1980-10-21 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 21,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Introduction of Southlake's Miss Flame. Leisha Klepper. 2. Mayors Report 3. Consider: Appointment of new member to the Parks Commission. Resolution 80-25. 4. Consider: Revision of Community Development Grant Project. Sixth Year. Resolution 80-24. S. Approval: Draft of Newsletter for Citizens Advisory Group on Zoning. 6. Discussion: Request to disannex property from Southlake. Avendale Wolfe. 7. Discussion: Report of Planning and Zoning Commissions action on naming subdivisions within the City of Southlake. Subdividing lots within existing subdivisions. 8. ZA 80-31. Zoning request for a .80 acre tract of land out of the J.L. Whitman Survey, Abstract 1593, Tract 8V. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for A-3. Owner: Joe Hughes Public Hearing. 9. ZA 80-34. Zoning request for a 10.79 acre tract of land out of the Francis F. Throop Survey, Abstract 1511, Tract 2A4. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: L.R. Pierc Public Hearing. 10. ZA 80-37. Replat of Lot 1 and 17, Block 3, Southlake Park Addition, making a Lot 1R, Block 3. Owner: Rosemary Divine. 11. ZA 80-38. Replat of the Glory Place Subdivision, changing the lot size of Lot 4. Owner: Mary M. Snell. 12. Discussion: Inventory and Clean Up of Well Site Area, 13. Departmental Reports Police: Approval for a new Reserve Police Officer. Fire: Approval to purchase hose, as per budget. Building: Court: cn y < CITY OF SOUTHLAKF., TEXAS y rJ 0 0 rd 0 O M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d c" Y d d MEETING, x y ~n DATE: October 21,1980 TIME: 7:30 p.m. d PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o_ a TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons; Modine Stricker, Lloyd Latta, AC Urbanosky, Shari Massey CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline INVOCATION: Sam Sparger The minutes of the October 7,1980, meeting were approved as presented. Sparger x x Mayor Hawk read a letter from Council Stricker x x man Latta, requesting to be excused atta x from the November 5,1980 meeting, due urbanosky x to being out of the United States Massey x on business. The Fire Chief; Bob Steele, introduce MISS FLAME the 1980 Miss Flame, Leisha Klepper INTRODUCEF to the Mayor and Council. Miss Klepper will represent the Southlake Fire Department during the comming year. Mayor Hawk indicated that the City PARK Secretary has requested an extension GRANT of the Department of Parks and Wild- EXTENSION life Grant, for the Bicentennial Park REQUESTED He also reported that the "Change CDG Order"has been approved as requested CHANGE for the Community Development Grant, ORDER Water Line extension program. The APPROVED project will then be completed in the established target area. A discussion was held concerning the SINGLE Sparger x replacement for Wayne Tidwell, as a APPRAISAL Ltatrita cker x x x member of the Single.Appraisal Tax TAX L District Board. Herbert Leach's DISTRICT Massey sky x x x name appeared on the ballot. Motion Massey was made and approved to have Sparger check out the candidate and poll council individually. cn c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rno oa MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL Z d d MEETING. x z rn DATE: October 21,1980 rn d rn ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. t:J 7J 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 2 INDEX Resolution 80-25 will be considered at the next city council meeting. Sparger x x ZA 80-37. A replat for Lot 1 and 17, ZA 80-37 Stricker x Block 3, of Southlake Park Addition, APPROVED Latta x x was approved making a Lot 1R, Block Urbanosky x 3. The owner, Mr. Divine, was present. Massey X A discussion was held concerning a COMMUNITY revision of the Community Development DEVELOP- Grant Project. Councilperson Latta MENT GRANT reported that the Water Extension PROJECT Project in the Target Area will be APPROVED completed in prior grants, therefore, RESOLUTION a new project must be decided upon. 80-24 After extensive discussion concerning parger x a Community Center as a project, Stricker x it was approved to pass Resolution Latta x 80-24, naming a Two Phase Community Massey sky x x x x Center as the project for the Sixth Massey Year Grant. Sparger x The draft of the newsletter for the NEWSLETTE' Stricker X Citizens Advisory Committee on Zoning Latta x x was approved as presented for Urbanosky x publication. Massey x x Latta gave a report on the results of a discussion amoung the P $ Z Commission concerning the naming of subdivisions within the city. Also a procedure on subdividing lots with- in existing subdivisions. ZA 80-31. The .80 acre tract of land ZA 80-31 Sparger x out of the J.L. Whitman Survey, ZONING Stricker x Abstract 1593, Tract 8V, owned by APPROVED Latta x x Joe Hughes was approved for zoning Massey ky x x x to the A-3 Single Family District. Massey There were no comments during the public hearing. cn v CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS y M tr1 0 0 d 0 MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING, x z v ITI DATE: October 21,1980 d H TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 3 INDEX Sparger x x ZA 80-34. The zoning request for a ZA 80-34 Stricker x 10.79 acre tract of land out of the ZONING Latta x x Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511, APPROVED Urbanosky x Tract 2A4 was approved for A-3 Massey X Single Family Zoning District. L.R. Pierce, owner was not present. There were no comments during the public hearing. ZA 80-38. An extensive discussion ZA 80-38 Sparger x was held concerning the request of M. GLORY Stricker x M. Snell to replat Lot 4 of the Glory PLACE Latta x x Place. Motion was made and approved, REPLAT Urbanosky x x with a Vote of 1 abstaining, 2 in APPROVED Massey x favor and 2 against. Mayor Hawk broke the tie by voting in favor. Mayor Hawk added that he will write a letter to Snell indicating no additional replatting will be conside - ed on the Glory Place until a total plan is presented. A discussion was held concerning the clean-up of the Water Well sites. Sparger x Motion was made and approved to Stricker x accept Lee Hughes as a new reserve Latta x police officer. Urbanosky x x Massey x x Urbanosky suggested a worksession for the purpose of additional personal in the police departments clerical department. A worksession was set for October 2811980. Sparger x Approval was given to Fire Chief, Stricker x Steele to purchase hose as per budget Latta x Maximum of $1550.00. Urbanosky x x Massey x x cn c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS m o o o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z Y d d MEETING. x d DATE: October 21,1980 a d ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE 3 -A NAME OF o_ o TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 4 INDEX Sparger x Stricker x The City Secretary was given approval Latta x to purchase file cabinet as per Urbanosky x x budget. Massey x x Sparger x The bills presented were approved Stricker x for payment (attached hereto and made Latta x a part hereof). Urbanosky x x Massey x x The meeting was adjourned by ayor Hawk. Mayor ATT ST: /xx , City Secretary October 20,1980 MEMO...... TO: MAYOR PAT HAWK FROM: COUNCILMAN LLOYD LATTA SUBJECT: EXCUSED COUNCIL MEETING ABSENCE Company business will require me to be outside the Continental United States for approximately two to three weeks commencing October 22,1980. I respectfully ask Council to excuse my absence on November 5, at the City Council meeting and any thereafter until my return. Lloyd 0. Latta Jr. CITY OF SWIWAM Mtwt'IlLY RF:YUw 'PO ZltE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DE:PAIYIT4Wl' 1. NlME:R OFINSYE IJONS OF SEPTEMBER -KJNM C'Uf2f~1IJ`1' LAST MWTN 1:L f X`1'ft1L 21 24 YLd llvll i LfVI; 17 9 MAR" 2 5 I-WNI A'1'.1()N 6 4 IILA1'ING 6 AIR 3 6 SLFTE2 SYSTIV 18 14 CyIl1F:f~ 12 22 `MI'AL INS1'tX_'1'IONS 79 84 2 . 1't~:itMl'I'S i 1111 IS 14vrlI FEE LAST Ir WM FEE BU111)1NG 13 1,475.00 6 732.00 Ujlx IVI(At, 5 69.00 7 97.50 PiI1M ING 10 229.00 6 127.00 IlNAHI* & AW 4 90.00 5 86.00 CLRI'IF lC NI'L OF UCCP • 6 150.00 2 50.00 OTHER 4 40.00 1 10.00 'iMAL P1i:RML'15 42---- 2,053.90 33 1,126.00 3. [At i l d my Va 1 LIL t i c >l) - '[7 I.T S M ) f'f l [AST A W III YEAR TO DATE 603,748.00 382,800.00 2,665,274.25 4. 1'111IVfJ IN(; ry ZONING F'LES '['t I I S NK~N 1'! I f AST 4 V I'l I YEAR TO DATE 205.00 7,931.00 16,293.00 5. 'I"I'AI. UFa'O.` ITS IN 1311II J) I NG MIND YEAR To DATE 2,053.90 10,952.70 x- RE:SYE7('17'7Ji.1,Y SUfjNll'1`l'f:D, BURDING PEMIT iIRFAKDOM BUILDING ~uc 7 Residence 473,900.00 3 Shops 99,392.00 1 Office 25,456.00 r QF'FICAL 1 Barn 1,000.00 Afflm. 1 Addition 4,000.00 V) O Q co X Cn LLJ F- W W ~G co Q ~ J W S F- F- o- ::D W O V) N ry I.- O C) LL > W I-- C) ry H Q O U S a V) w ry w H H v z F- Z Q S 7 O H U F- ~G U Q W H U U CL' o2S F- O C u 00 CL' ::D m O O J U Q Q CL Q U w 0- H _.I H W co U S co Q H O CL L F- p = U Z F O O F- S U W 7 W O [n F- O orf Q F- LL- N o A I i I i I I I i F-- oc 0 2 w o a 00 T- z z o d l0 CO Ln O q* r- N r- N r~ lP N N O O M r O O Ql O O ~ N ZD O LL O V Z L~ Z z a r_-) LLJ to 3 O N Z K--) UJ V) Li- t_il J ~ z Q v) Q ~ to © cf C1 L] [J ce- V- v Q LLI w w C1 W a n I-D ° d H vvi w d w c rx E N w w -i lw o z tn 0- V) V) or_ c (A vi tn tn CL v v c3 3 c7. cS 5 U s TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month of September _ A. Responses: # of Yl 1. Structure Fires------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2. Grass Fires----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Auto & Truck Fires 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-bv (Fire R Rescue Unit) 4 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine-------------------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville------------------------------------------------ 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller----------------------------------------------------- 1 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities (Roanoke) 1 9. Calls in Tarrant Count outside city limits 1 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 3 11. False Alarms in City 0 12. Rescue Unit Calls 1 A. 1380 Casey Ct. Cullum residence(acute dizziness) 13. Miscelaneous Alarms----------------------------------------------------------------2 A. Gas leak (natural) Hwy 114 and Kimball B. Water Vac call, 1000 N White Chapel, Harts residense 14. Trophy Club Calls 0 B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of September 18 C. Md►► liolil'S l Xpelided: Nun E 1. (III I.tile) 4tL•114 y CdI l -----------------------------------10( 1. Wut lnil•, ( 4 1111 Month) AveI.Iqt' Mc•n Per K--etinq--_1men-per meeting---------- f i . -)I,t!c I LI 1 1101111101 .,c' . , Illll . ul 111~ I I 1 . - - - ---------------------------------21 I 4. Any I xt-,.I, Man Ilr_,. „II M.Iir1lcn.Im,r(,it tic, tI I,In nuruldI Mdill t.tlnw)-------------- ,2a lI. Ic,(.II MJII Ilul,l L>,1lc-lidu l I„I M.Inlh of September E . I Ilt.l Icihtc•, 5 Re"I,uncllliq .Intl N,Ulli,c'r Lit 11nle-1 Re',li0IIdlr►y tUr MUllth----------------- Chief Steele 12 B. Dinsmore 5 Asst. Chief Bradley 5 B. Roper 3 Capt. Brown 8 C. Reed 5 Lt. Jones 11 L. Russell 3 Lt. Fuller 12 R. Willis 3 J. Joyce 3 J. Sullivan 3 J. Vann 5 E. Reed 3 D. Brown 3 J. Harston 1 Bobby Jones 4 J. Wooden 1 J. Walsh 15 I(c .1i t II I l y ',IiI,IUI I t c-,I , f I II h l,t ul I I I II A I I I ItI I It 1'AR I hlI f1 I WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of SEPTEMBER 1980 Gallons Pumped previous month 18,472,700 Gallons sold previous month 15,393,000 New Taps installed for month 13 Meters changed out 6 Line repairs: Materials 8" Full Circle Machine Rental $520.00 Other repairs Water Superintendent C I T Y OF S O U T H L A K E POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT September, 1980 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Police Department Report for the month of September, 1980. Tickets issued in August 216 Tickets issued in September 218 Persons in jail in August 22 Persons in jail in September 15 Traffic Accidents in August 11 Traffic Accidents in September 6 Failure To Stop and Render Aid, investigation, in September 1 Burglaries reported in August 1 Burglaries reported in September 1 Approximate value taken in burglaries in August $491.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in September $110.00 Thefts reported in August 5 Thefts reported in September 3 Approximate value taken in theft in August $4,284.00 Approximate value recovered in August 0 Approximate value recovered in September $8,000.00 Approximate value taken in theft in September $4,080.00 Sexual Abuse of Child reported and investigated in September 1 Total offenses to date for 1980, reported and actively investigating 95 Number of calls in August 960 Number of calls in September 868 Speedometer reading on Unit 11 (78 Ford) 13,254 Speedometer reading on Unit 12 (78 Ford) 105,941 Speedometer reading on Unit 14 (80 Plymouth) 47,508 Speedometer reading on Unit 15 (80 Plymouth) 31,399 Miles Driven in August 8,675 Miles Driven in September 10,558 Respectfully submitted, C. 0. Gaddy Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT CDG/mrb cD z cn w z_ -j Lij F- O f J, LLJ Q U t/i Of U N W u W O Z W Y F- PICKETS 24 16 26 17 41 47 218 Y OF CALLS 128 91 129 165 149 156 868 4 ARRESTS 1 2 1 3 4 2 15 0 1 0 0 3 2 6 ACCIDENTS 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 BURGLARY 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 THEFT MILES 2399 1184 2766 1043 1050 1066 10,558 DRIVEN HOURS RESERVES TICKETS ACCIDENTS ARRESTS WORKED CALLS ASSIST MILES ANDERSON 22 0 0 64 8 20 500 SCROGGIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAYLOR 3 0 1 32 4 10 200 SPENCER 6 0 0 48 2 1 150 SHOEMAKER 16 0 1 80 10 5 200 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL OCTOBER 21,1980 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT General Telephone 419.34 Texas Power and Light Co. water wells 2,174.72 Texas Power and Light Co. 552.92 Gulf Oil Products 11236.56 Grapevine Publishing Company 4.80 IBM service machine 54.46 North Texas State University 15.00 NTSU/MCPE Fund 37.50 Chem Can Company 110.00 Christine Salinas deed transfers 25.00 Travis P. Young Company renewal bond 20.00 Pitney Bowes 129.95 Carter and Burgess,Inc. 1,112.61 Factory Sales Uniforms 154.70 Bill Story Uniforms 265.33 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 135.00 Grapevine Automatic 348.98 McClure's emblems 175.00 The Banner Quick Print 46.21 Rebelland Auto Supply 22.69 Whites Auto Store 15.99 Fort Worth Fire Extinguisher Co. 17.00 Universal 8.96 TEI Petro-Chem,Inc. 180.00 Aqua Utility,Inc. 11.68 Central Freight Lines 36.30 The Banner Quick Print 69.57 TOTAL......... $ 7,380.27