1982-12-21 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 21,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Ordinance No. 280. General Telephone Company Franchise Agreement. 3. Discussion: City Taxes. Bob Pasley 911 So. White Chapel Road. 4. Consider: Resolution 82-16. Appointing two alternate members to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. 5. Consider: Resolution 82-17. Extension of past-due date for 1982 City Taxes. Penalty and interest. 6. ZA 82-41. Replat of Lot 2 of the Burnett Acres Addition to the City of Southlake. Owner: George H. Burnett. 7. ZA 82-43. Replat of Lots 8,9,10 of the Hunters Ridge Addition to the City of Southlake. Presented under the V.T.A.S. Article 974a. Owner: Wayne Moffett. 8. Consider: Bids for Squad Cars. 9. Consider: Facilities Project. 10. Department Reports: Police: Fire: Water: Building: Court: 11. Bills for Approval. CLOSED SESSION (As per Vernon's Texas Annotated Statutes, Article 6252-17 Personnel). 1. Discussion: Director of Public Works OPEN SESSION 12. Consider: Director of Public Works. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and on the front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 7,1982 at 4 p.m. City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 7,1982 BILLS FOR APPROVAL General Telephone Company 275.11 Lone Star Gas Company 58.85 Tri County Electric 171.50 Colleyville Florist 27.75 Whites Auto 7.18 Shotwell Oil Company 1,213.60 Eddie Cheatham 120.00 Professional Appraisal Co. title report 10.00 Lind Paper Company 54.00 Area Surveying plat filing fee 12.00 Fort Worth Star Telegram 118.15 City of Grapevine Ambulanc 1,115.00 Conoco 149.25 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,498.73 Pitney Bowes copier 129.95 Pitney Bowes copier maint.agre . 302.74 Exxon 14.58 IBM 76-50 TML workmans comp. 426.00 NorthLoop Dodge 190.04 M & C Photography camera and film 250.00 Village Grocery Store 24.57 SA-SO 57.50 Kustom Quality Electronics radar 1,695.00 Yates Shamrock 24.00 B & C Muffler 12.50 W.H. Lumpkin Associates 84.70 Thomas Rubber Stamp 18.89 Fire Chief Magazine 19.00 Industrial Tool and Supply 138.75 Grapevine Medical Center 52.51 Payton Wright Ford Sales 13.04 Riggs Equipment Service 325.00 Grapevine Automatic Inc. 62.60 Big Three Industries 8.50 Dearing and Son Texaco 17.00 Riggs Custom Upholstery 75.00 Crabtree and Powers 125.45 Aqua Utility 1,481.16 Universal East Inc. 4,854.28 Universal Grapevine 7.93 Fox Rental 150.00 Talem,Inc. 37.10 Admiral Chemical Corp. 470.29 Industrial International Inc. 45.11 Boise Cascade 20.56 TOTAL.......... $ 16,041.37 .A C c CITY OF SOUTH 1AKE , TEXAS a M W 0 0 d 0 ~ n t" MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING. x z 9 ~n DATE: December 21,1982 CT1 a tT1 n 0 7:30 p.m. TIME: s H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 1 INDEX PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Council- Persons: Bruce McCombs, Johnny Wester- holm, Marion Bone and Tom Loris. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Lloyd Latta CITY STAFF PRESENT: R.P. Steele, Fir Chief; Randy Martin, Police Chief; Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm The Minutes of the December 7,1982 meeting were approved as presented. Mayor Sparger announced that the City Attorney, Bill Smith, is on vacation and that Mayor Pro Tem, Latta is absent due to being out of the state on business. Ordinance No. 280 was approved, ORDINANCE Loris x allowing for a renewal of the General NO. 280 Westerholm x Telephone Company franchise agreement.GTE McCombs x x The agreement was approved with the Bone x x condition that the franchise fee remain 20, that quarterly payments be made to the City with the first evaluation being made on November 1, 1986 and that subsequent evaluations be made. Representing GTE and answering questi ns were Joe Moon and Mr. Tillis. Several citizens made comments indica - ing they were not pleased with GTE service in Southlake. Resolution 82-16, was approved, appoi t- Loris x ing Loyd Eubanks as an alternate RESOLUTION W :.erholm x x member of the mooning Board of 82-16. Mc-4mbs x x Adjustments. His term will expire Bone x in 1985. Mr. Eubanks took the oath of office. a Cn v> o o CITY OF SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS Cn -3 M M MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL d o z a t) d MEETING. tzi z a DATE: December 21 1982 x d tr, t7 rd n 0 T I ME : 7:30 p.m. H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX Resolution 82-17 was approved, which RESOLUTION Loris x x will allow for a one month extension 82-17 Westerholm x on the past due date for 1982 city EXTENSION McCombs x taxes, thus causing a penalty to be ON CITY Bone x x charged on the 1st day of March, 1983 TAXES on all past due taxes. Loris x ZA 82-41. Approval was given on the ZA 82-41. replat of Lot 2 of the Burnett Acres Westerholm x McCombs x x Addition, to the City of Southlake. Bone x x George H. Burnett was not present. Loris x x ZA 82-43. The replat of Lots 8,9, an ZA 82-43 Westerholm x x 10 of Hunters Ridge Addition was -Combs x approved. The procedure taken is „one x addressed under V.T.A.S. Article 974a Loris x Re-bids were reviewed for two police Westerholm x x squad cars, under FY83 Budget. The McCombs x x bids are apart of the records. After Bone x discussion, Council voted to stay wit the original Dodge bids, from North- loop Dodge. Loris x x The City Hall/Fire Hall Facilities Westerholm x x were discussed. The phone system McCombs x was discussed and motion was made and Bone x approved to consider low bid pending reasonable time frame be given for all bids to be considered. It was agreed upon that an aerobic sewer system be installed at City Hal . The color scheme was discussed. The Department reports were reviewed and are hereby apart of the minutes. L is x The bills presented, were approved West.erholm x for payment. McCombs x x Bone x x n CITY OF SOUTHJLAKE, TEXAS ~ ~ o 0 d o- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL z A d d MEETING, x z a DATE: December 21,1982 r" d d y ° TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o a TEXAS. COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 3 INDEX CLOSED SESSION ( as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 Personnel). OPEN SESSION No action was taken toward the employ- ment of a Director of Public Works. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. Ma )4r ATT ST: City Secretary GTE Franchise Agreement is Ordinance No. 224-A (it was not written by the City Attorney) and Ordinance No. 280 is Fire Code. OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Lloyd Eubanks, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Adjustments of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment as a reward to secure my appointment. SO HELP ME GOD. ~4Z yd Eubanks SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS THE 21st DAY OF DECEMBER 1982, +My Sa Spa ger MUN i :t 'Y AMP ~ V F O AC `L f ns; Y' S i~lt ".1? t~ Y'l .'c 1 21 i C! i98 12.971.7 24 15,084,00 372 12 396 30) 17 124.00 TWO 1? 100.00 10 $4,04.50 88 ZOOM Y' AR S1.297.172,00 S2,?.57,300.00 10,909,690,35 , 300.30 ~2~`0. r7n ~F l:7 9(?r° ~c, Y, Ap !o 16S34.50 Zoom $33,763.62 1'. Residences 11,123,5;° 0,00 omnme r a . , _ 15o, n``, -PeDair 18 .Total 1 a ~.nn 1. , CITY Off' SOLFI'HLAI1CE PCB? ICS: DEPARTMENT F• al^Ol' T_No,-embcx 1982 l Cfi](!I?~1}'I l: YT,YVQ and CITY C OLINC I, Police ` ePa-r f7i)ertt Report for the nonth of- November Ticke is issued in October 232 Tickets i.sst.ted in ^NuverdDer. 1.38 Persons in ia_i 1_ in Oct-n! )er 18 Persons in jw,! 5, Novum~..)ur 18 `I'ratiic acc _dunt_s in l}C''olay: 9 Traffic ''VVVe!i'E.)'r ~1 Burglaries :Lri Cx'tober 1 Bur( 7 I_arir_' l.'t:+tX ' ! f t kwentlx~r TpprT)1,:i mate vo e Laken it) !)argla-ries in. (Dcto1:x--r 00 11: 1)t:~,, c-I rigs ri Noli.°.inbc-r- $4, 823.00 z cxwered in burgl arvg's in oc tol~'r 00 Pp iCah.l:(3r'1_f' v _ LEA.'. recovered in burglaries in Novwwr 00 Theft-s, rl':i_r,")[ o_t_? i.-n Octoh,er 5 ,1r'teJ re tx;.r in 1N(we!n1yer _ _ . Laken in thefts in C c"~oi~~er $80.00 866. 1..ri Chef i.s ('ewerod i?i ~l_.{~rts :r* y;ov ~`)er.~ 303,09 ]'ot~t! of t~rn_;~:, ;:v dace for 1982 86 ~f roml Jan " Nov 60 NLII[liXti Of Cci_l__ S in ctl.b_ANC 1 , OS3 j Nu ly r w r l L_. A! 101/e!111:x-'t 1, 012 S dc~i ~ _.c t reading on i'n, i. t 09 159 , 859 119,319 Uni t: 93,089 can - - 46,02 1. 1 t. teo Ch; j # Calls 24 14 87 # Arrests 0 4 AGcjdent--s 0 1 4 - 2 r 1. R.U. l 1 i3]CY 1 i k Di, Lvo-n *tk**7k*h***~l***'/r*R~.'Riis~***,r*ri*wattitFc'.i'~*wH~,nW-'.: iX.t,;4~rii*t*#'dt*tf[~;~4.kf'FkS..k4ttr,•~ t~k~~#~Rdfk***** t_. Reserves Calls . F5 , YJQ nc~.~i ' 1 { yL j " 2 j,4 .0 WATER DETIAkTMENT REPORT vgNTH 9c November Gj' ' o - -m wed Prev t u% Month 8,475,000 Goll""~ -A Prpviow~ Mont!) 8,974,000 New b.t inp1 (n 1 , VA 314 r81 1" (7 Repaj red 'I le Out NO (i) 0 Leak 2) Change frm 2" to 6'' G : ice.! y. CT r r , w F. . S- (U L. > O Z - i CL' C, LiJ F._ ~ uJ t-- 1 a t h CAA CO - -t - CT ~C O G N W G G_ ~ h i~ Lid O 0~ h ~ 1 1 r ~ I { ~ I II ~ ~ 4 I i { a 001 ! j I. i ~ 1 I I i ! CJ y I i u'. j r { ~ I i { i I ( I i . t l1) { 00 n i lD I O i N .-1 M CV 00 C\I r O i r' r O O~ O I r i r T" 1 I i, I ! 9 ~~i i i i I ~ ~ " I w in ( ~ 1 { ; ` k li I a ~ ~ ~ vl I 1.1 Ali ui W, Ci a!t t/1~ C7i J~ - eEI r~1 C3 vv, tat; Z sl ar. v1 _u t UJ we Vf 1 t/" i1. d L!.! i82 a5 , i ~ y s ; S i d ! 1 y f , I .rr TO: 1-10NORAIfl t MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Pt lRSONS SUBJECT: `,o:_ethl ike Fire !?apartment Monthly Report for the Month ofNoverber A. Responses: Humber of calls I. structure Fires------------------------------------------------------ 2 2. Grass fires 3 3. Atito Yr 1ruck Fires 4. Auto or Truck. Accident - Stand-hv (Fire P. Rescue !Jnit)----------------- 5 5. Mutual-Aid for City of Urapevine-----------------------------------.-_- b. Mutudl Aid for City of Collevville----------------------------------__- 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller 8. Mutudl-Aid to other Cities 9. rla11s in Tarrant County (outside city limits) 3 10. Cyr l ! s in flenton Coiin t:y (outside city l units)------------------------- 4 11. Fdl,e /llarsw, in City ?2. Rest;i,e Iinit rdIIs 950 L.' Dove - refused transport 750 E. Highland - subject sliced thumb with razor blare 2929 N. White Chapel - non kid-,ed by horse - righttribs broker. i s. M]"(' c 1 !(IIICuus Power jJ.nes down, started crass fire that was put out by citizens 14. 11rophy Club Calls B. fatal `,neroency Calls for the Month of November 21 C. Mall 11010-1 LAIIrt1ded Nullakaet' of kiour's 1. 1111 1wk'r jerl(y Calf z10-21irs mce lwp !:k tor' Month) Avet•age Men Per- Meeting 1-4 ;u! it~dininy `_~essiut>> ot- or'ill.s--------------------.---__--__- 96 11 i11ty k-x t',t Mon 41 t'S Oil M.i illLullattt.e (other than normal Mdint. Lime) Iu;.,! Moii Iiotia7 I xpeij(.led iot• Motltle 320 h:rs L . 1 iii 1 d ~)ht.c r kl~':,Eu)rt~i ttlt~ d110 NIUMI1Ct' imes Responding for monkh c h =i i t. t.~ i! c' 7 z. iid;-)[1 Vic: fvlat. t t hi IiAkIMI NI City of Southlake Street Inspection The following list was compiled following a visit to the following Sub-Divisions: Whispering Dell Cedar Oaks Shadow Creek iGinger Creek 1.) Many of the streets are only 21' wide (Pavement Width) 2.) The quality of the two course penetration was bad 3.) Most ditches were far too close to the pavement 4.) Water line exposed at a few locations 5.) Base material was not compacted and rolled properly 6.) Ditches were not uniform distance from street 7.) Ditches were too steep, and also too deep 8.) Some streets had no crown to the street 9.) Many culverts were already silted up badly 10.) Most intersections had no radius for turns 11.) Some Cull-de-sacs were not of adequate radius for turning Recommendations: 1.) 2" HMAC Minimum, do not allow penetration pavement 2.) Plans should be submitted for approval prior to construction 3.) Move water line from under ditch flow line 4.) Move ditch over proper distance form edge of pavement 5.) May consider Hyro-Mulch on steep slopes 6.) Contractor should use extreme caution to protect street during construction of line work, and house construction ESTATE TYPE STREET: Advantages-- 1.) Economical to construct 2.) Ditches will carry more flow than curb & gutter 3.) Rural atmosphere with ditches 4.) Discourages on-street parking Disadvantages-- 1.) Each driveway requires a culvert 2.) Culverts are prone to silt-up 3.) requires a wider Right-of-Way 4.) Edge of pavement does not hold up as long CURB & GUTTER STREET: Advantages-- 1.) Water is carried on paved surface, erosion is not a problem 2.) Wide pavement width is safer 3.) No maintenance is required such as ditches 4.) Owners usually maintain the property to the curb Disadvantages-- 1.) Costly for developer to construct 2.) Strom drain inlets and piping are required when flow can no longer be carried in the street 3.) More of a urban type atmosphere N N 4) 4-) O -p t L i W 1 N O 4-) > t6 tD N 00 CD •r- r U- 0 O U N N 04 0) 4-) D '1 tp O O M O > CD *r- r- V C) Cp 10 N O C3 v N N N a-) O a t S. S- r-4 Q1 O C) 4) r Cl d' U 1 N O > (a l0 N 00 CD •r- r LL D C U N C- a) a CL 4J (2) L. C) CD O O O °wi Li Ln M L co r1 d •E o N N 4j - co •r CS W (n J 4) CL. r N 1- O =D C- rr Q' •r- ~ F- -o a- Z ~N-t 4 T7 oa Z7 O Q 1 co O O O O O Ln E O N O LL) M O r-4 •r- C7 4-) W F- J O Z W r O W ^ C N c a a-t t-4 F- rt O Q N i Li M LL- f O > N O O S- u to r N N r i i O C N ~ d' Y L O 0) •r- 0) ~ C U Li) L to 7 v o O N ~ b ^ L C C L) L 0) to C- O E td O U t0 U a O C. 3 U- E Rf cr C r N U N z N L d V a L. E O •r (0 N U C) 4-) C. •r• a -0 > tO M 0) C 4- t0 r Rf E C U U 4- 3 3 CL •r C (Cl tC 1 4- 0) 4- O C C3 1- O C O t O t0 W 1 N N O •r C S- > L N 4- N m •r o (0 Cn > L. O L. to 4-3 O d t J 0 U D f N 2 a 50' 9.5' 1' 9.5' 3 o~ 3 o 5" H.M.A.C. 6" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE ALTERNATIVE 'A' o' 31' 9 5' 3 Qi o 2" HA.A.C. 8"CRUSHED STONE BASE ALTERNATIVE '6' 60' 3 4' e' .5' 1' 4, 24' 3 2"H.M.A,C. "MAX. CRUSHED STONE SASE MAX. ALTERNATIVE 'C' 60' 3 4' 6' 5' 26' 5' g' q' 24' 5° H.M.A.C. 2" MAX 6" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE " MAX. ALTERNATIVE 'D' 60 4' 0' S' 26 5' g' q' Is _ 24' 3 2 H.M.A.C. MAX. CRUSHED STONE BASE "MAX. ALTERNATIVE 'E' RURAL (11 Acre Tracts) 4M' 6 Lots (1 Acre Each)--6 Acres Street--0.96 Acres ;iMTotal Area--6.96 Acres Development Costs* Land_@.$7500. . . . . . $ 52,200.00 Street @ $29. . . . . . . 20,184.00' Sewer @ $0... . . . . . . . . .0.00 Water @ $9. . . . . . . . .6264.00 « Drainage @ $4 2,784.00 . .81,432.00 Total $ Lots sell for $ 20,000.00 6 @ $20,000 . . . . . . $120,000.00 ::.:::::::.:::.::.:.:;:.:::.::::.::.:::.::-81,432.00 a 38,568.00 47% Profit on investment 4aa' * This cost may not cover each and every cost of the developer, but will be used for comparison purposes URBAN (80'X120' Lots) 26 Lots(80'X120')--5.76 Acres Street--1.20 Acres Total Area--6.96 Acres 280' MID Development Costs* 4 _ Land @ 15,000 . . . . . . $ 104,4 00.00 ~ Y :K::Street @ $58 . . . . . . 60,610.00 Sewer @ $15. . . . . . . . 15,675.00 * -4> Water @ $9 . . . . . . . . .9,405.00 Drainage @ $10 .10,000.00 t:':.¢Total. . . . . . . . . 200,090.00 Lots sell for $ 12,500.00 26 @ $12,500.. . . . 325,000.00 l5 A' _ -200,090.00 $ 124,910.00 62% Profit on investment This cost may not cover each and every cost of the developer, but will be used for comparison purposes :•:•:•::1.: $90, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING RATE SCHEDULES TO BE CHARGED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY IN THE CITY OF Southlake , TEXAS, APPROVING SERVICE REGULATIONS FILED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH RATE SCHEDULES, PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATE SCHEDULES MAY BE CHANGED, MODIFIED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN, AND FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS. PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. WHEREAS, on February 12, 1982, Texas Power & Light Company filed with the City Secretary a request for an increase in rates to be charged within the City and for approval of Service Regulations to be observed in the City; and ^`WREAS, he City aving suspended the effective date of such- proposed rate incre e from March 19, 1982., and having considered the same at a public hearing,-is of the opinion and finds that an increase in rates should be approved, being the same rates heretofore approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, in Docket No. 4321, pursuant to a request filed with it by.Texas Power & Light Company on February 12, 1982, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Southlake , TEXAS: SECTION 1: That an increase in the rates, tariffs and charges of Texas Power & Light Company for electric power and energy sold with in the City be approved in an amount such that the adjusted total system. wide operating. revenue for the Company be•increased $72,001,720 per annum as.approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.in Docket No. 4321, and the rates, tariffs and charges giving effect. to such increase approved by the Public Utility Commission in said Docket No:. 4321 are hereby approved as the Schedule of Rates under which said Company is authorized to render electric service and to collect.charges from its customers for sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City until such time as said Rate.Schedules and- Service Regulations maybe changed, modified, amended or withdrawn, with the approval of the City Council. SECTION 2: That the Service Regulations. of Texas Power & Light Company filed with the City Secretary on February,12, 1982., be and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That such Schedule of Rates and Tariffs.and Service Regulations shall be effective for consumption on.and after the later of July 1, 1982, or the date of passage of this Ordinance. I SECTION 4: The filing of the Rate Schedules and Service Regu- lations and the approval of same by the City Council, in the manner herein provided, shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity, within the City, of the availability and application of such Rate I' Schedules and Service Regulations. SECTION 5: It is hereby officially found that the meeting at which this. Ordinance is passed was open to the public. and that due notice of this meeting was posted, all as required by law. P SSED AND APPROVED at a Regular meeting of th City Council of Texas, this the day of 1982. f, MAJOR ATTEST: M Ci Secretary APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY AND FORM: City Attorney i . IQ`Q(( ~ i^, j. ~ ~ f y ~{r ~ Y / ~ ~ ~ i j + ,E p ~ ~ Y ~ r ~ 5i'' r. ~ i ~ w " r t C~wvc~ ~~l~~ ~rnrh, ~~~GJ/ NNW 3 ; P 14) C4 PA-, L- ~ " ~ : , ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ice REQUEST FOR REZONING To obtain City approval to construct Garrettson Custom Homes Corporate office and showroom in the City of Southlake. - 1 - The Company: Garrettson Custom Homes is owned by Danny and Mona Garrettson of 3501 Sweetwood, Bedford, Texas. Our company builds only on the clients property using their plan or one from our portfolio. We build almost any size home within a 50 mile radius of Southlake. Principle: Danny Garrettson, 15 years in General Design and construction of Custom Homes in Louisiana and Texas. Most recently employed by Superior Homes as Vice President in charge of the Dallas, Fort Worth and Tyler Divisions. Superior Homes is the largest 'Build On Your Lot' operation in Texas. Location: A 68,000 square foot portion of the Buzz Brightbill farm that adjoins the Nu-Way Trucking Company. The property fronts approximately 185 feet on Highway 114, and 185 feet on Highland Drive (this property is presently zoned agriculture). Objective: Show, sell, build and service custom homes within a 50 mile radius of Southlake from offices and showrooms designed and built to relate the quality Garrettson Custom Homes is committed to at'a cost everyone can be comfortable with. F 2 - Improvements: Initially one office/showroom consisting of from between 2400 and 3000 square feet facing Highway 114 will be constructed, leaving enough area for an additional future showroom. There will be parking for 12 to 15 automobiles. The property will be elegantly landscaped utilizing the existing pond. Berms up front with ground level signage as well as a tall flag pole with flag bearing Garrettson Custom Homes logo. With the permission and hope- fully financial assistance of the Nu-Way Trucking Company, next door, we will erect a six foot spruce fence on the east boundry of the property as well as several hundred feet east on Highway 114 to screen that area from passersby. In the future a small warehouse adhereing city zoning requirements will _ be constructed on the Highland end of the property. Marketplace: Garrettson Homes selected the Southlake area for its corporate office and showroom first and foremost because of it's easy accessibility from all the areas we propose to service. Secondly we feel that Southlake, the Mid Cities, Grapevine and nearby neighborhoods have become one of the most desirable residential areas in the Metroplex. The existance of Garrettson Custom Homes in the Southlake area will not make it the only city in the Metroplex with a B.O.L. Builder, but it will be the onl-- city with a custom builder who is confident enough in his product to spend a quarter of a million.dollars to display the quality of his product and will travel 50 miles to construct it. - 3 - Marketplace: An advertising budget will bring Southlake into continued) the eyes and minds of thousands of residential tax payers each week. a - 4 - i s n cy i i f w f~ a -tj 1 7- L C - e fi'; W Cr Zi n _ -r t.._. j a o { Z, i i A i . ~ ir, ks-.1 lb ~ I t f_. i L f' q y+y~ I Y: 1' lei S.: F ~G f 'I R. H O h [ k ~4 •rl 0 al `•p ~ r 41 tY) 4-) a-?. O ; '4 'C', U) O 't a 1 3 a (0 04 0 -a O 0 4-) 4J r24 CO 3 P r-I Q) -P 0 0 rtS ~4 --I N I 44 w -4 ~ ~ 3 as 4-) -P r-4 ro t7) -P r H U O N x U 0 r 01 R ~4 0 4-1 0 LP r 4-a 0 0 O rtf N -4 > 4-4 i Q) 4-3 R' In 4J m r-i ■ , 0 4-I ~4 r--I (aW 0 O Ln U ~-4 W U 3 c S s4 .Li ~Y 3 3 - O 4-i -Q s' ' N t, 0 0 a o o ~-I R t4-4 H Q) U ~4 _ ~ U) ' • 1t ll r(