1979-01-16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 16,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Appointment of Alternate Zoning Adjustment Board Members. 2. ZA 78-18 Zoning request for Louise C. Drake Barry. 4,39 acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18. Present zoning is in the Agricultural District. Request is for the "L" Light Commercial District. Representative, Bob Taylor. Public Hearing. 3. ZA 79-1 Zoning request for Aubrey Smith and A. L. Marlo. 36.03 acre tract of land out of the Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract 2003, and the W. H. Martin Survey, Abstract 1068, Tarrant County,Texas. Present zoning is in the Agricultural District. Request is for the A-3 Single Family District. 4. Review of Water Committee Report. 5. Extension of Sewer Committee Time, 6. Garbage Collection - Commercial Rates. 7. Departmental Reports: a, Mayor's report 1. Goals for 1979 b. Fire Department C. Police Department d. Water Department e. Building Department f. Court 8. Bills for approval, a. Approval for councilperson to attend seminar I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door of city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,Texas, on Friday, January 12,1979 at 12 noon. o- F4 City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 16,1979 7:30 p.m. EMERGENCY ITEM RE: Item 1, Regular agenda posted January 12,1979. Added to Item 1. Amendment of Ordinance 161 Section XVII. Board of Adjustment: Procedure; Amendment of the Ordinance to permit appointment of alternate members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. And Resolution appointing a vice chairman, and the alternate members. I hereby certify that the above supplemental notice to city council agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,Texas, on Tuesday, January 16,1979 at 9 a.m. z' 0z JA4;e~~- City Secretary U) Ul G C O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d Minutes of Regular City CW=cil Meeti q -b' Date January 16 ,19 7 9 70 Time : 7: 3 0 pp m ,n Place City df 16utblake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 i Soutblake, Texas NAME OF 1 4EMBFR _ PACE INDEX NO. CAP, COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor, Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem, Sam Sparg j I Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, A.C. Urbanosky, Lloyd Harper. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Brad Popkinj STAFF PRESENT: Attorney; Joe Gregory, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger. mutes of the January 2,1979 eeting were approved as corrected. Sparger i x ayor Hawk reviewed the Procedures RESOLUTION Morrison x f the Zoning Board of Adjustments. 79-1 banosky x x fter discussion, Resolution 79-1 ALTERNATE harper x x as approved, appointing two MEMBERS TO alternate members to the Zoning BOARD OF oard of Adjustments. They are, ADJUSTMENTS. leanor Kasper and Carolyn Poe. he Resolution also allows for vice chairman, to serve in the bsence of the chairman. Sparger X ZA 78-18. Request was approved ZA 78-18 for a zoning change from Agricul- Morrison X APPROVED TO Urbanosky x x tural to "L" Light Commercial for LT. COMMERCII Harper x x a 4.39 acre tract of land out of the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract 18 Owner of the property is Louise C. Drake Barry. I Sparger X Ix ZA 79-1. Zoning request for ZA 79-1 Morrison j ~x x Aubrey Smith and A.L. Marlow was APPROVED TO Urbanosky x (approved, for a 36.03 acre tract A-3 DISTRICT Harper i x of land out of the C. Dart Survey, (Abstract 2003, and the W. H. I ; Martin Survey, Abstract 1068. A-3 Single Family Residential. It was approved. Council members reviewed the Water WATER I j (Committee Report. There was dis- COMMITTEE cussion concerning the report in REPORT conjunction with the Community Development Grant. m o o 4 1 O C~~1 CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS t7 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti g 0 0 Date :January 16 ,19 79 7d Time :7:30 p.m. ',v Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME OF l PAGE 2 INDEX NO. CAP: Sparger 7j x Motion was made that Mayor Hawk Morrison i' x x start on the engineering designs Urbanosky I I x for Paluxy Wells, acquire bids Harper ~x I x for the project and establish a time schedule. Sparger 'x , x After discussion, motion was made 'WATER Morrison ab ta' ed that council schedule a work- COMMITTEE Urbanosky x session with regards to drafting REPORT Harper x x request for bids. Also, letting the results of the worksession out for bids. Bids are to in- clude a long term water supply for Southlake. Current financing plan for the 1 project will be through the Community Development Grant. Sparger x x Sewer Committee chairman, Harold Morrison x Knight, requested council extend rbanosky x the life of the Committee through Harper x x the second Planning and Zoning meeting in March. Sparger x Council reviewed commercial rates COMMERCIAL Morrison x x for Garbage Collection. Approval RATES Urbanosky ; I x was given to the "Suggested GARBAGE Harper x I x Commercial Rates" (attached hereto COLLECTION and made a part hereof). Approval is pending approval of Hubbard Service Company, owner. MAYOR"S REPORT: r ayor Hawk reviewed his goals for GOALS FOR 1979. (goals attached hereto and 1979 Sparger x i x made a part hereof). There was Morrison x a discussion concerning priorities Urbanosky x~on enlarging water lines in South- Harper x x lake. RE: $50,000.00 in FY1979 budget. Approval was given to i priority list attached. i ~FIRE DEPARTMENT: qnar ,Chief Steele submitted a yearly FIRE DEPT. ger ' I x~ )rrison x report of activity for the South- Urbanosky x ! x;lake fire department. Approval wa Harper x xigiven for firemen to attend ECA iclasses. Cost approximately $325. 1 W C 'd Do 8 C~ 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Cy ~J t=] Minutes of : Reqular City Council Meeti q d p o Date : January 16 ,19 7 9 'A Time • 7:30 m. Place : City oT Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME OF 3 MEMBER _ PACE INW X NO. CAP I; ~I POLICE DEPARTMENT: Sparger dabs ain d The bid for the 1974 Ford Galaxy 11POLICE CAR Morrison x 500 police car, was accepted. The SOLD Habpeosky X Ix x car sold for $ 150.00. i Sparger x Bills were approved for payment. Morrison X (Attached hereto and made a part Urbanosky x x hereof). Harper x x Sparger x x Motion was made and approved that Morrison x x councilpersons attending the TML Urbanosky x workshop on January 25 and 26,1979 Harper x would be reinbursed by the city. Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. Mayor City Sec etary I ~ i ~ I I i ~ i i ~F MUBBARD SERVICE COMPANY 6925 Riveria Dr. N. Richland Hills, Tex 7611- Phone 485-4524 We will furnish and dun-m two cu4ic yard containers for your trask and refuse neepsa price of $ for ducaps per month. A minluuw of one duins per week is requ red# per container. Days du#ped C1 Mori CJ Tue r-7Wod L:jTkur Cy Fri C13at. Business Name Mgil Address _ - - - - ` u ar erv ee Company South Lake Zip Date Phone Author zed By We will hand load your trash and refuse for a minimum of $10 per ■oatk for 5 30 gallon cams or containers of aeproximately tke save size. task additional container will cost 50 cents per container. A maximum of 5 tiros will yo allowed sack pick ur day. No wet cell flatteries or liquids will ire picked up, Business Name Mail Address u ar erv ce Company Zip 'r Phone Date r• a hor zo y S~9S ~ ~ Y~ ~ ~S 3s 6S 7 ow 750 lD.s' /.3S- 140s- 2lD as- /~0 ~ 80 240 Times dumped per week 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? cubic yard $25 $35 $45 $65 $75 95 Monthly charge 3 cubic yard 30 45 65 95 105 135 4 cubic yard 37 59 81 105 125 156 6 cubic yiird 45 175 11)5 135 165 211 ~1 C~-lr ic: y,i r 4 5`i 1(;(' 1'.i 4,5 `2hc above prices ohargedd, in Kennodale Texas 2 cubic yard 25 35 46 69 79 104 3 cubic yard 30 50 70 90 115 125 4 cubic yard 37 60 90 110 130 180 6 cubic yard 45 80 115 145 175 225 a cubic yard 60 100 140 175 210 275 The above prices Ore charged at Weatherford Texas. These prices were approved by the Councils of the above Cities and no other charge can be made. The below prices are charged in Haltom City and Ft. Worth Texas. These prices are not repulatea by the Cities. 2 cubic yard 26 36 46 67 76 99 3 cubic yard 30 48 65 88 108 144 4 cubic yard 36 59 83 104 129 164 6 cubic yard 44 74 104 134 164 209 3 cubic yard 57 93 104 144 167 202 These prices are charged by One Way Service Inc. The prices in Haltom and Ft. Worth must so competative as there are several Coapanys who haul in these cities. I an unaele to obtain price list from other companie', however you may call the President! of One Way Mr. Don Presley at 838-6725 and verify the above. Z4'C ~t / r MUBBARD SFhRVI,M COMPAIff 69 25 Riviera Dr. N. Richland Mills, Texas 585-5524 76118 1. LAND LOADED BUSINISS All Business that uses hand lead service shall to charged a minimum of $10 per month. This will allow then two piek-ups per week. They shall to allowed five garbage, cans of 30 gallon size and five tires for each pick up. A charge of 590' per can and 2V per tire ever the maximum shall be charged. We 4atterios or liq- uids shall to picked up. Items shuck as used oil mail Ito played in containers and put in the garbage cans. We barrels or ether items of this nature will be emptied. 11. UURCERS Churches will 'me charged a fee of $6 per month for two pick ups per week or less. If they wish a container for some sort of project or speeigl event we will furnish them one for $5 per dump with a minimum of one dump per week. The amount of garbage picked up will to determined the same as residential service. 111. All Business that uses containers will to charged at the following rate: All containers must be dumped a minimum of one time per week. Two (2) oubis yard container. Damps per week 1 t i 4 S 6 Price per Month $25 $38 $SS $70 $80 $91 The &*eve price is for the first container set cut at one locatirn. All containers atieve one that is not out at the same property will tie one half the price of the first container# for each additiengl container. Any special epuipment on a container will be extra charge. The City of South Lake will oe furnished a list of all Business customers and the charge per month plus if they have paid. A 5% franchise fde will accompany thin list caBh -month, for the paid customers. .C. Ru0bard, Vice-Prec. RESOLUTION NO. 79-1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas dick appoint a Zoning Board of Adjustments, by Resolution 77-24 on June 7,1977, And; WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 161 calls for five persons to serve on such board, And; WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 161 has been amended to allow for appointment of alternate persons to serve on that board, in the absence of regular members. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Carolyn Poe and Eleanor Casper, have been appointed by the City Council to serve the remaining term of the board as alternate members. Their duties are to serve in the absence of any member. Also, that L. A. Casey, serve as vice chairman of that board. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 16th day of January, 1979. 4(A Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT DECEMBER 1978 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Cases set for trial: 52 Cases heard: 15 Cases dismissed: 4 Cases appealed: 4 Warrants issued: 30 Jury trials set: 2 Jury trials settled out of court: 1 Jury trials reset: 1 Respectfully submitted, ANEi DANIEL Municipal Court Clerk WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of December - 1978 ' Gallons Pumped previous month 5,011,500 Gallons sold previous month 5,733,000 New Taps installed for month 5 Meters changed out 4 Line repairs: Materials 3 main breaks. 3 full circle. (1 4" & 2 611) Machine Rental $220.00 Other repairs Liquid line to chlorine machine. Water Superintendent j O O c O O C O 0 j O O O O O O O O e Ln ri ri t` O ri %D ri r- 0) M M O~ r 0 M ~ O N M M co d' M t~ ti' E r 1 r-1 to z 0 H Ea ~y o 0 0 c c o ,a o c c o 0 0 U r-q E] EE n Lnn m C14 Iq o H 0 z H N co Ln r Ir U H ~ ~ ~U O O O O O C O - a ~ E O O to to C to O O E O V r r C N C U Q~ N r Ili N l0 N r-I N N r d' N r a W P+ E I C O O O O C O I Lr) Ln tr) to Ln LO to OU 44 M M M M M M 4 Q W U) 0 A4 W W a H H wcna 00 z 41 W .O rx-1 N o v N tr N W _ U 4'~ I O a tn r-1 N -4 N N H O N N 4J N tP N 4J M rl lll N r1 rI V E W W W P4 O O O O O O O W O tt to to C to O l~ to y~ 14 t0 %D N (N z~j M M N r-I ."I O V 1 1 O U) N O Q1 41 3 dI N N H W v a 4 ~ y s ~ N v o x ao E+ ro a) O O 4 E -I N N A a) O 41 41 U W IV 4) ~4 0 PO rl N O E N UI V A O +t a ro 4-J rir rn °ia ~ - O 4 N p p O N 44 c -.•1 c U) U) h k+ a4-1 w 0 0 x x 0 e CITY OF SOLTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 1978 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of December 1978 Tickets issued in November 138 Tickets issued in December 166 Persons in jail in November 15 Persons in jail in December 17 Traffic accidents in November 13 Traffic accidents in December 14 Burglaries investigated in November 2 Burglaries investigated in December 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in December $256.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in December 0 Thefts investigated in November 1 Thefts investigated in December 1 Approximate total value taken in thefts in December $600.00 Apr 'mate total value recovered in thefts in December $300.00 Number of calls in November 880 Number of calls in December 885 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 82,134 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 44,079 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 ( 78 Ford ) 56,203 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 ( 78 Ford ) 38,178 Miles driven in November 8,617 Miles driven in December 8,535 Respectfully submitted, C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARMTENT CDG/cdw 8 TICKETS 39 27 47 53 166 AMOUNT # Or CALLS 49 97 152 211 197 179 885 # OF ARRESTS 2 15 17 ACCI UL•'NTS 3 5 2 4 14 BURGLARIES 2 THEFTS 1 1 MILES DRIVEN 731 ~ 820 ~ 1,830 1,059 2,072 2,023 8,535 110L- JORKE'D 165 176 184 160 176 168 1029 1 i 1 Total fines paid for November $2,893.00 Total fines paid for December $4,016.00 Total fines paid for DPS for December .00 i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1978 Tickets Issued 1806 Fines Paid 28,377.00 Traffic Accidents 145 Burglaries Investigated 34 Thefts Investigated 27 Number of Police Calls 19,430 Persons in Jail 166 Miles ven 79,508 C~ C. Daym nd Gaddy Chief of Police Southlake Police Department SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER 1978 1. RESPONSES: Structure Fires-------------------------------------------------------02 Grass Fires-----------------------------------------------------------09 Auto Fires------------------------------------------------------------00 Auto Accident-Stand By (Rescue and Fite Unit) 05 Mutual Aid to Othe Cities---------------------------------------------02 Calls in Tarrant County----------------------------------------------- Calls in Denton County------------------------------------------------00 False Alarms----------------------------------------------------------01 Rescue Unit-----------------------------------------------------------01 (a) Injured Person 220 Brumlow--Subject fell off horse Miscelaneous Alarms---------------------------------------------------04 (a) Electric Heater Fire--Yates Corner Grocery (b) Fire in Brakes of Truck---3300 East Northwest Parkway (c) Rekindle on Structure Fire-610 South Kimble (d) Tar-Pot Fire---610 South Whites Chapel Blvd TOTAL EMERGENCY REPONSES FOR THE MONTH--------------------------------24 2. MAN HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls-------------------------------------------------------280 Hrs Meetings (4) Average--------------------------------------------------120 Hrs Maintenance Average Time----------------------------------------------170 Hrs Training Sessions (2) Man Hours included in meetings------------------ TOTAL MANHOURS EXPENDED FOR THE MONTH---------------------------------570 Hrs 3. Firefighters Repsponses and Number of Times Responding: Chief Steele----------19 E. Reed----------14 W. Winchester----------05 Asst Chief Bradley----12 C. Reed----------14 R. Anderson------------04 Fire Marshall Joyce---02 J. Harston------- 16 C. Bell----------------03 Captain Dodson--------07 J. Vann----------11 S. Allen---------------01 Captain Roper---------09 C. Jones---------08 M. Pirtle--------------06 Lieutenant Brown------13 T. Bryant--------09 Lieutenant Sullivan---02 T. Boyer---------07 B. Jones--------------19 D. Drennen------- 09 Respectfully Submitted; R. SteeleFire Chief Southlake Fire Department SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT YEARLY FIRE REPORT 1978 Tv: Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons Fnom: R.P. Steele Subject: Yearly Report of Runs, Man Hours, and Fire Fighters Responses 1. RESPONSES Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 18 Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------------125 Auto Fires-! 14 Auto Accident-Standby (Rescue Unit S Fite Unit) 49 Mutual Aid to Other Cities------------------------------------------- 26 False Alarms to Other Cities----------------------------------------- 16 Rescue Unit----------------------------- 21 Miscelaneous Alarms-------------------------------------------------- 34 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR THE YEAR-------------------------------303 2. MAN HOURS EXPENDED Emergency Calls------------------------------------------------------2352 Hrs Meetings(4 Pen Month)------------------------------------------------1710 Hrs Maintenance-Average Time---------------------------------------------1155 Hrs Training Sessions(2 Pen Month)Man Hours in Meetings TOTAL MAN HOURS FOR THE YEAR-----------------------------------------5217 Hrs 3. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING FOR THE YEAR 1978 Chief Steele-------------------223 C Jones 80 Assistant Chief Bradley--------139 R. Martin---------------------- 37 Fire Marshall Joyce------------ 36 R. Foster---------------------- 59 Captain Dodson-----------------103 W. Winchester------------------ 86 Captain Roper------------------ 91 T. Boyer-----------------------115 Lieutenant Brown---------------164 S. Feritta--------------------- 15 Lieutenant Sullivan------------ 91 R. Rodgers--------------------- 25 E. Reed------------------------136 R. Devaul---------------------- 79 B. Jones----------------------- 67 D. Dupree---------------------- 22 R. Polson---------------------- 28 R. Bradley--------------------- 88 C. Bell------------------------ 58 J. Polson---------------------- 03 L. Shuping--------------------- 2 M. Pirtle---------------------- 25 J. Andrews--------------------- 34 R. Anderson-------------------- 29 D. Drennen--------------------- 79 J. Vann------------------------ 14 C. Higgins---------------------103 (1) JUNIOR FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE FOR THE YEAR 1978 T. Bryant-------------------------------133 C. Reed---------------------------------101 J. Harston------------------------------ 19 S. Allen-------------------------------- 01 Respectfully itted; R.P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department ~2) CITY OF SOU` HLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL BUI1J)ING DrPA1 `1'MFNT MONTH OF DECEMBER 1978 1. N1JV3L:R OF INSPECTIONS Currant Last Month E'loctric 35 18 _tt<<~bi;ig 22 6 ounda t ion 16 6 ics L:ircj & A/C 16 4 Sceptic System 14 j 9 Drivaway Approach 19 8 & sidewalks Total Inspections 122 51 2., PEr,2.1ITS This Month Fee Last Month Fee Building 8 $601.00 8 $759.00 E lec cr ica l 10 259.00 9 129.10 Plumbing 11 252.00 1 31.00 :eat & A/C 3 59.00 3 65.00 O th or 2 20.00 2 20.00 Certificate of Occ. 3 75.00 1 25.00 `Dotal Permits 37 $1 266.00 24 $1,029.10 3. BUILDING VALUATION This Month Last Month To Date This Year $251,015.00 $32,9750.00 $1,106,790.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES This,Month Last Month To Date This Year $131.00 $200.00 $2,175.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND This Month To Date This Year $1,397.00 $11,928.65 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Bu= cling Dep tm t PHONE 481-5581 f South lake City o ''Where Country Living Is At Its Best-" MARTIN R. HAWK, Mayor P.O. BOX 868 SOLITHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 SAM SPARGER, Mayor Pro Tern Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary LOUISE MORRISON, Councilwoman A. C. URBANOSKY, Councilman BRAD POPKIN, Councilman LLOYD HARPER,. Councilman BUILDING DEPARTMNET CONSTRUCTION STATISTICS FOR 1978 NATURE OF PERMITS NUMBER OF PERMITS VALUATION Single Family Dwellings 48 $2,492,482.00 Commercial & Industrial 1 10,000.00 ditions, Pools -Accessory Bldgs. & ect. 33 149,023.00 TOTAL 82 $2,651,505.00 FeesPaid For: Building Permits Certificates of Occupancy Planning & Zonning TOTAL $6,113.00 Re pectfully Submi ed, Respectfully Submitted, Sandy LeVand Leeann Gosd i n Building Offical Building Clerk O L z a) L a) - - H L - - c H c m L (o + •L Of d a) M c U v FL- Y c co O c c Y o t-~ c a) Q (U (U Y (D - c L (0 c (U c O a) + a) - (U L O (U O (1) H (o O (o N J > > C I- t O U c U a) IZ w J tY J 0 0 U a) a) (o a) > U W v > c O j O O (D 0) a (o O O (U O C 3 W W 3 m W 0 d 3 1- 0 0 c O rn C\ N 04 M m (D U') c O O co N E N O Pa U-) V 7 N L N M O O N U) U) (D d N 00 (n OL m N N (V N N U) L (0 + N O O v O (n I - N U) = L W w a) 4- 0 - - c a) a) a) ~ E O T C T T _0 N (o Y L C m to U) a) a) U) •E C - 7 c O 0 (U L U U c 0 n L - 4- (U - m O - 2: 0 0- I L (U m (U U U E O N (U O > > L (U T >7 3 (o of L (1) O L T CD L T L L T - (o C Y Y L. tD (0 c U -O 'O d) (U (D 3 - 3 X T U U c -0 c a) c E c C Z 3 a) - O a) m a) O (o 3 (o O (o (o U v 0 3 2 3 of m J tY 0 O U F- U) U W z -O I Gu H ~N-1 z n H A O o O O O o o O O C) O o o O C) 0 O O O O lzt o O O O O O O O O ~t o O O I H N o o O O O C) O O O O O O r O O C) O U) r O o o O O O O O O O N N O o r O O ) o C) b9 O 00 O0 n OD N O w O M C) O O tT r tLl N %O co v M It ko v N b9 kA b9 •d A b9 69 b9 69 b9 H9 b9 b9 6H b9 69 b a) C Q1 LL- 4 z c tv O O O J c~ W L a) (D 0 W U O a) (1) O U > N a) a) cn E c rn t7) U U U Z+ > L U U U O rn (D c (1) c c c C + + O a) c c c + O c u - - a) a) (U ~ (n a) a) a) L !Y - - - E (U E o v v L I P4 - v v v L O a) E O U) E L E a) pp .F U a (D U E O a) O ut U1 to H O •(n •U) •N c L E C IZ tY 3 3 a) a) a) LO ~ Of U U (D Li) (n (n N to Cy w 0-1 < L (U U) O 1, W U L = E 11-4 a U) i ° ~ ~ ~D a) w M Q a Cn N N Y s ro Y Y m co 0 -F- m CE) O - N H L 3 M Ln d ~O - - FU) ~ N J O O 0 J J O I O Qi LL J J J co co OD 00 OD OO co OD co OD co O0 O0 OD 00 I aD 00 r aD r r r r r r r 00 r r r r r r r ~s] r r 1 r 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 E-1 M N r O M M NT - 0 N (14 n r- N N I M O - r O O ON N 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I A N N N N N N > N N N M M M M M M M 4• pQ O Ln o - N M d Ln tO r w rn M ~t (O r to O\ i 0 o O O C) O O O O C) O O O O O O O O O O O C) O O O O O O O O 7 m z Y : _ O ' H w CO C 0 m H Of t Y - J F- :3 O J N Y m U N N c p Y + (0 •L O > - (0 O O (O N a- F- (n (0 O U J (0 > c n - a) (0 U O O r-7 p L - Q (0 L L + Y (0 L C + (0 U N N L (n L O N - N a (o O (0 c _ rn + O =3 c J L O O (0 p (ten •c - S C U) > Y ( +n c + w 0- cn W w O O w m (o w O Z Z w Z (0 N O 3 ~ O w w 1?! 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Q Y Y E 1 Q Y 1 Y N Y C N m - - - > [1 m (0 co N Q co co m - m S 000 N lL OD q) ko ON U M to L. 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Supplies 500.00 125.00 69.00 + 56.0 P-15, Office Supplies Printing,dues. 2,000.00 500.00 281.00 + 219.0 P-16 Schools and Travel 750.00 187.50 96.00 + 91.5 P-17 Uniforms 600.00 600.00 538.00 + 62.0 P-18 Vehicle Maintenance 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,228.00 - 228.0 P-19 Vehicle Supplies 500.00 125.00 79.00 + 46.0 18,550.00 5,087.50 4,148.00 + 939.5 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES P-20 Ambulance Service 2,000.00 500.00 90.00 + 410.0 P-21 Incoterm Maint. 2,520.00 630.00 1,802.00 - 1,172.0 P-22 Incoterm Phone 1,200.00 300.00 .00 + 300.0 P-23 Micro Film 1,200.00 300.00 38.00 + 262.0 P-24 Phone 1,000.00 250.00 245.00 + S.0 P-25 Radio Maintenance 1,800.00 450.00 295.00 + 155.0 9,720.00 2,430.00 2,470.00 - 40.C CAPITAL OUTLAY P-26 Body Armor 525.00 525.00 .00 + S2S.C P-27 Camera Lens 335.00 335.00 .00 + 33S.C P-28 Measure Master 50.00 SO.00 .00 + SO.C P-29 Siren and PA 513.00 513.00 289.00 + 224.C P-30 Typewriter 775.00 775.00 775.00 •C 2,198.00 2,198.00 1,064.00 + 1,134.( 134,124.00 35,629.50 31,808.00 + 3,821.`. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1ST QUARTER 1ST QUARTER OVER NDER ACTUAL + PERSONNEL SERVICES F 1-5 13,675.00 3,418.75 3,394.00 + 24.75 OPERATING COSTS F- 6 Dues an Badges 400.00 100.00 111.00 - 11.00 F- 7 Equiptment 261.00 Maintenance 5,100.00 1,275.00 1,014.00 + 103.00 F-8 . Gas and Oil 1,700.00 42S.00 322.00 + F-9 Schools and 116.00 Travel 700.00 175.00 59.00 + 7,900.00 1,975.00 1,506.00 + 469. 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES F-10 Oxygen 200.00 50.00 24.00 + 26.00 F-11 Phone 650.00 162.50 103.00 + 59.50 F-12 Radio Maintenance 164.00 and Repair 1.400.00 350.00 514.00 105.00 F-13 Utilities 600.00 150.00 45.00 + 2,850.00 712.50 686.00 + 26.50 CAPITAL OUTLAY F-14 First Aid Equipt. 350.00 350.00 .00 + 350.00 F-1S Helmets 600.00 600.00 .00 + 600.00 F-16 Misc. Tools and 97.50 Supplies 450.00 112.50 15.00 + 5,932.00 F-17 New Tanker 17,100.00 17,100.00 11,168.00 + 8.00 F-18 Tires 500.00 500.00 322.00 + 2,0 1778.25 F-19 Vehicle Repair 8,393.00 2,098.25 .00 + 27,393.00 20,760.75 11,505.00 + 9,255.75 51,818.00 26,867.00 17,091.00 +_9,776_00 WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1ST QUARTER 1ST TUQUARTER - UOVER NDER PERSONNEL SERVICES W- 1-3 26,930.00 6,732.50 6,732.50 .00 OPERATING COSTS W-4 Gas 1,375.00 343.75 368.00 - 24.25 W-S Postage 1,000.00 250.00 2.00 + 248.00 W-6 Supplies and Printing 400.00 100.00 193.00 _ 93.00 W-7 Training and Travel 200.00 50.00 20.00 + 30.00 2,975.00 743.75 583.00 + 160.75 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES W-8 Audit 1,500.00 1,500.00 .00 +1,500.00 W-9 Bell Communication 340.00 85.00 .00 + 85.00 W-10 Burroughs Rental 405.00 101.25 .00 + 101.25 W-11 Electricity 11,000.00 2,750.00 4,S29.00 -1,779.00 1V-12 Map Update 500.00 125.00 .00 + 125.00 W-13 Mower Rental 150.00 37.50 90.00 52.50 W-14 New Service 5,000.00 1,250.00 3,183.00 -1,933.00 W-15 Office Machine 00 + 237.50 repair 950.00 237.50 , 212.00 - 32.00 W-16 Phone 720.00 180.00 W-17 Repair and Maint. 5,000.00 1,250.00 2,779.00 -1,529.00 25,565.00 7,516.25 10,793.00 -3,276.75 CAPITAL OUTLAY W-18 Main Replacement and Fire Plugs (50,000.00) DEBT SERVICE W-19 Rev. Bond and 00 .00 .00 I & SF 19,838.00 . W-20 1972 60 Bond 00 .00 .00 and I & SF 24,400.00 . 44,238.00 99.708.00 14,992.50 18,108.50 - 3,116.00 (50,000.00) FACILITIES BUDGET 1ST QUARTER 1ST QUARTER - OVER ACTUAL + UNDER OF-1 Personnel Services 600.00 150.00 .00 + 150.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OF-2 Utilities 800.00 200.00 42.00 + 158.00 CAPTIAL OUTLAY OF-3 Repair 1,209.00 302.25 497,00 - 194.75 OF-4 Street Repair fund 3000,00 750.00 .00 + 750.00 4,209,00 1052.25 497.00 + 555.25 5 6 539_00 + 863.25 09_00 1 402=25- _ INSURANCE BUDGET 1ST QUARTER A1ST CTUQLARTER + - OVER UNDER 1-1 Hospitalization + 263.75 5,963.00 1,490.75 1,227.00 I-2 Workman's Comp. + 2.25 5,421.00 1,355.25 1,353.00 I-3 Fire, EC, OL, Liab. .00 +4,180.00 4,180.00 4,180.00 I-4 Public Officials 2,096.00 Liability 2,150.00 2,150.00 54.00 +2,096.00 17,714.00 9,176.00 2,634.00 +6,542.00 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 16,1979 CITY ADMINISTRATION... Fort Worth Star Telegram $ 22.80 Gibsons 107.62 National Building Centers 8.02 Travis P. Young Insurance (bonding for city staff) 82.00 Assoc. of City Clerks and Secretarys ( annual dues) 15.00 Revenue Sharing Advisory ( Yearly service) 25.00 Pitney Bowes ( Meter Rental, postage machine) 35.25 General Office Supply 21.80 Bobby Young Heat and Air Conditioning 28.50 Thompson Printing 45.00 Regional Office Supply 80.85 Rohne and Hoodenpyle (attorney for delinquent taxes) 459.83 TML League (Services) 308.00 Grapevine News Advertiser, Classified 65.00 Tarrant County Purchasing Department 120.66 WATER DEPARTMENT... Gifford Hill and Company 213.00 Aqua Utility 77.46 E. L. White 53.40 The Rohan Company 87.24 TP and L 1,054.68 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Lancaster Pittard ( examination for Officer Cunningham) 20.00 Ladd Uniform 22.45 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 275.00 A-OK Locksmith 4.83 Payton-Wright Ford 149.08 Crabtree and Powers 192.50 Miller Muffler Shop 136.51 West Publishing Company 44.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Sa-So 226.44 Keller Welding Service 42.00 Shotwell and Son 425.00 Bell Communications 312.17 White Auto Store 4.48 Alstate Fire Equiptment 73.50 Lamp and Associates 145.24 Fort Worth Generator and Starter Service 15.50 International Harvester Co. 73.61 Bebrick Company 675.00 Grapevine Memorial Hospital (first aid supplies) 20.40 Thomas Rubber Stamp 11.50 Colleyville Auto Clinic 131.54 Texaco 25.00 INSURANCE... TML ( Workman Comp.) 451.00 M.M. Administrators ( employee insurance) $ 907.55 UTILITIES... T P and L 160.52 Lone Star Gas 131.39 Tri County Electric 101.30 General Telephone 65.00 Gulf Oil Company ( to be broke down between departments) 399.27 GRAND TOTAL $ 8,152.89