2000-01-18 SPECIAL SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING January 18, 2000 MINUTES Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman, Debra Edmondson, Norm Lyons, Rex Potter, Rick Stacy, and Cara White. Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Administrative Assistant John Eaglen, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at 5:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Consider Resolution No. SPDC 00-01 setting a public hearing on the expenditure of corporation funds relating to projects to be undertaken by the Corporation for the purchase of land and making improvements thereto for neighborhood parks and making additional improvements to existing park land, including related road and streets improvements that enhance such park facilities, and paying maintenance and operating costs of said municipal park facilities; and approving and authorizing notice of such public hearing. President Kendall stated that the purpose of the special meeting is to set a public hearing on the expenditure of corporation funds. Ms. Kendall asked the Board if there was any discussion necessary and also asked if there were any public comments. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. SPDC 00-01 setting a Public Hearing for March 7, 2000. Motion: Stacy Second: Edmondson Ayes: Berman, Edmondson, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 3. Adjournment. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m. President Ronnie Kendall ATTEST: f~ Kim B h Secret ry to the City Manager