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1980-11-18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 18,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Presentation to the Police and Fire Departments from Nancy Eiland/ Amercian Cancer Society. 3. Consider: Street Sign Program. 4. Consider: Approval of Water Main Project 5. ZA 80-39. Zoning request for a 4.1 acre tract of land out of the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the "H" Heavy Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Jesse P. Vester Public Hearing. 6. ZA 80-40. Zoning request for Lot 1 of the Crumbaker Addition. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: W.H. Crumbaker. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 80-40. Request to replat Lot 1 of the Crumbaker Addition, making a Lot lA and 1B. Owner: W.H. Crumbaker Public Hearing. 8. Departmental Reports A. Police Department: Approval for repairs to Unit 11 Approval for Chief to attend a seminar. Approval for purchase of file cabinet. B. Fire Department: C. Building Department: D. Water Department: E. Court 9. Bills for approval 10. CLOSED SESSION (As per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17) A. Personnel I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 14,1980 at 3 p.m. y cre ary cn v <i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS v M td 0 0 M 0 ~ ~ rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d a MEETING, x z v ITI DATE: November 18,1980 d d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 o TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX OUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat awk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, ouncilpersons; AC Urbanosky, Modine tricker, Shari Massey OUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta CANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER PRESE T: James Harrell CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline INVOCATION: Sam Sparger he minutes of the November 5,1980 meeting, were approved as presented. Mayors Report: Items covered under the Mayors Report include: The Community Development Grant presentation to the Mayors Council by Mayor Hawk, The State High- ay Departments letter naming the request by Dan Howell for a cross/over on Highway 114 and Briarwood Lane. Chief Gaddy recommended the cross/ove be granted. Councilperson Latta's absence continue to be excused, due to his being out of the Country on business. Mayor Hawk also announced a worksessio on November 20 at 7 p.m. with Tom Anderlitch, our bonding agent. Citizens Ed Rhodes and James Harrell addressed Council concerning a problem in their neighborhood. Mrs Nancy Eiland and Corrine Harty presented plaques to both the Fire Chief and Police Chief for their efforts in helping with the American Cancer Societies, annual Bike-A-Thou. c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS o o d p a M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING, M 2 I-TI DATE: November 18,1980 rn d rn o TIME: 7:30 p.m. H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS, COUNCII.PERSON z Z PAGE: 2 INDEX Sparger x In a discussion concerning the street STREET Stricker x x sign program, motion was made and SIGNS Urbanosky x x approved to purchase 75 signs as per Massey x budget. The signs will be traffic signs. An extensive discussion was held concerning a water main extension program, however, no action was taken during this meeting. ZA 80-39. The zoning request to "H" ZA 80-39 Heavy Commercial for a 4.1 acre tract APPROVED Sparger x x of land out of the T.M. Hood Survey, "H" HEAVY Stricker x Abstract 706, was approved provided COMMERCIAL Trbanosky x x the metes and bounds description of th Iassey x property is accurate. The P & Z Commission recommended approval. There was one reply by mail asking for the decision to be postpone due to a conflict with the surveys. The request was made by Howard Thratcher. Mr. Thratcher was not present for the meeting. ZA 80-40. The zoning request was ZA 80-40. approved for Lot 1 of the Crumbaker APPROVED Sparger x x Addition. Zoning for the land was TO A-3 Stricker x changed from A-10 Multi-family for a Urbanosky x x 2 acre tract and AG for the remainder, Massey x to A-3 Single Family District. Sparger x x A replat of Lot 1 of the Crumbaker REPLAT Stricker x Addition was also approved, making a LOT 1 Urbanosky x x Lot 1A and Lot 1B. The approval was CRUMBAKER Massey x made with the stipulation that "No ADDITION further subdivision allowed" was printed on the plat. Sparger x x Approval was given for Eric Reed, Stricker x x patrolman to attend a seminar, also Urbanosky x for the repairs to Police Unit #11 Massey x being made and the purchase of a file cabinet. The above items are not to exceed $2,100. Urbanosky is to follow thru on the bids for the police car repairs. v c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS d 0 MINUTES OF THE Regular m v d d CITY COUNCIL MEETING. a-~ M z v m DATE: November 18,1980 an d M n 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 z a TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 3 INDEX he departmental reports were iscussed. he bills presented were approved for ayment (attached hereto and made a art hereof). he meeting was adjourned y M y r awk. Mayor TT ST: City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas GENERAL WORKSESSION November 19,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Coordinate Comments on the New Zoning Ordinance Draft. GENERAL WORKSESSION November 20,1980 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion of Capital Improvements Projects. I hereby certify that the above agenda of General Worksessions, was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Tuesday, November 18,1980 at 11 a.m. / City Secretary COMMISSION STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ENGINEER-DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION M. G. GOODE A. SAM WALDROP, CHAIRMAN DEWITT C. GREER P. O. Box 6868 RAY A.BARNHART Fort Worth, Texas 76115 November 5, 19303 SH 114: From Denton C/L to Spur 332_x. Control. 353-3 y Tarrant County u==~ Mr. Dan Howell Howell Construction Co. 20350 E. Northwest Parkway Southl4ke, Texas 760392 1,4e, Dear Mr. Howe1it We have reviewed your request for a crossover on SH 114 at Briarwood Drive. We recognize the distance: between Carroll School Road and Kimball Drive and the indirection involved with the traffic originating between these facilities. In order for us to evaluate the need for a crossover at any given location, we require that any such request come from the city involved. This procedure insures that the particular location for the crossover is in line with the city's master plan for proposed thoroughfares and with other proposed development in the area. By copy of this letter, we are informi:ag the City of Southlake of your request. Should the city agree that this location will best benefit all users in this vicinity, now and for the future, we will give appropriate consideration to such request made by the city. We suggest that you contact the City of Southlake in this regard. If additional information is needed in this matter, please contact Per. L. F. French, Phone 292-65103, Extension 231. Yours very truly, J. R. Stone District Engineer ADN sdr cc: Houorable Martin Hawk, Mayor of Southlake bcc: L.F. French PHONE 481-5581 Cof Southlake Where Country Living Is At Its Best MARTIN R. HAWK, Mayor P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 SAM SPARGER, Mayor Pro Tem MODINE STRICKER, Councilwoman SANDRA L. LeGRAND, City Secretary A. C. URBANOSKY, Councilman LLOYD LATTA, Councilman SHARIMASSEY, Councilwoman November 18, 1980 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hawk and City Council RE: Crossover on SH 114 at Briarwood Drive In reviewing the request by Mr. Dan Howell, to the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, for a crossover at SH 114 and Briarwood Drive, I have come to the following conclusions. Due to heavy traffic on SH 114, in the area of Briarwood Drive, along with the fact a housing sub-division is being developed in that area, it is my opinion there should be a crossover as requested. It would be in the best interest of the driving public and the safety of the residents of Briarwood Fstates to have easy access from Briarwood Estates, enterinq or exiting SH 114. I deduce that we should pursue the matter with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, to resolve this situation before the sub-division is fully developed. Respectfully, c C. Daym nd Gaddy _~441 Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/mrb C I T Y OF S O U T H L A K E POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT October, 1980 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Police Department Report for the month of October, 1980. Tickets issued in September 218 Tickets issued in October 239 Persons in jail in September 15 Persons in jail in October 28 Traffic Accidents in September 6 Traffic Accidents in October 15 Burglaries reported in September 1 Burglaries reported in October 1 Approximate value taken in burglaries in September $110.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in October $2.00 Thefts reported in September 3 Thefts reported in October 5 Approximate value taken in theft in September $4,080.00 Approximate value recovered in theft in September $8,000.00 Approximate value taken in theft in October $5,155.00 Approximate value recovered in theft in October $5,382.00 Total offenses to date for 1980, reported and actively investigating 101 Number of calls in September 868 Number of calls in October 949 Speedometer reading on Unit 11 (78 Ford) 114,637 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 (78 Ford) 106,157 Speedometer reading on Unit 14 (80 Plymouth) 52,315 Speedometer reading on Unit 15 (80 Plymouth) 36,372 Miles Driven in September 10,558 Miles Driven in October 11,379 Respe tfully submitted, C. Daymo d Gaddy Chief of Police. SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/mrb i Z V) LLJ z -j LAJ F- O F- J D Q N LLJ F- U V) U J D Q Q Q Y CL' U ~ TICKETS 2 9 4 34 87 64 239 # OF CALLS 123 130 126 140 172 174 949 4 ARRESTS 0 0 0 13 4 2 28 ACCIDENTS --0 1__-- --0- 4 5 5 15 BURGLARY 0--- - 0 --0--- -0 0 1 - --1 THEFT 0 1 _1--___._ 0 0 3 - 5 MILES DRIVEN 1110 1310 1308 1842 2509 2390 11,379 HOURS RESERVES TICKETS ACCIDENTS ARRESTS WORKED CALLS ASSIST MILES ANDERSON 14 0 6 52 16 12 256 HUGHES 0 0 0 I 20 0 7 0 - - TAYLOR 4 0 I 2 26 11 8-, 245 SPENCER 18 0 0 372 14 6 205 4317 204 SHOEMAKER ---3----------01--------}------47 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of ber A. Responses: of 1. Structure Fires 2. Grass Fires 4 3. Auto & Truck Fires ---------------------------------------------------------„-----C 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)------------------- 5 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------------------------------ 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller C 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities G 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)-------------------------------------0 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 11. False Alarms in City-------------------------------------------------------------•1 12. Rescue Unit Calls A. Carroll Middle School -Drill Field- Patient fell possible broken rib,. B. 1709 and Pearson Lane (Barnett Residence) Subject fell off horse,possible rib and shoulder injury. C. 1713 Rainbow St. (Foster Residence) child-difficult breathing. 13. Miscelaneous Alarms A. 1709 and Randol Mill Rd. (Butler Residence) Smell of gas in house. B. Hwy 114 And 1709 - Bulldozer hit gas line (construction site), C. Dove and Ridgecrest - (diesel fuel spillage) 14. Trophy Club Calls B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of October 1 C. Man Hours Expended: Number 1. Un Emergency Calls _ 11; 2. Meetings ( 4 For Month) Average Men Per Meeting------------------------------ 12( 3. Special Training Sessions ur Drills------------------------------------------ 3( 2! 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenanr.e(other than normal Mdint.time)-------------~ 5. Time Spent on Civic Duties -Rike-a-thon & Parades etc. $f D. Total Man Hours Expended for Month , - 31E E. Firefitlhters Responding and Number of Times Res,pondiny for Month----------------- Chief Steele 12 B. Roper 3 Asst. Chief Bradley 5 E. Reed 5 Capt. Brown 11 J. Vann 2 Lt. Jones 7 R. Austin 2 Lt. Fuller 7 B. Dinsmore 7 J. Joyce 3 C. Bell 1 C. Reed 5 R. Willis 1 Robby Jones 6 D. Barnes 7 J. Walsh 12 N. Wooden 2 D. Brown 2 J. Sullivan 1 L. Russell 4 R. Martin 4 ke~jpu( holly submitted, I R. I'. `trele Fire t:hiet SUUTIIL.AK1_ 1- I kE DEPARI ML.N I CI'PY OF SO MfL,AKE "11 ILY RE:I'0Rr TO 'ME CITY C'OUNC I L BUILDING DEPAR'IMM 1. NUMBER OF INSPEL71ONS MLXM OF October, 1980 ('URRFHfl' LAST MtM EL.WIRIC 24 21 PL.[JMB ING 19 17 FRAMING 6 2 FOUNIYYPI ON 17 6 11E:A'I'INC; & ALR 4 3 SII I'IC SYS'1'I=M 11 18 CYI! IE:R 8 12 TOPAL INSPEICTIONS 89 79 2. PERMITS 'I'IIIS NI~~IVPII Fl;k: LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 22 2,862.00 13 1,147.00 F;I.wilpICAL 14 270.20 5 69.00 PLUMBfNG 8 177.00 10 229.00 MATING 6 AIR 6 126.00 4 90.00 CEMPIF'ICA'VE OF CX'CP. 1 25.00 6 150.00 OTHER 2 20.00 4 40.00 TcYPAL, PERML'I'S 51 3,479.20 33 2,053.90 3. liuildiny VdILIdticxt i n ;'r NI )M~'11 WAR TO DATE WA I l I\' lit I'AP-fMr tv ILL i,oiI i r1k 1 l l l (A October 1980 9651.3 I'Ieviuu:., f1~;rilli 9,446,000 tk7w U',ir:i Iop" Ir;d 110- I iyd I I I I I L,, Repa i red I f•'I..I~:iI~uiIc; uI -5- H,,; t, i l,, I:( ri 1,A I $520.00 Fixed 7 leaks f ris-ta I I ed Purnp at We I I # I W,,1 ~_,r 'super 1 ri i and,,ri I Q x o w 00 w ^ Q w J m S C) ~ F- ::D U 0 0 N 0-1 LL o CD > w F- F- O Of H a[ CD U = CL C/) W n 0-1 J W H H } U Z Z Q 7 CD V F ~G V F- W J F- U V Of, ::D o 025 F- 0 CO of =D CD O J 4 CL M J H Q V CY W CL H W J H Z 00 co V =D Q H W cl~ Z O O Z ~ F- O U _ W w O co F- o ::D Q F- ~ cn ~ I j I I I ~ I a w o Of co 1 i U') G1' I`- O i r In Q i f- I N co O N l0 ~t O O 1,0 O O Q LL J c. z ~ t _V ~ I I ~ I w o V) cY v w v-) LL- LO J w d n T Cl a n 0!~ ° v Q LAJ Ur) ~ > n w Fw- n C LL- C5 V) w ¢ t w ~ o cn a f V) w w -i w V z 1- d V7 n. V) LL- CD 0 w w (n V) 0. V) O N F- d w ZD O o N th V1 d V) V) n V) m lw N vW a w lW tJ (4 cw V) ~ v v ~ BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 18,1980 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT Texas Power and Light Co. 468.02 Texas Power and Light Co. water 1,509.42 Gulf Oil Company 849.92 Pitney Bowes labels 111.65 North Texas State University 10.00 Mapsco 1981 18.00 Christine Salina deed transfers 25.00 Tarrant County Planning Dept. Dues Mayors Council 50.00 Pitney Bowes 129.95 Travis P. Young bond 20.00 General Office Supply 284.76 The Banner Quick Print 77.10 Carter and Burgess,Inc. general 100.21 Honeywell 174.90 SaSo 21.95 AVM Corp. 11.83 Bill Story Law Enforcement Supplies 429.30 Prime Supply 179.40 Jim Parker Exxon 326.33 City of Grapevine Ambulance 135.00 Crabtree and Powers 37.75 Texaco 40.00 Metro Lex Supply 23.37 Grapevine Memorial Hospital 10.08 Tarrant County Firefighters Association 3.50 Carter and Burgess Inc. S1/Keller System Project 753.89 North Star Laboratories 26.00 Aqua Utility,Inc. 2,331.87 TOTAL........ $ 8,159.20