,393. 4,197• 27,393. 22,972, 14,581. + 8,391.- S1,818. 35,185. 26,139. + 9,046. BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET 2nd QUARTER 2nd QUARTER + - OVER UNDER ACTUAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,311 B-1 8,505. 4,253. 2,942. + OPERATING COSTS B-2 Building Codes 75. 7S. 00. + 75. B-3 SBCCI Dues 50. 50. 00. + 50 B-4 Supplies Print. 150. 75. 00. + 75. B-S Workshops Travel 75. 37. 00. + 37 350. 237. + 237. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES B-6 Building Inspections 3,000. 1,500. 2,055. _ 555. B-7 Telephone 200. 100. 120• 20. 3,200. 1,600. 2,175. - 575. CAPITOL OUTLAY B-8 Storage Cabinet 260. 260. 00. + 260. B-9 Typewriter 775. 775. 775. 00. 13,090. 7,125. 5,892. + 1,233. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT MARCH 1979 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of March 1979 Tickets issued in February 184 Tickets issued in March 252 Persons in jail in February 10 Persons in jail in March 17 Traffic accidents in February 11 Traffic accidents in March 15 Burglaries investigated in February 2 Burglaries investigated in March 4 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in March $1941.24 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in March .00 Thefts investigated in February 2 Thefts investigated in March 1 Approximate total value taken in thefts in March $1895.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in March .00 Number of calls in February 991 Number of calls in March 873 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 46,382 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 63,893 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 60,178 Miles driven in February 9,811 Miles driven in March 7,546 Respectfully sub itted, a , C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw Total fines paid for February $3,904.00 Total fines paid for March $3,816.50 Total fines paid for DPS for Parch .00 TICKEFS 5 11 105 43 50 252 AMOUNT it or CALLS 30 51..... ...74__.. _ 320 r192~`_..._ _ 206 _ 214 # OF ARRESTS 1 9 5 2 17 ACCIDLNTS 2 5 6 2 15 BURGLA.tI ES 2 2 4 THEFTS 1 1 'MILES ')RIVLN 106 325 632 2,500 2095 1888 7546 ROURS .JORKED 227 ^ 192 184 208 180 164 1,155 RES RVE OFFICER ANDERSON Tickets----.-36 Hours..--92 RAIDY Tickets ~2 Hoursl--51 SCROGGINS Tickets----L0 Hours --16 i P a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT MARCH 1979 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases set for trial: 67 Cases heard: 33 Cases dismissed: 5 Cases appealed: 8 Warrants 19 Respectfully submitted, FANETDANIEL Municipal Court Clerk WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of March 1979 Gallons Pumped previous month 46,728,,00 Gallons sold previous month 45,240,00 New Taps installed for month 4-3 Meters changed out 4 Line repairs: Materials -0-` Machine Rental -0- _ Other repairs Cleaning Chlorine Regulator - Fire Plugs 0 `,Water Superintendent SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MARCH, 1979 1. RESPONSES: 4 Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------- 1 Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------------- 2 Auto Fires Auto Accident-Stand By 4 (Rucue and Fi4e Unit) 0 Mutual Aid to OtherCities--------------------------------------------- 0 Calls in Tarrant County----------------------------------------------- 1 Calls in Denton County------------------------------------------------ 0 False Alarms---------------------------------------------------------- 2 RR@scua nl t- r,r, OF AUTO - X. 1/2 WEST OF ITS UBJECT F. M. 1709 APPRO gi. S INTERSECTION WITH CARROLL AVE. B. LAST CHILD - RANDOLL MILL ROAD Miscelaneous Alarms--------------------------------------------------- 1 A. SMUDGE POT FIRE - (KATHY'S NURSERY - F.M. 1709) TOTAL EMERGENCY REPONSES FOR THE MONTH-------------------------------- 15 2. MAN HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls------------------------------------------------------- 164 HRS. Meetings (4) Average-------------------------------------------------- 130 HRS. Maintenance Average Time---------------------------------------------- 60 HRS. Training Sessions (2) Man Hours included in meetings------------------ TOTAL MANHOURS EXPENDED FOR THE MONTH--------------------------------- 354 HRS. 3. Firefighters Repsponses and Number of Times Responding: CHIEF STEELE - 12 D. DREHHAN - 3 ASST. CHIEF BRADLEY - 9 C. BELL - 1 FIRE MAR. JOYCE - 2 R. MARTIN - 5 CAPT. DODSON - 9 J. SULLIVAN - 1 CAPT. ROPER - 4 C. JONES - 8 LT. BROWN - 5 BOBBY JONES - 7 LT. BOYER - 7 T. BRYANT - 7 C. REED - 9 S. ALLEN - 6 J. HARTSON - 8 W. WINCHESTER - 4 E. REED - 10 M. PIRTLE - 1 BILL JONES - 11 G. FULLER - 8 L. RUSSELL - 10 J. VANN - 5 Respectfully Submitted: -k- P. R. P. Steele Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department BILLS FOR APPROVAL FOR THE APRIL 17,1979 CITY COUNCIL MEETING INSURANCE TML Workmen's Compensation Insurance $ 451.00 UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company (Water) 953.39 199 72 Texas Power and Light Company ( Municipal Buildings) CITY ADMINISTRATION... Gulf Oil Company ( all departments) 1,261.95 9.50 Banner 129.95 PBL Leasing Corp. 164.52 E.L. White ( all departments) 18.00 Tarrant County Purchasing Department 53.35 Grapevine Classified ( legal notices) POLICE DEPARTMENT... 3.50 Clark Dearing Texaco 4 70.00 City of Fort Worth ( Criminalistics Laboratory) 186.00 City of Grapevine (Ambulance) 20.00 National Assoc. of Chiefs of Police 56.20 Regional Office Supply 209.00 Incoterm FIRE DEPARTMENT... A/B Contractors Equipment 222.53 461.84 Truett-Worrall Company 93.50 Rex Tex Equiptment Corp. 21.20 Grapevine Memorial Hospital ( school supplies ) 0 Arnold Welding Service 11338..550 Metro-Lex Supply WATER DEPARTMENT... 11.76 Data Business Forms, Inc. Burroughs Corp. ( Programing machine for garbage) 480244..00 00 8.15 Aqua Utility, Inc. 176.50 Dixie Chemical Company 142.55 Corona Plumbing Supply Co. 185.68 The Rohan Company GRAND TOTAL $ 6,525.98 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF MARCH 1979 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELECTRIC 23 17 PLUMBING 12 10 0 0 FRAMING FOUNDATION 15 5 HEATING & AIR 7 8 SEPTIC SYSTEM 10 3 OTHER 0 3 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 73 46 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 8 801.60 3 $ 309.00 ELECTRICAL 11 187.30 4 56.00 PLUMBING 4 91.00 3 39.00 HEATING & AIR 3 56.00 4 116.50 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 7 175.00 0 0 GAS 4 40.00 0 0 TOTAL PERMITS 37 $1,350.90 14 $520.60 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $342,300.00 $111,800.00 $465,800.00 4. PIANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $200.00 $100.00 $701.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $1,550.90 $2,861.50 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN B ING CLERK All 8 permits were residences March 1978 - 10 permits A"16 /J.0 1-barn 1-alter. LDING EPARTMENT OFFICAL 2-pools 6-residences