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CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 CITY COUNCIL NETTING MAY 20, 1980 7:30 PM AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Discussion: Planning and Zoning-Submittal of Captial Improvement Program. 3. Consider: Texas Power and Light rate increase. 4. ZA 80-12: Zoning request for Lots 35 and 36 of the Knolls Lakeview Addition (unrecorded). Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the "L" Light Commerical Zoning District. Owner: Fred H. Branan. Public Hearing. 5. ZA 80-14 Plat approval for a 40.404 acre tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706. "The Crumbaker Addition" was submitted using the Simplified Subdivision Procedure. Owner: Wilber Henry Crumbaker and Novelle Crumbaker. Public Hearing. 6. Discussion: Amendent of Subdivision Ordinance-Fees Retroacture Clause. Harold Knight. 7. Departmental Reports: Police-Approval for purchase of two Enter City Walkie-Talkies Court- Fire- Water- Building- Facilities-Consider, Repair of stairs and partition up stairs. 8. Close Session: Personnel discussion-"As Per: Texas Vernon's Annotated Statutes Article 6252-17". I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, may 16, 1980 at 1:00 PM. a _'A CITY SECRETARY , W ~F' :;i ~ll'1111AKF: , Tt:XA5 O C►1 " ` I' 1'y : Regular City Cauutc:i 1 Muc:t t iy 14 ld U U M1IIUt V[i of ' M y .a y May 20,1980 7L30 p.m. 1 1 ; t ty ut suUthlaka, COMIC 1 t'ii~n►Uut~- t,t, 7 N. Car cu l l Avutlua. ~ ;;,,ucl~l~ku, Tuxay NAN1: O1 11 i'Ai.1: 1 1NI~'.X N,►~ Ml:t1U1.11 _ i COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparge , Councilpersons; Modine Stricker, i Lloyd Latta, Shari Massey. i l ~ COUNCLLPERSONS ABSENT: AC Urbanosky. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Joe Gregory, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline INVOCATION: Sam Sparger i The minutes of the May 6,1980 city council meeting were approved as corrected. I Mayors Report I i Mayor Hawk informed Council of the public hearing to be held on May 21,1980 on the Lone Star i Transportation Authorities election. The meeting will be held in Colley- Ville. The City Secretary is to II obtain the details of the election and report to Council. I The Mayor reported that the PARKS operational costs of the lights at the new ball park will be $6.20 per hour. Mayor Hawk indicated he feels the teams operating in leagues should born the expense of the electric, since the expense is not covered in the current budget i I ' Sparger is to take the information Ito the Parks Commission in an Ito reach an agreement. i A brief discussion followed the submittal of the Capital Improvement (Program prepared by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A work session will be held next week to :;uill7ilAKt:, Tt:X11S U1 M npr, i~ , I Ly OF Reqular C1Ly 1U1111c11 Hc:ul1 v y M►►►►,t~~ ~t May 20,1980 1 ► 7:30 p.m. p y 1' ► w. 1 1 City ut SuuLhlakn, Cuuncil ~ j ~'1►an,l,e t s . uc, 7 N. C If t" 11 Avunuu . Tuxay 2 NAM'C: „P 1 - - -----{~A►~i;~__.--- INIM:X N.. MLM11L11 i i I discuss the program. Planning and Zoning Commission and Council will b~ meeting together. I Mike McKinney and David Collier were T P L Sparger x x both present to represent Texas RATE Stricker x Power and Light Company in their INCREAS: Latta x x request for a rate increase. During APPROVE Massey x the public hearing citizens who had questions were: Harold Knight, Dan Howell and David Claude. After discussion,motion was made and approved to approve the rate in- crease as approved by the PUC to be effective May 27,1980. ZA 80-12. The zoning request made ZA 80-1 Sparger x x y Fred H. Branan was approved. APPROVEI Stricker X Latta x x Zoning on Lots 35 and 36 of the Oak Massey I I I x Knoll/ Lakeview Addition were change i I from Agricultural to "L" Light i I Commercial. There wasresponse by Imail from Mel Hobratsch, a property owner within 200 feet. I I ZA 80-14. Final plat approval was ZA 80-1 Sparger Ix x given to the "Crumbaker Addition", a APPROVE. Stricker I x 40.404 acre tract of land out of the Latta x I X Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706. Massey x The Simplified Subdivision Procedure was used. There were no comments during the public hearing. I ~ ~ I I Harold Knight was present and - ~appealed to the city council to 11,reconsider their action in the appro i al of the amendment to Ordinance No. 160-A-2, retroactive clause. i Mr. Knight reminded council that r~• e was a citizen, a developer and Lhairman of the Citizens Advisory Group on Sewer. I u► u► C1 ' (3 A n~~n~yy ' l~ ►'I'1'Y ►►h' ;1►11'11itAKh:, XAS O d M►►►ut u ; of RequIarr CILy C'a►lulC:i l Mt-et j' ►y rn v '~j y I1.1 IV -May 20,1980 'T '►1:30 p.m. ;G, ► • ci tY u~ suuthlaktl, Council j l`I►~n►►,u t ~ . uu"1 N. Cdr[ull Avunut:. ~,,uthI Ake, Texdy NAMI. ~)I ~I IA►;i: 3 INI►I:X tJ~► C11'.Ml~l.li _ He indicated he was unaware that the fees were going to be retroactive. j Several developers and citizens spoke against the retroactive clause. After extensive discussion, Councilperson Sparger ask that the item be placed on the agenda again for more discussion. Sparger x x Stricker x Police Chief, Daymond Gaddy was Latta x x given approval to purchase two Massey x inter-city walkie-talkie radios. Fire Chief Steele made mention of the fact that the Country Music Review was changed to June 25,1980. This is a music program sponsored by the Volunteer Fire Department. Under the Water Department report, Latta gave an account of past due i water and garbage bills. He also indicated he has requested an inspec - ion of our water system by HUD. I P g x x Stricker I x After discussion, motion was made to Latta x approve up to $1,000. expenditure on Massey Ix x reconstruction of the stairs in the i police department. I Sparger x x Sparger moved to approve a maximum Stricker x of $300. for construction of an Latta i x x office upstairs. Motion was approve . Massey X The bills presented were approved Ifor payment. (Attached hereto and made a part hereof). i i r~i a ;mvIIII hKE, TEXAS A td O MI Iml4-!a L- RCyuldr City CIVI"Icil Ikcti iy May 20, 1980 r► 7:30 p.m. ,Cn I,,, City ut 5uuth laka, Council bu-I N. C41-gull AVLllue. ~ 1 ;;,,uthl~ka, Tuxns NAMh: ~h 4 Closed Session: i During the closed session, discussio was held with the City Attorney I i concerning his position with the City of Southlake. By mutual agreement, Joe Gregory has resigned his position as City Attorney, to be effective May 31,198 0. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Hawk. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary I ' i it i ~ i i i r~• ~ i i GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481.3221 IN THE MATTER OF: Ut_v-ofi_Southlake--------------------- !Re4uest_to_subdivide_ land_out_of_the__ _____l~i om a s_M_ Ho o d____ S urv a F I LE N 0 80--------------------- STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT -RON GOETZ, the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN9 a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant, Texas, preceding the to of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said Paper on the following dates: ---------M~Y_~s_~,980------------------------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 1950 Witness my hand and official seal.- Margie Hanl6il Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas W P $m~ Di-+siRw-+ p -~3w=~8sS-+ m d-3301s" vvNaD~w n2Dza m= ~ -,nomM-moomm.oc-m. mm $ o- m~am aN ~°x88 s~ a~3? m3"'3moO;X aN'`0'<_=o 9& v t" nY , ~ a .0 aZzi-oa °Z~'°~Zi~• z'"voo' Z~~X. _1 en 3.m ,,-my' m" SF s_-5n Z F, Zp 1; $~rAa 2A~•(1 ~ n• 3A~3o pn3pm~ i psS Z_ 8 a r) a 8t11~pNwoo~M C 111 111• Nt moaboP~?o, ~ 3roi~~2!Le s~D~ do Po w~c 'm~~prtimi b ~ Nt0 7' w•~ ~ A ~ O vn' On n OZ Q N D` ON-~i, d 0i' j7~ ;3 y7 ~"Z_, ?.^~=~H OZa Qt.a•ci ~xv* N Z. n~~o•C~.~~,~~ ~•Q-lo'B.Nn v' /air. n p• $ N~ 7 Z~••- n W. ?m ~t3"I~ V w_ r _D C CEO =3~ iZ :ry o , g o~$' m _o• C mm ab-Pb,~. o cno-1$a-pt7~m~.3o=mo'2 $o pH q ~ <r2. ~ ~ ~~.,a~ aaN..,,, ~.t~. ~s1• ~om.. m• a ao,~`, ~.~o,~~r~. ~ y1 rr o n.2v n ~ . ~ pp~' m• ice, c ~ . 3 , ~ .ao g qnp', ~o.s 3~2vp Sit $japp_~ A~ nm'• 3Emmm~ W ~7C ~_c_.~ 7a -Olomn- a3 n NN-nC.owg~m--•~i9.~1Q _ eke o~~ ono „ m_m._ ~aod n o c~ c7r Nmnn v 3a ~~$3mc~NO~saaom~ n ~~m $~~u<md AAl~e?o+ 'F Sit I, CO Ram P r a C Q F- Q GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: -----.C1-t1y_DJ_S 01Lt1Llak-e -----2,e 2 D n o J-D-t~s_3L5-Br3d6---y3-k--KrLDJJ-------- Lakeview Addition -----F- r-e -41,-------------------------- FILE NO.___ 4r3-1-9- 4-49--------------------- STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the to of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said paper on the following dates: -----14.aY_2u_-1.9J9--------------------------------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Witness my hand and official seal. L7- Margie ]on LEGAL NOTICE Notary Public+ Tarrant County+ Texas NOTICE is hereby given to W all intertested persons that the city council of the City of W Southiake, Texas, will be _ holding a ppuublic , ring on may 26; 7Sr80'af p.m, in s of the ity CHa ~ North Carroll C C a Avenue, Southlake Texas. CD Purpose-of the hearing is to V consider the request of Fred H. Beanan to rezone Lots 35' q and 36 of the Oak Knolls W Lakeview Ad ition _ (Unrecorded), in arrant N County. Texas. Present F~ zoning .is Agricultural, J request is` for the "L" Light Ir Commerical Zoning. City of Southlake CL Sandra L. LeGrand 6319-5-2-80 City secretary U a F- a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481.3221 488-0332 IN THE MATTER OF: -----Git.x._af _Scut.b.Lake_--------------------- _____t> _>=e.aue_st _af _J_aba_Graa__Re.zaae-_----- Samue_L_Ere_emaa_S.urYe.Y----------------- FILE NO.---6264=5..2-8a.--------------------- STATE OF TEXASv COUNTY OF TARRANT -RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the to of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said ltice was Published in said paper on the following dates: HaY_2j__19aQ--------------------------------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of-ba 19$ _ , Witness my hand and'official seal._ - Margilea nion Not&v;6Poblic+ Tarrant County, Texas W m--cNj Aew'°~• en a • ~ n CZ j ~oI=11^fi)-^im~~~ 7•+c~c. my ]:i ^v oaFIL m0m3--m' z. o °•OmS Ngmw c r _ ~ s 3c~~ ~m^ ~oZOZroo-0-3h mmm..mn~Z3'mw mmc D-0.0u' uwi"`~°mw m a-~ OM ^3mamm„mm;waz amaz'. ZZa,,932c o v,m-m-+~z Q. mm~, =y~~'~°gc D `~v»m ~o5v~ -0'm ^ 3N7g cm _o g m 3 og 3 ?r 10 O• ~ MC w5m-Q7` } Q3~ IC-n1n j3N„ZD O Z o ZfmlGo io o z iz os m ~ Z '0 U,23 NCa w _ae ma uR~~ z +-x= d ,0 'w~a m o.. 1°' o UZ 3O a o~ CDS_~pcn a3"Z < z'nQ $ Z 91^m a~ m_ o. , a c off, t w<= a o v ws G~ a'a8 Iano-v_~. Q m3. mmoA0!^3e°e O Nei mmm C.1 u, ~wQ w~ m~ g3 r $ 1 s J.~0' m ,-fl~3p A nA 3 a.ao5m v+ '0Zz =A mv' ` ._$Dm iu 91 70~7$ib EI a~ ~T`fDms93F -111 -rz' 5 o > 3 m 3 o m -5 x Z - m n< z ' ~o a3o~ Ck Z o o D oo~ ~ wm_• W '6w:3 m °T~c N-m ~W @ `~~Yi`d'$^m = a~~' ~ *I.,_ =m 3wg 0 0. n_. om o w wy^~ w• 3 W ^C^-°' m Z~~ momo cm o om ~ma D~DN wee m- Z m .o c S~Mop :mo = m ,~o~~ 34~0 yg NN o v w~ moe^eppmR~41~EJPO y~'m o: 3^ aCO$N~ o• 0---711 N ym7f j3~ 07?8 OS °0P y~ O.m m 'v 0.~ 7TIG~VEO'~i.:-~-0.~ ~000• w Co RI --m03N• 7W~7.~7m N <MNa mamo 7mw N 'o I w73 9a IP 0C~pL n,vm•o3 ina a N O ROM%O^ ^O^ y ~ U2 Q y _ crS m3a~m~z7~p~po...~ ~.z~mNm 3* CD me 0 F- mo'im 'mmxZoou~o m7~`m^°'o?x?X Q <am ° G OCOO ORDINANCE NO. 258` AN ORDINANCE APPROVING RATE SCHEDULES TO BE CHARGED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS APPROVING SERVICE REGULATIONS FILED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH RATE SCHEDULES, AND PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATE SCHEDULES MAY BE CHANGED, MODIFIED, AIENDED OR WITHDRAWN. WHEREAS, on January 4, 1980, Texas Power & Light Company filed with the City Secretary a request for an increase in rates to be charged within the City and for approval of Service Regulations to be observed in the City; and WHEREAS, the City having suspended the effective date of such proposed rate increase from February 8, 1980, and having considered the same at a public hearing, is of the opinion and finds that an increase in rates should be approved, being the same rates heretofore approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, in Docket No. 3006, pursuant to a request filed with it by Texas Power & Light Company on January 4, 1980; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS: SECTION 1: That an increase in the rates, tariffs and charges of Texas Power & Light Company for electric power and energy sold within the City be approved in an amount equal to that approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Docket No. 3006, and the rates, tariffs and charges giving effect to such increase approved by the Public Utility Commission in said Docket No. 3006 are hereby approved as the _Schpdule of Rates under which said Company is authorized to render electric service and to collect charges from its customers for sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City until such time as said Rate Schedules and Service Regulations may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn, with the approval of the City Council. SECTION 2: That the Service Regulations of Texas Power & Light Company.filed with the City Secretary on January 4, 1980, be, and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That such Schedule of Rates and Tariffs and Service Regulations shall be effective for consumption from and after the date on which the Schedule of Rates and Tariffs and Service Regulation: are approved and made effective by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Docket No. 3006. SECTION 4: The filing of the Rate Schedules and Service Regulati( and the approval of same by the City Council, in the manner herein provided, shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity, wit) the City, of the availability and application of such Rate Schedules and Service Regulations. PASSED AND APPROVED at a Regular meeting of the City Council of SOUTHLAKE , Texas, this the 20th day of May , 1980 Mayor To go into effect May 27,1930 ATTEST: y e©retary (City'SIZA 1) r, DOCKET NO. 3006 RE: APPLICATION OF TEXAS p PUBLIC UTILITY CO""ISSiON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR ] AUTHORITY TO CHANGE RATES Q OF TEXAS NUNC PRO TUNC ORDER On April 29, 1980, the Commission issued a Final Order in the abo,:e numbered and entitled proceeding; however, because of errors in the Order, such Order is corrected to read as follows: CONCLUSION Based upon the evidence in the hearing, TP&L has a test year revenue deficiency of $81,876,078 and should be allowed to adjust its rates as provided for in this Final Order in order to produce the required revenue to recover its cost of service and to eliminate such deficiency. The underlying Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law supporting this Conclusion are as follows: In addition, Finding of Fact No. 29 should be corrected to read as follows: 29. Revenue Deficiency. The revenue deficiency of TP&L for the test period is $81,876,078. The Commission finds TP&L's cost of service (revenue requirement) of $896,390,039 will permit TP&L to recover all of its operating expenses together with a reasonable return on its invested capital as required by Sec. 39 of the Act. TP&L's recovery of revenues from the fuel adjustment clause and sources other than base rates is $335,458,950, which includes miscellaneous charges revenue requirement of $8,283,062 as shown in Staff Exhibit No. 6 (Exhibit I, page 6), the base rate revenue requirement is $560,931,089, the adjusted test period base rate revenues are $479,375,687, and the adjusted test pericd miscellaneous charges revenues are $7,962,386, resulting in the revenue deficiency set forth above. In addition, Finding of Fact No. 35(b) should be corrected to read as follows: (b) The charge per kilowatt hour as shown in Rider RSH shall reflect a discount of 2C per kwh as calculated by Staff l;itness Goble, rather than the charge of 1.350 per kwh as proposed by TP&L. In addition, Conclusion of Law No. 3 should be corrected to read as follows: 3. Additional Revenues. TP&L proved that it is entitle to additional annual revenues of $81,876,078. The purpose of this corrected Conclusion, Findinas of Fact, and Ccnclusie•, of Law is to reflect the correction of mathematical errors relatinc to the Commission rejection of TP&L's weather normalization adjustment and the effect of that adjustment on test period base rate revenues, and to properly reflect the discount to be shown in Rider RSH. All other Findings of Fact, CorclusionS of Law, Procedural Statement, and Order contained in the April 29, 198' Final Order in this proceeding are expressly affirmed and hereby incerporate~-' by reference as if set forth in full herein. -c- N J E U N Z Z Z H _I W o F- c~ ° F- O ¢ N p Q~ Z p N U I-W z Cm ::c tiCKETS 15 13 21 38 71 27 303 #of CALLS 170 89 47 66 73 59 518 #,of ARREST 0 3 2 3 8 5 28 ACCIDENTS 0 3 1 0 8 0 12 BURGLARIES 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 THEFTS 0 0 2 0 2 0 4 MILES DRIVE 1121 951 347 1465 1942 1706 8,137 HOURS WORKE 210 180 180 175 160 160 1190 Hours RESERVES ticket Accid Arres work Calls Assist, Mile ANDERSON 79 1 6 58 11 22 335 SCROGGINS 6 0 0 202 1 2 141 KELLY 22 0 0 282 2 3 315 CLIATT 11 0 0 19 0 10 185 CITY OF SOU`i'HLAKE MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF April , 1980 CURRENT LAST MONTH ELDC.'TRIC 13 30 PLLMING 9 24 FRAMING 6 19 FOUNDATION 5 6 HEATING & AIR 2 18 SEPTIC SYSTEM 7 5 OTHER 9 14 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 51 116 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 9 $686.00 6 607.00 ELBCIRICAL 5 74.30 9 82.00 PLUMBING 4 95.00 3 55.00 HEATING & AIR 3 59.00 0 000.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 0 000.00 11 265.00 &S Septic 3 30.00 3 30.00 TOTAL PERMITS 24 $944.30 32 $1054.00 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $291,150.00 $690,746.25 $981,896.25 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $144.00 $507.00 $651.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $3586.00 $4530.30 1 Fence 2 swimming pools RESPBMT ULLY SUBMITTED, 2 storage 1 commerical 3 Residence * BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN BUIIAING EPAYCMENT OFFICAL May 20,1980 TO: MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY SECRETARY SUF-BJECT: Requirement of amending the amended budget per current land purchase. Per the request of Mayor Hawk, I called Ron Stringer, of Baines and Stringer, our city auditors, concerning the necessity of amending the city budget due to the recent land purchase. I informed Ron of the purchase of the 7.:32 acres and the price the city paid for it. He advised me that the City does not have to amend the amended budget for this. He felt it could be covered under the current budget because the amount of money involved was not that great. Another reason is the time it takes for public hearings to amend the budget with only four months left of the current fiscal year. He definitely advised against amending the budget at this time. * aT 9u-County Efzc tic Co-o#Ezahm, &c. rowalm FOR RURAL PROGRESS 600 N. W. PARKWAY AZLE, TEXAS 76020 PHONE 444-3201 KELLER SUB-OFFICE GRANBURY SUB-OFFICE 525 E. PRICE STREET ROUTE 3, BOX 210 KELL ER, TEXAS 76248 GRANBURY, TEXAS 76048 PHONE 431-1541 PHONE 443-0306 May 2, 1980 CITY City of Southlake Ms. Sandra L. LeGrand}- - 10 vu City Secretary P. 0. Box 868 Lice LV 3 4~h Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Ms. LeGrand: We agreed, when I was talking to you by telephone on February 20, 1980, that we would send you a copy of the final Texas Public Utility Commission's version of our service fee request changes. We are attach- ing a copy. We will be glad to furnish any additional information that may be needed. Yours truly, A, v 2 L~,., e L~ /f JOHNNIE M. AMMONS General Manager JMA : j r Attachment o ~1 w ~•`u o 6q Public Utility Commission of Texas George M. Cowden Chairman H. M. Rollins Commissioner April 28, 1980 Garrett Morris Commissioner Mr. Johnnie Ammons Tri-County Electric Co-operative, Inc. 600 N.W. Parkway Azle, Texas 76020 Re: Docket No. 2788 - Application of Tri-County Electric Co-operative, Inc. Dear Mr. Ammons: Please be advised that the Commission Staff has reviewed your recently- filed tariff and has found it to be in compliance with the Commission's Order in Docket No. 2788. Accordingly, approval is hereby given for Tariff Sheets 3, 8, 9, 28, 32, 44, and 45 and the rates contained therein may be implemented for service following the date of this letter. In accordance with the Com- mission's Order, Sheet 29 will be deleted from the Tariff. If you have any questions about the tariff review process, please let me know. Sincerely, 04't &C, X- J-,t e U yx a K~ Carolyn Shellman Hearings Examiner pd cc: General Counsel Engineering Tariff Clerk An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 7Qnn Qk-lI r`1n11I1 R.,iil--A . Q,,if~ nnnt.l . A.ictin Tn-c 7Q7F7 . ~~71AFi1 (l~(>n Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Section 1.2 _ Iilectric Distribution Effective Date July 1, 1976 Municipalities 6 Counties Revision No. 2 - May 1, l~J0 Sheet Number 3 1.2 MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES SERVED MUNICIPALITIES 1. Briar 2. Colleyville 3. Granbury 4. Haslet S. Keller 6. Newark 7. North Richland Hills 8. Reno 9. Sanctuary 10. Southlake 11. Weatherford 12. Westlake COUNTIES 1. Denton 9. flood 3. Jack 4. Palo Pinto 5. Parker 6. Tarrant 7. Wise PUBLIC UTILITY CO(AMiSSION OF TEXAS APPfzOVri~ A'R 28'80 DOCKET A,. 2788 IRL. T/AmFF CLERX ['ri --CountE lectric Coop., Inc. Section 1 3 Electric Distribution Effective Date March 1,_1974_ Rats: Schedule Revision No._2 - h1~1, 1980 Sheet Number. - --g 1.31) ~(AII"DULE SL: SECt)RITY LIGHT SERVICE 1.3D1 APPLICABILITY: Service is available to all members receiving service. 1.3D2 CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Single phase, 60 hertz, alter- nating current at available secondary voltage. 1.31)3 MONTHLY RATE: Monthly rate per lamp shall be as shown when installed on existing wood pole using standard stock luminaire and served from existing service. KWH 17S watt @ $3.70 70 400 watt @ $5.45 160 1,000 watt @ $10.40 400 Plus an adjustment per KWIi of energy based on above per Schedule FCA and/or PPAF. 1.31)3a The Cooperative will, at the request of the member, install and maintain additional pole locations (maximum of 2 additional pole locations per light.) The total cost of this additional service is to be paid by the member and ownership will be retained by the Cooperative. 1.31)31) Maintenance of fixtures shall be upon member request and shall be worked as soon as servicemen are available to the area. I.,uminaire maintenance will be handled during normal working hours and shall not he deemed an emergency outage. PUBLIC UTILITY C f4MISSION Of TEXAS APPROV,ZD 28'80 DOCI(ET 1 s 8 FILE [;Y TAP I I:' Tri - County I:lectr-ic Coop., Inc. Section I.3 Electric Distribution Effective Date_ Mardi I , 1974 Rate Schedule Revision No. 2 _May--1, 1980, Sheet Number 9 SE'CURIT'Y LIGHT AGREEMENT The undersigned agrees to pay Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1701' the use of a "Security Light" under the terms and conditions set out in Rate Schedule SL as outlined on the reverse side. The Cooperative shall retain ownership of all facilities. T'HE UNDERSIGNED AGREES TO AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THIS CONTRACT IS FOR 24 MONTHS AND ASSUMES LIABILITY FOR PAYMENT OF SAME FOR THE FULL TERM OF THE CONTRACT. Consumer Address Account Number Location Rate per Montle Plus Fuel Adjustment Charge on Kilowatt-Hours. NOTI CE: THIS CONTRACT IS FOR 24 MONTHS and provides for service at the above location only. IF THE CONSUMI:R 10,J) :STS RELOCATION of this light, a iee equal to the Co-op's estimate of the actual cost of the relocation must be paid in advance. Any difference PUBLIC UTI AY (a))vAISSiON OF TLAAS between the estimate and the actual cost mu t he pa i/ P1Y~t 7t11 D consumer (or refunded by the Co-op) upon co ipapRt~81&lf UPI-TwArB788 I ILL nrn in iC 1'1 maV Tri -Cpunt -y E lectric Coop., Inc. Section l.4 1:1ectric Distribution Effective, Date .July 1 , 1976 Service I:ules, Regulations and Revision No.-3- - May 1, 1980 Service Agreements Sheet Number 2-9-- 1 .41 B11,LTNG AND COLLECTING 1.41(1) All electric service bills will be placed in the 0. S. Post Office on or before the first day of each month. The due date of the bill for electric service will be the day they are mailed. A bill for electric utility service is delinquent if unpaid within IS days of the date of issuance. The postmark, if any, on the envelope of the bill., or an issuance date on the bill, if there is no post- mark on the envelope, shall constitute proof of date of issuance. If the fifteenth day from issuance falls oil a holiday or weekend, the final date for payment purposes shall be the next work day after the fifteenth day of issuance. All electric service bills are payable at Tri-County Electric Cooperative's main office located at 600 N. W. Parkway, Azle, Parker County, Texas; Tri-County Electric Cooperative's sub office located at Route 3, Box 210, Granbury, Hood County, Texas or T'ri-County Electric Cooperative's sub-office located at 52S E. Price Street, Keller, Tarrant County, Texas. 1.4I(2) A customer's electric utility service may be disconnecter if its bill has not been paid or deferred payment agreement entered into within 20 days from the date of issuance and if proper notice has been given. Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or hand delivery at least S days prior to a stated date of dis- connection. If mailed, the cut off day may not fall on a holiday or weekend. If personnel is dispatched to dis- connect service for non-payment and payment is made to said personnel at that time a service charge of $5.00 plus $0.20 per mile shall be included in the customer's next monthly billing. If collections are made from more than one customer on One trip, the total mileage charge shall be divided equally among all customers from whom collec- tions were made. 1.41(3) If service is disconnected, a reconnect charge of $15.00 per meter will be made before service is reconnected providing reconnect is made during regular working hours, Mlonday through Friday. If a member des-ire service recon- nected during overtime working hours, a total of $25.00 per meter will be charged. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS 1.-11(4) A $10.00 service charge w111 beAPF#WVED service calls to a location when the trcuble is found to be on th member's load side of the meter. APR 2$'80 DOCKET 2788 1.41(-S ) Pus tponemen t of paymen 0Oltii;le.c tz.i.c.. _W, i:u.i-k:e;..h.i1 1 w i l l not be made except in ext rc me ha rcTAR FF-&14, -Kdeter- mination to be made by General Manager, Assistant General Manager, or such other person as may be designated by management. 'I'ri - comity Electric Coop., Inc. Section_ _ 1 4 Hectric Distribution Effective Date July 1, 1976 5eivice Rules, Regulations and Revision No. Ma 1, 1980 - Service Agreements Sheet Number 1.4NI f31LL1NG AND C01.LEC1'ING - RETURNED CHECKS 1.4M(1) It is the policy of the 000perative that when a check has been returned by the bank for any reason, the person who issued the check shall be notified and a handling charge of $10.00 will be added to the member's account. 1.4M(2) if proper settlement has not been made within 5 days from the date the check is returned or if the check is in pay- ment of a delinquent account, Co-op personnel will be dis- patched immediately for the purpose of collecting and an additional charge of $10.00 will be made. Electrical service will be disconnected and the consumer will be required to appear in the Cooperative office to settle charges if the bill is not paid at the time Cooperative personnel make a trip for collection purposes. 1.4M(3) When a member issues two checks within a twelve month period that are returned by the bank, it shall be a policy to notify said member that personal checks will not be accepted for payment of electric service bills. If a check is issued after this notification in payment of the account and the check is returned by the member's bank for any reason, the meter will be disconnected if or once notice has been given that payment is required with-in 5 days and payment is not made by the member. PUBLIC UTIgTr~Yp~VED OF TEXAS ~R . 8'8(0 DOCKET ' ' 27881 FILE By TARIFF= CLER.t, '1'1'i-Cou11ty Electric Coop., Inc. Section 1.4 _ Electric Distribution Effective Date July 1, 1976 Service Rules, Regulations and Revision No. 2 - May 1, 19$0 Service Agreements Sheet Num 44 1 .4Y MEM111.RSHIP IN 'FRI-COUNTY ELEC'I'RIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 1.4Y(1) It shall be a policy of the Cooperative that before constructing any facilities to serve an applicant, it will be necessary for said applicant to file a formal application for service, pay a membership fee of $25.00, pay a non-re- fundable service charge of $10.00, execute a reasonable right-of-way easement, no broader than necessary to accomodate the service requested, and provide the necessary information for a credit check or furnish the required deposit. 1.4Y(2) An additional non-refundable $10.00 service charge shall be collected for each additional connection requested by the member. 1.4Y(3) Membership in the Cooperative shall not be trans- ferable, and upon the death, cessation of existence, expulsion upon termination, the Certificate of Membership of such member shall be surrendered forthwith to the Cooperative. 'Termina- tion of membership in any manner shall not release the member from any debts or liabilities of such member to the Coopera- tive. In case of withdrawal or termination of membership in any manner, the Cooperative will repay to the member the amount of the membership fee paid by him, provided that the Cooperative shall deduct from the membership fee the amount of any debts or obligations owing from the member to the Cooperative. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS APPROVED APR 2' g'80 DOCKET t, 27881 I iLl: BY TAFiIF CI_.1_':;i' '1'1,i -County Electric Coop., Inc. Section 1 .4 Electric Distribution Effective Date _.July 1, 1976 _ Service Rules, Regulations and Revision No. 2 Service Agreements Sheet Nwnber 45 Staked Location No. 1.4Y(4) APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP AND FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE I.4Y(4)(a) 'l'ire undersigned (hereinafter called the "Member") hereby applies for membership in, and agrees to purchase electric energy from Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (hereinafter called the "Cooperative") upon the following terms and conditions: I.4Y(4)(a)(1) 'rho Member will pay the Cooperative the sum of $25.00, which will constitute the Member's membership fee, if this application is accepted by the Cooperative, and if application is not accepted by the Cooperative then the membership fee in the sum paid shall be returned to the Mernbe r . -1 .4Y(4)(it)(2) The Member agrees, when electric energy becomes available, to purchase from the Cooperative all electric energy purchased for use on the premises speci- fied i►u his application for membership, and shall pay therefor monthly at rates which shall from time to time he fired by the Board. Production or use of electric cnct-gy on such premises, regardless of the source thereof, b>~ means of facilities which shall be interconnected with Cuope~rative facilities, shall be subject to appropriate regulations as shall be fixed from time to time by the Cooperative. The electric energy which the Cooperative ;igrees to furnish the Member may be limited, cut off, interrupted for repairs and-or any cause that may he deemed necessary by the Cooperative, where a known dangerous condition exists for as long as the condition exists, without notice to tile MCIIII)CF. 1.4Y(4)(a)(i) the Member will comply with and be bound by tilt: provisions of tine Certificate of Incorporation and By - laws of the Cooperative, and such rules and regu- lation; as pray from time to time he adopted by the Coop- erative. 1'he Cooperative shall he bound by the rules and regulations of the Texas I'uhlis Utility Commission. l . 4Y (4) (a) (1) The Member, by paying a membership fuc and becoming a member, assumes uo personal liahility or re- sponsibility for any debts or liabilities of the Cooperative, and it is expressly understood that under the law his private property cannot be attached for ,auy such debts or liabilities. I .4Y(4) ( a ) (5) The acceptance f PhLit U4IL~Uwolv)to" 4i-CA]ie Coope rat i ve steal 1 cons ti tute ar ag reeim_,AP14Ft3VBDl tile APR 7L 8'SG DOCKET t 2788 (continued) tllt..._............ BY_ TARIFF CLERK GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-8561 481.3221 IN THE MATTER OF: ---6?F-a-sa:tl}~-aloe------------------------ ---2u~1ic_Iieanin.Ej-------------------------- ___Bate_in_Grease_far_Ie&L_________________ FILE NO STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ, the General Manager of-the GRAPEVINE SUN9 a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one Year in the County of Tarrant, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said notice was published in said paper on the following dates: May 16, 1980 ----l - Ran,-Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of n, 9 80 Witness my hand and official seal NotarMaF~6lf;can+aorrant County, Texas W NOTICB''OF PUBLIC HEARING IY NOTICE is hereby given to W all interested citizens of the = City of SoutMake, Texas, that the City Council of, the City of Southlake, Texas,- will be a_ holding a public h"ring on O May 20, 7980, #t '7.:30 t .m. in U the city cobni lW21iarn rs of City Ha11.6&1'1Wth'Carroll A Avenue, Sou~ take, Texas. L►J Purpose of tf hearing is to = consider the request of Texas Power.&, Light Company for a Rate Increase. J City of Southlake Sandra L,LeGrand City Secretary 6289-5-16-80. U Q F- Q i WATER DEPARTIIL•'N T RE'PnRT Month of APRIL 1980 Gallons pwnped previous month 6,912,000 6,762,000 Gallons sold previous month 7 TAPS New Tdps installed for month 4 Motors chanqud out Lino repairs: Maturials 3 Leaks - Carroll Rd, White Chapel, Oakhurst Machine: Runtal Other repairs #2 4ell Pump Repaired Lines Flushed - Sunshine Ln., Brumlow, Rainbow, White Chapel Water Supe;7intandant CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20,1980 UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company (water) $ 1,033.28 Texas Power and Light Company (general) 199.06 CITY ADMINISTRATION... Gulf Oil Company 1,766.03 Dennis Electric (repairs to city hall) 275.00 Watco (air conditioning in police department) 30.00 Lind Paper Company 39.26 Texas Power and Light Company(park) 9.00 Watson Electric Supply Company 145.28 Banner Quick Print 155.69 General Office Supply 6.40 IBM (machine repair) 54.35 Fort Worth Star Telegram (classified) 212.80 Mays, Flowers, Grady and Burruss (auto insurance) 3,815.00 Pease Engraving 7.75 PBCC 129.95 William D. Campbell (court session) 75.00 Rohne and Hoodenpyle 1,126.29 Grapevine Publishing Company 136.80 POLICE DEPARTMENT... ,r,,aw Enforcement Equipment Company 168.43 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 230.00 Texas Department of Public Safety 38.00 Honeywell 174.90 Sargent-Sowell,Inc. 34.50 Lancaster-Pittard Prof.Assoc. 31.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Arnold Welding Service 7.50 McClure's 90.25 The Dodge Chemical Company 78.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... Aqua Utility,Inc. 56.36 GRAND TOTAL...... $ 10,125.88