2000-03-07 SPECIAL SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING March 7, 2000 MINUTES Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman, Debra Edmondson, Norm Lyons, Rex Potter, and Rick Stacy. Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at 5:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 4A. Resolution No. SPDC 00-02, authorizing the issuance of "Southlake Parks Development Corporation Sales Tax Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2000"; pledging certain "Pledged Revenues" of the Corporation, including "Gross Sales Tax Revenues," to the payment of the principal of and interest on said Bonds and enacting other provisions incident and related to the issuance, payment, security, and delivery of said bonds, including the approval and execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Purchase Contract and a Financing/Use Agreement with the City, resolving other matters incident and related to the -uance and sale of the Bonds, including the approval and distribution of an Official Statement; J providing an effective date. PUBLIC HEARING. Director Hugman informed the Board that Finance Director Sharen Elam would not be attending the meeting due to a family emergency. Mr. Hugman stated that this resolution authorizes the issuance of SPDC sales tax subordinate revenue bonds. Bond Counsel Ed Esquivel informed the Board that the difference between these sales tax bonds and the ones SPDC has issued in the past is that these are junior lien bonds. Mr. Esquivel commented that a separate reserve fund for the junior lien has to be provided, but the reserve fund is being funded with a surety bond as opposed to the City having to either borrow the funds to fund it or to accumulate the funds out of the sales tax revenue. Mr. Esquivel explained that actually three different rates are shown - a net interest cost rate of 6.02556646, a true interest cost rate (a present value calculation) of 6.0859487, and then the bond yield arbitrage rate of 6.219164. He stated that the actual rate the Board looks for is the true interest cost rate which is at 6.0859487. There were no comments during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. SPDC 00-02. Motion: Potter Second: Edmondson ^ ves: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy Js: none Approved: 6-0 SPECIAL SPDC BOARD MEETING, MARCH 7, 2000, PAGE 1 OF 2 ?enda Item No. 2, Executive Session. President Kendall announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 5:15 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 5:25 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. Motion was made to authorize staff to proceed with purchase of park land as discussed in executive session. Motion: Potter Second: Stacy Ayes: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 14. Adjournment. )tion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. f Pr sident Ronnie Kendall ATTEST: Kim B sh Secre ry to the City Manager SPECIAL SPDC BOARD MEETING, MARCH 7, 2000, PAGE 2 OF 2