1980-02-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA February 19,1980 7:30 p.m. 1. Consider: Attendance of Councilperson Latta Resolution 80-5. 2. Consider: Declaring vacancy of Place 2 Councilseat for April 5,1980 election. Resolution 80-8. 3. Consider: Approval for FY80 Amended Budget. 4. Discussion: Newsletter 5. ZA 79-49. Zoning request for a 133.09 acre tract of land out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract 254. Present zoning is PUD, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: James B. Stahala. Public Hearing. 6. ZA 80-1. Zoning request for a 4.9 acre tract of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract 706. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-2 Single Family District. Owner: Bert M. Yetman. Public Hearing. 7. ZA 80-3. Zoning request for a 19.81 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Present zoning is PUD, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Southlake Properties. Developer: David L. Claude. Public Hearing. 8. ZA 80-3. Preliminary Plat approval for a subdivision to be known as "Highland Estates". The 19.81 acre tract of land is located on Highland Street. Owner: Southlake Properties. Developer: David L. Claude. 9. ZA 80-4. Zoning request for three tracts of land out of the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract 1049. Present zoning is Agricultura. Request is for: Tract 1-1 acre, request A-6 Two-Family. Tract 2-59.96 acres, request A-3 Single Family. Tract 3- 15.93 acres, request A-6 Two FAmily District. Owner: Dan Howell Public Hearing. 10. Consider: Participation/Suit filed by City of Arlington, against all cities and school districts. Resolution 80-6. 11. Consider: Action concerning the Tri County Electric Rate Increase request. Resolution 80-7. j?. (7nnsd^r- nurcbase of Texas Municipal Law Handbooks and Index for all councilpersons and mayor. 1?. Mayor's Report. 14. Departmental Reports. 15. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Car o11 Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, February 15,1980 at 3 p.m. 1 City Secretary U, to U, xx C'1'1 'y OF' SOW1411AXE, TEXAS Minutes of Regular City Council Meeti q po VU D a tC - February 19, 1980 TI like 7:30 p.m. Place : City of Southlake, Council chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. 1 ` Southlake, Texas NAME OF 1 1 - M K 1 PA(;E IN1 :X No. ~j COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, i I I Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, Lloyd Latta, Shari Massey, AC i Urbanosky CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Walla (e Cline, City Attorney; Joe D. Gregor). PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Nelson Miller, Virginia Clow, Lloyd Martinson PARKS COMMISSIONER: Jerry Black The invocation was given by Sam Sparger. : The minutes of the regular meeting of February 5 were approved as presented. Mayor Hawk refered to Texas Vernon' RESOLUTION Annotated Statutes Article 1009, 80-5 I which refers to reasons a council- APPROVED person may have excused absences from regular city council meetings, while explaining to Council and the audience the difference between the absences of past councilperson, Lloyd Harper and Lloyd Latta Council- person. Mayor Hawk read a letter written to Lloyd Harper on June 15, 1979 as a comparison to Latta's absences. The mayor also referred to telephone calls and advice given I tthe City Secretary from Texas Municipal League Attorney, Riley (Fletcher. Attorney, Joe Gregory reviewed his Councilper on ss w ted'it n !'past research with regards to Harpe the record that sh obj ct t lion the subject and referred to his being away fron. he f 1_y to s't conversation with Mr. Fletcher. AW through un anth' gs uch as this. She ind cat that C uric 1 (After extensive discussion, and should be one rnwi th rt many comments from the audience, ant issues of the ity. Mayor Hawk recommended that Council U) L `o o I'I'Y OF 5UU'I111AKE. TEXAS O a d Minutes of Regular City C4)IUICil Meeti 4 M v v n Date :February 19,1980 9u TI me :7:30 p.m. Place city of Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas C NAME PA(,E 2 I N01-A NO.. MEMBL'ti Sparger x x approve Resolution 80-5. The Morrison x Resolution was then read and approv d. Urbanosky x x Massey i I x Councilperson Latta abstained from voting. Mrs Morrison made a motion to approv Resolution 80-8. The motion died RESOLUTIO- for lack of a second. 80-8 DISAPPROVE Sparger x x Motion was then made and approved Morrison x to disapprove Resolution 80-8. Urbanosky x x Massey x Approval was given for the Amending APPROVAL Sparger x of FY80 Budget, to be effective AMENDMENT Morrison I x March 1,1980. Items covered in the TO FY 80 Latta x x amendment include: A 7% cost of BUDGET Trbanosky x x living raise for the city employees, assey x a transfer of funds from general account to water account to cover the additional cost of the paluxy wells and for repairs to the pump that went out on Well #1. Sparger x Ix The draft of the quarterly NewsletterNEWSLETTEP Morrison x was discussed and approved for Urbanosky x I x publication, due to no additional Latta I x material being submitted by Massey I x Councilpersons. Sparger x ZA 79-49. Approval was given for ZA 79-491 Morrison x -3 Single Family District zoning APPROVED Latta x x for a 133.09 tract of land out of Urbanosky x the John Childress Survey, Abstract Massey x x 254. Carter and Burgess was on rec rd as favoring the zoning change as was the Planning and Zoning Commission. There were no comments during the i ublic hearing and no replies from property owners within 200 feet. Sparger x IZA 80-1. Motion was made and appro edA 80-1 Morrison ~x x to approve zoning to A-2 Single ZONING Urbanosky ix !Family District for a 4.9 acre tract APPROVED Latta rl~ x x of land out of the Thomas M. Hood Massey x urvey, Abstract 706. Latta in- i i ~icated that a building permit has been issued, when action was taken ::00'1111AKF:, TEXAS a Minute:: of Regular City COlulcil Meett ►y U t~ y 'p L) [),Ito : February 19,1980 M W T►7:30 p.m. ,G, CI tY of Southlake, Counci-1 j ~3 chankber6. 667 N. Cartull Avenue. SoUL111Jke, Texas NAVL' 4W 3 C11:r111LI1 1 - PAt;E~----- 1Nitl:x NO. i by the Zoning Board of Adjustments. There were no comments during the public hearing. Sparger Ix I x ZA 80-3. Motion was made and ZA 80-3 Latta son x x approved to rezone 19.81 acres, PUD ZONING Urbanosky x to A-3. David Claude developer, APPROVED Massey x was present. There were no comment PUD TO during the public hearing. A-3 Sparger x x The preliminary plat for "Highland Morrison x Estates" was also approved as Latta x x recommended by the Planning and Urbanosky x Zoning Commission. Massey x ZA 80-4. Dan Howell requested ZA 80-4. zoning change on three tracts of ZONING land out of the Thomas Mahan Survey REQUEST Abstract 1049. It was established that proper notice was given to property owners within 200 feet. i ~ i Mayor Hawk read a letter from Mesco Manufacturing concerning the zoning I requested on Parcel 3. They indica - l I i ed the zoning to A-6 (two-family) f r i the 15.93 acres was not compatible with Mesco operations. Mr. John Eubanks, vice president of Mesco was present and gave I reasons why they were opposed to th Izoning on Parcel 3. They indicated that they would participate in the installation of a fence that would also serve as a barrier. Persons !in the audience who spoke were: i Harold Knight, Leonard Russell, Jerald Brown, and Basil Sluder. ,Mayor Hawk recommended that if the zoning is approved, a fence should 'be mutually installed, between Mesc and Mr Howell's property. i (Latta made the motion that the zoni g 'be approved subject to the two ' I u► ui to M b t'1'1'Y OF St►(1,11itAKE._TEXAS A x to c? b Mi►►ututi of Reyuldr CitY COAUICil F*etl )&4 M y ~a ► ~,i1` :February 19,1980 7:30 p.m. A 11 I'AcL2 ; t. i LY Of SouLhlaka, Council 667 N. Cdrrull Avc:nuu. SOULI)lake, Tux4u NAME: ()F 4 1 PAt;F 1NI9:X NO parties concerned reaching an agree- i ment on the building of a fence that obscures noise and vision. i Plus the A-6 zoning extended from north line from Parcel 1 east to join parcel 3. Sparger x Morrison x x Before the vote was taken, Latta Latta x x amended his motion to read, approval Urbanosky x of Parcels 1 and 2 as corrected, Massey x and recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission and Parcel 3 will be tabled and placed on the agenda at the next council meeting. Sparger x x After discussion, Resolution 80-6 was Morrison x x approved which indicates Southlake RESOLUTIO ',atta x will participate in a suit filed 80-6 Urbanosky x by the City of Arlington against APPROVED Massey x all cities and school districts. (attached hereto and made a part here of). Sparger X I x Resolution 80-7 was approved which RESOLUTIOi Morrison ix x gave a rate increase to Tri County 80-7 Latta x Electric as they requested. The Urbanosky x increase is to go into effect March Massey x 1,1980. I Sparger X After discussion concerning the Morrison x I x purchase of Texas Municipal League Latta ix Handbooks for all councilpersons Urbanosky ix and the mayor, motion was made but Massey x j x not approved. Ms. Massey then made the motion to Sparger x purchase one additional TML Hand- Lattiason x x book at a cost not to exceed $50.00. Latt x Urbanosky X Massey x x i t*1 n SO11'111I.AKk: Tk;XAS ~ 1'I'Y ►)F U d o Mi►iutc:ta of Ftcyular City Cww~c i1 hk t li ►y I4IIc February 19, .980 W r►7:30 p.m. ,~ri I't.►.~' cIly of Southlaku, Couiici1 667 N. cartull Avel►uu. 1 SOLIthlukd, Tuxay NAME: (4 1 I'A(;k 5 INIC N►)_ M1:MI1Llt _ ISparger x The bills for approval were approve Morrison I I x as presented. (attached hereto and Latta x ( 1 x made a part hereof). Urbanosky x x Massey I x Approval for the payment of the firs Paluxy Well was also approved with the bills. The meeting was adjourned, due to no further business. Mayor ATTEST: L ii City Secretary I i I i I i i r~• I I GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481.3221 IN THE MATTER OF: --CitX_Qf_SQ-.th1_4 ke------------------------ __Pu~iQ_Fle~ri~n_Rezone FILE N0. _$it$Q=2.$=$Q----------------------- STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ, the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN9 a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said `ice was published in said paper on the following dates: --Egt2ruary__a:_14$4------------------------------------------------------- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February 1980 Witness my hand and official seal. Mary Utle Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas W cr r 01 LL 01 4 J W ~.Y ~i'- t y~y 5 N F C U ~m a~ 8 . D_ } to ti U ro O 41 U L.t"0 Yj 1- N zwri $2 a.5 oa'a'8f>~Fga~p 2 H H Q a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488.0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Southlake Properties Company John Goad+ President FILE N0.-5679--2-3-80 STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said r ice was Published in said paper on the following dates: February 39 1980 _q~g Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February 1980 r~ Witness my hand and official seal. - Mary ley NotarUPublic+ Tarrant County+ Texas w Cr W M owHOm~.i-2st'Lpag.& cJe g.,a E`°~e m .c_o i°W' =1o.' aOW d toa~S yoq•-omo~ y 3 CL ty a a ar W E W E L C31 IIVyy_~~~ t Io - ~s M sod A g ~tm o vt b o. A- c m o 9.9 LiL} N. ....y NJC (fl .Jla xf m¢ot aE~c} atytaos°, N _j >z= r, L. a W i* OR Z0 PA 9, pQ u~m S rnVVtm CZ ~2a °uWw.$ a+~`'^~p~pmq$go$r %pQu r CL 1~ L V $ 4 O W` ap CW 7 L Co C N r C O,~ aL C N a °z .o~53gu~ -10a'a°' w x LL~3►- E M °W `c3` 32 ~afEo x U a H F- a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Public Hearing-Rezone Reauest of Dan Howell FILE N 0 . 56 82- 2- 3- 80 STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one Year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said `ice was published in said Paper on the following dates: --February-39-1980 1 Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February 1950 n Witness my hand and official seal. tf Marv UtAev Notary Public+ Tarrant Countyp Texas W Cr 'w r d o m_aog a~m..,m. ~y~a.,.mm mm mm '6r7.5. m WWZO' L' LL LO m> m °It.W:L a- a o R iiamn o a:'~LE m m v.~ o c< ¢ E c-;« ..z 3 w o u',5 G ~xu,dt,"Eao c ~ae~~°Q~~ -WUUWZ- ° c cvEC - o cS ~~NOau.. f! 3 Z- N Z c a QE '.-mac wU m- t ZT « ° o _ on! j I: m m t4hu u QO C + O~W•- N m ~p $ m°vf > u- i$ c~~-p$}~ > s ao p 's 2 v u fW c M•p- c aau '-LLD iA~B -UP- Ww - CFLL H$aw?~~> cgs Sp cE T~ `o tt •p .O C •v r= V°= g. om'' 04-41 -Z S E~i ?2 ~iQF-A ~G ~iC_. r` F I n°' 01 cr'4 '9Q -1 E = o$ 'n a'~~~ iLulaem.5voaiyV dmg ffi®-uoH N *m i" __°~y-'~E~o¢: ° `m ° (~M va m No $ v 17m_ Lw m- ° 4OWi Jf ~f P.-.0 2_ ~'tl n at goo. a °Z.Ccc~ °'z= >n m m m ao i~t 5..:... t !W~r f' cv> aWa °Oa$e' u`~' F. "'u Z Z V-0* U -0, 1 o z aQ W) W W r v m Zui qw ~ r ,,Z S-0.0 , ` J u" ^ u w i. o• i• u o O ►4 m.~ o- ° g L"Za Z~mo VS.-oES!z~"Z~i CL ti w2 c, E -c,~~ 3 ~-F t t~ ~ m• m1-W mc c~Z m~-awu: ~.C q~ Q~cam 4~ IL-~3$~xi3~muD~$~ DmzWQi=rr-WhEW*0*_ a~- r' am•$w =m ,m W'Si dC. » Q ~ ~'.d! W~~ O A Q' 41W.N- NgCO 00 N= _ =N 12 ON m Siga►-aPuz3r-z~8~w~MN8~N~~_~~$08_~dv~BSt wwm38 i a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481-3221 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Public Hearing-Rezone Request of James B. Stahala FILE N0. 5681-2-3-80 STATE OF TEXAS+ COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said n `ice was Published in said paper on the following dates: February 3+ 1980 Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of-,February.--, 1980 f, Witness my hand and official seal. - - - Mary Utle Notary Public+ Tar ant County+ Texas W Cr W ( - O u'1.GL~gl+L. = `a V F? L~ a m W U j~ . Q EupC Sf u. 0.0 W 1: c - L _ d' is a 4' L z.oS~ga~1i o._jat-ueuv.c a s U Q 1-- H Q U ~ city of benbrooW ?EXAM February 6, 1980 A4-1- (nV C, T Mayor Pat Hawk City of Southlake ^-J P. O. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76092.8; Dear Mayor Hawk: It was not possible for me to know who received a copy of the recommended resolution that the Mayor's Council acted on at the meeting Monday, February 4, 1980. Therefore, attached is a copy for your City Council's consideration. Before presenting the resolution to your Council, you will need to add at the end of sec. 2 a phrase, "but not to exceed 12~ per capita." If you attended the meeting on February 4th, you heard a presentation given by Attorney Rex McEntire, George Staples, and Henry Kerry who have agreed to serve as a team to defend this case filed against your City by the City of Arlington. If your Council desires to employ these or any other attorney, please insert the name or names in the appropriate space. Hopefully, you can place this item on your next agenda so that we may know as soon as possible how many cities plan to join in this defense. Please send a signed copy of the resolution to my attention at the following address: Mayor Jerry Dunn City of Benbrook 911 Winscott-Plover Road Benbrook, Texas 76126 After the resolutions have been received, it will be necessary to call a special meeting of the Mayor's Council in March to formulate our final plans and to empower the Financial Disbursement Committee. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this item with me, feel free to call me at my office from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Telephone number is 332-2323. ~cerely, f~ Jerry 0. Dunn Chairm an Mayor's Council JJD:bac 911 Winscott Road • Benbrook, Texas 76126 • AC/817 249-3000 n c C) W C) m C. 3 m n S -i o -n 3 Z m c o C C C7 W D z r Z7 ►r -0 m n n r 3 D r-) r o 0 c z J C-) ; ko o -I M _ 00 CT o z c-) c-) r - m n 7c o C C -i C. Z D C-) -G Z i--+ r m m a N M S C) PO n --I -I p < m -Ti O O m N CJ O D C C S n r ~ D m V J 00 m o x D N ~ I 1 C") C7 C") -0 C") C-) E E C") n C') D D D D D D D n D D N N N N N N N N N (/1 N D N N N v7 p Z Z O O .po C D --1 -A C S N Z Z m m m -0 N N r-. m m N C) T N '0 N D N m r m m N 1-1 v m --I n m N 0-+ c: m D O m --4 r M N N O ;a CD c:p m p m m m c-) -1 CD o o --I n o N N F-+ S p m m N m c-) z N E C N m d r-r C Z G7 3 C Z 3 0- z ►m-r S n r 0 -n c) 0 C, ;o c 3 sv O S r l0 o ;a m 'v J J J 0) J N ;o N 00 4~:- V Ol N Cn -P N 00 .A W i WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of JANUARY 1980 Gallons Pumped previous month 3298800 Gallons sold previous month 3,019,000 New Taps installed for month r 5 Taps 1 Fire Plug motors changed out 4 _ Line repairs: Materials See Bottom Of Page Machine Rental Line - Crooked Lane & Kimball other repairs Bandy, McEayla, Hilltop, Shady Lane, Raintree 9 PUT WELL # 3 IN SERVICE Materials: 3 - 2' Dresser Couplings 2 7 11/2" Dresser Couplings 71/2' of 2" pipe 1 - 3/4" Corporation 1 - 6x1" Saddle 1 - 1" Corp. 1 - 1" Brass Coupling Water Superintendent TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report For Month of January A. Responses: # Of Call 0 1. Structure Fires=-------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Grass Fires 3. Auto & Truck Fires------------------------------------------------------------ 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 0 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine---------------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville-------------------------------------------- 1 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller------------------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities---------------------------------------------------- 0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 1 10. Calls in Denton Count (outside city limits 0 11. False Alarms in City---------------------------------------------------------- 1 12. Rescue Unit Calls------------------------------------------------------------- 2 A. Possible heart attack B. Gun shot wounds--Gravel Circle (Darr res.) 13. Miscelaneous Alarms----------------------------------------------------------- 2 A. Water Vac call--office bldg. Mesco Metal B. Elect. wire down-- Stauffer res. Ridgecrest Dr. 14. Trophy Club calls------------------------------------------------------------- 0 B. Total Emergency Calls For the Month of January 12 C. Man Hours Expended: Number of H 1. On bniergency Calls 46 2. Meetings ( 4 For Month) Average Men Per Meeting----CM---------------------- 120 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills------------------------------------------ 0 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time) 18 D. Total Man Hours Expended For Month 184 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----------------- Chief Steele---------7 T. Boyer-------------4 Asst. Chief Bradley--3 C.Bell--------------- 3 Capt. Dodson---------6 J. Muller------------4 Capt. Brown----------9 B. Jones-------------2 Lt. Jones------------3 R. Bridgewater-------1 Lt. Fuller----------3 J. Joyce-------------2 L. Russell-----------6 E. Reed-------------- 1 D. Brown-------------7 C. Reed S. Nichols-----------2 B. Roper-------------1 J. Vann--------------2 Respe tful -submitted, R. Steele Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SOU BLAKE mol,, MY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONK OF January 1980 CURRENT LAST MOWN ELECTRIC 22 17 PLUMBING 25 32 FRAMING 5 6 FOUNDATION 2 4 HEATING & AIR 7 15 SEPTIC SYSTEM 14 15 OTHER 6 11 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 81 100 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 7 $489.00 9 $1029.00 ELECTRICAL 9 160.50 9 130.00 PLUMBING 4 64.00 6 154.00 HEATING & AIR 4 69.00 7 201.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 3 75.00 6 150.00 SEPTIC 2 20.00 6 60.00 TOTAL PERMISTS 29 $ 887.50 43 $1724.00 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $204,565.00 $481,500.00 $686,065.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $517.00 $539.00 $1056.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $1048.50 $1048.50 Januai~y 1979 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 2 Barns 1 Root Cellar * BUILDING PEF441T BREA=)VN II.D 4 Residence 1 Swimming Pool 1 Storage building 1 Barn BUILDING ARZW OFFICAL CITY OF S 0 U T H L A K E POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT for January, 1980 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Tickets issued in December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Tickets issued in January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Persons in jail in December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Persons in jail in January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Traffic accidents in December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Traffic accidents in January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Burglaries investigated in December . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Burglaries investigated in January . . . . . . . . . 7 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in December $ 2,014.00 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in January $15,780.00 Thefts investigated in December . . . . . . . • • • • • • 3 Thefts investigated in January . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Approximate value taken in thefts in December . . . . . . $ 2,475.00 Approximate total value recovered in December . . . . . . $ 2,395.00 Approximate value taken in thefts in January . . . . . . . $ 1,765.00 Approximate total value recovered in January . . . . . . . 00.00 Number of calls in December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,192 Number of calls in January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,252 Speedometer reading on Unit #11 (78 Ford) . . . . . . . . 2,195 Speedometer reading on Unit #12 (78 Ford) . . . . . . . . 100,981 Speedometer reading on Unit #14 (80 Plymouth) . . . . . . 7,595 Speedometer reading on Unit #15 (80 Plymouth) . . . . . . 5,533 Miles driven in December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,164 Miles driven in January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,099 Respectfully submitted, SOUTHLAKE POLIC DEPART NT C. D. Gaddy Chief of Police CDG:tjn Total Inc. GADDY MARTIN LANG DODSON Mc COY AUSTIN Reserves Tickets 7 4 13 52 57 37 192 No. of Calls 140 60 150 89 57 36 356 No. of Arrests 0 0 0 2 4 0 6 Accidents 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Burglaries 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 Thefts 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Miles Driven 2,000 1,016 1,662 2,401 2,263 1,626 11,546 Hours Worked 210 184 200 172 170 184 1,205 rs Calls Assist Miles RESERVES Tickets Accident Arrest H Hoouurs Anderson 16 0 0 42 7 7 472 Scroggins 2 0 0 20 3 3 106 Kelly 4 0 0 23 0 8 0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19,1980 BILLS FOR APPROVAL UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company 201.10 Texas Power and Light Company (water) 1,425.07 CITY ADMINISTRATION... Radio Shack 34.20 Rohne and Hoodenpyle 379.14 Revenue Sharing Advisory 45.00 The Banner 22'95 Pease Engraving Co. 16.95 Dian Bell 25.00 PBL 271.90 Wes Gregroy ( pumped septic tank at city hall) 50.00 Carter and Burgess,Inc. 347.31 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Colleyville Auto Parts 850.37 Metro-Lex Supply 21.78 Alstate Fire Equiptment 44.00 Sargent-Sowell,Inc. 21.03 Fort Worth Generator And Starter Service 27.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT... City of Grapevine, Ambulance 315.00 Jim Parker 14.95 City of Fort Worth 25.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... Carter and Burgess,Inc. (Water wells) 1,639.95 Carter and Burgess,Inc. (Keller Water System Project) 205.57 Aqua Utility,inc. 338.40 Foy Keys 75.00 The Rohan Company 497.25 Total $ 6,894.42