1979-02-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Resolution No. 79-2. Calling for the General Municipal Election. 2. Resolution No. 79-3. Appointment of Citizens Advisory Member, Allowing for change of chairman, and secretary, and extension of life of the committee. 3. Discussion: Fire Plug Participation Agreement. 4. Discussion: Janitorial Service for City Hall. 5. 1979 Goals: Comments from City Council. 6. Mayor's Report: a. Approval for garbage billing programing. b. Gasoline allowance. 7. Police Department: a. Discussion: Issuing Warrants by police officers. b. Approval: School for chief and detective. C. Approval: Purchase of camera lens. 8. Fire Department: a. Approval: Purchase helmets as per budget. 9. Approval: Request for proposals - Water Supply Study 10. Newsletter 11. Discussion: Setting priorities for street repair. 12. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, February 2,1979, at 1 p.m. City Secretary N C~ N N ►Q 9 CITY OF SOUTNI.AKE. a TEXAS C n tj O t~l d a Minutes of : Regular City Council Meeti y Pr Date ° February 6,1979 a r~ Time : 7:30 p.m. n Place . City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 I N DE X NO. CA{ MEMBER PACE PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Councilperson; Louis6 Morrison, Brad Popkin, AC Urbanosky. ( I COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Councilperson, Lloyd Harper. STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy Assistant Fire Chief; Harry Bradley City Attorney; Joe Gregory. INVOCATION: Mayor Pat Hawk The minutes of the January 16,1979 meeting were approved as presented. .Morrison x x Resolution 79-2 was approved as RESOLUTION Popkin x x presented by Mayor Hawk. It 79-2 Urbanosky x called for the general municipal CALLING FOI election, to be held April 7,1979• MUNICIPAL ELECTON x Approval was given to Resolution RESOLUTION Porrisan 79-3. It allows for appointment 79-3 ban x x of a new Citizens Advisory Commit- CITIZENS Urbano s ky x x tee member, Roberta Dinsmore. ADVISORY It also allows for a new chairman, COMMITTEE and secretary. It extends the lif of the committee for one year. There was a discussion concerning FIRE PLUG Morrison x I x a Fire Plug Participation Agreemen .PARTICIPA- Popkin Ix x Councilperson Morrison made the TION AGREE- Urbanosky I j x motion the city would participate MENT. with residents 400 of the cost of a fire plug, for rehabilitation as (under sized mains are replaced. For residents currently on water ' lines large enough to support a 'fire plug, the city will also help I ;with 40% of the cost during the ! !fiscal year 1980. I 3 W 0 ' CITY OF SO U'M LAKE , TEXAS d v Minutes of Regular City Council Mee ti g b V p Date February 6,1979 rime : 7:30 p.m. ,i Place City of Southlake, Council Ch aabe rs . 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas ~ PACE 2 ~ INDEX NO. CA6 NAME OF MEMBER - - Those who want to install plugs ! before budget year 1980 will be reinbursed. This action is pendin i legal advice by city attorney. Janitorial Service for City Hall --JANITORIAL Morrison !X X was discussed. Motion was made ;SERVICE Popkin X ' X and approved that Janitorial Service Urbanosky X by Melvin McGrue be terminated immediately. The City Secretary i to draft a job description for the service and accept new applications. MAYOR'S REPORT: In order to do the Garbage Collec- GARBAGE tion billing on the Burroughs COLLECTION Morrison X X machine, it will cost between $600. BILLING Pn'pkin X X and $700. to reprogram the machine )anosky x reported, Mayor Hawk. Motion was made and approved that the machine be reprogrammed as stated above. Morrison X X There was discussion amoung council Popkin X concerning the first billing on Urbanosky X X the garbage service. Motion was made and approved that the Februar lst billing was for February in advance. January service was not to be charged for. It was agreed upon by council that city staff have gasoline allowance for authorized functions. Discussion was held concerning pro GOALS FOR ! posed Goals for 1979. SOUTHLAKE Motion was made by Councilperson 1979 Morrison that any discussion con- cerning the goals for the City of ~Southlake for 1979 be postponed (until after the up comming electio 'to prove that it is not a politico I i move . That motion dies for lack of a second. (No changes were suggested to the goals. i , o o CITY OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXAS ti d Minutes of : Regular City Council Meet' t" V IM Date : February 6 ,19 79 70 Time 7:30 p.m. Place city of gouthlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 PAGE 3 I N DE X NO. CAF MEMBER - - - - I; ~I POLICE DEPARTMENT: II Approval was given to Police Chief POLICE Morrison I x Daymond Gaddy and Detective Tom DEPARTMENT Popkin - ~x x Lang to attend a one week school Urbanosky x x in San Marcus. A camera lens was approved for Morrison x x purchase. The cost to be approxi- Popkin x mately, $ 352.00. Urbanosky x x Morrison x x Issuing warrants by police officer Popkin x was discussed. Liaison Officer, Urbanosky x x Ac Urbanosky recommended we author- ize Chief Gaddy to let the officer off duty, serve warrants for a fee of $ 10.00 each. This action was approved contingent upon a recovery fee being added to the fine. FIRE DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT Morrison x x Chief Steele was authorized to Popkin x purchase 15 helmets as per budget Urbanosky ,x x for a cost of $ 450.00 It was reported that the new i tanker fire truck is now in servic It is called Unit 3001. Mayor Hawk invited the council to attend a worksession with the fire department officers to Establish a Fire Protection Plan for the City of Southlake. There was a discussion concerning REQUEST x the Request for Proposals on the FOR Morrison Popkin x I x (Water Supply Study. Motion was PROPOSALS Urbanosky x x made and approved bid requests WATER I be let to area engineering firms. SUPPLY 'Request for proposals attached STUDY. I 'hereto and made a part hereof. 'The second Newsletter of the fiscal NEWSLETTER lyear was approved for publication. ;It is to be distributed through the mail, in the next couple of 'weeks. ~ I tti ~ N o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d d Minutes of : Regular City Catulcil Meeti y s~ ~ Date : February 6 ,19 79 ~2. Time o 7:30 p.m. 11► Place : City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. ~ Southlake, Texas 4 NAME OF PAGE I N LIE: X NO. CAI MEMBER I ~ i Morrison X I X The priority list was approved PRIORITY Urbana I ( x for City Street Repair, (Attached LIST rbanosky x i x hereto and made a part hereof) STREET following a discussion by council. REPAIR Councilperson Sparger is to present the list to Precinct 3 County Commissioner, Lyn Gregory. Morrison x x Sparger will also present Commiss- Popkin x ioner Gregory, a $ 3,000. check Urbanosky x x for street repair as per FY1979 budget. Morrison x x The bills were approved for Popkin x x payment.(Attached hereto and made Urbanosky x a part hereof). The Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. Mayor ATT T: City ecretary I I i i I i I i I PHONE 481-5581 thlake Colty "WAt Its Best'' ARTIN R. HAWK, Mayor P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 M SAM SPARGER, Mayor Pro Tern LOUISE MORRISON, Councilwoman Sandra L. leGrand, City Secretary A. C. URBANOSKY, Councilman BRAD POPKIN, Councilman February 23,1979 LLOYD HARPER,. Councilman NEWSLETTER A rabid skunk was killed in Continental Estates in January. Another skunk was killed on 1709, but when tested, was not rabid. Should you kill a skunk, contact the Police Department or pick up. Do not handle it yourself. Your dogs and cats should be vaccinated. Should any additional rabid animals be found, you will be notified through your local newspaper. The Water Quality Committee has submitted its report to the r City Council recommending the digging of two Paluxy Wells for the short term solution and a study to determine sources of surface water for a long term solution. The Council had previously submitted a grant request for funds to dig two Paluxy Wells and we should have confirma- tion on the grant in July. The Council has requested quotes to determine the cost of the study for a long term supply. The Citizens Advisory Committee is currently working on updating and revising the City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance No. 161. Membership is now at eight citizens. They meet the first and third Mondays of each month at the city hall. An "Estate" zoning classifi- cation is in the proposed change and would fill the gap between Agricultural and Residential Zoning. "Chose of us who live in Southlake have a unique opportunity. We have managed to involve a number of our citizens in efforts on the park, water, sewer and zoning. However, we would like to involve even more of you in the challenges facing Southlake. If we can continue to have your inputs and advice, then we can continue to be responsive to your desires and provide service to the people that live here. Get involved in Southlake and have a say in your future. Call Sandy at city hall or Pat Hawk at 481-2077. In December, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 248, controlling the disposal of garbage and established a franchise collector. The City will bill, collect, and coordinate any problem related to this service. We appreciate your patience in January as weather and lack of familiarity prevented the collector giving optimum service. Those who have not signed up may still do so. The billing mailed by the City on the 1st and 15th of February, were for the month of February. Report any incidents out of the ordinary to your Police Department. They are there for your protection. The Police recovered over $ 13,000. in vehicles and other stolen personal property. Consider- able time was devoted by off duty personnel and this resulted in an,, arrest and the confiscation of approximately six pounds of marijuana and other illicit drugs. The department recently filled two vacancies and now have added a reserve program. We currently have two in the program which will provide additional protection to the city. The Department is involved in a number of youth activities. The City Detective recently gave an accident seminar to Carroll Students. The sewer Committee has been making good progress developing a sewer plan. The Committee task has been a challenging one. They have met with representatives of other cities and various agencies in their quest for answers. Citizen comments on sewerage are welcome. This committee meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays. You are welcome to attend these meetings. They are scheduled to complete their recommendations to the City in March. A City fire protection plan is in the process of being developed. This plan set needed goals for the City in terms of service, equipment, facilities, training and legislation, When drafted, the plan will be presented to you in public hearings to allow your input. We would welcome your help on the plan now. The Fire Department has finished huilding a tanker with funds provided the City through Revenue Sharing. The tanker will be of benefit in providing protection in those parts of Southlake without fire hydrants. The City Council has agreed to participate in cost of installing fireplugs where mains are increased in size ( this assistance would be to residents on a 40 percent basis.) This council has also agreed to also assist residents in the same way anywhere in the City where mains are large enough to support plugs on the same basis. R PHONE 481-5581 t ity of Southlake Where Country Living Is At Its Besr" P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 MARTIN R. HAWK, Mayor SAM SPARGER, Mayor Pro Tern Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary LOUISE MORRISON, Councilwoman A. C. URBANOSKY, Counciiman BRAD POPKIN, Councilman LLOYD HARPER,. Councilman February 8,1979 Honorable Lyn Gregory Commissioner, Precinct 3 Precinct Line Road North Richland Hills, Texas Dear Commissioner Gregory: We would appreciate your emphasis on street paving and repair in the order given. The street priorities' were compiled by the City Council at the February 6,1979 city council meeting. 1. Shady Lane ( Repave and bridge repair) 2. South Carroll ( 1709 to Continental - partial paving) 3. Sunshine Lane ( Highland to Dove - repave) 4. South White Chapel ( 1709 to Bear Creek - repave) S. White Chapel ( 1709 to Highland - repair) 6. Shady Oaks ( Repave) 7. South Kimball ( Crooked Land to 610 S. Kimball - repave) 8. North Carroll Avenue ( 114 to Highland- repair) 9. Pine Drive and Lilac Lane (Repave) 10. Blue Bonnet Drive (Repave) 11. Oak Knoll, Austin Place and Gatewood Lane (Repave) 12. Raintree ( Repair) 13. Rolling Lane (Repair) 14. Burney Lane (Lake Drive to Lonesome Dove - repair) We truly appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, 10az Ai"4-1 Pat Hawk Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 79-2 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Chapter 2, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, it is provided that there shall be held in each municipality of the State of Texas on the first Saturday of April of each year a general election for the purpose of electing officers of said municipality; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a regular meeting held this date, does hereby order an election of officers of the City of Southlake to be held on Saturday, April 7,1979, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, and two Councilpersons, for a term of two years, from April 7,1979, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Candidates for the offices of Councilpersons for Place 1 and 2 , and candidate for Mayor, receiving the highest number of votes for such office and such places shall be elected for a term of two years. 2. For the prupose of said election, the entire City of South- lake is hereby constituted one voting precinct and said election shall be held at one polling place, to-witt: City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the aforementioned date, and the following persons are hereby appointed as election officers: C.W. Long, Presiding Judge Kathryn Tate, Alternate Presiding Judge and the Presiding Judge at such election shall appoint no more than three clerks, with the rate of pay for the Presiding Judge at $ 2.50 per hour and a like amount for the Alternate Presiding Judge, the rate of pay for the clerks fixed at $ 2.50 per hour; and the Presiding Judge to receive $ 15.00 for delivery of the returns. 3. No person shall be eligible for the Office of Councilperson unless he is a qualified elector of the City of Southlake and has resided in the City for Six months next preceding the election at which he is elected. 4. Any eligible and qualified person may have his name printed upon the official ballot as an independent candidate for the offices herein provided for by filing his sworn application with the Mayor not later than Midnight, March 7,1979. The application shall state the specific office being sought by the applicant and that the applicant is eligible and qualified under the Laws of the State of Texas, to become a candidate for and hold the office being sought, if elected. 5. The names of all those who have filed their sworn application to have their names printed on the official ballot as candidates shall be posted by the City Secretary in a conspicuous place at her office for the inspection of the public for at least ten days before she orders the ballots to be printed. All objections shall be made within five days after such posting, all written notices filed with the City Secretary setting forth the grounds of objections. In case no such objection is filed within the time prescribed, the regularity or validity of the application of no person whos name is so posted, shall not thereafter be contested. The City Secretary shall preserve in her office for period of two years all applications, notices of objections and other related matters. 6. Any person eligible to the offices herein provided for who has filed his sworn application in accordance with the provisions of this resolution shall have his name printed on the official ballots. Any such person may cause his name to.be withdrawn at any time before the official ballots are printed by filing in writing with the attested City Secretary a request to that effect over his signature, duly to by a Notary Public. No Name so withdrawn shall be printed on the ballots. Not later than liaten ve days obfi~ialtballots printed,Election, the City Secretary shall 7. The ballots to be used in said election shall be prepared in the manner and form in the Election code of the State of Texas. 8. All qualified voters within the meaning of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, shall be entitled to vote at such election. 9. Voting by absentee ballot in said election shall commenceCarroll March 1911979 at the office of the City Secretary, 667 North Avenue; voting by absentee ballot shall close at five o'clock p.m., April 3,1979. 10. The election officers above named shall make and deliver the returns of said election in triplicate, one being retained by the Presiding Judge, one delivered to the Mayor and the Citybe and one copy with ballot boxes and all election supplies delivered to the City Secretary of the City, the ballot box con- taining signature stubs from ballots used in said election shall be delivered to the District Court of Tarrant County, Texas, and other ballot boxes and election records and supplies shall be vpreserved by the City Secretary in the proper office as by law Pro City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m., April 9,1979, for the purpose of canvassing said ballots. 11. The Mayor is hereby directed to give notice of said election which shall be signed by the Mayor and City Secretary and shall state the purpose of the election, and the Police Chief shall post a properly executed copy of the election proclamation at the polling place herein provided and two copies at two other public places within the city. Such notices shall have attached thereto a certified copy of this Resolution. 12. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas for the holding of general elections for state and county offices except as otherwise provided by Chapter 2, Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. By approving and signing this Resolution, I, Pat Hawk, Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, officially confirm as my action all matters recited in this Resolution which by law come within my jurisdiction. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of February, A.D. 1979. Mayor ATTEST: t City Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 79-3 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake deems it to be in the best interest of its citizens to have orderly zoning and development consistent with the desires and the welfare of the majority; AND ; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, desires to permit the receipt of input and advice from its citizens; NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, THAT: 1. A new member, Roberta Dinsmore, be added to the Citizens Advisory Committee, to replace one that has left. To this on the committee for a term of one (1) year date. 2. Roy Lee, be named as the chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee, for a term of one (1) year. 3. Sheri Massey, be named as secretary of the Advisory Committee for a term of one (1) year 4. Be it resolved that the life of the committee be extended to one (1) year from this date. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of February, 1979 Mayor ATTEST:. N City Secretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6,1979 UTILITIES... General Telephone 269.28 General Telephone ( emergency numbers) 65.00 Tri County Electric 129.50 Lone Star Gas Company ( fire hall) 131.03 Lone Star Gas Company ( city) 139.50 INSURANCE... M.M. Administrators ( employee coverage) 936.20 Mays, Flowers, Grady and Burruss (fire sta. city hall) ( building and contents) 506.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION... Federal Sign and Signal Corp. 30.01 Wickes Corp. 67.10 North Texas State University (election law manual) 3.75 PBL (monthly lease copier) 129.95 Fort Worth Star Telegram ( legals) 22.80 Rohne and Hoodenpyle 313.04 Thomas Rubber Stamp 41.43 IRS (withholding) 70.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Motor Parts Center 2.88 North Texas Firemen's and Fire Marshals Assoc. yearly 10.00 Tarrant County Fire and Arson Invest. Assoc. 10.00 Bell Communications 146.04 Crabtree and Powers Tire and Appliance 229.17 ( Fire- 113.57 Police - 115.60) Fort Worth Generator and Starter Service 15.50 Tarrant County Firefighters Assoc. Yearly dues 50.00 Colleyville Auto Clinic 280.37 Grapevine Auto Parts ( Fire - 211.82/ Police - 21.90) 233.72 Motor Supply Company 50.40 B and B Auto Parts and Machine Shop 31.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT McFarland Dead Stock Moved 10.00 Bell Communications 235.50 Texaco 3.00 Parker Exxon 9.00 Fort Worth Medical Laboratories ( Skunk examination) 10.00 Multi-Information Systems,Inc. 75.00 Incoterm 209.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... Data Business Forms,Inc. 71.50 Keller Tru Value Hardware 22.96 National Building Centers 43.17 Aqua Utility 214.04 The Rohan Company 324.83 Grand Total $ 5,141.67