1980-06-03 V CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 3,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Resolution 80-19. Appointment of Liaison Officers. 3. Consider: Amendment to Ordinance No. 160-A-2 Retroactive clause 4. ZA 80-18 Plat approval for a 1.464 acre tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706 Owner: M.L. Ottinger 5. ZA 80-13 Zoning request for two tracts of land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: John Groo. Continuation of public hearing. 6. ZA 80-15 Zoning request for three tracts of land out of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract 695. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: John V. McMillan, trustee. Developers: Burger and Eakins Custom Builders,Inc. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 80-16 Zoning request for a 5.80 acre tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706. Preseiit zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Henry Blanchard. Public Hearing. 8. ZA 80-17 Zoning request for Tracts 1 & 2, Block 4 of the "Harbor Oaks Addition". Present zoning is A-3 Single Family District, request is for the A-6 Two-Family District. Owner: James B. Stahala. Developers: David and Ann Hardy. Public Hearing. 9, ZA 80-4 Preliminary Plat approval for a subdivision in the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract 1049. The subdivision is to be known as "Briarwood Estates". Owner: Dan Howell 10. Consider: New Police Officer 11. Consider: Acceptance of Vehicle donated to the City for Arson Investigation. 12. Bills for Approval I hereby certify Ciat the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, May 30,1980 at 2:30 p.m. City Secretary u► u► U► t4 0 ;u11'i11LAKE TEXAS 4 U U M, Rryuldx City Co1u1L'1l Meal l ►y June 3,1980 ~,Uw 7:30 p.m. ►•Ity ut Suuthlaka, CuU111Cl1 .1 ~3 t'han►1~at5. ~a7 N. Cdt[ull Avarua. ;;.,uthl~ka, 'N 1 1 NAf-'1: MI:MU1.It _ COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Councilpersons: Modine Stricker, Lloyd Latta, Shari Massey, AC Urbanosky CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele. INVOCATION: Sam Sparger The minutes of the May 20,1980 regular City Council meeting were i approved as corrected. Mayor's Report Mayor Hawk indicated to Council that they would have worksessions for the Capital Improvements Program on June 5,9,11,12 and 16. It was reported that Carter and i I Burgess have met once with Raidy and Associates concerning the pur- chase price of the Keller Rural Water System which lies within the I City of Southlake's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Mayor Hawk added that the deadline set by the PUC is July 5,1980. ICouncilperson Latta reported that FHA has inspected the water system, (however, at this time we have not received a final report. I I i i ayor Pro Tem, Sparger, reported it he remodel to the stairs will be complete within the week. Sparger x Stricker ix Resolution 80-19 was approved, RESOLU- Latta x ix aming Liaison Officers for the year.TION Urbanosk-f' x 80-19 Massey x x I u, u► ►U)} C~ ' d p h O 1~ ► 1•Iy ~~F' :~~~11'1111AKk 1't:XAS id O U M►Wit._, of Reyulalr Clty Cowl cll Mt:4ll ►y cy June 3 r., v ~ 1~.,►~: ,1.980 F. aU r►~~~. 7:30 p.m. G 1 1., "Ity ut suuthlako, Council ►hankbe a ::i . ut,7 N. Cdr[ull Avunue. S,,uthlake, Tcxay NAM. H {'A~;l: 2 1 NI K N!' ML1wLli Sparger X I x ordinance No. 160-A-3, was approved. RD. Stricker I I x The amendment was presented by 160-A-3 Latta x x Sparger who commented that he felt PPROVED Urbanosky x the amendment should be passed to Massey I x elevate the possible "cloud". Sparger x ZA 80-18. Plat approval for a ZA 80-18 Stricker x 1.464 acre tract of land out of APPROVED Latta x x a 5 acre tract. M.L. Ottinger was Urbanosky x x present and explained to council Massey x that he gave the land to his daughter as a gift of love and affection. ZA 80-18 was approved. Sparger x x Stricker x ZA 80-13. The zoning requested by A 80-13 Latta x i x John Groo for two tracts of land out PPROVED Urbanosky x of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abst. issey x 525, was approved. Zoning was changed from Agricultural, to A-3 Single Family District. There were no replies during the public hearing. Sparger x I Ix ZA 80-15. The zoning from Agricul- A80-15. Stricker i Ix tural to A-3 Single Family District, PPROVED Latta x for a 65.73 acre tract of land out Urbanosky ~x of the W.W. Hale Survey, Abstract Massey x ~I Ix 695, was approved as requested. Councilperson Latta reported that no comments were received from property owners within 2001. There were no comments during the public hearing. Owners, Jim Burger, and Richard Eakins were present. ~x ZA 80-16. The zoning request for a A 80-16 Sparger 5.80 acre tract of land out of the PPROVED Stricker ~x x !Thomas Hood Survey, Abstract 706, Latta x owned by Henry Blanchard, was Urbanosky i xapproved. The zoning will be A-3 Massey Single Family District. Latta i informed Council that the P & Z recommendation was in favor of the ;zoning change. There were no common s during the public hearing. I i ul u► u' A crl,Y ►►k' t;l►IP1111AKk:, Tk:XAS MI ►lut ut o RCyular City Ca►1utcll Nt c l l ly rf O ~ y, y I June 3,1980 p 1 ,,t C: i t. ~ 'Illllt. 7;30 p.m. 1 I C i t y o t South l aka , Cuullc i 1 1 ~ t'lland,~~_y. ' (,t,7 N. Cdr[ull Avulluu. ~ ;;.,u~Uluku, T~x3y NAVI. 111 ll {'AI.1: 3 1NIUX N!► ZA 80-17. Request was made by owne ZA 80-17 James B. Stahala for a zoning chang ENIED on Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, of Harbor i Oaks Addition. Present zoning is i A-3 Single Family District, request was for A-6 Two-Family District. Sparger x Stricker x After discussion, council voted Latta x x to deny the request. Reasons in- Urbanosky x x clude: "Spot Zoning" and septic Massey x system problems in the area. Sparger x x ZA 80-4. The preliminary plat of A80-4 Stricker x Phase I, Briarwood Estates, was PLAT Latta x I x reviewed by Council. After extensive TABLED Urbanosky ix discussion, motion was made to table issey x action on the preliminary plat until the following items are corrected. 1. Pending review by Carter and Burgess on drainage. II I 2. Analysis of sewerage problem. 3. Another try be made to agree on fencing:Howell/Mesco. 4. Maintain 200' habitable dwelling set back from Mesco property line on Lota 1-S, Block A. Sparger I x Approval was given Police Chief, Stricker I x Daymond Gaddy to hire Charoltte Latta Ix Kelly as a new officer in the police Urbanosky x i ~x department. She has served as one Massey x ~x of the city reserve officers for approximately seven months. i Officer Charles Dodson was instru- mental in acquiring a station wagon vehicle for Arson Investigating. IjCouncil agreed that it should be added to city insurance policies. i i r~i M "~'y a ftJ A o ~ ►'I.1'Y ~►k' _;►►11'1111AKk:, '1'k:XAS ►d c~ v M,►►ul.:c, of Regular Clty cv-xu►cil Mutt, ►y a v IUt June 3, 1980 TI11kc 7:30 m. 1 I CILy opt 5ouchlake, Cuunci1 cIkan t,e t5 uc,7 N. Cdt[ull Avutlue. sotahlike, T.,xay NAMI: i 4 INIY'x ~1!► MlalllLlt - - i x The bills presented were approved Sparger Stricker I ( x for payment (attached hereto and Latta x x made a part hereof). Under the Urbanosky x x bills, Mayor Hawk recommended i ~ Massey I x approval for $100. maximum for a cage for animal control. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Hawk. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary i I rl• I I GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488.8561 481.3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Re-zaaa FILE STATE OF TEXAS' COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of-the GRAPEVINE SUNt a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said notice was Published in said paper on the following dates: ----Ida-4bt-4~3gA--------------------------------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day ofJune_ 198 Witness my hand and official sea . NotaryaPu~giC9 arrant County+ Texas L►1 LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE is hereby given to LLI all interested persons that = the C' Council of the City of South, . Texas will be hold o. public hearing on } Jut►@ ,c4 p.m. i n- Tt1e Crf tau ctla~mbers of f city 11x11 Carroll U Arer+ue, , Texas. th6 hearing is to A Ming request i W *A-' stahala. Request Tras 1 and 2, N he "Harbor Oaks J familynDissttrintg r Request is for A-6 Two- family district zoning City of Southlake Sandra L. LeGrand 6284-5-16-80 City Secretary - U Q t- I- Q ORDINANCE NO. 160-A-3 AN ORDINANCE AAIE:NDING ORDINANCE NO. 160, OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, SECTION 26 FEES. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 26 FEES The following fees shall be charged to offset City expenses relative to subdivision activities. 26.1 The fee for filing a preliminary plat shall be $50. and $1. per lot. 26.2 The fee for filing a final plat shall be $50. and $1. per lot. Additionally $100. per lot shall be charged to cover utility planning and enginnering costs. These fees shall be paid prior to filing of the final plat with the County. The said Ordinance 160, except as amended by this Ordinance 160-A-3 and all prior amendments, remains in effect in all respects as orginally passed. This Ordinance is to become effective as of the City Council meeting of April 29,1980. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3rd Day of June, 1980. Mayor ATTEST: w 4 City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 3,1980 UTILITIES... General Telephone $ 751.02 Lone Star Gas Company 20.63 Tri County Electric 138.00 PARKS... Chem Can Company 75.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION... General Office Supply 139.63 The Banner Quick Print 39.71 Pitney Bowes 58.00 Carter and Burgess,Inc. 416.32 Blue Cross/ Blue Shield 1,175.29 * POLICE DEPARTMENT... Jamison Pharmacy,Inc. 29'52 Bell Communication 235.50 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 230.00 Lancaster-Pittard Professional Association 106.00 Lancaster-Pittard Professional Association 50.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Parker Exxon 24.00 Metro-Lex Supply 18.60 Stewart Oxygen Service 37.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... North Star Laboratories 26.00 Aqua Utilities 100.49 The Rohan Company 513.76 * Cage for squad car to haul animals 50.00 Total...... -49234.47