1980-07-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 15,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayor's Report a. Statement on proposed water rates, 2. Discussion: Amendment to Firework Ordinance No. 169. Ed Rhodes. 3. Consider: Approval to repair Trinity Well. 4. Consider: Amendment to Ordinance No. 2. Official Publication for the City of Southlake 5. Discussion: Water Levels on Grapevine Lake. Dick Leavitt. 6. Departmental Reports 1. Police Department. Approval for two Reserve Officers. 2. Fire Department. 3. Water Department. 4. City Administration. Approval to Order IBM Typewriter Approval to Rent Typewriter until other arrives. 5, Building Department. 7. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, July 11,1980 at 3 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA July 15,1980 7:30 p.m. EMERGENCY ITEM CLOSED SESSION 1. Personnel Discussion (Closed session as per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17). I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Monday, July 14,1980 at 10:45 p.m. kw"~ - I - ~ z City Secretary Cf) v C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS M td (D 0 rd o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING. x z DATE: July 15,1980 rd tZI M H ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. r PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Councilpersons; Lloyd Latta, Modine Stricker, AC Urbanosky, Shari Massey. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Gaymond Gaddy, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta The minutes of the July 1,1980 city council meeting were approved as presented. Mayors Report Stricker x Mayor Hawk read a letter from Council- Latta x person Latta indicating he would be Urbanosky x x on a business trip for approximately Massey x x three weeks. Motion was made and approved to approve the absences. A public hearing will be held on July 29,1980 for the purpose of discussing the proposed water rate increase. Also on that agenda, a public hearing on the Capital Improve- ment Program will be discussed, announced the Mayor. Hawk indicated he received a letter from Carter and Burgess concerning the 6th year Community Development Program. He added that we should hear concerning our $98,000. funding within the next week. A discussion was held in regards to Ordinance No. 169, Fireworks, with Ed Rhodes leading the discussion. He indicated the City of Southlake had seventeen firework related fires during the 4th of July weekend. 4 Cf) y < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rn W o 0 d 0 _q M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z A d d MEETING, x z DATE. July 15,1980 d y TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF (D 0 TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Mr. Rhodes requested council FIREWORKS amend the Ordinance to read no fire- DISCUSSED works allowed within 5,000 feet of the city limits. Council agreed to a possible amendment to the Ordinan e. Stricker x Latta informed Council on the extent REPAIRS Latta x x of the damage to Well #2 and indicated TO WELL Urbanosky x x the cost of repairs are $21,678. #2 Massey X After discussion, motion was made and approved to authorize this expenditure. Approval was made for the Amendment ORDINANCE Stricker x to Ordinance No. 2, naming the Fort NO.2 T-tta x Worth Star Telegram as the cities AMENDED _)anosky x x official publication. The change PUBLICA- was made due to the fact that the TION. Massey x x Grapevine Sun no longer qualifies as an official publication as per Texas Statutes. An extensive discussion was held concerning the water levels on Grapevine Lake and the effect the City of Dallas is having on all area lakes. Mr. Dick Leavitt, a represen- tative of the Corrinthean Yaught Club in Dallas, ask that Council consider passing a resolution asking the Dallas City Council to change the water withdrawl policy. Council will consider this item at the next City Council meeting. Stricker x Approval was given to Police Chief, Latta x x Daymond Gaddy to add two police reser e Urbanosky x x officers to the department. They are Richard Shumaker of Roanoke and James Massey x Spenser of Fort Worth. Fire Chief Steele informed Council that the Southlake Volunteer Fire Department will be participating in the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Drive. 4 y < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS D Cry td O 0 d 0 -A M M MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z y d t7 MEETING, x z 171 DATE: July 15,1980 rn r~ t c' o TIME: 7:30 p.m. - PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE z NAME OF o o TEXAS, COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX Wallace Cline, Water Superintendent, announced that eighteen million gallon of water were pumped in June, an all time record for Southlake. Stricker x Motion was made and approved for the Latta x lease purchase of an IBM typewriter Urbanosky x x for the office staff. Massey x x Latta made the motion to repair the old IBM typewriter for the Police Dept. Motion died for lack of a second. Stricker x The bills presented were approved Latta x x for payment,(attached hereto and Urbanosky x made a part hereof). M ey x x The meeting adjourned, and Council went into a closed session. ayor ATT ST: City Secretary MEMO... July 14,1980 TO: MAYOR PAT HAWK FROM: COUNCILMAN LLOYD 0. LATTA JR. SUBJECT: Request for approval for Excused absentee from City Council Meetings. lam currently secheduled to be out of town on company business leaving on or about July 16,1980. The trip is expected to be approximately three weeks in duration and will require me to be absent from City Council meetings conducted during the period of my absentee. The above trip is a rescheduling of an earlier scheduled trip which was postponed. Request City Council be advised of my anticipated absentee and an authorized absentee from Council meetings be approved. My secretary Patricia Knight, will keep the City Secretary advised as the trip progresses of my expected return plans. Re rull , a to Cou lman Place 2 C.C. Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAEE MONTHLY REPORT TO TIE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPAR`i Ul" 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF June 1980 CURRENT LAST N i 21 12 ELECTRIC 12 11 PLUMBING 6 8 FRAMING FOUNDATION 6 3 HEATING & AIR 9 9 14 2 SEPTIC SYSTEM OTHER 6 4 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 74 49 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST NpNTH FEE BUILDING 12 1046.00 6 $ 402.00 ELECTRICAL 12 135.00 8 86.00 PLUMBING 5 93.00 3 51.00 HEATING & AIR 3 54.00 4 136.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 3 75.00 1 25.00 SEPTIC 6 60.00 4 40.00 TOTAL PERMITS 41 $1463.00 26 $740.00 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $ 469,500.00 $1,149,226.25 $ 1,618,726.25 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $6,857.00 $406.00 $7,263.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $ 1463.00 $6,733.30 $123,000.00 Commerical 295,000.00 Resident 11,500.00 Recreation RESPECTFiTLLY SUBMITTED, 40,000.00 Add-on * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN I BUILD DEPARTMENT OFFICAL WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of JUNE 1980 Gallons Pumped previous month 18,368,300 Gallons sold previous month 11,731,000 New Taps installed for month 6 Meters changed out 15 New Meters 12" u Circle 1-112" Gate Valve 6" Full Circle 2 - i I/2" Nipples Line repairs: Materials Machine Rental $320.00 other repairs Bore & Tie in on Randol Mill & Hwy 1709 Well # I Out Gallons Pumped Well # 2 11,955,500 Well #3 1,499,500 Well #4 4,913,300 1 l Water Supefintendent TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report For Month of June A. Responses: # Of Ci 1. Structure Fires---------------------------------------------------------------0 2. Grass Fires 3. Auto & Truck Fires 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit)------------------------10 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine----------------------------------------------0 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville-------------------------------------------- 1 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Kelle►-------------------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities----------------------------------------------------2 9. Calls in Tarrant Count (outside city limits 2 10. Calls in Denton Count (outside city limits 0 11. False Alarms in City---------------------------------------------------------- 1 12. Rescue Unit Calls-------------------------------------------------------------2 A. 2015 E. Highland (Broken Arm) Nailer Res. B. RT. #1 Box 61- N. White Chapel (Possible Overdose). 2 13. Miscelaneous Alarms----------------------------------------------------------- A. Boating Accident - Midway Camp. B. White-Chapel & Highland (Telephone Lines down). 14. Trophy Club Calls--------------------------------------------------------------0 B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of June 21 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of 1. On Emergency Calls ---------------------------------------------------------2 31 2. Meetings ( 4 For Month) Average Men Per Meeting!?-men - 94 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills-fir 46 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) 0 371 D. Total Man Hours Expended For Month E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----------------- Chief Steele -------------16 L. Russell--------------06 Asst. Chief Bradley-------07 W. Winchester-----------08 Capt. Dodson--------------05 R. Martin---------------07 Capt. Brown---------------11 B. Roper----------------01 Lt. Jones-----------------11 C. Sams-----------------03 Lt. Fuller----------------10 J. Vann-----------------05 J. Joyce------------------02 J.Wooden---------------- 06 C. Reed------------- 09 R. Willis---------------01 J. Walsh------------------16 R. Bridgewater----------02 B. Austin-----------------05 C. Bell-----------------03 Bobby Jones---------------07 S. Allen----------------01 J. Harston---------------- 05 J. Sullivan-------------01 D. Brown------------------09 J. Muller---------------02 E. Reed-------------------10 T. Bryant---------------03 Respectfully. submitted, P. Steele _ Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT C2 LA -n A-I w o m m c c o 3r. 1-4 c -v m q~p v A O r C M n 7v O C 70 n c'~ rn n ~ x o G C H G. iZ -i A n ~o m m o m o -n C.. O m x V 3 tO rn W V c J -Y m ~c A N 4 C-) n a n a' = m N-1 m 7~v m m m -ooff to Ln LA V1 N Ln Z Z I.Tnt 'M m -.0 Ln N O 1 m Cn -0 ;a N C:) -n LA -0 LA m m -1 D m (n rr a T o m v m m v t7 v n a x m m -rt cn m n z CD (n m 0 z n M C? T t'7 O C V C 3 ro to 0o r o -,c m v 0 O cn O N N W t77 V N w O m w W W 40 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT June, 1980 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Police Department Report for the month of June, 1980 Tickets issued in May 247 Tickets issued in June 232 Persons in jail in May 41 Persons in jail in June 16 Traffic Accidents in May 18 Traffic Accidents in June 18 Burglaries investigated in May 3 Burglaries investigated in June 4 Approximate value taken in burglaries in May $1,235.00 Approximate value taken in burglaries in June $10,178.00 Thefts investigated in May 4 Thefts investigated in in June 3 Approximate value taken in thefts in May $11,756.00 Approximate value recovered in May 2,500.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in June $55,600.00 Approximate value recovered in June $52,000.00 Number of calls in May 418 Number of calls in June 945 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 78 Ford) 8752 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 78 Ford) 4212 Speedometer reading on Unit #14 80 Plymouth) 28,942 Speedometer reading on Unit #15 80 Plymouth) 20,602 Miles Driven in May 8727 Miles Driven in June 7164 Respectfully Submitted, SOUTHLAKE OLICE DEPARTMENT C. D. Gaddy Chief of Pol' e CDG/tc J U ►Z"-W } ' ~ r tC F~-' J d W m a U 0 N J H- N Wi s. ~ C) LU C:) LLJ ;kets 13 0 38 31 41 59 232 Of calls 140 87 133 167 155 119, 945 Of arrest 0 0 1 4 6 3 16 Accidents 1 3 2 3 3 3 16 Burglaries 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 Thefts 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 Miles Driven 998 135 183 2117 2000 2355 7164 Hours worked 210 180 174 162 160 170 1157 K.serves ticks Accid. Arrs W Ks Calls Assist Miles Anderson 21 3 2 49 112 21 264 Scroggins 0 0 0 20 0 5 110 Cliatt 7 0 0 32 18 11 0 Taylor 14 0 1 32 14 3 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL/ CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15,1980 UTILITIES... General Telephone Company $ 70.00 Texas Power and Light Company 2,022.12 Texas Power and Light Company 417.78 PARKS/FACILITIES... The Wicks Company 500.31 The Chem Can Company 165.00 Grapevine Electric Service 123.86 CITY ADMINISTRATION... Southern Building Code Dues 40.00 General Office Supply 165.70 The Banner Quick Print 111.34 Mays, Flowers, Grady and Burruss 173.00 Travis P. Young (bonds for clerks) 50.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Texas Police Chiefs Association 15.00 Honeywell 174.90 Jameson Pharmacy Inc. 30.03 Regional Office Supply 22.41 A-Ok Locksmith 34.50 Bell Communications 588.29 Mid-City Chrysler/Plymouth 45.48 Grapevine Auto Parts 4.25 Kustom Fence of Fort Worth 105.00 Texas Department of Public Safety 30.00 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 461.50 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Colleyville Auto Parks 17.19 Crabtree and Powers Tire and Appliance 776.45 Grapevine Auto Parts 8.50 WATER DEPARTMENT... Circle R. Electric Company 50.00 Metro-Lex Supply 68.40 National Building Centers 53.10 TOTAL....... $ 6,324.11