1980-01-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 15,1980 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Discussion: Texas Power and Light Company, request for Rate Increase. Presentation: Mike McKinney. 2. Consider: Support of Tarrant County Bond Issue Election Resolution 80-1. 3. ZA 79-25 Final plat approval for a subdivision to be known as "Hunter's Ridge Addition". The 21.7985 acre tract of land is located in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511. Developers Agreement. Owner: C.C. Hall Jr. 4. ZA 80-2 Review of plat for a tract of land in our extraterrial jurisdiction. Subdivision to be known as "Loma Vista" addition. O'Brien and Lee. 5. ZA 79-45 Zoning request for a 39.87 acre tract of land out of the J.H. Gibson Survey, Abstract 591. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for the "F" Light Industrial District. Owner and Developer: Zeta Crews. Rep. Millard Dilg. Public Hearing. 6 ZA 79-45 Final plat approval for Phase II of the "Brumlow Industrial District". Adding Tracts 4 ~ S. Representative: Millard Dilg. 7. ZA 79-46 Zoning request for a tract of land out of the John Whitman Survey, Abstract 1593. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Dan G. Light Public Hearing. 8. ZA 79-47 Zoning request for a 3.3 acre tract of land out of the L.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 300, Tracts 3A4A and 3A5. Present zoning is Agricultural Request is for the "L" Light Commercial District. Owner: George B. Tillery Sr. Public Hearing. 9. ZA 79-48 Request for a Special Use Permit for the Sale of Off Premises Packaged Beer has been made by Howard Thrasher. Location of the establishment will be the northwest corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Road and Highway 114. Public Hearing. City Council Agenda continued / January 15,1980 10. ZA 79--49 Preliminary plat approval for a subdivision to be known as the "Harbor Oaks Addition". Owner of the 133.1 acre tract of land out of the John Childress Survey, Abstract 2S4 is James B. Stahala. Developer: David and Ann Hardy. Public Hearing. 11. ZA 79-42 Consider: Correction of easement terminology of Cedar Oaks Addition Plat. P/,~j~ blic Hearing. 12. Consider: Granting the Tri County Electric Co-op rate increase as requested. 13. Consider: Drainage problem on Oakwood Trail, Continental Park Estates. Mrs. Kay Thomas. 14. Consider: Radio Equiptment/Contract. 15. Consider: Granting contract to install backstop on the baseball field in Bicentennial Park. 16. Mayor's Report 17. Departmental Reports: Police: Consider repairs and painting of Unit 9. Water Building Court Fire 18. Bills for approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, January 11,1980 at 2 p.m. City Secretary D o ( 1 I Y c►F sUU [ti L Axt , TEXAS W o G o ► Ca►un c i f Meet i y ~ a x1 d d Mi ~►utes of Regular City 1*, v n t'ate ` January 15 , 1980 'A T i u►e 7: 3 0 m Place : City A* Southlake, Council Chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas 1 NAME (1 ~k PAGE 1Nit:X Nv_ l,J COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Councilpersons; AC Urbanosky, Louise Morrison, Shari i 1, Massey. i COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparger, Councilperson; Lloyd Latta. STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Daymo d Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline City Attorney; Joe Gregory. PARKS COMMISSION: Jerry Black. INVOCATION: Mayor Pat Hawk ' E The minutes of the January 3,1980 meeting were approved as presented. The bid was opened for the backstop BID Morrison x x for the baseball field in Bicentenn FOR Urbanosky x ial Park. The only bid filed was BACKSTOP Massey x x from Hurrcane Fence Company in the BICENTENN: amount of $ 3,438.00. Park AL PARK Commissioner chairman, Jerry Black, ACCEPTED i recommended the bid be accepted. Mr. Black added that they plan for I the backstop to be completed before March 1,1980. p Mike McKinney represented Texas TP&L Power and Light Company in their RATE ~ request for a Rate Increase. Mr INCREASE REQUEST j I McKinney indicated it had been 24 months since the last request for i rate increase, and that the Public Utility Regulatory Act provided that each rate class must return ~to the company, the same rate of return. Mayor Hawk indicated that I iwe will be asking for a suspension i of the rate increase in order to hold public hearings. The first (public hearing will be held Februar 19,1980. U) U) M p O • l.ley c►F' SOU-1111.AKE:, TEXAS b o Mi►)ute5 of Re uy lar City Council Meeti q a y Date January 15,1980 N 7:30 0 p.m. 1' of Southlake, Council lame - ~ cliambe rs . 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas ' NAME: OF ~ ll PAGE 2 1_NDC-X - NO. CA MEM>ifJ ~ ortin the RESOLUTION ~ Resolution 80-1, supp g Morrison I x x Tarrant County Bond Issue Election 80-1 Urbanosky X I I x was approved after discussion by Massey council members. i ZA 79-25. The final plat for the ZA 79-25 Morrison , x subdivision to be known as "Hunters FINAL PLAT Urbanosky x x Ridge Addition" was approved as APPROVED Massey x x presented by Buddy Shepard, enginee for C.C. Hall Jr., provided the number and location of fire plugs be reviewed with Mr. Cline, water superintendent. Approval was also given to the Morrison X I X Developers Agreement for Hunters Urbanosky X Ridge Addition. Massey x x ZA 80-2. Plat approved was given ZA 80-2 )rrison Urbanosky x x to "Loma Vista" Addition. The plat "COMA VIS i Massey x x was presented by Wayne Lee, who PLAT indicated the subdivision is lo- APPROVED cated in our extraterrial jurisdic- tion. Councilperson Morrison ad- stained from voting. I i I ZA 79-45. Zoning request for a ZA 79-45. 39.87 acre tract of land in the FINAL Morrison X X J.H. Gibson Survey, Abstract 591, APPROVAL, Urbanosky X X was given to owner Zeta Crews. ZONING AND Massey X Present zoning is Agricultural, PLAT. request is for the"F" Light Industrial I District. Millard Dilg was present and represented Mrs. Crews. There were no comments from property owners within 200 feet during the public hearing. (During the same action, the final plat was approved for the Brumlow Industrial District, Phase II". I i r~i U1 Ul Ul •q 00e ~'1'IY ()F' ~()U'Itil_. AKE~ TEXAS Cecil meet, y a t4 0 o Minutes of January C15y , 1980 y q h~tt 7:30 p.m. + C i me PJACL! City of Southlake, Council ClJ jMbers. - 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas Ml•:MHI•:Lt - _ _ _ _ Morrison x x ZA 79-46. The zoning change from ZA 79-46. Urbanosky I X Agricultural to A-3 Single Family ZONING Massey x I I x District which was requested by Dani APPROVED Light, was approved. There were no A-3 property owners within 200 feet ! present and no replies by mail ' concerning the public hearing. Property is located in the John Whitman Survey, Abstract 1593. ZA 79-47. The 3.3 acre tract of ZA 79-47• Morrison x x land out of the L.H. Chivers Survey APPROVED Urbanosky x x Abstract 300, Tracts 3A4A and 3A5, x "L" LIGHT Massey was approved for rezoning as COMMERCIAL requested by owner, George B. Tillery Sr. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is for the 4 "L" Light Commercial. The public hearing was held with no comments P from the audience. Morrison Ix ZA 79-48. The "Special Use Permit" ZA 79-48 Urbanosky x x requested by Howard Thrasher, was SPECIAL Massey x I Ix granted as requested. Mr Thrasher USE indicated he plans to establish PERMIT a convenience store similar to tha GRANTED j of the Circle E Grocery presently located in Southlake. I Mr. Thrasher was granted the specia use permit for the sale of off premises packaged beer. ZA 79-49 ZA 79-49, The discussion of the preliminary plat for the subdivisio TABLED to be known as "Harbor Oaks Additio " was tabled pending more information ~ I IZA 79-42. An extensive discussion ZA 79-42 was held concerning the correction DISCUSSED ~of easement terminology on the AT LENGTH i 'Cedar Oaks Plat. The following 1i iproperty owners swithin followsedurbngvi- as !sion responded r Ithe public hearing. ~ j Uh' SC)U'Iti_ LAiCt; TEXAS a Miikut.5 of Regular City Cecil Mueti y a v v I L,atc January 1591980 0 'A 7:30 p.m. City of Southlake, Council Chambers. b67 N. Carroll Avenue. ' Southlake, Texas _ 1 4 NAME OF 1 PAGE 1 N W X No. C, ij Mr. Hallmark: (lots 14 and 1S) want an access easement in Cedar Oaks. i I I John Keller: (lots 16,17,18,19) ' wants to remove the word access. Chris Kelley (lot 8) in favor of removing the word access if it does not change his position as to acces ' from Trail Creek Estates. Thurman Head and Bob Harrah (from Trail Creek Estates) want the right- of-way, as a utility easement and not an access easement. Morrison x After discussion, motion was made Urbanosky x x by councilperson Urbanosky, that th Massey 1x x Cedar Oaks Plat be corrected to dro the word access from drainage between lots 7 & 8 to read, 2S foot (122 ft from each side), "public utility and drainage easement" . The motion was approved. A discussion was held concerning the drainage problem on Oakwood Trail in the Continental Park Estat s addition to Southlake. The problem exists in front of the home of Terry Thomas. Mr. Thomas was prese t I and explained the situation to coun il. He offered to donate approximately three foot for a concrete drain in front of his home. Mayor Hawk indicated he would write a letter to James Rust, the developer, askin for his cooperation in correcting i the situation. RADIO i A new contract for the radio Morrison I x Iequiptment maintenance wad discusse EQUIPTMENT Urbanosky x x by council. A motion was made CONTRACT Masse I x x and approved we continue maintenanc RENEWED Massey at the new proposed rate, with the I (existing equipment, starting Feb. ~l. The contract will be continued with Bell Communications. I M b . ~G O 0 t'I'l'Y t)F' tiUU'I111AKE, TEXAS C'~ d d Minutes of uq lar City CO'LlIcil Meet" y Da tC January 15, 1980 M lime 7:30 p.m. I,iaL,` ; City of Southlake, Council ~ Chaml,ers. 667 N. Carrull Avenue. 5outhlaka, Texas NAVE OP. 11 PAGE 5 1NIA-A NO--C MEMBER Morrison Ix x Motion was made and approved to TRI COUNTY Urbanosky x I i I x approve the findings of the Tri RATE x County Rate Increase. (INCREASE Massey I Morrison Ix x Resolution 80-2 was approved sus- Urbanosky x , x pending the rate increase until Massey x February 28, or council action. MAYORS REPORT During the Mayors Report, Mr Hubbar of Hubbard Service Company, was present and gave council a report on the garbage franchise service in Southlake. He reviewed problems he encountered. Hubbard indicated ' that Estes Disposal Company had dumpsters located in Southlake. Th council informed the police chief M to cite the compamy in violation. Mr Hubbard also indicated he will I place a container at the Bicentenni 1 ' Park location. ~ Approval was given to make trans- Morrison x x mission repairs and paint the poli e Urbanosky x I x unit # 9, so that it may be used Massey I x by city employees. The bills presented, were approved for payment (attached hereto and made a part hereof). t I The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Hawk. I Mayor ATTEST: I City Secretary I i ' GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER t THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481.3221 488-0332 IN THE MATTER OF: ' City of Southlake Bids-Construction of a backstop for baseball- field________________ ' FILE N0.- 5658-1-6-13-80 STATE OF TEXAS+ COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said -,tice was Published in said paper on the following dates: L January 6 & 13y 1980 E - E Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Jan. 19 80 Witness my hand and,official seal.--- Mary tJt'I ey Notary Public. Tarrant County+ Texas W r_ro~lcaifm9 N°9-- Oc°gr3 co wm~~au n aDi o ~C9i ~lpoowc> u~o 3v^E omu r ~ aXi`'^rf0m~~ oy•-c1n ~J01 ar or w~~ ova>~ 1n Vf- x a OFN>v vac E ~to Y 0rm~ VmE oJ~ ~~~aiaa o y ~L E o•- WW1.x y%ZLnl ~o om 20, >.'_U UoLO!oco-Tof wz ~F" o^~mFLOU~ c t. 0 -0 W z uwoNR~C~O'C V= C01TC'-1p0001^ CL U Ol - 1UO 0 N r w C N= j'O N 10 T'Cj C r ,O •7 -t0 110 C•' 01L `1t M --a r E :5 C~ O O3O CyU01 f0rty'O y100n~u ~ d Z to U C$r m N N U U 4> tn1o N V-10 E 16.8 Ul A CL i a F- s r GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481-3221 488-0332 IN THE MATTER OF: City-of-Southlake ' Will-- H. Zschiesche, Assessor-of Taxes ' FILE N0. 5661-1-20-80 STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN, a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly Published for a period of not less than one Year in the County of Tarrant. Texas+ Preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said n ~.ce was published in said Paper on the following dates: January-20,-1980 I Ron Goetz•- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of January ---I 19po _ s, Witness my hand and official seal.------ AW Mary Ut ey Notary Publi + Tarrant County+ Texas W W ~ aN L 11,41 = aitc~~c8~gcd~ ~~t°c :P-5E u`~a' oj~NE~E om~LO0s -'vL iJ CL zL r figs JDyyO$NOUE 07 Gl~Q1 C~NrO W am=oo'D.YA= ^gc °so c~~W AE ~ co g1-1 NOTd N3 N"fOLD10V LN ai0 t ~N C J 3~~~axv0cvc,a~~~T W W>mio3'~ C x U a F- H a GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER ' THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481-3221 488-0332 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Correction of easement-terminology of - Cedar-Oaks Plat FILE N0. 5393-12-23-1-6-80 STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN9 a newspaper of general RON GOETZ, circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas+ preceding the date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said E tice was published in said Paper on the following dates: Dec. 23, 1979 and January 69 1980 L Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this _7th - day of Jan. 19 so Witness my hand and, official seal. Ma v 1--------------- it 1 ev Notary Pub ic, Tar ant County+ Texas W o` - ~ ° o o Y o y i o ti o a c f:° } no~~~ ro~ CL b 'v L M ti~ i- C -,6 7 N U u 3 _ v of A- J) io c~' , .4 W 0fit~u D6 r W Z Y,-m C, S . uEU6 ao .=o W _j 0 U, O p ~ ~YU Qi D^ i fp s. C ti'O Y N ~ W d TY > U L~ N N N o 9 (D 8- E JU 001~ y~ C aN040 N:F ~ d o~LOO~cmQau0')U ~I Q F- Q GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A t GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 481-3221 31 488-0332 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Rezone-Zeta Crews FILE N0.--- 5654-1-6-80 ' STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant, Texas, preceding the r, date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said paper on the following dates: January 69 1980 Ron Goe z Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Jan. 19 80 Witness my hand and official seal. ary tIey Notary Pub ic+ Tarra t County9 Texas w o: W LEGAL NOTICE = NOTICE is hereby given to I all interested persons that the city council Ot the -City of a Southlake, Texas, will be holding a public hearing on G) January 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. A in the city council chambers W at city hall, 667 North Carroll = Avenue, Southlake, Texas. N Purpose of the hearing is to consider the request of Zeta J Crews to rezone a 39.87 acre tract of land out of the J.H. _ Gibson Survey, Abstract 591. Present zoning is in the n. Agriculural District. Request is for the "F" Light in- dustrial District. U City of Southlake Q Sandra L. LeGrand H City Secretary F ' 5654-1-6-80. Q - GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. r P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76061 THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481-3221 488-0332 ' IN THE MATTER OF: ' City of Southlake Dan. R. Light- rezone ' t FILE NO. 5653-1-6-80 - STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texast preceding the date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said paper on the following dates: January 6, 1980 E - F-- Ron Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Jan 19 80. Witness my hand and official seal.-- Marv It I ey LEGAL NOTICE Notary Publ ic+ Tarrant County+ Texas NOTICE is hereby given to all interested persons that W the City Council of the City of Ix Southlake, Texas, will be holding a public hearing on January 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the city council chambers at city hall, 667 North Carroll a Avenue, Southlake, Texas. O Purpose of the hearing is to 1 consider the request of Dan R. Light to rezone a tract of land out of the John Whitman uJ Survey, Abstract 1593. = Present zoning is in the 'fn Agricultural District. Request is for the A-3 Single Family District. City of Southlake Sandra L. LeGrand CL City Secretary 5653-1-6-80. H F- i GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76061 e THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481-3221 488-0332 IN THE MATTER OF: City of Southlake Howard Thrasher- Special Use Permit FILE NO. 5655-1-6-80 ' STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT P RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN, a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant, Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice, appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said paper on the following dates: --tea r~ua-r-x J~ 0 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day o f Jan. 19 Witness my hand and official seal. _ _ l________________ ary tey LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to Notary Pub I i + Tarra t County, Texas all interested persons that the city council of the City of W Southlake, Texas, will be holding a public hearing on W January 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. = in the city council chambers at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. G. Purpose of the hearing is to p consider the request of C.1 Howard Thrasher, who is applying for a special LjAe G] Permit for the sale of OFF W PREMISES PACKAGED = BEER. location of the N establishment will be the northwest corner of the in- n tersection of North White Chapel Road and Highway 114, in Southlake. i d City of Southlake Sandra L. LeGrand = 5655-1-6-80. City Secrktary . U Q F- H Q GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 e THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER ' THE GRAPEVINE SUN 481-3221 488-0332 ' IN THE MATTER OF: ' City of Southlake George B.- Til-lery Sr.- rezone ~ FILE N0.-- 5652-1-6-80 STATE OF TEXAS+ COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ+ the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously fdTarant+ regularly of of not less than one year in the County date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said paper on the January 6, 1980 At-~ - - Ron Goetz 8C1 + Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Jan. 19 80 f7 Witness my hand and official seal.-_ - - U t I e Mar - Notary Public+ Tarrant County, Texas LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to all interested persons that W the City Council of the city of . = Southlake, Texas, will be yJ holding a public hearing on L January 15, 1980 at 7:30 p•m. in the city council chambers r at city hall, 667 North Carroll a Avenue, Southlake, Texas. p Purpose of the hearing is to consider the request ofl George B` Tillery Sr. to , rezone a 3.3 acre tract of land W out of the L.H. Chivers = Survey, Abstract 300 Tracts 3A4A and 3AS. Present zoning is Agricultural. Request is J for the "L° Light Com- AD mercial District. City of Southlake _ Sandra L. LeGrand O_ City Secretary 5652-1-6-80. U 4 F- F- Q PHONE 481-5581 .w City of Southlake 'Where Country Living Is At Its Best'' P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 MARTIN R. HAWK, Mayor SAM SPARGER, Mayor Pro Tem SANDRA L. LeGRAND, City Secretary LOUISE MORRISON, Councilwoman A. C. URBANOSKY, Councilman LLOYD LATTA, Councilman SHARI MASSEY, Councilwoman BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUC'T'ION SATISTICS FOR 1979 NA'T'URE OF PERMITS NUMBER OF PERMITS VALUATION ■ Single Family Dewllings 53 $2,789,473.00 ' y Crical 5 $2,162,000.00 P Additions, Pools 35 $ 364,053.00 Accessory Bldgs. & Ect. Schools 1 $2,000,000.00 It TOTAL .......................94 ......................$8,315,526.00 Total Amount of Fees for: Building Permits $9,731.60 Certificates of Occupancy $1,150.00 Planning & Zoning $3,724.00 TOTAL ....................$14,605.60 I I Respectfully Submitted, Re pectfully Submitted 4 ilding Clerk Building Offical Leeann Gosdin Sandra L. LeGrand ~ b n G r~-I b b H V U r I m PQ r-I H a v v v Q v r-I ~4 u x i o a) 41 c°n U wo jn' o U) U U) O H h 4J 4J g U3 Z P4 a U) r-i Ln a) r-I a w vvi 0 0 1-4 a' H N CN-I N ~ N Q00 r Ln 01 O H r1 r rl N N r I 10 a 00 001 r O O M N N N r-I rl co 00 rl H H 'roil b O C: (a U) U) 'a m o v ~ 4 En v v In rA En U) w > or, q w Ul rl ° P~ $4 En a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ q ci ~ ~ 3 a ~ P° ~ ~n a z ~-4 z uv H A O O 00 00 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' H o 0 0 0 O o o O o c o 0 o c o 0 01 O o O fn O O 0 `O 00 co O O O O M In O O O l0 -1 O 0 O N In O 4 N r co d 111 Ln N N O O V In M N N m r-I M M w U1 "I' M Ln t/} t? t? 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D. Gaddy Chief of Police' CDG/tjn 1 L i Z f_:: } --i I O Q F- U L" z ( O Q J w G Z O ? U U U) Q Q I O O U O r- !JJ I` ` J ! G U t ME: F.- OC TIC ..STS 0 6 '.3 19 1.1. 0 1.45 # OF CALLS 145 1 169 162 427 61. ; 0 1192 # OF ARRESTS 0 1 3 9 7 2 0 26 ACCIDENTS 1 0 4 I 1 3 2 ( 0 f 11 'BURGLARIES 1 p 1 0 0 1 I 0 3 THEFTS 1 1 0 1 0 0 i MILES DRIVEN 2,000 1,663 t 1,662 2,561, 625 0 10,16n 6 f f HOURS WORKED 210 203 220 ( 176 57 56 1.094 E C 1 1 RESERVES TICKETS ACCIDENTS ARRESTS JHOURS WORKS CALLS ASSISTS MILES ANDERSON 1 17 1 t 4 56-1, 1.07 p 3 661 E I SCROGGINS 3 0 1 { 76 98 16 531 C KELLY 6 0 n 392 23 7 49 BOB STEELE-- UNIT 9 409 MILES TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS FROM: MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK JANIE SHADE SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER, 1979 DATE: JANUARY 15, 1980 CITY OF SOU H AKE MOMMY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS MONTH OF DECEMBER 1979 CURlEw LAST MONl'Fi ELECTRIC 17 23 PLUMBING 32 24 FRAMING 6 13 FOUNDATION 4 6 HEATING & AIR 15 10 SEPTIC SYSTEM 15 7 OTHER 11 9 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 100 85 2. PERMITS THIS MONTH FEE LAST MONTH FEE BUILDING 9 $1,029.00 9 $1,585.00 ELECTRICAL 9 130. Or) 14 240.60 PLUMBING 6 154.00 10 126.00 HEATING & AIR 7 201.00 7 159.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCP. 6 150.00 5 125.00 SEPTIC 6 60.00 4 40.00 TOTAL PERMITS 43 $1,724.00 49 $2,275.60 3. Building Valuation THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $481,500.00 $2,193.00 $4,231,436.00 4. PLANNING & ZONING FEES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH YEAR TO DATE $539.00 $200.00 $2,023.00 5. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN BUILDING FUND THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE $2,263.00 $18,103.60 1978 - December Breakdown RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 8 - Building BUILDING PERMIT BREAKDOWN BUILDING CII;RK 8 - Residences 1 - Barn 1 - Commercial ING f PA~ OFFICAL C) CL w cr- 0) Ln CY) tD rn ~o cL (.o o Ln Mto J r r r N r co W N r S 0.' ~ Z W O ca M: w ~ U at: LLJ O tL O Q S a 1-- 0-+ Z Z C7 Z 0-4 LLJ 3 ~ O L/) or m L.) W N J LL- W LLJ S V) CD I- m O O w E- U W W W 0 W O OC N > > W F F + O ul N W -j F- W O C D Q ` Q F- W cr- d 1-- Q N _I W V) a N Li. O Ln Li! LU ►--4 N N d LLJ Lil uj m Z N S 4 1 1--- Q Q: O O O Z Z co F- LU LU W Of LLJ L U I- LaJ S Q N to N w N N N N N h-- Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q P-+ U U U 3 3 U U a U U U I a SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT YEARLY FIRE REPORT 1979 TO: Honorable Mayor And City Council Persons FROM: R.P. Steele- Fire Chief SUBJECT: Yearly Report of Runs,Man hours,Fire Fighters Responses. 1. Responses Structure Fires---------------------------------------------------18 Grass Fires-------------------------------------------------------45 Auto Fires--------------------------------------------------------08 Auto Accident-Standy By-Rescue Unit and Fire Unit-----------------56 Mutual Aid To Other Cities----------------------------------------14 Calls in Tarrant Count (outside of city limits ----01 Calls in Denton County (outside of city limits)-------------------05 False Alarms------------------------------------------------------08 Rescue.Unit------------------------------------------------------- 26 Miscelaneous Alarms-----------------------------------------------22 Total Emergency Responces for the Year---------------------------203 2. Man Hours Expended Emergency Calls------------------------------------------------2,142 Meetings (Average 4 per Month)---------------------------------1,755 Special Training Sessions or Drills------------------------------736 Maintenance------------------------------------------------------423 Total Man Hours for the Year-----------------------------------5,065 3. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for 1979. Chief Steele-----------------------------------------------------141 Asst. Chief Bradley-----------------------------------------------88 Asst. Fire Marshall Joyce-----------------------------------------30 Capt. Dodson------------------------------------------------------42 Capt. Brown------------------------------------------------------124 Lt. Jones--------------------------------------------------------130 Lt. Fuller--------------------------------------------------------91 B. Roper----------------------------------------------------------46 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report For Month of December A. Responses: # Of Ca. 1. Structure Fires 2 2. Grass Fires------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 3. Auto & Truck Fires 0 4. Auto or Truck Accident - Stand-by (Fire & Rescue Unit) 8 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine---------------------------------------------- 0 6. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville ------------------------------------------0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller------------------------------------------------- 0 8. Mutual-Aid to other Cities---------------------------------------------------- 0 9. Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 0 10. Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) 1 11. False Alarms in City---------------------------------------------------------- 2 12. Rescue Unit Calls------------------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Gun shot victim 114 and Kimball B. Person with seizure Sunshine Lane (Hawk Resd) C. Possible Heart Attack 303 Midway Rd. (Pinson Resd.) 13. Miscelaneous Alarms----------------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Bomb Threat Carrolt High School B. Water Vac. (Hot Water Broke) 700 a Dove. Steward Resd. C. Gas Meter Leak Kimball and Dove Yates Trailer Park. 14. Trophy Club Calls Structure 1- Grerss-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Rescue Unit--------------------------------------------------------------------0 B. Total Emergency Calls For the Month of December ,------------------29 T. Boyer----'-----------------------------------------------------67 E. Reed-----------------------------------------------------------78 C. Jones----------------------------------------------------------38 M. Pirtle---------------------------------------------------------25 W. Winchester-----------------------------------------------------26 S. Allen----------------------------------------------------------25 R. Martin---------------------------------------------------------39 R. Anderson-------------------------------------------------------06 J. Vann-----------------------------------------------------------86 J. Sullivan-------------------------------------------------------27 C. Bell-----------------------------------------------------------39 D. Drennan--------------------------------------------------------18 A. Epps-----------------------------------------------------------08 L. Russell----=--------------------------------------------------101 P. Cunningham-----------------------------------------------------06 R. Bridgewater----------------------------------------------------09 S. Nichols--------------------------------------------------------13 J. Muller---------------------------------------------------------10 T. Bryant---------------------------------------------------------43 C. Reed-----------------------------------------------------------59 B. Jones----------------------------------------------------------78 D. Brown----------------------------------------------------------77 J. Harston--------------------------------------------------------- 82 P. Hill-----------------------------------------------------------03 Respectfully Submitted, tee e Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department r i C. Man Hours Expended: Number of u° 1. On Emergency Calls ----------------------------------------------------------368 2. McOtin s 4 For Month Average Men Per Meeting ------------------60 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills------------------------------------------132 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance(other than normal Maint.time)-------------- 0 D. Total Man Hours Expended For Month December 560 E. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding for Month----------------- Chief Steele 20 C. Reed 4 Asst. Chief 16 T. Boyer 14 Capt. Brown 20 S. Allen 3 Capt. Dodson 8 S. Nichols 11 Lt. Jones 15 R. Anderson 1 Lt. Fuller 12 J. Muller 10 J. Vann 11 C. Bell 7 B. Jones 12 R. Martin 9 W. Winchester 6 T. Bryant 2 J. Joyce 6 D. Drennan 3 ' Harston 12 B. Roper 5 Brown 18 E. Reed 8 Russell 25 J. Sullivan 5 Respectfully submitted, R. P. Steele Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of December 1980 Gallons Pumped previous month 45,145,00, G&llons sold previous month 45117,000 New Taps installed for month 5 Meters changed out 1 Line repairs: Materials Machine Rental Other repairs 4 leaks/ 2 1709, Ridgewood Circle, Timbercourt re install pump at Sewar Plant Red light on tank at well #2 Gauge on side of tank /repair v~ ~s Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1980 Tickets Issued 2923 Fines Paid $58.503.69 Traffic Accidents 155 Burglaries Investigated 17,234.69 Burglaries Cleared 4,276.45 Thefts Investigated $30,882.30 Thefts Cleared $32,395.00 Number of Police Calls 12,640.00 Person In Jail 258 Murders 00 Attempted Murders 1 Kidnappings 1 Rapes 3 Aggravated Assault 3 Traffic Deaths 5 - 1 C. Daymond Gaddy Chief of Police Southlake Police Department BILLS FOR APPROVAL/ CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 15,1980 UTILITIES... Texas Power and Light Company $ 180.82 Texas Power and Light Company 1,429.57 INSURANCE... Travis P. Young Company (renew bonds) 18.00 Mays Flowers, Grady and Burruss 43.00 TML Joint Insurance Fund 658.00 M.M.. Administrators,Inc. 531.35 CITY ADMINISTRATION... PBL Leasing Corp. 129.95 The Checkwriter Group 134.25 Association of City Secretaries 15.00 West Publishing Company 22.00 Pease Engraving Company 11.40 Gregory and Gregory 802.21 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Bell Communications (police and fire) 11486.33 Parker Exxon 294.65 Dearing Texaco 25.00 Law Enforcement Equiptment Company 80.20 City of Grapevine Ambulance 360.00 Lancaster Pittard Professional Association 30.00 Wicks Corp. 4.68 The Circle E Food Market 3.15 Prime Supply Inc. 99.04 Sargent-Sowell Inc. 182.98 FIRE DEPARTMENT... Fire Chief Magazine 17.00 Circle R Electric Company 215.32 North Star Laboratories,Inc. 26.00 Universal 71.05 Tommy D. Hays 54.00 Total $ 6,924.95