Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525 (Darby), 1995 - Warranty Deed AFFIDA VTT FOR REFILING OF WARRANTY DEED (\\ ), THIS AFFIDAVIT SHOULD BE FILED IN THE RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. THIS AFFIDAVIT IS BEING MADE SOLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING A CLERICAL ERROR IN AN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT (HEREIN REFERRED TO AS "DOCUMENT", THE ORIGINAL OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO.) BEING A WARRANTY DEED DATED FEBRUARY 24,1994, FILED APRIL 27,1994, RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, EXECUTED BY THE COUNTY OF TARRANT, TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AFFECTING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Being a 0.1699 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, and being part of a tract of land conveyed by W,R. Nail to Marvin G. Darby and wife, Mary Darby by deed dated May 16, 1963 and recorded in Volume 3806, Page 65 ofthe Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, which 0.1699 acres ofland, more or less, is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of F .M. Highway 1709 with the Easterly line of said Darby tract, same being the Westerly right-{)f-way line of Kimball Road, said point being 65.00 feet Southerly of and radial to centerline survey station 430+ 79.21, and also being N 540 14' 37" E a distance of 155.11 feet from the Southeast corner of said Darby tract said point being in a curve to the left whose center bears S 170 32' 32" W. THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the southerly R.O.W. line of F.M. 1709 and said curve to the left having a radius of 1844.86 feet and a central angle of 01 023' 33" a distance of 44.83 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set, said poin being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 540 14' 37" W, a distance of 60.07 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE S 02001' 01" W, a distance of 45.06 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE S 540 14' 37" W, a distance of 40.13 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE N 890 59' 33" W, a distance of 21.97 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE N 010 51' 34" E, a distance of 129.62 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set in the southerly R.O.W. line ofF.M. Highway 1709; THENCE Along said curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 1844.86 feet and a central angle of 030 13' 33" a distance of 103.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.1699 acres of land, more or less. THIS AFFIDAVIT IS BEING MADE FOR THE PURPOSE OF FILING SUCH CORRECTION OF RECORD IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. AS ORIGINALLY EXECUTED AND FILED, THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT MISTAKENLY DID NOT INCLUDE BEARING REFERENCE NOTATION OR ADEQUATE CLARIFICATION OF BOUNDARY MONUMENTS. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN CORRECTED AS SET FORTH IN ABOVE PARAGRAPH, AND IS BEING REFlLED WITH THIS AFFIDAVIT AS A CORRECTION DOCUMENT TO TAKE THE PLACE OF THE DOCUMENT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME] 1554, PA~,ItW;41~,~ THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. IN ALL OTHER RESPECTS THlI': _ l'OC'kHE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. I\.CO *..l",... ~ I f:;) ~\ A ..~ ';pO:; = .... ..~ ::; = __ v., = t ~ S AFFIANT ~ . g %'-. /,"~ '.f: ...M.,........ .,.... '~ ~ ""Ie ,...". SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON THIS 1-g,ltllllllll~"\{}"AY OF C MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~<!M L. BUSH Notary Public STIlTE OF TeXAS My ClJmm. Exp. OS/27198 NOTARY'S PRINTED NAME w.. LEGALS\001218U\.AfF RETURN TO OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAI<:E. TEXAS 7'~()92 . i q c; 0 . I ... v ~,...- Oib~ EXHIBIT 'A' -- PROPERTY DESCRIBED 7401.89 SQ. FT 0.1699 ACRES -- ---- -- ----- BOOt. '111.. A. I( e ----- ----- ----- III..l'D e (~e"e _____ 7~08) ...... ---- ...... ---- 5/8" 1P51111(IIJI!!j@~~~,,,,,, ~ f'I'.tlliR~i~' ff:::~:{{:::::::::::m;::m::::::~:it::i:{fL 5/a" IPS UI'lllliJI['ifU~ 5/8" IPS 111111!I~i;~ 5/'" IPS / III 9':59'33.W 5 8 IPS 27.97' ----- /' /' /' ~ft, /' /' ~ft,~ /' ffJtJ~ '6')..'6 /' ..~ / r#~~::\ ~o. ......~~~,,"\~ / ff.t~,?-(?J?~'?-C ,p" ~ /' ~.:.fv'" /' ~~ /' s / / o.i. ....\~ ,09.'0 .,..Ir' ~o. G~'~~C'\ ~'?>s S\)~:.fv'" CURIIf: DATA @ 6 = 03'73'33" R = 7844.86' T = 51.95' L = 103.8r CB = 575' 2r 4rE CL = 103.85' I'B\ 6 = 01"23'3.r \!:V R = 7844.86' T = 22.42' L = 44.83' CB = 573" 09' 7SeE CL = 44.83' / NOTE: BEARINGS BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF F.M. HIGHWAY 1709, HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 74" 48' 01~ W. AS REFERENCED IN VOL. 11320 P. 24 (D.R.T.C.T.) N W,-E S 1"=50' 00 1218LN.DlVG CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1170 CORPORATE DRIVE WEST SUITE 207 ARLINGTON. TEXAS 76006 METRO (817) 640-4329 (817) 633-1023 I certify that this is a true and accurate representation of this survey as made on the ground, I I I Revised, 3 28 95 DATE : A- \ 0.... ""~ \950 ,...,..... I'" r U/OO Revised: 3-28-95 EXHIBIT' B' KIMBALL A VENUE RIGHT -OF-WAY Field Notes Being a 0.1699 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, and being part of a tract of land conveyed by W.R Nail to Marvin G. Darby and wife, Mary Darby by deed dated May 16, 1963 and recorded in Volume 3806, Page 65 of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, which 0.1699 acres of land, more or less, is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of P.M. Highway 1709 with the Easterly line of said Darby tract, same being the Westerly right-of-way line of Kimball Road, said point being 65.00 feet Southerly of and radial to centerline survey station 430+ 79.21, and also being N 540 14' 37" E a distance of 155.11 feet from the Southeast comer of said Darby tract said point being in a curve to the left whose center bears S 170 32' 32" W. THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the southerly RO.W. line ofF.M. 1709 and said curve to the left having a radius of 1844.86 feet and a central angle of 01 0 23' 33" a distance of 44.83 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set, said poin being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 540 14' 37" W, a distance of 60.07 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE S 020 01' 01" W, a distance of 45.06 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE S 540 14' 37" W, a distance of 40.13 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE N 890 59' 33" W, a distance of 21.97 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; THENCE NOlO 51' 34" E, a distance of 129.62 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set in the southerly R O. W. line of F. M. Highway 1709; THENCE Along said curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 1844.86 feet and a central angle of 030 13' 33" a distance of 103.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.1699 acres of land, more or less. W:\LEGALS\OO 1218LN.LGL 950 0767 'jUdUo.. CORRECTION DEED " 2~51 Pr~parC'd bv (h~ Slate Bar 01 T ~X.b lor use O\" la....vers onl\". P.C'VI~ 10-85. O""'''P'o\''''':~s..'''lr\'\",,, WARRANTY DEED DaIC: , j ranlor' County of Tarrant Grantor~ ~alling Address (Including coumy): 100 E. Weatherford Street Fort Worth, Texas 76196 (JrJntc~ : City of Southlake Grantee ~ Mallmg Address (mcluding coumy I: 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 C nn'locral Ion: Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration Propeny lmcludmg any improvemems): See Exhibit "A" which is attached and made a part hereto for alll~urp~es. ~ In):.... Oz ~,?~ ...., ):> :::v :t" J> 7_ ,._-4 n-;:: c'r- '-~n"l ?'"i l:) <~ " fa N ~ ~I I ':~: I;; .:::W:.Z)) :::> ::z: ):::> Q:) 0i OJ rj-l .>< :;-.. CJ, R~servallons trom and Exceptions 10 Conveyance and Warramy: In fee simple so long as the described property is used for public road purposes within one year of the date of this deed; however, if any portion of the described property is not used for any public road purposes after one year from the date of this deed, then ownership of that portion of the property shall revert to Grantor. No reversion to Grantor shall be effective until Grantor files an affidavit in the County Deed Records reciting facts to substantiate the non-use of the property for public road purposes. This condition shall run with the land. Grantor. tor the consideration and subject 10 the reservations from and exceptions 10 convevance and warranty. grants. sells. .Jno conveys 10 Gramee Ihe propeny. together wllh all and singular the righls and appunenances thereto In any wise belonging. to have and hold Ilto Grantee. Gramee' s heirs. executors. administrators. successors. or assigns forever. Gramor binds Grantor .Jnll Grantor's heirs. executors. administrators. and successors to warram and forever defend all and singular the propeny 10 Grantee and Grantee s heirs. exeCUlors. admimstrators. successors. and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully ,'Ialmlng or to claim Ihe same or any pan thereof. except as 10 the reservations from and exceptions 10 conveyance and warranly. When the COnlext requires. Singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. , , l~ b 0 ()'\ l..O r- C) o lO 0"\ r. c~ ......,.. 'r ,-, L EXlllBIT "A" KIMBALL AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY Field Notes Deing a 0.1699 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, and being part of a trael of land conveyed by W.R. Nail to Marvin G. Darby and wife, Mal)' Darby by deed datcd May 16, 1963 and recorded in Volume 3806, Page 65 of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, which O. 1699 acres ofIand, more or less, is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point in a curve to the right, said point being in the south R.O.W. line ofF.M. 1709, said point also being the northwest comer of the above referenced tract; THENCE Along said curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 1844.86 feet and a central angle of 030 13' 33" a distance of 103.87 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE S 540 14' 37" W, a distance of60.07 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE S 02001' 01" W, a distance of 45.06 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE S 540 14' 37" W, a distance of 40.13 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE N 890 59' 33" W, a distance of21.97 fect to a point for a comer; THENCE N 010 51' 34" E, a distance of 129.62 feet to a point, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.1699 acres of land, marc or less. This deed has been corrected and is being refiled as a Correction Deed to take the place of the Deed recorded in Vol. 11463, Page 0064 DRTCT. ~s.or~g~nal~y exec~ted and filed, the deed mistakenly omitted the attachment of Exh1b1t A w~lch rec1~ed the legal description of the property. In all other respects, Correct1on Deed 15 the same as the original Deed. <::) :-- ~"-~ c:; Li..\ Ci) ! 5 ,.~ '1, i J~, 8 -/9 I ........ 11.::.' COUlV::;', "'~~m~:'<'~-:' "--i:-.. :a;" ~: :<(" >: ..~' t .. CJ;.: e. ': ". .. .. ..' ....:..~.:.... RECEIVED MAY 0 6 199~ OEPT, OF PUBLIC WORKS TARRANT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT DON McCHESNEY, P.E. Director May 5, 1994 Mr. Bob Whitehead City of South lake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 RE: Kimball Road Extension Dear Mr. Whitehead: Enclosed is the Warranty Deed conveying the property needed for the Southlake-Kimball Road Extension. If we can be of further assistance to you, please call. very truly, .~~~~ nne M. Green Supervisor JMG/mf enclosure CO I..D ;-- ~ """""\ '.,""",..t C) ..-..~ ~J ..' U'I 100 E. WEATHERFORD, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76196-0601 PHONE 817 - 8R4-1250 ~ D194101262 TRANSPORTATION DEPT 100 E WEATHERFORD RM 401 FT WORTH, TX 76196 -W A R N lNG-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: TRANSPORTATION DEPT RECEIPT NO 194216607 REGISTER RECD-BY PRINTED DATE TIME DR93 T003957 04/27/94 09:06 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D194101262 WD INDEXED TIME 940427 09:06 NC TOTAL DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 0.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. r- ,---- (:) C) to Gl .~ , r-. 0 n ---i--,.+-.-E-";,;"h;:-"'-~ '- :~ L J v -"t ~ D195071842 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE CITY SECRETARY SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 195170201 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T003957 PRINTED DATE TIME 04/28/95 14:53 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D195071842 WD INDEXED TIME 950428 14:53 CG TOT A L OCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 21. 00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ~- ;'- r~; ':) ;:1 U to') 772