1979-02-20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 20,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. ZA 79-2 Zoning request for a 5.60 acre tract of land out of the J. H. Gibson Survey, Abstract 591. Tract 2F1. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for the "F" Light Industrial District. Owner: Sandra A. McKay. 2. ZA 79-4 Request for replat of "Quail Creek Estates" A Subdivision out of the James L. Chivers Survey, Abstract 348. Request is to omit lots, 18,19,23,24,25. Owner: B.H. Buchanan. 3. ZA 79-1 Preliminary Plat approval for subdivision to be known as "Dove Acres", located in the Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract 2003 and the W.H. Martin Survey, Abstract 1068. A 36.03 acre tract of land. Present zoning is A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Aubrey Smith and A.L. Marlo. Representative: Leon Levitt. 4. ZA 79-3 Zoning request for a 35.567 acre tract of land out of the G.W. Mann Survey, Abstract No. 1098, and the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for the A-2 Single Family District. Owners: Joe L. Wright and Corbett F. Emery. Representative: Bill Tate 5. Approval: Send letter to Keller Rural Water and the City of Keller with regards to water. 6. Departmental Reports: a. Mayor's Report b. Water Department C. Building Department d. Fire Department e. Police Department f. Court 7. Bills for approval I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the front door and on the bulletin board of city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, February 16,1979 t 5 p.m. City Secretary W o ` t C1,1,y OF SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS a • t7 ~ ~ d t7 Minutes of Regular city council NeeCl y C), pale February 20, J X79 7° ~ 7° 'r i u►e ,~i► Y lace Ci ~ S>f-'9buthlaka, Council Chaat)ars. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Avenue- Southlake, Tax" NAPE OF 1 PAGE 1 1 N W X NO. MEl~ER COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; I I' I Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem: Sam Sparge Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, AC Urbanosky, Lloyd Harper, and Brad Popkin STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, City Attorney; Joe Gregory. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger The minutes of the February 6,1979 meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: MAYOR"S REPORT Mayor Hawk reviewed for the citizen present, the Community Development Grant Application that Southlake has applied for, for water system improvements. He added that the application has been presented to HUD in draft form. WATER DEPARTMENT: WATER DEPARTMEN Mr Cline, water superintendent, is to order the materials for the under sized water mains, as per budget FY1979. FIRE DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMEN Chief Steele reported that the Fire i i Department and Mayor are in the (process of laying out a Fire Prevention Plan for the City of j Southlake. POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE i DEPARTMEN' (Chief Gaddy requested a work sessio with the council to review the school he recently completed on ~ N N , [4 b O 0 CITY OF SOuTHIAKE, TEXAS to x d d Minutes of : Regular City CpAncil Meeti 9 18 ~ Data February 20,1979 Tune ° 7:30 P lace city T~ Southlake, Council Chaa~ers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. ~ ; Southlake, NAt!E OF Texan PAGE 2 INl]t X NO. MEMBER - - Juvenile Delinquency. x Approval was given for file to be Sparger Morrison i x purchased to cover the uncovered Urbanosky x I x floors in the police department. Popkin i x Chief Gaddy is to add information Harper x x concerning the Reserve Officers to his monthly report. Sparger x x ZA 79-2. The zoning request for ZA 19-2 Morrison x Sandra A. McKay, on a 5.60 acre ZONING Urbanosky x tract of land out of the J.H. APPROVED Popkin x Gibson Survey, Abstract 591, TR. Harper x x 2F1, was approved, following dis- cussion by council members. Request was for "F" Light Industrial. Sparger X x ZA 79-4. B. H. Buchanan was presen ZA 79-4 Drrison x and explained to council his reason "QUAIL urbanosky x for wanting the re-plat of "Quail CREEK Popkin x Creek Estates" lots, 18,19,23,24 ESTATES" Harper x x and 25. Carter and Burgess re- DISCUSSED commended the problem be solved by amending the Developers Agree- ment, making a two phase project. Councilperson Sparger, made the motion the plat of record stay the same and amend the Developers Agree ment. Mayor Hawk is to draft the amended Developers Agreement and submit for council approval. Sparger x x ZA 79-1 The Preliminary Plat for ZA 79-1 Morrison x "Dove Acres" was approved. A lette "DOVE ACRE Urbanosky x dated February 13,1979 from Carter PRELIMINAR Popkin I x and Burgess was read. It indicated PLAT APPRO Harper I ix that all corrections had been made ED. to the plat, following Carter and Burgess recommendations. Motion I was made and approved that pre- liminary plat be approved. Owner, ' Aubrey Smith and Engineer, Leon i 'Levitt were present. I i !ZA 79-3 Zoning request for a 35.567 ZONING3 acre tract of land out of the G.W. Mann Survey, Abstract 1098, and the REQUEST ;Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474. i ;Present zoning is Agricultural. ! N CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS t~d l~ td d d Minutes of Reqular city council Meeti y 1 Data : February 20,1979 h° 7D Time 7:30 p.m. Place ; City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas HAVE OF PAGE 3 I Nut: X NO. C Request is for the A-•2 Single Famil District. Owners Joe L. Wright, and Corbett F. Emery. j Representative: Bill Tate. A presentation was made by Bill ' Tate, in behalf of the owners. A petition was presented by citizen Roy Lee, of 2620 East Southlake Blvd. The petition (attached here- to and made a part hereof), con- tained the signatures of 18 propert owners in favor of the zoning chang . Property owners present who spoke in favor of the zoning change are: Bob Lyford, 2551 Southlake Blvd., C. M. Gordon, 2715 E. Southlake Blvd; Roy Clark, 620 S. Kimball, Aubrey Smith, 210 S. Pine Street. Representatives from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport were in attendance, opposing the zoning change. Hugh Lyon, Chief of the airport planning branch, stated the primary factor in opposing the area for residential use was noise not danger. It was established the area in question lies totally with- in the "B" noise zone. Bob Heath, a member of the DFA Board of Directors, requested Avigation Releases, if the zoning should be approved. Claude Thompson, of Carter and Burgess, was present and reviewed for council the purpose of the i i Future Land Use Map, and the effect the zoning change requested for residential might have on the City i lof Southlake in the future. I !Mayor Hawk stated that the Future 'Land Use Map was adopted by its usage, only asa guide for the City lof Southlake. ~ 0 A a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS G d Minutes of : Reqular City CQWnGil Meeti q Date February 20 ,19 79 Ti ine 7:30 p.m. Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ' Southlake, Texas NAME OF ' MEMBER PAGE 4 INDEX NO. ~ After extensive discussion, council Moor rriso o rsn x x approved the zoning change from I I Urbanosky x x Agricultural to A-2 Single Family Popkin x i x Residential, with the stipulation Harper x that Avigation Agreement be in- cluded in the Developers Agreement. Sparger x x Mayor Hawk requested council Morrison x approval for him to open the lines Urbanosky x x of communications with City of Popkin x Keller, Keller Rural Water Supply Harper x concerning the purchase of water lines within our extraterritorial jurisdiction. He further explained that by writting a letter, we are not committing ourselves, but rather, we are interested in pur- chasing the water lines, when the time comes. A copy of the letter is to go to the Public Utility Commission. Approval was given. Sparger x x Mayor Hawk also requested permissio Morrison x to contact the City of Fort Worth, Urbanosky x and open the lines of communication Popkin x x concerning the sale of water to Harper I x Keller and Trophy Club area. This will go along with our long range water supply study. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Hawk at 12:05 a.m. I i i Mayor Hawk ATTEST: ! i AAf v'~ I City Secretary TO THE CTTV COUNCTL OF SOUTHLAYE We the undersigned adjacent property owners and surrounding neighbors near the property located on . Kimbell I .Crooked Ln. ad defined in the zoning case No. za-79-30 do support thhs request for residential zoning in this neighborhood. NA_1-~ I~ it a 1 , : ~~~v~ ~~i-•/V`~~: d Ls~~t~Yl !J2 S 7.7 ~f • ~L4~L,KLp{L'('.~'~'✓s~ 1 Ziuar~ y'~i~) - /ak.a l3/us4, So ld TA 48/-too a e!~ La S. 1 / L C~ S ►41L~ SI -11~ Ta. VV-21 P? BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20,1979 UTILITIES.,. Texas Power and Light Company ( Water Department) $ 1,007.68 Texas Power and Light Company ( Fire Dept.,City Hall, Tennis Courts) 155.86 INSURANCE... TML Workmen's Compensation Joint Insurance Fund 451.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION Revenue Sharing Advisory Service (yearly) 25.00 Thompson Printing Service ( Newsletter) 37.50 Grapevine News Advertiser ( Classified legal notices) 131.95 Regional Office Supply 133.29 Stafford-Lowdon Company 13.48 PBL Leasing Corp. ( monthly lease) 129.95 WATER DEPARTMENT... 40, Circle R Electric Company ( electric on sewer treatment plant) 76.50 Thompson Printing ( Statements for garbage) 42.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Ladd Uniform 109.30 City of Grapevine Ambulance 45.00 Prime Supply, Inc. 80.91 Globe Ticket Company 181.23 North Texas Police Chief's Association 10.00 Incoterm 209.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Metro-Lex Supply 18.04 Texas Surplus Property Agency 22.00 Gulf Oil Company ( all departments 2 months ) 1,292.55 GRAND TOTAL $ 4,172.23 / J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE February 8, 1979 [TZ 1 late ~ ~ / Honorable Mayor Pat Hawk City of Southlake Off ice 0j City Seae:ary Southlake, Texas 76051 Dear Mayor Hawk: I would like to take this opportunity to commend you on the action you and other city officers have taken to limit the number of homes per acre in Southlake. As a resident of North Richland Hills who has seen a tremendous growth over the past fifteen years, I can appreciate what you have done for the citizens of Southlake. As for your future growth, I don't see any problem, as people will be leaving crowded cities looking for a place to breathe where crime i will not be rampant and they, themselves will not become paranoid because of lack of space. I only wish more elected officials were j as concerned as you. i May God bless all your future endeavors. Sincerely, G ^%~i l EUNICE D. CONGER 5120 Gibbons Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76118 ,,A// r dt'd vp-~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT JANUARY 1979 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases set for trial: 19 Cases Heard: 4 Cases dismissed: 1 Cases appealed: 2 Warrants issued: 25 The court setting for the 10th of January 1979 was rescheduled to 14 February 1979 due to heavy snow. This has caused an increased work- load in March and a third court session has been scheduled in March to offset the workload. Respectfully submitted, JA ET DANIEL Municipal Court Clerk CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MONTHLY REPORT.' TO CITY COUNCIL BUILDING Di PA1 TMENT MONTH OF JANUARY 1979 1. Nub ,).R OF INSPECTIONS Current Last Month E' lectr is "?b 10 ,_ui,ibiilg 2 i'ou,dutioil 5 Tcating & A/C 0 Septic System 0 1 Driveway Approach & sidewalks Total Inspections 35 2. PERMITS This Month Fee Last Month Fee * Building 3 .$39.00 Electrical 6 86.00 Plumbing 4, 58.00 1 16.00 Heat & A/C 2 15.00 Other 3 75.00 Certificate of Occ. `Dotal Permits 19 i$289.00 e 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month Last Month To Date This Year $11,700.00 - $11,700.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This Month Last Month To Date This Year $401.00 - $401.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FIND This Month To Date This Year $690.00 $690.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, *Building ,vw~~ ~ti1n~ 1- Root Cellar 2- Metal Barns uildin Department WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of January - 4,681,300 Gallons Pumped previous month 4,660,000 Gallons sold previous month New Taps installed for month 3 Meters changed out 2 Line repairs: Materials 2 main breaks - one valve one tee three dresser e e ttg~ ~~~e e-------- Machine Rental $45.00 Kit in the chlorine machine. Other repairs ,r s Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARY 1979 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of January 1979 Tickets issued in December 166 Tickets issued in January 173 Persons in jail in December 17 Persons in jail in January 15 Traffic accidents in December 14 Traffic accidents in January 11 Burglaries investigated in December 2 Burglaries investigated in January 1 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in January $52.45 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in January .00 Thefts investigated in December 1 Thefts investigated in January 1 Approximate total value taken in thefts in January $1752.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in January $13,000.00 Number of calls in December 885 Number of calls in January 978 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 82,134 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford } 44,733 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 60,065 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 48,298 Miles driven in December 8,535 Miles driven in January 14,636 Respectf lly p b tted, C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/cdw Total fines paid for December $4,016.00 Total fines paid for January $4,092.32 Total fines paid for DPS for January .00 K r TICKETS 6 5 67 29 66 173 AMOUNT t~ OF CALLS 63 105 175 217 210 208 9 78 # OF ARRESTS 1 7 2 5 15 ACCIDENTS 1 2 6 2 11 BURGLAAIES 1 1 THEFTS 1 1 :MILES DRIVLR 2408 2243 2281 2812 2720 2172 14,636 ll,_AS .40RKLD 201 172 205 168 192 208 966 4 f i I 'cl I 1 1 ~ li r SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1. RESPONSES: Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------- 3 Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------------- 0 Auto Fires------------------------------------------------------------ 0 Auto Accident-Stand By (Rescue and Fi4e Unit) 0 Mutual Aid to Othe Cities___________________________ 2 Calls in Tarrant County----------------------- 1 Calls in Denton County------------------------------------------------ 1 False Alarms---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Rescue Unit------------------------------------- 0 Miscelaneous Alarms---------------------------------- 3 (A) Gasoline Pump fire @ Baird's Service Station Hwy 114 &-.Carroll (B) Water-Vac Call Middle School on Carroll Road (C) Water-Vac Call at 2109 Lonesome Dove Road (D) Water-Vac Call at 2311 Crooked Lane TOTAL EMERGENCY REPONSES FOR THE MONTH-------------------------------- 11 2. MAN HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls------------------------------------------------------- 131 Hours Meetings (4) Average-------------------------------------------------- 140 Hours Maintenance Average Time---------------------- 70 Hours Training Sessions (2) Man Hours included in meetings------------------ TOTAL MANHOURS EXPENDED FOR THE MONTH--------------------------------- 341 Hours 3. Firefighters Repsponses and Number of Times Responding: Chief Steele----------- 9 Travis Bryant--------- 3 Asst Chief Bradley----- 5 Craig Reed------------ 5 Fire Marshall Joyce---- 1 Steve Allen----------- 5 Captain Dodson--------- 4 John Harston---------- 7 Captain Roper---------- 2 Randy Martin---------- 1 Lieutenent Brown------- 8 Richard Anderson------ 2 Lieutenent Boyer------- 5 Jim Vann-------------- 6 Eric Reed-------------- 5 James Sullivan-------- 2 Bill Jones-------------10 Charlie Bell---------- 2 Chuck Jones------------ 5 David Drennen--------- 1 Mike Pirtle------------ 8 Wade Winchester-------- 4 Respectfully S~bmitted: R. P. Steele Fire Chief