1980-04-01 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Consider: Presentation of low bid for water lines (Community Development Grant). Paul Whaley. 2. Consider: Repairs to Tennis Courts in Bicentinnial Park. 3. ZA 80-5 Zoning request for a 19.78 acre tract of land out of the R.D Price Survey, Abstract 1207 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Southlake Park Addition. Present zoning is A-1 Single Family District. Request is for Agricultural. Owner: Stephen C. Kidwell Public Hearing. 4. ZA 80-6 Zoning request for a tract of land in the Hilltop Acres Addition. Present zoning is A-2 Single Family District. Request is for the Agricultural District. Owner: Stephen C. Kidwell Public Hearing. 5. ZA 80-9 Zoning request for Lot 2C Block 1 of the Shumaker Subdivision, a .676 acre tract of land. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for A-3 Single Family District Zoning. Owner: Jackie L. Bridges Public Hearing. 6. ZA 80-7 Zoning request for 95.76 acres of land out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: David L. Claude. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 80-7 Preliminary Plat approval for a 95.76 acre tract of land in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. The subdivision will be known as Oakwood Country Estates". Owner and Developer: David L. Claude. Public Hearing. 8. Consider: Annexation application for Richard Ogle. Property located on North White Chapel Road. 9. Consider: Approving an Ordinance for Reserve Police Program. 10. Discussion: State approval for Southlake's Water System. 11. Consider: Police Reserve Officer 12. Consider: Two firemen attending Diving School, and three firemen attending Arson Investigating Class for State Certification. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL TWEETING April 1,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Consider: Presentation of low bid for water lines (Community Development Grant). Paul Whaley. 2. Consider: Repairs to Tennis Courts in Bicentinnial Park. 3. ZA 80-5 Zoning request for a 19.78 acre tract of land out of the R.D Price Survey, Abstract 1207 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Southlake Park Addition. Present zoning is A-1 Single Family District. Request is for Agricultural. Owner: Stephen C. Kidwell Public Hearing. 4. ZA 80-6 Zoning request for a tract of land in the Hilltop Acres Addition. Present zoning is A-2 Single Family District. Request is for the Agricultural District. Owner: Stephen C. Kidwell Public Hearing. 5. ZA 80-9 Zoning request for Lot 2C Block 1 of the Shumaker Subdivision, a .676 acre tract of land. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for A-3 Single Family District Zoning. Owner: Jackie L. Bridges Public Hearing. 6. ZA 80-7 Zoning request for 95.76 acres of land out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: David L. Claude. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 80-7 Preliminary Plat approval for a 95.76 acre tract of land in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899. The subdivision will be known as "Oakwood Country Estates". Owner and Developer: David L. Claude. Public Hearing. 8. Consider: Annexation application for Richard Ogle. Property located on North White Chapel Road. 9. Consider: Approving an Ordinance for Reserve Police Program. 10. Discussion: State approval for Southlake's Water System. 11. Consider: Police Reserve Officer 12. Consider: Two firemen attending Diving School, and three firemen attending Arson Investigating Class for State Certification. 13. Mayor's Report 14. Bids for :-approval I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin h=oard and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, , Southlake, Texas, on Friday, March 2 1980 at 2:30 P.M. City Secretary w o o CITY OP SOUTHLA.KE, TEXAS a b 0 Minutes of Regular City Co-uncil Meeti g M o Date ° April 1,1980 7a Ti me ~n Place : City ope Southlake, Council chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 Southlake, Texas NAME: OF ~ 1 MEME4E R - - PACE I N LW X NO . C! COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; i I Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparge ' Councilpersons; Lloyd Latta, AC I ! I Urbanosky, Shari Massey. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Louise ' Morrison. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Lloyd Martinson PARKS COMMISSIONER: Jerry Black CITY STAFF: Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, City Attorney; Joe Gregory. INVOCATION: Sam Sparger The Minutes of the March 18,1980 meeting were approved as corrected. Paul Whaley of Carter and Burgess, BID Inc., was present and presented ACCEPTED to the Council the low bid for FOR WATER ! the Water Main Extension Project MAIN EXTEN- as per the Community Development SION PROJEC Grant. He indicated that the low bid was $57,926.50, which was presented by Leonard Hazel,Inc. The water line extension will include approximately 1,900 feet of 8 inch main, to be installed on South White Chapel Road., and Carroll Sparger 'x x Avenue. Latta ( x x !After discussion by Council, motion Urbanosky x was made and approved to accept Massey ! x the low bid, subject to HUD approval. !Mayor Hawk unofficially polled 'the Council with regard to (spending the additional monies from HUD on our existing priority :list for upgrading water lines. i o o CITY OF SOUTHI.AKE, TEXAS p A ° o Minutes of Regular City Cmlm cil Meeti q ch - 0 Mo Date April 1,1980 Time 7:30 p.m. ,n Place : City of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAVE OF 2 MEMBER PACE INLIF:X NO. Cr I All Councilpersons present were j' in favor of the expenditure. Mayor Hawk read a dedication from BASEBALL i Jerry Black, chairman of the Parks PARK Commission, naming May 3 as DEDICATED "Baseball Park Dedication Day". Mr. Black also named April 13, as an official park work day. Sparger x x ZA 80-5. The zoning request from ZA 80-5 Latta x x A-1 Single Family District to ZONING Urbanosky x Agricultural was granted to APPROVED Massey I x Stephen C. Kidwell after no comments were received during the public hearing. Mr. Latta indicated that all property owners were notified and that proper notice was given in the papers as per ordinance. It was discussed and understood by Kidwell's that when they are ready to build a home, the acre in which the home will be located must be zoned residential. I The property is 19.78 acres out of the R. D. Price Survey, Abstract 1207, and Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Southlake Park Addition. Sparger x x ZA 80-6. The Kidwell's were also ZA 80-6 Latta x x granted zoning change from A-2 ZONING Urbanosky X Single Family District to Agricul- APPROVED Massey x tural on Lot 1 of Hilltop Acres. There were no comments during the public hearing. Sparger I x IZA 80-9. Approval was granted ZA 80-9 Latta x ; x to rezone Lot 2C Block 1 of the ZONING Urbanosky Ix x Shumaker Subdivision. Owner, APPROVED Massey x Jackie L. Bridges was present. Present zoning is Agricultural, m 'request is for A-3 Single Family. i Ul ' rl t l•l•y ~(h' L) _ :;(lll'141I..AKt:1-1k:XAS (,3 lA O Mi nut u , i~f Reqular City C4)JUJCil Meet 1 iy :April 1,1980 7: 3 0 p. m. ;G; I, ('ity of Southlake, Coul►ui1 la, ~l c.hand/~ rs . t, t,7 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texay NAMI. (1 l F A(;t; 3 ML.M13LIi 1 N I u: X N. . i ZA 80-7. Zoning request was made ZA 80-7 by David L. Claude for a 95.76 acre TO BE tract of land out of the O.W. CONTINUED i Knight Survey, Abstract 899. Reaue itAT i was for A-3 Single Family District, NEXT MEET- and the present zoning is Agricultu e. ING Property owners present who spoke against the zoning change were; Mr. Don Foreman (his comments are on record in the minutes of the P & Z meetings of February 26,1980). Mr. Hosack, Mrs Hosack, and W.W. Rucker. Mrs. Hosack spoke against the one acre tracts, naming pets and children as possible problems. Mr. Rucker objected to the density. Councilperson Sparger abstained from action and discussion on the (zoning case due to living in the pimmediate area of said property. And due to business involvement. (i 1Due to the question of whether or not all property owners were notifi d I~ Mayor Hawk indicated that the public hearing will be continued at the April 15, city council meeting. I i Discussion concerning the prelimina y plat was also tabled. j The annexation application from ANNEXATIO] lRichard Ogle was considered and APPROVED !!approved by Council after discussio FOR OGLE. Sparger x x (The approval was contingent upon Latta 'Mr. Ogle only owning 5 acres and Urbanosky x x !'his not objecting to being brought Massey x into the city with A-3 Single Famil 5istrict zoning on his property. i 'With the approval, Mr. Ogle may be ;furnished with city water. r~• Mayor Hawk ask the City Attorney ! i i Ito draft an Ordinance concerning the Police Reserve Program. f ~ I U1 LA M C) i • l y•y uh' S(111'1711AKh: , Tk:XAS U Minute ~f ltryular city colu►cil meet' iy M y p IApril 1,1980 7:30 p.m, ,G P I.,. e Ct ty of Southlaka, council 667 N. Caxcull Avenue. I Sotah lake , Tcxay NAh^►: ~ 1P 1 4 PAGE 1 NI d: X Nt 1- M1:M11Lli I Councilperson Latta made the Council WATER aware of some of the things the SYSTEM City will have to do to qualify CERTIFIC I for State Health Department TION. Certification on our Water System. Mayor Hawk instructed Latta to draft a detailed water certification plan and present it to council. Sparger x Motion was made and approved to POLICE Latta x accept Bryan Taylor into the Police RESERVE Urbanosky x x Reserve Program. PROGRAM Massey x x Ricky Clitt was also accepted into Sparger x x ta x the Police Reserve Program. : I Urbanosky x Massey x x Motion was made and approved to Sparger I x !allow Eric Reed and Jim Muller Latta x to attend Diving School, at a cost Urbanosky x I x of $50. per man. Also, to send 3 Massey iI x men to arson investigating school at $60. per man. Costs are per the II Fire Department Budget. During the Mayor's Report, the garbage service was discussed. Sparger ~ x Motion was made and approved to Latta x pay the bills presented.(attached Urbanosky x x hereto and made apart here of Massey x I x The meeting was adjourned b May r Hawk. i Mayor I i 4iiIAT T y Secretary r~• I GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. Box A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481.3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Jackie L. Bridges-request to rezone Shumaker Subdivision FILE N0. 5914-3-16-80 STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notices appeared before me and swore that the said Ttice was Published in said Paper on the following dates: March 167 1980 - Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of April 19 80 Witness my hand and official seal. Ma ie Ha ]on Notary Publi Tarrant County, Texas W W y mD3>wC; ~C<n= ~*-0 C3 v KV 7 n c <o n cmo:s~m r tl a D -«v m Croy, a m m m W c 0. o, ;9p , i C U1 7flmj N~ 7ry.P lp ..ry~`'QN.q~r 4 OWN -O~p 72-n~- AQ r 'r WE GO cp a C t F- F- a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. * P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake - ------Stephen C. Kidwell-rezone - ------in Hilltop Acres - FILE NO.--5926-3-16-80 STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ, the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said Itice was published in said paper on the following dates: -------hFttl'CIT-~6r-X48( - Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of April 19 80 Witness my hand and official seal. - - - Marg a Hanlon Notary Public+ Tarrant County+ Texas W C 'w x n..~D^~D.-r7dZ } ow a amnD3mD08D°'~p4 oc< o-co-O ~O~y.C NCN00~_NyB~'O.? ~Q~4 C DOi~mW7.Aam73.roQ0 3 - C3* C) w 03 Amy ~Dmm :r 1D Cr a y-;. o P a U, M u g w 3,...u ~+O. w O n cs 1'" D n N D g'sr n,, 0'0 n' T' 'a j VI 01 O. O WO. 7.. n m A•fd WA ~N ti - m N W 3 N a n N • 7 ° Ol eD O m n J y SQaa i' a~~n ~1►^~m a-i a fIDm n v -•nU < ~p r0'O~ Nf1 U~j fD ° QfD O•c ~D yO, mC s11Z=O0 -Id ~37- N , iGY~<NX~.m~O9O)7 ~pO, ~O 3/p y(~~,~37 C-3IV~3 U0i~j~wX ~N. m `~33 N m Q O m 7o.00,wi~5 Otn -0 G.012 0 0~03N ~O. 0 30 -~3OV O-C w1 K O. CD ~~ti. 7 .p ,p Vti.70D b, N Z U Q F- I-- Q GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake David L. Claude-rezone out of O.W• Knight Survey FILE N0. 5928-3-16-80 STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one rear in the County of Tarrant, Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said •otice was Published in said Paper on the following dates: M-a-r-C r1{rr 146,0----------------------------------------------------- - - Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of- April-----9 9 80 Witness my hand and official seal. _ _ _ _ Ma gie Hanlon Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas Cr w _ to A •o 7.4O O an Oi y 'ag an 3 ra+ 8 j Z;01S~9.z~zp$ Ks'a8 W3-m o -~7~-; n 8 5e8Z5~D0-Naq Z •O ~X~NOOy ~ 0p0~07t/pN7l~NV~O .t ma Om 7 mm7NCVNN'0°CM-O crn °D a_. m n~ m n=w~. A a m3 ~a~ nn n-._ .L w A 7 3 3 n ti.A Omn Z n n 3 a mn 'p i"0<O5- mONV 7~ N y m - - OZ,c ' < m 3 « j N m}~ 10 ' 6 4 0 m m n r ..p 7-0 Cr ZMc' m ..cD 3a.. A. ..p-N Wa~•3m N . _0 mm t AZ' y yC y~ no ~~.ro>o -•O ~O 7030ia cm0ryJ:ryi3wn m n, U O ~ .:m . figg{ 0 CML m W Xy~ P ono Q ~p J GL 2on< fD ~ 3 ~ y2 1Q O Ill O C71 :w swv O 4 1D ~'O d O fp - Opp a !!E a ny bAoP ~„mS-y c~° mX j'^'fi ^a'r 42 ~w~c~ °m.~_ - 'Z c m n . nmE m~m +J nay o° a3 -==r& ~"'~^.z 3mM Vin, on a. ~_.3• s~ D .~u w~> vro0 eVA 0 7 rco-N Oba .703w"' ~a R~,caom-S,o `as.. _ ~r n~ -e..mma-,.`•1°3'On n. _:'v C C f~~.m N .-V=X& m m m y D-• 0 a • IA°ow~ a F- 4 o5wv, w-n ~ ^ ~~uOHC m3 m v we Z ~ p <o H A W C N? 7 0 A• Ap~ 7= C ~ 0H' N 3 7~ N. A, 3 Q N-♦ ~.m W P` <i~ n N< 04- Q 01Nm Nm5.~y ~JN001 w~0~Yi n~F m y. m °n J3f3i [,1~Nmggq.~ ..SyN~ na70C&1' Q~=7 •'G C. fop mC.IO°i.`cNmIC'3-mi~~3 ~ N.:00 O~~QM~N~ m~?SQ1 C~aa.• -l G`2 r ON Z5300%6 a _ t r H a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: -------C.itY-_af-S_au-thI-a-k-e------------------- S-tmb-ern_C.,-Kiidxe-LL=re-z-wie-_14,Z8-_a cre. -------tract------------------------------- FILE N0•__g22Z-31fi8.d.................... STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT -RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said -otice was Published in said paper on the following dates: -------Marcfl_16:_14flQ---------------------------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of-- 19-$Q. Witness my hand and official sea I (r rte' i e -Ra n To n Notary Public, Tarrant Countyq Texas w o: 'w Oi _ N -44 -4'G; -49.q -4 =Q; 1 . -4 - 0) -i W -4 -4n . O43 07 -1 n cp -i'OF ~5~pp~~(3ppt( F'S~GS f 1 7p~~=ppT7cS~ppj•~3p-i~~pp~>~pp8mmts~pp ID6_09010, ~w~pp~o~a3~ 3c<n'~am~p 10 ~N O.+ 77 ~~n 7'3 W. 3'W 33p-E~3-•33-7 3'3 77777 Q,O C-0 6A IOOC nn VI ~ff6pKn~. 0.-Ci 10ia ~33~ 7c g mq -20 v=3r On 4. PwD 4/nan &871n , wno°1°n°eca nonofDnO~Ornonni0nnm .3 U 0 ~N -(D N d r g ~u 3 3N~vN~y A3NN ~~(6 N} a "01 O ..0 J ^Ei na N00n.c m 0"2-< co Vl ~p N Z N" J. to !n ca .01 o o U M n. O ~j 'v n o$ , Fi o m o oi„ w ° i Z m n w~F+. t_1 N -0t'.3m n a3S3MPDo. a o~ o~wA a-m~m a A na~ r"., to N nwm~ °bi rtm n~m°w~KIM sVn.D1~m~^.~~pAr 01 .Cr 7p ~O. ON 7. 60 O' ON 7fD n N O•~Om =~n M R03rNOaG (/I O. W ~y 80~2 tO yoje y mn H n~C ~~J 7 ° n. • °v o a. a 7• C c rtl i ID ID QL. Ina, BI m 01 N -w - ry. $ :p ' V 7 r. p ? ~ m 4'. 't y Q d n d CD 1 O m x ~ N . - <O.(D ~ OK ~m 7 N-Ni1~ 9,064 7 .-wi ABC O 'i•01 3~ G~ d _.C O_. ~~pp7 7r7 17y SyD77p-yDy_.0 a 0wa 3 N ti,O. K.d C~'G cD d N 4 . ,ED. fDN•wO. -•+37tD-- V IWO, Q F-- Q CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1x1980 BILLS FOR APPROVAL UTILITIES... Lone Star Gas Company $ 101.07 Tri County Electric Co-op 140.75 General Telephone Company 418.28 INSURANCE... Tackett and Associate 463.24 Mays.Flowers, Grady and Burruss 26.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION... Southern Standard Building Codes 21.00 Universal North Inc. 12.17 Dan Boyer Ser.Sta.Equipt. 125.00 Pitney Bowes 45.00 E.L. White 45.74 The Banner Quick Print 150.07 Carter and Burgess,Inc. 303.40 General Office Supply 18.95 Gregory and Gregory 250.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Melvin's Wash and Wax 16.00 Mid Cities Chrysler-Plymouth 186.85 National Academy for Police Driving 50.00 White's Auto Store 435.23 Motor Supply Company 9.72 Ladd Uniform Company 59.85 Sa-So Inc. 2.20 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 45.00 Texas Police Association 10.00 Parker Exxon 20.90 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Law Enforcement Equiptment Company 18.95 Sa-So 362.93 Crabtree and Powers 47.80 Ladd Uniform Co. 25.50 Dyna Med.Inc. 20.35 Lefty Lumpkin Associates 12.50 WATER DEPARTMENT... The Rohan Company 797.20 North Star Laboratories 26.00 Burroughs Corporation 99.60 GRAND TOTAL.. 45,367.75 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Canvassing the votes of the Municipal Election held April 5,1980 Resolution 80-11. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Thursday, April 3,1980 at 3 p.m. e~ City Secretary l/1 Ul ~ b ` l~ l t rv alt ;IlirtIlt.AKE, -TE XAS SPECIAL U z Miilut.s of XRe0JEA*K City cox"ICiI MGc:l ly t*i Y 'C), 0a t U =April 7,1980 tIIIIC 7:30 p.m. city ut suuthlaka, Council ~ ,`j C:IId11111C Chi . 1 667 N. Cdrtull AVeliue. 5,lul.111ake, TCxas NAMI: (w 1 NAIL: 1 NO- _ ML•:lL l . It - - - - . 1 N ld :X X NU . COUNCTLPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Councilpersons: Lloyd Latta, Shari Massey, AC Urbanosky I COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Louise Morrison. INVOCATION: Lloyd Latta The purpose of the Special City Council meeting was to officially canvass the votes of the April 5,19 0 Municipal Election. Latta x x Urbanosky x x Resolution 80-11 was approved by RESOLUTION Massey I x unanimous vote. 80-11 The Resolution states that as a result of the Municipal Election, Sam Sparger will serve as Council- person Place 3, until April 1982. Modine Stricker will serve as Council- person, Place 4, until April 1982, and Shari Massey, was elected to Councilperson Place 5 until April, 1982. I i There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. Mayor AT EST: i i City Secretary i ~ ~ i i I s GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: CitY_of Soutfttake Notice of Election FILE N0. 5916-3-9-16-80 STATE OF TEXAS! COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said -`tice was published in said Paper on the following dates: ---------------Z1.§r c f1_ 9 : _ jya r c f1_ 1.6 , _ 1980----------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscrinbed and sworn to before me this 22 day of April--____- 198__ Witness my hand and official seal. Margie a Ion Notary Public+ Tarrant County+ Texas W a W x } - pp f1 to d - _ _ L-'O Oi7~V D(l~(10 ~(1 f1 f1p~0i't~ m°@-$O m.0 ~ mn,~mp m nnftn~oDCm~o an@D l) ^Dl~~rtlyc~< ° o-c a :r o O ~c~ 93 `$$z ~~m°' cn("n~~~gaggc ~a~`~~ o L) P 9 a< N .ey wy n n n n n 0 m 0 ? N 01 Q. O w~~~~_ ya~'°<~~mmm - ao ° ~oan ,.y ~ wm.a-rdo pmo.mm may<m c°a man`&r 300 ^ m_.oni~~`~ -m '°.333 14 D3 A •7c ~o a m Y 07 me ~oonmma a_ III ' va wt a r' a ° om pOn c `03 3 C W 00ix`-0 a° 0S6Q$cv0v06 ym°,~av m$-•oacn p st c p30 c~om°ao, ° :3 0C0 -s m n m 372E x~ a<•s 1I r G O m d CL O O N C 3 o d r N ~O• a' n N OOi to ry -n N B~ cA a8`° ~ a O3ga 3~m~oinfl o~--o. 8A °3'Nm a P~ -3n ID n n wm m zmaa °mdmaoi__".a' a 3=m m om~ n 0 3° a'o, °o r MaD .0 a am -fl• mr J n3 a 3 ~ °$c°>»~ na3o~ 02 _ "moa n C n3yir ?~~m=`°-y~`°c,vw =8°' x . A -•a D Z ao c >w 3 `6'- D [lam FL, M 0) a(D x^ m w A- 0 O OIL m 0 a 3 O s fC'• n (A ~.<roeNC m x~rDx ,x.._3.0 t9 n• 33 roTO°'mmm'S 3 O a. N,C maOCmo~m3na0 I..C C~~ °mWmz O~~p ao<O•a* t~'. .~z .;v1 0 a 0, no 0) n a V nc ~p 3 N a 7 0 3 ~ 01 7 0 7' d. w 7' (b CD a~ 3K 0.+_000.7 N 0000 ~7m0~7:Om3 N•<0)m m man v~P~3m Nm=m O.•Cm mm74s O'<K.. 01 0 3 CD to 0. 0 U _ Q H F- Q BASEBALL PARK DEDICATION Mr. Mayor and members of the council: We would like to recommend that May j, 1980 be designated as the Baseball Park Dedication Day. We are also proposing that the ceremonies to dedicate the park commence at 9:00 a.m. May 3, 1980. After these ceremonies are concluded we are hoping to have a six team "softball double-elimination tournament for the park. This tournament composed of six teams should not last over four to six hours on that day. We are proposing that the teams be made up of various members of our canmmity; Mesco Steel Building have already agreed to give one team for the tournament. The coaches of the Southlake Boys Baseball Association will comprise another team. We are hoping that the Southlake Volunteer Fire Department will enter a team. Also at least on, if not two, teams could be composed of the members of the Police Department of Southlake, the members of the Council and the members of the City Administration. We are also trying to put together a team composed of various old time residents of Southlake. We feel that this would be a good way to get many of the citizens of Southlake involved in our opening day ceremonies. There will be a very nice trophy awarded to the winning team in the tournament. We are also proposing that each team make a contribution in the form of an entry fee for the tournament of $50. This $50. will go to the Southlake Boys Baseball Association exclusively. On May 5, 1980 the field will then be used for normal scheduled games of the Southlake Boys Baseball Association for the month of May. Then for the month of June it will be used by both the Boys Baseball Association and the Southlake Girls Softball Association. Sincerely, Jerry Black Park & Recreation Commissioner February 25, 1980` a Honorable Pat Hawk Mayor of the City of Southlake + Southlake, Texas Dear Sir: Please accept this letter as request for admittance to the city of Southlake corporate limits. We plan to make our residence on White Chapel Road, #3016, 1. 5 miles north of Highway #114 on the west side of White Chapel Road as soon as our builder can start on this house. Attached please find a copy of our survey outliniag the boundary of our land. In addition, we are ready to apply for water service as soon as our admittance is approved. Thank you for your assistance and I'm looking forward to meeting you in person in the near future. Sincerely, a ichard M. Ogle 2000 Estrada Parkway, #103 Irving, Texas 75061 A/C 214-255-2403 RO/v CARTER & BURGESS, INC. Arm ENGINEERS - PLANNERS da April 2, 1980 File ,~«ec>f Southlake Community Development ~uyyt Paul W. Whaley - Water Mains Extension Re: City of Southlake Council Meeting, April 1, 1980 I presented, at the referenced council meeting, the two lowest bids received for con- struction of the 8 inch water main in South Carroll Avenue and approximately 1900 feet of 8 inch main in South White Chapel Road. The lowest bid received was $57,926.50 by Leonard Hazel, Inc. The funds allocated by HUD for this project were approximately $88,000.00, thus, approximately $30,000 remains unassigned. Also, the City had a previous HUD grant of approximately $40,000 which has not been allocated to any specific project. HUD has requested these funds be assigned to a City project as soon as possible or the monies may not be available. Therefore, presenting this information to the council members, the decision was to allocate the estimated $70,000 to the completion of the 8 inch main in South White Chapel Road to Continental Boulevard. Any remaining funds are to be used for construction of needed water mains as dictated by the priority list previously submitted to Bill Bell of Carter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess will evaluate the water system in the Community Development Program area and determine what additional water lines may be installed with the remaining funds. It is believed the additional construction may be accomplished via a change order to the existing project for South Carroll Avenue and South White Chapel Road; however, this condition is subject to HUD approval. The preceding information is recorded in the minutes of the council meeting and the City Secretary is mailing two copies to me. PWW:es cc: Tarrant County Planning Department City of Southlake / (/'C&B No. 7957801 K _ ~j-(AK_ES P6 A! -T C)G 12(0(0 S (~jE.GUNt~.i G $7~Q~~ ~ "fit\\^V\^ ~F~oo~ ~RAGT E Sires o ~ 5 A.G 2.E S S 89' 3.4 !J 1 392-` r C Aj,t : l = 260 PLAT SHOWING SURVEY AND FIELD NOTES FOR A TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE R.D. PRICR.~SJRVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1207, NEAR GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY MUTES 'BP'D BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS- BEGINNING at an iron pin, said point being, by deed call, 250.0 varas South, and S. 000 - 13' E. 760.7 feet from the Southwest corner of the David Douthitt Survey, Abstract No. 448; THENCE N. 870 - 45' E. 1266.1 feet to an iron pin in the Southwesterly line of County Road No. 3016; THENCE S. 350 00' E. along said Southwesterly line 222.3 feet to an iron pin for corner; THENCE S. 89° - 34' W. 1392.1 feet to an iron pin for corner; THENCE N. 000 - 13' W. 143.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.0 acres of land more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Richard M. Ogle and wife Virginia, by deed of record in Volume 6636, Page 223, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. I, - _-V.._- / - Registered Public Surveyor, No. 1600, do hereby certify this plat is a true and correct representation of a survey made on the ground. Date. s t~ OF . , nr ur f 1: IL