1982-10-05 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 5,1982 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report 2. Consider: Ambulance Service. Jake Greener from City of Grapevine. Rate Increase. 3. Consider: Ordinance No. 278. Commercial Structures in the City of Southlake. 4. Consider: City Hall/Fire Hall Facilities Project. Construction Manager. 5. Discussion: Firearms: Ordinance No. 109. 6. ZA 82-34 Replat of Lot 3R of the Grace Estates (Southlake Park Addition #2). Making Lot 3R1 and 3R2. Owner: Michel Jeanin. 7. ZA 82-34 Zoning request for Lots 3R1 and 3R2 of the Grace Estates Addition (Southlake Park Addition #2). Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Michel Jeanin. Public Hearing. 8. ZA 82-35 Final plat approval for the Miller Addition. 3.63 acres of land out of the G.W. Main Survey, Abstract 1095. Simplified Subdivision Procedure. Owner: Janice Miller. 9. ZA 82-35 Zoning request for Lot 1 of the Miller Addition: Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the RE Residential Estates Zoning District. Owner: Janice Miller. Public Hearing. 10. Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board and onthe front door in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 1,1982 at 2 p.m. City Secretary y CITY 01' SOU''11;.AK1:, Ti' XAS y n~ W O O tZI a rrrn rrnn M I NLJ'I'ES OF '1'111: Regular CITY COUNCIL d d MIA-11NG, ~ d x rn ~n [)ATE: October 4,1982 d d y 0 ;a TIN1 7:30 p.m. P1.ACE: CITY OF S01JT111.AK1?, COUNC11. CHAMBERS 0 0 cn 607 NORTH CUIZOIA, AV1:N(11:, SOUTHLAKE NAMI-' 01, o o TEXAS. COUNC 11,1)1:1ZS0 N 1) A G,1 1 1 Nl)I X COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Sam Sparger, Councilmen: Bruce McCombs, Marion Bone, Johnny Westerholm, Tom Loris. ABSENT: Lloyd 0. Latta CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Chief; Randy Martin Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Water Superintendent; Wallace Cline. INVOCATION: Bruce McCombs The Minutes of the September 21, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: During the Mayors Report, ]Mayor Sparge gave a report on the outcome of the meeting with the Cities two concrete companies, Express Concrete and Mid Cities Ready Mix Concrete. Both companies agreed to use Southlake roads only when they have a job within the City limits, on the south side of Highway 114, otherwise, they agreed to route on Highway 26. They will be able to return to their plants empty on City streets. Police Chief, Randy Martin, during a presentation, presented plaques to Police Officers, Eric Reed and Brya Austin, as they have been added to the American Police Hall of Fame in Florida, for service beyond the call of duty in attempting to save a life. Sparger polled Council concerning a water line upgrade from Highway 1709 through the Woodland Heights Addition to the proposed water tower site. Funds available are $9,600. Opinion of Council is that an 8" water line be installed for future use. U) y CITY OF SOUT]h.AKIl , TI XAS y m w O O ern o .N3 M rrn M I NU'1'I;S OF '1'111'. Regular CITY COUNCIL r d t7 M I: U TI N G, x rn z DATE: " October 4 ,1982 rh d d Y TIM 1?: PI.A(,I:: (:I 7:30 '1, SOUT11LAKU, COIINCI I, CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTII CARROU AVI:NI)li, SOU`I'I-ILAKE NAMI' Ol; o o TEXAS . COUNCT 1,11I?160N z c IIA(',I?: 2 1 Nl)l:X Grapevine Fire Chief, Jake Greener was present for the meeting and made a request to the City of Southlake for an increase in ambulance rates. Grape- vine has provided the service to Southlake since 1975 when Grapevine first acquired their ambulance. Green Er said Grapevine is raising the rates Loris x from $45. to $60. for each ambulance Westerholm x run outside the City of Grapevine. McCombs x x Bone x x After discussion, motion was made and approved to accept the ambulance rate increase. Mayor Sparger commended Greener on the.excellent service they have provided for Southlake citizens throug the years. The proposed Ordinance No. 278, a ORD. 278 policy for Commercial Structures in DISCUSSED Southlake was discussed at length. Mayor Sparger set a worksession for further discussion, for October 11,198 at 8 p.m. Consideration was given for a Construc- tion Manager for the City Hall/Fire Hall Facilities Project. The two SELECTION bidders, as submitted by Raymond OF CONST. Darrow, architect for the City MANAGER include: Coronado Construction Company, with a construction fee of $40,000. + $257,377. for a total price of $297,377. and Dodson Enterprises with a fee of $30,000. + $269,930 for a total cost of $299,930 Loris x After.discussion, motion was made and Westerholm x approved to select Dodson Enterprises IcCombs x x as the construction manager. Bone x x y c c CITY OF SOU'1'11 i.AK1: , 'HXAS rn W 0 0 M 0 -9 M M MINUTES OI~ '1111: Regular CITY COUNCIL 4--- - y d d MELTING W. M J- QA'I'!:: October 4,1982 M c7 d Y 7:30 pm. T[ M ii: PLACE : CITY OI-' SO1J'H11,AK1i , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 3 -A 0 W 667 NOR'm CARR0I.11 AV IiNU l: , SOU'T HLAKE NAME 01, o o TEXAS . COUNCI 1.111i1ZS0N PAGE: 3 1 N1)EX Council agreed unofficially that Mayor Sparger will act as Chief Executive Officer during construction of the facilities and will make the decisions The mayor agreed to converse with Councilmembers when needed or if any expenditure exceeds $20,000. * Councilman Westerholm left the meet: g at this time for a business trip. A discussion was held concerning the Firearms Ordinanance No. 109. A public hearing will be held on November 2, at City Council meeting when an update Ordinance on Firearms will be considered. ZA 82-34. The replat of Lot 3R of ZA 82-34 the Grace Estates Addition (Southlake REPLAT Loris x x Park Addition #2), making Lot 3R1 AND McCombs x and Lot 3R2, was approved as presented.ZONING Bone x x Owner, Michal Jeanin was not present for the meeting. Loris x x The zoning for Lots 3R1 and 3R2 was McCombs x x changed from Agricultural to the A-3 Bone x Single Family District. Loris x ZA 82-35 Final plat of the Miller ZA 82-35 McCombs x x Addition was approved as presented. REPLAT Bone x x The 3.63 acres of land is out of the AND G.W. Main Survey, Abstract 1095. ZONING Loris x x The zoning on Lot 1 of the Miller McCombs x x Addition was changed from Agricultural Bone x to RE Residential Estates. Loris x The bills presented were approved for payment, with one addition; the McCombs x x water line relocation at City hall Bone x x which will cost approximately $8,000. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Sparger. A EST: Mayo CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BILLS FOR APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 4,1982 TO WHOM FOR AMOUNT PAID Lone Star Gas Company 24.58 General Telephone Company 126.10 Tri County Electric 172.25 Fort Worth Star Telegram legal notices 141.57 TML Workers Compensation 426.00 Colleyville Florist flowers for Jud Joyce 33.00 Circle Communications misc. service 177.50 General Office Supply 106.36 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,415.09 Dearing Texaco 14.50 Village Grocery Store 88.77 Rex-Tex 145.00 Metro-Lex Supply 80.08 Crabtree and Powers 217.14 Ace Sheet Metal 35.00 Motor Supply Company 58.24 Boise Cascase 77.79 Universal East Inc. 2,540.00 The Rohan Company 97.00 Aqua Utilities Inc. 97.00 TOTAL........... $ 6,972.97