1980-01-03 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 3,1980 7:30 p.m. ' AGENDA ' 1. Consider: Tri County Electric Co-op Rate Increase. Public Hearing ' 2. Consider: Renewal of contract for City Tax Assessor. 3. Discussion: Water Leak on West Continental Blvd. Dick Bandy, 1228 W. Continental Blvd. 4. Consider: Contract with Bell Communications. 5. Discussion: Budget Workshop. 6. Mayors Report 7. Bills for approval. 1 I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Monday, December 31,1979 at 3 p.m. • y1L~ City Secretary C'1`I'Y C)F' SClU'I41L.AKtr, TEXAS fJ x t4 0 Minutu5 of Reqular City Cwwncil Meeti q dt" v o D,ALU 'January 3,1980 Tuna 7:30 m. PIAce city 9f southlake, Council Chambe rs. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. southlake, Texas NAME: OF 1 _ PAGE 1NlK~:X NO. - MEMBER PRESENT: Mayor; Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem; Sam Sparg r Councilpersons; Louise Morrison, j Lloyd Latta, AC Urbanosky, Shari C Massey. i ' CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attoreny Joe Gregory, Police Chief; Daymond Gaddy, Fire Chief; Bob Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. PARKS COMMISSIONER PRESENT: P Jerry Black INVOCATION: Sam Sparger The minutes of the December 18,197 meeting were approved as presented During the public hearing concern- TRI COUNTY ing the Tri County Electric Co op ELECTRIC request for service related RATE rate increase, Jerry Black INCREASE commented that he feels the reques is justified. After discussion amoung Councilpersons, attorney, Joe Gregory indicated that Tri County did not comply with the statutes by filing the application within 30 days of when the rate ' is to become effective. Sparger x x Motion was made by councilperson Morrison x x Sparger that we write an ordinance Latta x for approval at the next City Urbanosky i x Council meeting. Motion also Massey , x included the fact that Tri County r be told that they did not comply with the statutes as stated above. Sparger x The contract renewal was granted ASSESSOR Morrison x x for Will Zschiesche, city tax CONTRACT atta x ' I x assessor. The contract indicated RENEWED Jrbanog'ky x a change in fee, from $275. to Massey i x I $290. per month for his services. i 1 .p M b o CITY OF soU111F11AKE, TEXAS Minutes of Regular City CNUnCil Meeti g a a . January 3 ,1980 M y ~a q Date me ; 7:30 p.m. P 1,ACe city of Southlake, Counci l 3 ~ ChanJ~ers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAME: uF' PAGE 2 I N l L: X NO- C. 1 - A discussion was held in regards I to the cities contract with Bell Communications. Mayor Hawk indicai- ed that Mr. Bell will meet with council in a worksession on Januar ! 10,1980 for the purpose of discussing communications for Southlake. The budget,,in regards to the well project financing will also be discussed at the worksession if council desires. Mayor Hawk in- dicated that it will be necessary to transfer funds for the project, therefore public hearing will be needed to amend the budget. MAYORS REPORT Bids are being taken for the construction of a backstop for the baseball field in Bicentennial Park. A disucssion was held concerning the Fire Department Mutual Aid Fund from Tarrant County. South- lake did. not turn in any calls therefore no funds were granted. (he letters received from the county are hereby attached to the minutes.) The garbage collection franchise was discussed. It was noted that i complaints are very high this mont . i The City Secretary is to write a letter to Mr. Hubbard. The lett r is to remind Mr. Hubbard of the j terms of the contract. Also, that he has not put a dumpster ! at the city tennis courts as he r~ has promised. .I i i i ('1'I'Y UN' S0U'CH[AKE , TEXAS d o Minutes of Regular City Cmitncil Meeti y ' M y jute ; January 3,1980 ~o 'hike 7:30 p.m. i'ldcd City of Southlake, Council j ~ chambers. 667 N. Carroll Avenue. Southlake, Texas NAM OF 3 PA(;E 1NIA-A NO. C MEMBEH Motion was made and approved to i I pay the bills presented. (attache hereto and made a part hereof). I The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pat Hawk. Mayor ATT ST: r 1 City Secretary I M I g i i I I r N I ~ I i U'ILAKE -a C) TARRANT COUNTY e ` RAY REYNOLDS FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76106 900 N. COMMERCE Fire Marshal December 31, 1979 (817) 334-1462 ALL FIRE DEPARTMENTS Dear Chief: The attached is a break-down of how the money was pro-rated among each department, per response. We failed to enclose it with the recent copy of cover-letter and check whereby you were informed that the checks had been mailed to your city. Yours sinc ely, /eD Sims uty Fire Marshal JS:pt 1 attachment .~rviv~c~ +r tcc ►V►AL riKc VCrnK(MCIVI ("'T ndlcatee unineonpouted mea VotunteeA Fi-t.e flepaAtmen t4. ) 'FIRE VEM FIRE RESPONSES COST- PER-RESPONS E P A V M E N T ARLINGTON 0 0 0 1 _ 20.43 837060 AZLE BE ROOK 62 20.43 1266.66 B U MOUND 5 20.43 306.45 R 8 20.43 367.74 Z`~OLLE VI L 0 0 0 •.•yCRO(OLEV 49 20.43 1001.07 M~ 1100 34. 20.43 694.62 ,.''EAGLE MOUNTAIN 82 20.43 1675.26 EU LES 0 0 0 EVEM N 0 0 0 T-U EST LL 0 0 0 GRAPEVINE 8 20.43 163.44 1 SLET 27 20.43 551.61 HURST 0 -0 0 KELLER 87 20.43 $1777.41 KEN14EVALE 78 20.43 1593.54 LAKE WORTH 31 20.43 633.33 MANSFIELD 88 20.43 1797.84 NORTH RICH HILLS 0 0_ 0 PANTEGO 0 0 0 MPELICAN B 22 20.43 449.46 ORLYfWN 65 20.43 1_327295 RICHLAND HILLS 0 0 0 RIVER OAKS 2 20.43 40.86 SAGINAW 90 20.43 1838.70 SALON PARK 0 0 0 SLdj 1'17LAKKE 0 0 0 SP LL(VAy 49 20.43 1001.07 WATA(IGA 8. 20.43 163.44 "WE136 20 X20.43 108.60 (NI(ff SE LEIti E 5 $20.43 102.15 T 0 T A L Si 881 X $20.43 $17,998.80 The d.L6jenence o6 $1.20 between $17,998.80 and $18,000.00 .La becau,ee $18,000.00 d.Lvtded by 881 i4 actuatty $20.43128 when caAAied out to jive dig.i to . ) COUNTY RAY REYNOLDS FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76106 900 N. COMMERCE Fire Marshal (817) 334-1462 Pzcember 3, 1979 1,E 40 TO: Fire Dapartir-,nts SUBJECT: UNTINCOM PJRAIED A.,V;AS ATTE'si'I0` : Chief E aclc>zod ~ylc se fi.id fcr mall- inn, Gu z cc-" ly iL M- RES2CNS 2 REPO :TS z4id COUNTY L',iE-RG 14CY SERVICE W,;s ?C\SL u ~Utt1S as :.,~}~al` cie to yvxz i r.~. pur;mwnt:. :Uiyou ri~:a 4YL11vTiil 'lv'Spen5e booklets please cazatact m/ office and they will be seat to you, or co= by and get them. T}aiese are the two (2) rz;po-rts t ia+. will b filed and kept at my office to d--te-n- liaa the arn:ual c':7i.oznt of ospcCnsas 7~ dL to the County areas during the year. The original report is to be sent to my office PRIOR to td-lo 10th of t1- i c folla.ving 1rt;I..la, a;~d the other copy is for your o.m records. I would suggest that you use a nunhering system for easy classification zad filing, such as: 80-1, 80-2 and 80-3, etc. Me period-of-tirre for d terrrilning the annual respc7,ses if from Dec caber 1 (of one year) through Novar: er 30th (of &.a folic.ving year) . If you have any q=s tions about these boOklets please contact n1e and we'll gat together rzi the suaject. Please find attached the d"finition for &-terraining a fire response and an aifzrg:xacy unbulance raspcnsa to the unincorporated areas of the County. Let us :..c r &--aytime we can assist you. Since ra ly , TAW NT COUNTY P to R;T:u~;Is Fire Marshal RR:es Attach rant #1 f ~ . ATTAGIME iT #1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESPONSES DEFINITIONS To Mzmo to Fire Departments From Ray Reynolds, Fire Marshal Dated: December 3, 1979. FIRE RESPONSE DEFINITION: "Whenever fire equipment responds to any emergency call to the County areas it shall be classified as a fire protection respcrse EXCEPT in the following cases: 1. Ambulance type respa-ises. 2. Responses to incorporated areas. 3. Controlled burning stand-bys. 4. Requested stand-bys wrier. an emergency does not occur during the stand-by." a11Z(M\C;Y AMBULANCE RESPONSE DEFINITION: 1, Anytime an ambulance receives a call for emergency service and makes that run, this is considered an emergency ambulance run. 2. When an ambulance accompanies the Fire Department (responds with) on a call this is NOT considered an eT,,~_-rgency ambulance response. If, however, after arriving on the scene, the ambulance makes an emergency run to a hospital or clinic, then that would be considered an e:rmergency ambulance run. 3. When a Rescue Unit runs with the mice Department to the scene of an em: rgency -this is NOT considered an emergency ambulance response even if the Rescue Unit administers aid, but if the Rescue Unit acts in the capacity of an ambulance, that is t it makes an emergency run to a hospital or clinic - then that would be considered an emergency ambulance run. - i GRAPEVINE PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX A GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 THE GRAPEVINE SUN THE GRAPEVINE NEWS-ADVERTISER 488-0332 481.3221 IN THE MATTER OF: C i tv_ o f S o u th l a k e Ap_p Li Aat ton 6- Tr k,C o u Lty E 1 e e-r to C o o p FILE N0. _539`- j 2_j-: 9 STATE OF TEXAS9 COUNTY OF TARRANT RON GOETZ9 the General Manager of the GRAPEVINE SUN+ a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in the County of Tarrant+ Texas, preceding the date of the attached notice+ appeared before me and swore that the said tice was published in said paper on the following dates: 31P r-vII.IZLr _23z -19-79 - !ion Goetz Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ~ 19-7q Witness my hand and official seal. a teary Utley Notary Public+ Tarrant Countyr Texas w Cr tj C R:O~pt-,C NO ~ 4) 10 VOL~ ~ 0 -V C _ L L N VO'CO N'- rQ~;n O OJT cn N t. DI._ T 2 C y V (l7 LAJ ~?,s, LmCO.v~ OU9 OJ~_ I®~O'X V~4)w V uOOO1Cp0 V TC V = N J H ap 07.-LNtoU ~VV ' iW W Z Y Oi~_~C~ Ot"~ C N iJV C~ CUV•C ,pL OT.. O V n 0- 7 N 52C7y rpL j QO.U z~~°g O01 OEd~zRfMUa 93 1 H H CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 3,1980 BILLS FOR APPROVAL Utilities... ' Tri County Electric Co-op $ 129.50 Lone Star Gas Company 151.38 General Telephone Company 717.85 INSURANCE... Mays, Flowers, Grady and Burruss (Bldg.contents) 520.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION... ' Baines and Stringer (Audit City/2,250.00 Water/1,500)3,750.00 General Office Supply 179.05 ' TML (League Services) 341.00 Pitney Bowes (Postage machine) 46.50 The Banner Quick Print 355.42 • FIRE DEPARTMENT... Crabtree and Powers Tire and appliance 1,039.41 Grapevine Memorial Hospital 26.58 i Tarrant County Firefighters Association 60.95 Tarrant County Firefighters Association (Dues) 50.00 Arnold Welding Service 17.50 Jim Parker's Exxon 26.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT... Ladd Uniform 226.00 National Association of Chiefs of Police (dues) 25.00 Prime Supply Inc. 130.00 City of Grapevine, Ambulance 50.00 Village Grocery Store 46.03 ' Bruce M. Thomas, PhD 70.00 Mid Cities Chrysler Plymouth 14,914.00 WATER DEPARTMENT... Dealers Electrical Supply 116.55 Whites Auto Store 54.17 Tarrant Office Supply and Equiptment 450.24 TOTAL $ 23,493.63 i