1979-01-02 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 2,1979 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Public Hearing: Tri-County Electric Rate Increase. 2. Mayor's Report: a. Discussion: Garbage Collection b. Discussion: Tarrant County Yearly Fire Contract 3. Recommend appointment of two reserve officers - Closed personnel Session - Police Chief Daymond Gaddy - Section 3A (h), Article 6252-17 of Vernon's Annotated Statutes. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door of city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 29,1978 at 12 noon. City Secretary LA o' o CITY OF_sou11;I1.AxE, TEXAS t1 d Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti y Date ;January 2 , 1979 Time :7:30 p.m. ,n Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. southlake, Texas NAPE OF l PAGE 1 INDEX NO. Cs+l MEMBER - - - - - -I II PRESENT: Mayor,PI- COUNCILPERSONS Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam SpargeCouncilpersons; Louise Morrison, Brad Popkin, A.C. Urbanosky. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Lloyd Harper. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Attorney; Joe Gregory, Police Chief; Daymon Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger. Minutes of the December 19,1978 city council meeting were approve as presented. Mayor's report was covered first EXTENSION on the agenda. Mayor Hawk announc PARK GRANT ed that through the efforts of Parks Commission Chairman, Dennis Crosby, Southlake was given a one year extension on the "Park Grant". The extension will expir on December 1,1979. Discussion was held concerning th TARRANT Sparger x x Tarrant County Yearly Fire COUNTY YEAS Morrison x x Contract. Mayor Hawk reported FIRE CONTR) Urbanosky I x Popkin x that each city is to make a I recommendation to the County concerning the annual $ 3,000. contribution given to each city in the County. I i i Motion was made and approved that Southlake recommend the system i remain the same with each city receiving $3,000. per year. i I I i I ' I I i I i R b 'o N a CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS d d d Minutes of Regular city council Meeti q t4 V p Date : January 2,1979 ,a 7d Time . 7:30 p.m. ,n Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. ` Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 EIMER PAGE 2 INDEX NO. CA _ I Mr. Hubbard, with Hubbard Service Company was present and there was discussion concerning the garbage collection service. Mayo Hawk is to set up a work session with Mr. Hubbard as soon as poss- ible, to establish costs for commercial service. Attorney, Joe Gregory, outlined TRI COUNTY his findings concerning the RATE INCREA request for rate increase for Tri REQUEST County Electric Co op. He stated the increase would be an average of 6.50. Sparger X Public Hearing was held and after Morrison x x discussion amoung council, motion Urbanosky x x was made we accept the rate re- quested. The vote did not carry. Sparger x x Another motion was made we deny Morrison x the rate increase. That vote Urbanosky x did not carry. Popkin x x Hawk X Motion was then made council approve the Tri County Rate Increase. Sparger X Morrison x x Urbanosky x x Popkin X Hawk X No action was taken on the Tri County Rate Increase. The meeting was closed for a personnel session under Section 3A9h). Article 6252-17 of Vernon' Annotated Statutes. S ar er I X Ix Upon reopening the meeting, motio APPOINTMEN' p g was made and approved b council Morrison i ix Y POLICE Urbanosky x ix for the appointment of the RESERVE Popkin ! ix first three members of the South- OFFICERS lake Reserve Police Department. r They are: Pat Raidy, Richard John Anderson and Billy Wayne I i Scroggins. I i ~ M 1 O CITY _OF SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS Cy d d Minutes of : Peqular City Council Meeti q d Date January 2,1979 7o Time 7:30 p.m. tâ–º Place City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ~ Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 1 PACE 3 INDEX NO. C1 MEMBER - I' I~ i Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. I Mayor Hawk City Secretary i i ~ I